I found the "crappy jazz" of my Youth, and it's Keyboard Pentatonic Solos! No way!

Discussion in 'Education' started by jeffglobal, Jun 10, 2016.

  1. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    It's all to do with intervals ... (C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C) = (1 b2 2 b3 3 4 b5 5 b6 6 b7 7 8)

    C Major Scale – W W H W W W H = (C D E F G A B C) = (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)

    So a C major triad = (C, E, G) or (1, 3, 5)

    C Minor Scale – W H W W H W H = (C D Eb F G Ab Bb C) = (1 2 b3 4 5 b6 b7 8)

    So a C minor triad = (C, Eb, G) or (1, b3, 5)


    Note: If you think in relative terms, i.e. I ii iii IV V vi vii° for chords, and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 for the notes, then the chord and note names become variables that you can plug into the various chord/scale formulas.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2016
  2. Funk U

    Funk U Platinum Record

    Nov 17, 2015
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    ^^^^This thought^^^^ is precisely the "basics" youare missing and needs to be internalize before you move on. And to understand this you need to revisit the chromatic scale first and be able to name the scale degrees in that scale. It's from these names, for the scale degrees in the chromatic scale, that chords get their names/tonality from. Each scale degree name is relative to the tonic and if you take any scale then cross reference it with the chromatic scale you will see the names are the same.

    C Chromatic = has 12 pitches from C to C each degree a semitone up.
    0. unison
    1. minor 2nd
    2. major 2nd
    3. minor 3rd
    4. major 3rd
    5. perfect 4th
    6. diminshed 5th/augmented 4th
    7. perfect 5th
    8. minor 6th/augmented 5th
    9. major 6th
    10. minor 7th
    11. major 7th
    12. perfect octave

    So now you can see how each chord gets it's name from. Cmajor for example, unison/major third/perfect fifth. To make it minor; you simply change the major third which is 4 semitones away, to the minor third which is just 3 semitones away from the tonic. Which yields Cminor unison/minor third/perfect fifth. And if you wanted to make Cminor into Cdiminished you would flat the fifth getting, unison/minor third/diminished fifth. You must remember though, that this holds true for all notes in a given scale and the distances remain the same.

    I hope this makes it a little clearer for you.
  3. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @Funk U Thanks for that confirmatory stuff. Yup, I just learned that a min/maj 3rd (well everything other than perfect 4th/5th and I assume octave by definition) is one semitone less than it's maj counterpart. But, I'm literally counting the semitones up or down on the keyboard, and I never noticed the asymmetry before. I may have assumed 12 semitones was even, so it divides evenly by pitch, nope! There's even the devil's tone! woo hoo, I forgot which one that was again...I think 7 semitones up or down...?

    I'm listening to some level 2 music theory ear training thingie, but found this out by accident...I was just checking out my tuts after reading music and before 7th chord stuff.

    I saw this first on my travels today, and then knew I didn't know the most basic idea of scale construction and scale degrees cause I thought if I understood leading tones, I could understand chords playing together...not if you don't really understand the underlying scale!

    I do notice my fingers have absolutely no clue how many semitones a scale degree has, or how many between different degrees, or how the notes relate to degrees to make chords. So I'm working on that.
  4. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Play on the white keys (C maj/A min) and it's easy :winker: Use the transpose button if you wan't some different flavors :wink:
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2016
  5. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    That's strange, didn't see this comment before.

    It's still slow going, I went too far listening to listening, and the guy started to break down minor scales based on do re mi places for scale degrees, and I flamed out again. I don't actually remember all seven names like that (I couldn't stop seeing "The Sound of Music" and the kids dancing...ok, mostly the bangable woman singing)...I took a break and just practiced. At least I now know it's not exactly 2<->7, 3<->6, 4<->5, when you do that, you change the minor span of semitones to a major span of semitones and visa versa...

