What XLR cables are you using for recordings and why these cables?

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by phloopy, Jun 4, 2016.

  1. robbieeparker14

    robbieeparker14 Producer

    Nov 8, 2015
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    Mogami and live wire lol because i work at guitar center
  2. Seckkksee

    Seckkksee Guest


    That said, I use Rockwill XLR to TRS cables....
  3. Nimbuss

    Nimbuss Platinum Record

    Nov 21, 2015
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  4. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    I can hear the difference in amp to speaker cable, but unless it's really bad, I can't hear a difference in mic and instrument level cable. Very little speaker cable used these days because most speaker monitors have built in amps. But all my passive cabinets, (bass amp, passive Yamaha stereo speakers, etc.) I use really fat soft copper, like Monster, but not that overpriced.
  5. You should probably say, "I" cannot hear the difference. The reason that I use the more expensive cables from Vovox is precisely because I DO hear the difference. I looked around to see if I could find something solid to show you a comparison and found a few videos. The one I am posting shows a great difference in the way the sound of the guitar is heard with the Vovox. I would have done the same but have no other cables at time present to record to show an example of what I heard at home the first time I switched out a regular guitar cable for the Vovox. I hope that you too can hear how muffled the sound is with the regular cable, and if you cannot, then yes, for you it doesn't matter. I don't know which "standard cable" they used, so the test isn't against another brand that we know (or that the video producer sells), but there is a great difference in this test according to my ears today using Audio Technica ATH M50 cans as well as Sennheiser IE 80 ear buds.
  6. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    If I paid that much for cables I sure as hell heard a difference, too :)
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  7. Hey Fudsey Plange, it's been a while.

    ☺LOL, I guess I'm on parr with Abby Road because it makes a difference to me. Of course it isn't great sonic leaps between, let's say, Mogami and Vovox, but there is a discernable difference in sonics. I hear it every time, blind or open testing. It seems the same with AD/DA converters, there are differences in sonic characteristics between manufactures models and even within the same brand. There are if you can hear the differences between Burl, UA, RME, Metric Halo, Steinberger, Focusrite, etc, and we all, if we can, buy the best that we can within the budgets that we have based on certain criteria such as perceived quality/return for the price we are willing to pay for. Does my Warm Audio WA 76 sound $2600 less good than a Urei 1176 that I used to hear back in the day (if memory serves me)? I don't think so, the Warm is kicking ass, but my 69CHF Vovox cable sounds like twice+ the price of the same length of Planet Waves that I had before I switched it out and gave it to a hot rod speed demon young 20 something guitar player who was stoked to get my freebie hand-me-down. Einstein said, "The only source of knowledge is experience", while Jimi Hendrix said, "Are you experienced, have you ever been experienced?". I guess the truth lies somewhere in between. I know what I know, and I know that right now I need to go and make dinner for my family. That's the truth of my moment. Caio, Brother.
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  8. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    My philosophy is this:

    I produce, record and mix my own music. I'm not $1000/hr-mastering-engineer good but I'm pretty good. Like not-far-below-professional good. Which makes my ears 30,000x better than the average music consumer (scientifically speaking, of course). And probably 2 or 3 times better than the run of the mill non-producer audiophile. And I can't hear a difference.

    So even if there is a difference... there isn't a difference.

    At least not as far as, literally, 99.999% of the world is concerned. So if you're like my buddy sunshine, or Algae, and you love music and audio fidelity and everything in between, awesome. I wish I had your ears, and I'm glad this stuff makes you happy. But I don't and neither does almost anyone else, so I'm not gonna sweat it.
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  9. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    There is a lot of factors one needs to consider when hooking up different equipment, and Pro manufacturers state in their specs in the manuals etc.

    Impedance - Resistance - Capacitance they all have a different fundamental part to play, any Pro Engineer will tell you that the same as any Technician will.

    1 of the lower end manufactures Tascam used to print what cables Impedance their equipment was best matched at if they still do i don't know a i haven't used their products in the last 20 years, other manufacture as you go up the price range do as well.

    Does this mean everyone has go go out and learn the theory, of course not but it's taught to you along the way either at Audio Engineering School or Internship training, University etc etc. And when using equipment especially in the analog domain this knowledge will be 1 of the factors you (depending on your position) or the Studio Tech will have to take in consideration.

    For the home user they will rarely if at all ever have to worry to much, unless you are a rich kid and have a Neve or SSL desk sitting in your lounge room and lots of outboard gear to match. :hifive:

    This is just a very very brief insight, anyone wish to delve into it a bit more please feel free to inbox me, or use google. Bare in mind I'm not on here daily so replies might be slow.


    PS: Any typos above is because my eyes are screwed from doing 18 hour shifts.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2016
  10. No sweat, I will gladly sweat it out for the both of us. I have an Audio Messiah Complex but the medication mostly keeps it in check. LMAO
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