"3 Long Minutes Of Irritation" - Can you take it?...and MAKE IT!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Beth, Jun 11, 2016.

  1. I spaced and didn't transfer the vile onto this connected Internet machine. Gotta wait a few hours till I wake.
  2. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Our man DarthFader deserves all the credit for that inspired example of aural irritation !

    do you mean you had another hurling stem? dont throw it away.....send it in....the more the merrier or rather the more the irritant ! Maybe I could do some stereo panning :yes:
  3. Beth

    Beth Guest

    I got some very irritating legato nasal leads from someone late last night........wasn't that you?
  4. Ha, no. See your PM. What I recorded was some nasty, scratchy, diagonally bowed and all around perfectly, horrid violin screeching.
  5. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Well here we go fast approaching halfway towards our digustingly irritating goal of 3 minutes of musical madness and mayhem !

    For those of you still hanging in there with this thread I applaud your tenacity and bravery under very trying aural conditions !

    Featured tonight are some nasty ping-pong percussion, shout outs, xylophone nursery rhymes and sampling by Skull and a set of nasal legato vocalisations by "?????"...who did send these in by the way?.....let me know because they are totally irritating and fit the bill rather well....PM me please :yes:

    Without further ado...it's time to unveil "3 Long Minutes Of Irritation Mix 0.4"

    Let's have some fun !
    Let's collaborate !
    Let's irritate the world !
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  6. rudym13

    rudym13 Kapellmeister

    Jul 28, 2014
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    those are my abominable vocal abortions! :rofl:listening to this one, such a beautiful disaster :mad: #worldpeace
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2016
  7. Beth

    Beth Guest

    ah yes !!! thank you for your delightful yet truly irritating contribution.
    You have, without doubt, the best nasal legato I have ever heard ! A wonderful talent... :rofl:
  8. It is really starting to fester nicely. My wife overheard me playing "3 Minutes of Irritation Mix 0.4" and was instantaneously overcome with irritable vowel syndrome (aren't I just so clever sometimes), asking what it was that I was listening to, but not in a pleasant way. We must be doing something right to illicit such an emotive state. My hope is that you, Beth, can physically download my small offering in my hopes to be part if this most vile, though mist beautiful affair within the throes of base irritation.
  9. Beth

    Beth Guest

    OMG i feel so bad for your wife ! She had no forewarning or premeditated understanding of the aural barrage that drifted through the ether into her unwitting earshot !
    However it is a very good sign to start getting feedback on just how irritating things are developing. Thank her please and tell I hope her uncomfortable condition clears up very quickly.....I prescribe headphone use from now on for you @superliquidsunshine though. However, be careful though as I get headaches and severe nausea every night trying to mix this thing :winker:

    Yes I got your stem offering and it is sitting nicely and ramping up the irritation level exponentially in the climax of Mix 0.5 to be uploaded later !!! :thanks:
  10. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    wow finally get to hear some of superliquid's creations.. who knew the first time would be violin !!

    I just knew you were a classy guy Super ! :wink:
  11. However, you need catch but a whiff of my this, my irritating recording, to witness the evil opposite of your oh so flattering addition to this conversation. Heaven help your sensitivities, your ears and your very soul. Hide well the children and bury the silver.
  12. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Well here we go one more time... Mix 0.5 is in the can !

    This time, if you can manage to sit through the whole 3 minutes, you may detect several mix improvements and more importantly the aforementioned "nasty, scratchy, diagonally bowed and all around perfectly, horrid violin screeching" created despite @superliquidsunshine's wife sudden need for the bathroom on hearing him working on Mix 0.4 :winker:

    As he eloquently stated above this mix comes with the warning "Heaven help your sensitivities, your ears and your very soul" if you make it all the way to the cacophony of irritation at the end of the track !


    We don't believe Buckingham Palace was overly impressed with this one :rofl:

    Let's have some fun !
    Let's collaborate !
    Let's irritate the world !
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  13. Sibyl

    Sibyl Member

    Jan 13, 2016
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  14. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Oh wow you know you've made it big when you get a critique from Statler and Waldorf!
    I can scratch that one off the bucket list now........thank you!
    I particularly enjoyed being booed at the end of their piece ......most credit of course goes to all the irritating forum collaborators !!!
  15. #5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5TheBestOneYet#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#%#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5GreatMix#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5#5##5
  16. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Well if its getting a multiple #5 rating from such distinguished company and a thumbs down from The Muppets maybe its time to quit while we're ahead ??? :)

    So from today we start the official countdown towards the final mix to be unleashed on a poor and unsuspecting planet on
    Friday 24th June......that's less than one short week away folks......get those last few creatively annoying stems in so we can manage a #6 rating !!!

    And there's more... if you have the strength and determination under the great aural distress surely involved there could well be a very special more visual than aural surprise to mark the cacophonous premiere of "3 Long Minutes....Mix 1.0" ....As one songwriter put it:

    "The Thing ahead sixty miles, do not miss
    Not for the squeamish or depressed,
    Not for the unbelievers, truly obsessed -
    Something you just don't wanna miss"

    Tell your friends, family, neighbors, the mail man, the amazon delivery guy.....heck tell the whole World !..."Be there or be square !!!" :rofl:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2016
  17. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Oh Yuk !...I feel an uncomfortable 'need to bump the thread back into people's notice' welling up inside me !!!

    N.B. Post #56 above :)

    Who knows your contribution may just be the cherry on top or even the the stem that breaks proverbial the camel's back?.......either way it will be welcomed and featured!

    .....Ah yes....that's a relief....feel much better now that's out....better out than in as they say :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2016
  18. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Coming this Friday 24th June !

    The final mix....."3 Long Minutes Of Irritation v1.0"
    with an all new and not to be missed 3 totally irritating minutes of VIDEO for the track !!!

    yeah I noticed the typo too :rofl:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2016
  19. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Damn, I wish I had discovered this a while ago, not enough time to make REALLY irritating mix, only mildly one, but let's hear on Friday.

    In the memetime:
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  20. Beth

    Beth Guest

    @Andrew ...still got a few days.

    anyone can just send me stem to add to the overall mix :)

    v0.6 update will be online later today...