Hans & Junkie interview; Batman v Superman

Discussion in 'Education' started by Von_Steyr, Jun 17, 2016.

  1. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    HZ and Junkie XL united for the Batman v Superman score.
    Its an interesting interview,why they united,Hans talks about his fears and insecurities when working on new projects,etc...
    They seem quite humble.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2016
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  3. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Interesting fact,Hans Zimmer spent two months in front of the piano clueless with no ideas what to do,thats when he called Junkie to help him out.
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  4. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Not to instigate any Marvel vs DC hoopla but DC's films always seem to have better scores than their Marvel counterparts.
    Zimmer and Howard did an amazing job with the Batman Begins theme. After seeing that film I didn't leave my piano until I had learned to play it.
    Same goes for Interstellar.
    And then again for Wonder Woman's theme in Dawn of Justice. Except that one was more automation than actual playing.
  5. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Batman v Superman is actually very average to me personally,idk seems like both had no idea how to tackle it.
    Like Zimmer said for us its three movies(Nolan batman),for him its seven years of his life.
    I guess he ran out of ideas.
    This isnt typical repetitive work,you have to reinvent yourself and find now ideas for each movie.
    Like he said,people think its easy for him since hes been around for so long,but its the opposite,he finds it harder and harder.
    Its a really cool interview.
  6. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I get what you mean. For BvS the entire score wasn't as memorable to me either.
    But the first few seconds of this have been stuck in my head since I saw it.
    I wonder now if wasn't just Gal being ingrained in my head.
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  7. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Sounds ok,nothing spectacular.
    I have been really disappointed with Junkie after his brilliant Mad Max score,after that he wrote some very below average scores,as if he doesnt know how to slow down and rethink ideas.
    To this stuff even Jablonsky`s Art of War from the movie Battleship sounds better,kicks more ass imo.
  8. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Clint Mansell. Still my favorite.
    From Lux Aeterna

    To Crimin' and Dealin'

    Kick ass, in a more, break into your house, steal your t.v. to pawn it for junk kinda way.
  9. Jasmine

    Jasmine Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Nassau, Bahamas
    Zimmers inception theme fits to historical WW pictures very well/perfectly.

    I mean the mood.

    It has this gravity of long ago passed history. Zimmer 'nailed down' the feeling of time.

    And this was what he wanted (committed in an interview).

    Strangely first didn't noticed it in the original film.

    Maybe the pictures were to big to differentiate it (SFX).

    Last edited: Jun 19, 2016
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  10. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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    I saw an 18 y/o last week who had downloaded half a terabyte of pirated kontakt libraries from torrents, arguing that film composers like HZ and Ramin Djawadi don't do shit and how he auditioned their sound by exploring presets in those sample banks, claiming he does a better job but he's not famous ... Oh, poor guy.

    Now I can't express how messed up this is. it's super funny and stupid how technology and accessibility of knowledge and digital tools made a generation of ignorant idiots thinking they're superhumans.

    Ironically all of this was in the comment section of a post about Spitfire Hans Zimmer piano!:hahaha:
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2016
  11. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    Hans is always very humble, that is something we all can learn from him. amazing human being.
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