    I haven't seen the chromatic scale like this:1 b2 2 b3 3 4 b5 5 b6 6 b7 7 8 before...cause then the asymmetry would have been more noticeable. In my mind's eye I immediately did this:
    • 1 b2 2 b3 3 4 b5 5 b6 6 b7 7 8 7 b7 6 b6 5 b5 4 3 b3 2 b2 1 and then this:
    • 8 7 b7 6 b6 5 b5 4 3 b3 2 b2 1
    Hey is the devil's tone b5 then? ha!

    I only noticed the EF and BC sticking out like sore thumbs...how I didn't notice 2 black 3 black keys were not horizontally symmetric is beyond me. Interestingly, if I hear a tone when I play a key, I must not "see" as well as if I'm not listening too!

    I have to see if in hz, the notes are equidistant apart. Something is strange about the whole thing...not in the like Persian or Chinese scale kinda way, though now I do wonder if different musical scales and tones (maybe even rhythms, some India Indian rhythms are super complex) affect brain development...are we being played by our own music?
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2016
  6. Funk U

    Funk U Platinum Record

    Nov 17, 2015
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    I can answer that for you. I'm fairly certain, that in the current "modern" tuning of A=440hz they are, but in the "classical" tuning of A=432hz they are not. A=440hz is an unnatural and forced way of tuning so composers could just transpose keys without having to completely re-tune their pianos or own more then one. The universe is tuned to A=432hz.

    Yes. But only the illuminati and satanist call it that.
  7. xendroster

    xendroster Member

    Nov 20, 2013
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    confused rt now
  8. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Some C chords to play around with .. see if you can work out the relative intervals :winker:

    C = C E G
    C6 = C E G A
    C6/9 = C E G D A
    C Aug9 = C E G D
    C Maj7 = C E G B
    C Maj7(13) = C E G B A
    C Maj9 = C E G B D
    C Maj13 = C E G B D A
    C7 = C E G Bb
    C9 = C E G Bb D
    C13 = C E G Bb D A
    C Min6 = C Eb G A
    C Min6/9 = C Eb G A D
    C Min Aug9 = C Eb G D
    C Min7 = C Eb G Bb
    C Min7 Aug11 = C Eb G Bb F
    C Min7 Aug13 = C Eb G Bb A
    C Min9 = C Eb G Bb D
    C Min11 = C Eb G Bb D F
    C Min13 = C Eb G Bb D F A
    C Min Maj7 = C Eb G B
    C Min9 Maj7 = C Eb G B D
    C Min7b5 = C Eb F# Bb
    C Min9b5 = C Eb F# Bb D
    C Min11b5 =C Eb F# Bb D F
    C Dim = C Eb F#
    C Dim7 = C Eb F# A
    C Dim7 Aug Maj7 = C Eb F# A B
    C Aug = C E G#
    C sus = C F G
    C 7sus = C F G Bb
    C 9sus = C F G Bb D
    C 13sus = C F G Bb D A
    C Maj7b5 = C E F# B
    C Maj75 = C E G# B
    C Maj711 = C E G B F#
    C Maj9#11 = C E G B D F#
    C Maj13#11 = C E G B D F# A
    C7b5 = C E F# Bb
    C9b5 = C E F# Bb D
    C7#5 = C E G# Bb
    C9#5 = C E G# Bb D
    C7b9 = C E G Bb C#
    C7#9 = C E G Bb Eb
    C7b5b9 = C E F# Bb C#
    C7#5#9 = C E Ab Bb Eb
    C7#5b9 = C E G# Bb C#
    C7#11 = C E G Bb F#
    C9#11 = C E G Bb D F#
    C7b9#11 = C E G Bb C# F#
    C7#9#11 = C E G Bb Eb F#
    C13b5 = C E F# Bb D A
    C13b9 = C E G Bb C# A
    C13#11= C E G Bb D F# A
    C7susb9 = C F G Bb C#
    C13susb9 = C F G Bb C# A
    C susb5 = C F F# B
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
    • List
  9. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @Funk U Who the fk changed our standard tuning? When was this done? I'm gonna research that. So even our fk'ing music is corrupted? Unbelievable. My hypothesis that music is related to how our brains are wired, and if they change the tones they change the wiring. I'm gonna listen to the difference between 432 and 440hz, and if it's obvious to me, in effect, our music was changed to be dissonant, creating dissonant minds. Talk about total spectrum dominance, for christ's sake. I will retune everything I listen to then back to A=432hz. Kontakt's master tuning will stay at 432hz, mofo, sob, god damn it.

