macOS preview, bye bye OSX …

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by davea, Jun 14, 2016.

  1. davea

    davea Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2012
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  3. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Wow - what a lot of horse-caca. Automatically sending files out to the Cloud? Please don't. Enjoy video while I do other things? Like, what? Why have a video playing while my attention is on something else? And I don't own an Apple Watch, nor do I want one. More integration with iCloud, which I refrain from using. Will I be obliged to use Siri? I don't want to use that, either. It seems like Apple just wants to suck the user more and more into its iVironment – which is hardly new, but it's getting more compreshensive and blatant all the time. Is it too late for me to learn how to port all my for-Mac audio softeare to Linux?
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  4. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    just switch to windows 8.1 , that's the real deal for serious music work.
  5. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Deactivate the option. You need to purchase additional iCloud storage anyway.

    Do not enjoy videos while doing other things, even if you could.

    Just log-in with user name & password like we always do.

    Again, will not be for free so you can simply deactivate it.


    Only if the user opts-in.

    It's never too late, but why do you see problems where there's really none? :)
  6. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    OMG, if this is what Apple thinks is exciting, then I'm happy to know better :rofl:
  7. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Or Mavericks? This is good for paranoids, too.
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  8. Listening_player

    Listening_player Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    The fact remains, that the new os brings nothing that helps pro users to get their work done quicker. It might be the first release that i might skip, because el capitan runs pretty smooth for me.
  9. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    I swear I have no sympathy for Apple (or for any corporation in general) and yet I find myself defending them. I am virus-ed!
    Joke aside, since long time ago OS X is very reliable in offering stability for the pro apps to run under it. I can't see what radical changes they could do to the OS. I use windows (mainly for gaming) but I find lots of little things missing (from virtual desktops ease to use in switching to the space-bar preview). And those tiny little details add up and make the difference. Somehow like in audio mastering where every tiny half of dB adds up to get (hopefully) a really polished result.

    What I don't get is when people get options which some of them don't need and instead of simply ignore them, they bash the crap out of that OS. (Windows users included). Let's not forget that mass market is what keeps apple developing this OS and pays the salaries to the Logic's devs teams. When the market shrinks Apple will have no issue in moving to the next big thing (selling diet yogurt, 6-wheeled self driving cars, rockets to the moon or whatever) because now they have the money to only do profit, as opposed to 25 years ago.
  10. XMD5a

    XMD5a Noisemaker

    Jun 7, 2016
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    Fucking stupid features
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  11. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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  12. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Holy shit this company is getting more increasingly retarded every time I look it it. What a bunch of stupid fucks. The sad part is, I just got a new mac mini yesterday. Lucky me. Bullshit El Capitan and now I get to jack off to Sierra. Lovely.
    The funny part is, I had an Apple shirt and you know what I did with it? I ripped it in half, and burned one half, and flushed the other down the toilet... but not until I took a good piss to flush it down with, of course. That was the best stress burning I ever did.
  13. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Slowly, these companies are fulfilling all their dreams, with the help of the 99% of their 'I accept all the default settings and options' customers/users.

    One of these dreams, is HAVING 100% of the user's files stored on the cloud.

    June 2016.
    Hard drives have never been so big. They have never been so fast. Classic HD, ssd, external USB, esata, M.2, etc etc, we can have terabytes of space, for a little cash.
    Recently, I was able to buy an usb3 2Tb drive, from Toshiba, for about 65 euros. 2TB. Also, for about 100 euros/dollars, we can buy a 3Tb HD, that will take a while to fill up, even if we download several mkv's a week, or 1.5Gb sample libraries.

    These drives are cheap, fast, reliable, and for 97% of the computer owners, even the 1Tb drive that comes standard with the mediamarkt /wallmart computer will take years, before the user runs out of space.

    But no. These companies do all their best to convince people the best and SAFEST location for their files is the online cloud. And people swallow it, because hey, their house could burn, and destroy their computer.

    First, it was only the personal pictures . Then, music. Then, videos. The only survivors were the private doc/excel files, that often contain private phone numbers, bank accounts, friends data, emails, photos, etc.

