3D Characters

Discussion in 'Our Art' started by DarthFader, May 24, 2016.

  1. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Sometimes, I see pieces of art that people make with Poser and Daz Studio (usually pr0n) that's so caustic on my poor, little, addled brain that I get the urge to whip up a quick render as a sort of mental medication.

    I found a couple on my harddrive that were meant to make one ask "What are they thinking?"
    Last edited: May 24, 2016
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  3. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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  4. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    The first two are bog-standard Poser figures but this is one that I modelled, textured and rigged from scratch. My criminally insane virtual stepdaughter, Flirty Gertie. You'd best not eat one of the sweeties that she offers you. She makes them all by herself with "special secret ingredients". Last week, the Postman tried one and he was later found stark-naked up a tree and barking like a dog!

    Last edited: May 24, 2016
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  5. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    lol, dis is literally looking like some opening dance to a fantasy porn, and that pink haired girl makes this even more so creepy :o
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  6. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    :hahaha: Nice one, @( . ) ( . )
    You can organize my next fetish party.
  7. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    At first, when I used Daz3D and was checking out it's render engine, my characters did this:
    Then, I was thinking, wtf, even the women I create give me the finger!? She isn't even that good looking...

    Look into Unity 5's engine for making scenes or it's movie making ability...it's quite shocking. UE4 can do the same thing, but way more expensive and harder (more programming, imo).

    They "cheated" a little because they are robots, so our uncanny valley detectors never engage, but, I can work with it...!

    The Daz3D community, is kinda Hentai porn, imo...I think even more so than Poser, but I haven't used that...and what do you mean created from scratch? Scratch like in 3DS Max or Maya or Cinema 4D? or within Poser (is it like Daz3d, idk?).

    Cause I was spending weeks learning just a render engine in Maya (V-Ray), let alone the texture networks, rigging, modeling, GUI...it's fun though. If you don't have a boss or a deadline. I haven't even started seriously looking at Maya animation, and Maya is supposed to be great at that. I've spent months on Photoshop, and look my avatar kitten (which represents my music theory knowledge) still doesn't sit right in my comp, cause I'm too lazy to get a thumb drive and transfer another better one from one computer to another.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2016
  8. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    I began with a cube, subdivided and extruded the faces, smoothed the mesh until it resembled a person, then I retopologised the high resolution form into an animation-friendly quad mesh. After that, I added an inverse kinematic armature and weight painted the mesh vertices to the armature's skeleton. 80-85% of the work on Flirty Gertie was done inside Blender. The remaining 20-ish% was making some textures and bump maps with Photoshop.

    It's worthwhile persisting with Maya. Daunting at first but it soon starts to make sense as you challenge yourself with more and more complex scenes.

    I lol'd at your comment about digi-dollies giving you the finger. Good one m80. :hahaha:

    Keep going, brah. You're essentially already there. Add some more lights to the scene and noodle around with their colours, intensity and shadows opacity. Plays murder with your rendering times, but what I do is start the rendering process and go to bed while the 'puter continues on with the job of making the final image.
  9. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    No kidding? Blender is equivalent to 3DS Max/Maya but less user friendly I was told...but who knows, the price is definitely right. With the lighting, I started to study cinematography (esp since "the masters" say you can really be taught the mechanics in 3 weeks), but I was fighting as much my ignorance of the software at that time...the image came to mind as I read the comment line and I thought it was funny and it fit.

    Your proportions and volumes are really good, most ppl cannot do what you've done. How did you dress her? The folds are really good to, as well as the hang of the dress. Also not common skill. I had whole tutorial courses just on draping and cloth folding.
  10. Funk U

    Funk U Platinum Record

    Nov 17, 2015
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    I finished this last week it's not a girl though so you might be as interested


    I couldn't get Arnold to subdived correctly on the pants and shirt so i said fuck it.
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  11. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    The fabrics were made to fold of their own accord with a cloth simulation animation pass before the lighting and textures were added. That's where the armature skeleton became handy. Beginning with a classic T pose on frame 0, I then posed the final position of the arms at frame 300. Between the start and end frames there were quite a few problems with the blouse mesh colliding and violently bouncing off the dress mesh. So, I folded in the upper arms into their final pose way after the point where the dress had settled into place.

    Good call. When in doubt, cheat. :winker:

    Hide the parts that you least like inside some dramatic shadows. You can always use the eraser brush inside Photoshop to get rid of unwanted bulges around the outline. You know what's there in the original render pass but the viewer won't have a clue.
  12. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @DarthFader Hmmm, well, that was silly of me to stay in Zbrush to sculpt stuff when I know about Maya's nCloth for example, and got distracted from that cause I could so easily extract thin layers from a mesh in Zbrush...duh me!

    @Funk U Subdivide in which 3D program? Usually when it doesn't work together, I export as an obj, and use Zbrush's Decimation Master, even it's UV Master is really good...though then I have to use something like Substance Painter to paint the mesh, cause no way could I eyeball those freaky UV maps in Photoshop.