    I have used hemisphere entrainment "beat frequencies*" to give my kids the experience of a high level meditator's feelings of peace, calm and focus, starting at about 6 months old for the younger one, maybe 3 years old for the older one, so to me changing our natural tune is warfare. For example, of the tech:
    I saw my son yesterday, and was able to give him a dead android phone that has this software on it, that is the same, and a little different depending on the track:

    They advertise it as a stress relief/relaxing thingie, but that's for the layperson to understand, it can be way more powerful than that.

    @Zenarcist You trying to get me to stop concentrating on my triads for now? Strangely, while working on the triad theory^ I went back to the jazzy happy birthday youtube video, and I actually understood wtf he was trying to do too fast to promote his course instead. Ha bitches! I have to stick my interpretation into Sibelius and I'll stick it up here. Though Idk how to notate with each repeat to play a different or add another chord. So this ":" at the end to say repeat (crap forgot the other one to like repeat 3 times...) but idk how to say, first round play a C chord on first beat here, second time a C7, 3rd time C6, on the lead sheet. Do you just do this?

    I will play through the chords though...but just to listen for now.

    What I find weirder though, is now tones together sound ok or better, not necessarily dissonant or consonant... I used to find m2 or M2 highly dissonant, but freakin jazz may have removed that, idk wtf is going on. I also don't find chord progressions as increasing tension then resolving, more like increasing aggression or drive and relaxing. Maybe that's only semantic.

    TY guys for the feedback.

    *exactly like the effect when you're tuning your instrument and your getting close and you hear the beating effect? Well, you can induce a similar effect feeding the left and right ear frequencies to produce the beat frequency you want. It's pretty cool, and I think an important part of why my sons can learn and be sociable and have a natural charisma.
    There is also a layering of light that you can add to the sound effect, but with the kids, I really didn't want to have to do what I had to do with my wife and walk her back into reality...that was not fun.
    ^3 days I couldn't study, I found out I can see my youngest son and I was really shaken, and today, friday, the state is going to court to take him away from his mother, so oh fk, hope not to a large dog cage, 7 psychotropic drug (on avg) foster home, where they don't feed him, until I get my fking day in court...gdi)
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2016
  10. TwinBorther

    TwinBorther Kapellmeister

    Aug 25, 2015
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    If the weird chords with b9#5 or whatever are getting you in the "what the hell" zone, I can recommend you a youtuber that goes a good route to explaining them and all the variants jazz musicians go when writting...

    https://www.youtube.com/user/Rhaptapsody This is the guy I talk about, and I'll leave you the specific video about it

    if you get lost in extended chords;

    and if you get lost with the C/F or something like that (slash chords)

    Hope it helps
  11. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    @jeffglobal You may also want to check out ChordPulse for auditioning chords + extensions. You can build a progressions in next to no-time and export to MIDI, but just remember the program auto-inverts the chords towards the tightest groupings, i.e. playing efficiency.

    PS Sorry, I'm not sure about the notation, I work purely in the DAW with MIDI :)
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2016
  12. Funk U

    Funk U Platinum Record

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Read "Harmony of the Spheres"

    Yes, you are very correct my friend. The two things that are assaulting and killing us the most, are our food and the music/television. Although sound and light are the same thing. Light waves are just sound waves up 40 octaves. Basically, the lack of symmetry you noticed on the keyboard is Tau also the Fibonacci sequence. 432hz yields a ratio of 3:2, 440hz is a ratio of 1:1. This harmonic sequence is how the planets and all celestial bodies, (including our cells) truly relate to one another.

    The thing is, with music, just like the golden spiral the relationships spread out the further you go along. So if you try and play in 432hz on even tempered instruments it starts to sound out of tune the further up the neck/keys you go. Ironically, being in 432 sounds more harmonious, whereas 440hz is mathematically discordant.