    So many fantastic informations , on those files people used to keep private, stored locally on a partition. So precious data regarding the users, with the last bits of information the user hasn't shared on the social networks, yet.

    So, how to force users to send EVERYTHING to the cloud?

    -make the cloud location the most important location, when the user does a 'save as' operation.
    - keep telling their houses could burn and destroy their data
    - sell laptops with ultra fast drives, but really small ones *hey, dear user, we put a super fast 256gb drive on your laptop, but it will be full in no time, but don't worry, you can always store your files on the cloud*
    - make the data available and synced on all devices
    -etc etc

    So, instead of making 2 or 3 backups of their files, and spread them across several drives,
    The lazy user will always chose the option that is the most easy and fast, even if it is not the best.

    it's crazy how people, all of the sudden, were OK to share everything with everybody, without any limits. They blindly trust everybody, like everybody is cool and good. Seriously..

    sometimes I check a few apps that I could install on my tablet. But often, I don't install anything.
    how is it possible to accept that a tiny app, that will do a simple task, like an app that will generate random numbers for the lottery, require dozens of rights, like turning on/off the system, or reading the contact list, + dozens other permissions to do things that have NOTHING to do with the app? No way I will install such shit.

    But people became so used to accept everything, I wonder how much % of users do read the required permissions. Nobody. They search, click install, and launch the app. Amazing !

    of course, fans will defend the cloud, like they will defend everything coming from their beloved companies.


    in 5 years or less, I will laugh, when ALL people's private data will be available on torrents or direct hosts.
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  14. seriousofficial

    seriousofficial Producer

    Jan 18, 2014
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    with Steve Job's death and Steve Wozniak's departure the Apple company sort of lost it. They have lost the touch with what users want and that's how Apple became the company they once were: a stable operating system and applications and features that make the workflow easy and logical. The design was the cherry on the pie. The company today is more about how well they do on the Nasdaq and less about what the consumer wants. I'm a longtime Apple user myself but with each new announcement and development that is done there's more doubt about the people up the mountain.
  15. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    This guy eloquently summed up like half the world's problems in the 21st century. Someone please give this guy $1 billion ASAP. Lol
  16. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Once again, i have written an article about the "new" way Apple see business...and it is clearly against "Pro/Power" users.
    Everytime Apple change something, they give me more proofs i was right already years ago.

    Once upon a time, Apple was a computer maker. But it was YEARS ago.
    Nowadays, Apple sell more iPhones than Macs.

    "Think different" became "Think mainstream". And Macs are now sold as iPhone Accessory.

    You want a curve in your face ? Take that !
    Let's face it : Apple computers are NO MORE designed for pro/powerusers, but for mainstream users.
    And Apple don't give a f*ck about them anymore.

    The good old days when Apple was aiming at pro/power users market is no more. Because now they aim at a bigger market : Everyone !
    They want you to enter the "Apple World", with everything Apple (TV,phone,watch,tablet...and computer at the end of the list).

    Once again, "Think different" became "Think mainstream".

    Next victim is going to be Final Cut. And after that, Logic Audio.
    Apple don't care anymore about putting money in softs to sells Macs...because they sell iPhones for that purpose.
    They don't care if you are a famous musician with a Mac on official pictures...because they have several more with your iPhone on them.

    I wish ppl (finally) get the point : the first Apple era is gone, and it started with iPhone 1, iCloud and such.
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  17. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    C'mon, Apple was notorious since forever about "we know better what you want as user". Finder to this day does not have "cut"-"paste" feature. Do you really think that in 30 years no one asked for it? :)

    I use Apple because I know what it offers, I also know the advantages and limitations and, for the moment for what I need, the advantages are way more than the limitations.

    There will be a day when DAWs will be something different. An entire virtual reality studio maybe, or various synth in various clouds (backed up with huge amounts of CPU power) summed by a DAW in the cloud. Who knows? Yes, the future is frightening, but not necessary for the worst.
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  18. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Leaving Mac after 20 plus years...
  19. Boujwa

    Boujwa Ultrasonic

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Again, Linux will be soon the next ideal OS for Music production !
  20. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    switching to windows again.... what a sh*t... Dell computers were my best known windows computers for music. Are they still on the game?