    And @Funk U, I use women as an object because that is the most sensitive detector for me of the uncanny valley. My brain is set up to look for things I still am not consciously aware of, mostly cause PC science won't share the real deal...it wouldn't continue to allow PC misinformation to remain uncontested and useful...*

    I do use cats for my Fallout 4 mods (except for my silly manicure/pedicure nail mods) cause it's my joke that no one gets, I'm still around pussy. I'm just, at 52 (july), not willing to consider women my age, because women are tough enough, add menopause too!? Are you fk'ing serious, AND the whole Replens™ and warmed over death look even women in their 30s start to show. I'm kinda spoiled when it comes to dealing with pretty women since around 28 y/o. So rare is an interesting conversation with a woman, what's the point with swimming with sharks otherwise? [If you have an answer, I'm always willing to listen. Remember, I know I don't know, I don't know some things important.] I'm also old, fatter than I should be (mostly meds do that), ugly, poor now, and maybe not tall enough too...that doesn't help with options.

    I still didn't ask about the elephant in the room: wtf are you guys doing Art stuff? I do this stuff as my Art and Music Therapy cause even on the really powerful "forget me yes" meds as I was (<---- woo hoo) unable to see my sons for 4 years until a month or so ago, continuing to play lawfully, while the state plays unlawfully, and lawlessly was/is less now (<-----woo hoo²) a herculean task. I'm getting my first meeting with my youngest son soon, I found that out yesterday. Hopefully I don't have a heart attack and die from the eustress.

    * Global Biological Standards Institute here in Washington concluded that more than half of all life sciences research is not reproducible (emphasis mine), and they suggested that estimate is probably conservative. Other studies have put the total as high as 89 percent.

    So fellas, science is now up to 90% bullshit. Notice the marketing technique of 89% instead of 90% (in pricing that's supposed to be taken as much less than the real 1% difference, or 5.99 is perceived by morons as way less than 6.00 USD. So even this study of 89% is being fk'd with to seem less. (how can you make 9/10 studies that are faked seem less! FML--fk everyone's life!) I've done grad level biochemistry research in HS (Stuyvesant, in NYC, but not the new one, the old one with falling chips of asbestos), so now I understand why I was excluded. I would not have tolerated that bullshit.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2016
  13. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Had no idea Flea likes to dress up as a girl :)
  14. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    :hifive: @Von_Steyr If I were to draw or sculpt a thousand beautiful creatures, none of them would match the perfection of your well-timed one-liners. Bravo, maestro!
  15. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    @DarthFader ,your creative threads always leave room for those one liners :cheers:
  16. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Good question @jeffglobal Like the tale of the three blind men trying to describe an elephant, each man strives to explain what he feels yet utterly fails to comprehend the entire beast.

    Ever since I was an infant child, my brain has had an obsession for sound. Music, ambience, effects... the auditory sensation of noises evoke within me visual fantasies that transport my imagination. Yet, for many years I could not draw a pictorial representation of the pounding emotions that working with music and sound evokes within me. I felt frustrated by my gross inability to paint, sketch, or make any kind of recognizable graphical image.

    So, I bit the bullet and forced myself to put as much effort into making pictures as I do with making sound and music; i.e practice, practice and more practice. But that only explains the "how" and "when" of the moments when I draw and sculpt real or virtual objects. As for the "why"..... I have no bloody idea.

    We are born. Shit happens. Then, we die. Some people get too much shit. Others not enough. Helps a lot if we're all happy to give a shit.
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  17. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    That's pretty bad ass. I could easily see her being part of, say, a Bioshock game.

    P.S. is it insulting if my response to the first pic is: "I don't think I can hold it much longer"

    still sweet though. Looks like a Skyrim character
  18. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    :huge grin: not at all. Quite appropriate imho. I now realize what caused the puddle of water behind her.
  19. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    I used to work as an illustrator years ago but unfortunately I never became as obsessed with it as I did with audio :rofl:

    One of my favorite things when I initially started doing digital art was work with Poser models. I ended up creating a pretty cool workflow from Poser to ZBrush, rendered in After Effects and finally post editing in Photoshop:





  20. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Have you relegated your graphics apps to a dark and dusty corner of your harddrive, or do you still, sometimes, break out the tools and take commissions?
  21. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    I pretty much do it for fun now (whenever I have time... which is never lol). I did a lot of commission work for ImagineFX and 2Dartist magazine back in the mid 2000's and before that I worked illustrating book covers and comic book art throughout the 90's. I haven't made anything I would consider actual "art" in over a decade. But I do go to a figurative art class from time to time just to brush up and knock off the ol' cob webs. Thought about possibly starting up again this year and finishing a few sketches Ive always wanted to render out as full illustrations if I ever get the time.

    Here's a link to some of my older work if you're interested: http://mechahatechimp.cgsociety.org/
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