    Here's a quick little something about the topic. https://attunedvibrations.com/432hz-healing/
    Try not to get as irritated as reading about such subterfuge on a musical level. Basically, the rampant negative behaviors we see and suicidal tendencies can be traced back to this tiny little shift in frequency.
    Personally, I was going to do the same thing as you thought and only make music in 432hz from now on. But first I have to find a uneven tempered guitar neck.

    *I have been listening to binaural beats while I study math and language flash cards, and other things of that nature.
  13. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @TwinBorther ty, but I have a couple weeks to look at anything more than traids...I will look at that soon.

    @Zenarcist K, ty 2, Idk, if me manually using the keyboard and creating position memory to the sounds will help (though be harder in the beginning) or not, but I do know, the more modalities you use, e.g., sight, sound, touch/position, the "better" stronger the learning effect.

    I did learn recently, yes you have to practice scales, because it's both hearing, feeling, technique and combining sound to notes that's the letters of words of music theory. So yay, I better not break my keyboard just practicing scales and arpeggios of the scales...

    @Funk U I have heard of the phrase, "Harmony of the Spheres" referenced in my wanderings, and it's a specific frequency, and that Android/Apple App has a track using that frequency, but I thought it was just as much magical language like when I was learning Chinese Martial Arts (which is hard to argue with, when it just works) cause I didn't care how they described something if it just works. I have used that kind of track and I do feel good. It would truly suck, if this was well known to ppl that can influence our culture, and they have specifically used that knowledge to make it harder on us. French Revolution type action with the never sated guillotine is starting to look more and more appealing. The guillotine was designed by a doctor, such that the elites he used to service wouldn't feel pain (as much as possible).
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph-Ignace_Guillotin (I know wiki can be wrong, but I verified that, and I'm lazy).

    I'm getting really tired with ppl that can influence our jobs, culture, and countries so one mindedly making it as hard as possible on their populations, just cause they don't need us anymore. There has been a move to a scientific dictatorship, because of failures like the French Revolution, and the elites losing their heads. They may have won. Ice cream eating Warren Buffet said,
    "There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”

    When you study you should be in Alpha, when trying to go to sleep Delta, there's "experimental" Gamma, and Theta I forgot why exactly, other than it's relaxed but not sleeping, kinda a deeper meditative state, but depending on the effect you want, too passive or just right.

    Don't think just because the waking state is Alpha too, that you can't enhance studying and perceived exertion by using the entrainment tracks. I've had to learn some stuff I found felt like pulling a broken glass bottle out my butt, and it made it seem to be way less uncomfortable, as well as more efficient and effective.

    I was first looking for something I could show my kids how it feels without having to wait until they were old enough to teach them, (planting a thought seed in effect) and I used the meditation CDs (at the time) when I was physically/emotionally exhausted to try to recover. So I experimented on the kids, while at the same time developed a relationship with a CEO of one of the meditation companies, (surprised as fk he emailed me back) and shared my experimental experience. He said, his stuff was never before used on kids, so I said, well, they can't leave the building (like Elvis) any worse than my wife did, and I walked her back to reality.

    Meditation is active, when ur tired or wasted, at least, I just couldn't do it, so I used the CDs.

    The funny thing is, you can think of the Delta--->Theta---->Alpha---->Gamma states as LFOs from slowest to fastest. That's pretty much all it is, just your brain is waving (not the flag*)

    Epilogue: Meditation does break down as a coping mechanism, if you get your kids taken away and the court agents literally laugh at you, while their rigged game exclusion/availability to protect your rights is active. I did have to medicate to not auto suicide according to my doc. I have a personal prohibition of jumping off a bridge, etc., but I found my body did not have a prohibition to just burn itself out not willing to participate in an insane situation. Just like torture victims, there is always a breaking point for anyone, no matter what. On the upside, magically, the tables have turned, (this week) the false accuser is now the accused, and my attorney is looking into working with the NYC DA for the nice ACS personnel, and even civil suits because of what happened. Doesn't help my kids or me, but I now dare to hope I can limit the damage of this slow motion car crash I've been watching over a few years.

    I may even start to play music again after about 5-7 days of being unable to, because I couldn't believe it may be possible to get thru this horror show and see my boys and not by identifying their bodies. It was harder to handle good news than sticking with me forgetting how bad it was...

    Sorry about that, disclosure, but holy crap man. I just wanted to place meditation in the proper place of not a magic bullet either.
    *There's this silly Koan, that I've always remembered:
    • Two monks were watching a flag flapping in the wind. One said to the other, “The flag is moving.”
    • The other replied, “The wind is moving.”
    • Huineng overheard this. He said, “Not the flag, not the wind; mind is moving.”
    That's why I said what I said in the "what instrument do you play" thread. "I play me."
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2016
  14. Funk U

    Funk U Platinum Record

    Nov 17, 2015
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    I have been using the appropriate frequencies for the required task.:wink:

    I think what you and everyone else in the world needs to wrap their head around, is the fact that there are pure evil people, doing and thinking up pure evil thoughts all day everyday with absolutely no shred of good in them. Not a single drop of humanity flows in their blood.
    The quicker people come to grips with that reality, the quicker they would realize evil doesn't stop you have to make them stop.

    An analogy. If you had a garden and a weed sprung up, you wouldn't going around picking up the individual seeds it spreads, because it would still be free to spread it seeds at it's leisure. You have to pull weeds up by the roots. Basically the Zionists are the "cancer cells" of the planet.

    Sorry to hear about your legal issues. But if you didn't know, all attorneys and judges are wards of the state and as such, never-ever have the best interest of the people in mind. Only the interests of the owners of BAR which is in London, owned and operated by the Vatican.
  15. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    I agree, most ppl are good natured and really don't understand, other ppl can think differently, or how stone cold killers the elite are, since Galton and Darwin days they have been interbreeding allowing for kids they can throw away, cause they don't have any compassion, or empathy, literally. I call them "super predators."

    As a UK study showed, they wanted to justify psychopaths running the country, so in a pinch, when all the good ppl would be losing it, (like nuclear war) the psychopaths wouldn't be affected. Of course, that study was just designed to cover for the psychopaths already running the country...here's not the one I wanted but the one after that one, trying to sell psychopathy:

    My grandpas were Masons, but I am not, nor my dad, but was offered while a Paramedic by a lieutenant and a Rescue Medic. I didn't join. I didn't join only because I didn't have a car, and felt bad, thinking about it. I do know that no judge shall sit nor judge has ever sat, that was not a Mason. So I get it. I also get that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court dying with a pillow over his face and "they" (I think it was a sheriff!) call it a heart attack with no autopsy and immediately burn the body...we be out of control. That pillow is about as glaring as a dead horse head in someone's bed, this time it was in every US citizen's bed that owns a gun at the same time.

    It will be interesting to see if the bloodless coup of Trump is allowed to happen and then they just crash the economy and blame him, or they cheat him out of the nomination or are crazy enough to kill him like RFK (sic), and we have a hot civil war in the US. I'm not in good enough shape to be a medic running around right now...but I'm slowly getting back in shape, well in shape for what I can do...I did clean my workspace today, and that's a good sign, I've usually done that to either close a chapter, or get ready for a new one.

    Everyone stay safe.

    I'm gonna at least try to practice today, again it's like 7-8 days now, no music. Hopefully, I'll at least plug in the notes to Sibelius a little, Happy Birthday is like 3 notes and a 3 chord progression until adding a V after the target chord, and a ii jazzy transition...I'm not making a walking bass...yet.
  16. Funk U

    Funk U Platinum Record

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Don't feel too bad about the hiccup in practice. In my case, I can't practice paino because my Oxygen 49 Keyboard just died a couple of weeks without provocation. Which means no midi controller either. Also, I am down to my last dollar, fairly new in Vegas, plus my job search has yielded no results so far. Ironically, the more opportunities for the post production industry are in LA where i was forced to move from because had no other living options.

    Seems we're both fighting uphill battles. But it seems we must press on.
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