Studio One v. 3.2.3 Released

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by Pereira, Jun 10, 2016.

  1. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Dumb ass? You really enjoy insulting others. No wonder I have difficulty trusting you when you say that for our goodness you want us to get more efficient DAW. Did anyone ask you in this thread how your Cubendo compares to S1 as we didn't hear it numerous times before? No. Therefore it is a spam.
    Did you tell about it to Presonus (the only place where it would make some sense if your intention is to make S1 better)?

    Didn't want to bother you, didn't know that asking you to substantiate your claim would be bothering, rather I thought you'd be happy to share it with us. I'm sure all of us have unreleased song projects, can't you find something that isn't in public, to anonymously show that 300+ track CPU efficiency in musical context? 8 or 16 bars would be sufficient to get the idea and doesn't need to be finished or even musically interesting.
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  2. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    Ok, this post has finally convinced me to abandon this unuseful and acrimonious forum:anyone miss me and I'll have big intellectual benefits.
    Where the hell is the moderator?
    A question for this genius: what the f*** are you doing with ears on if behind them the brain is fully turned off?
  3. SyphonX

    SyphonX Kapellmeister

    May 23, 2013
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    I do not think you understood the message: Save your energy to fight over things that really matter.
    Too much irritation and aggression on every forum about minor things. Just a waste of energy....
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  4. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    The Underground
    That was inappropriate and not humorous @SyphonX. You should know better.

    This does not include my statement to @SyphonX . That stands as written.

    What i said was probably not viewed as such by all so i have removed it.

    Edited: True @mrfloyd My views expressed earlier where not universal for this section of the forum and I have Removed them to not further any Hatred or discourse, but I will say I Believe "All life is sacred" I understand your point of view @mrfloyd. But Peace is universal and we all need to get along to survive. And true this is not the place to discuss this. Thanks for that reminder.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2016
  5. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Not exactly best place to discuss this but since you mentioned civilized society;
    In this particular event a member of human race (a brother you can say) didn't share that civilized sentiment, rather he was motivated by hatred, inspired by those who preach stoning and killing people who do not share similar views. Consequence: 50 dead, over 50 injured. Many members of that huge group celebrate his achievement publicly. All of them flying with everybody else on the same blue marble space ship around the sun without alternative ship on the horizon to jump on.
    Now what would you suggest about that, because this madness will not be stopped by sharing universal sentiments?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2016
  6. real

    real Producer

    Apr 2, 2013
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    I set Von_Steyr and others like him who like to en-flame things and insult people and name-call to "ignore" in my settings on this forum a long time ago.
    And yet I STILL see these posts of everybody else reacting to him, calling him by name, etc.
    Lol just can't get away from this guy...

    I suggest that others here be more like me and just ignore people who cause problems...
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  7. wayne3

    wayne3 Member

    May 31, 2013
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    There seems to be a new crazy bug in S1:rofl:
  8. Piszpunta

    Piszpunta Kapellmeister

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Which version? 3.2.2 or 3.2.3?
  9. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    I did.
    You failed to acknowledge in this thread that the responses to your posts were not about the facts and problems with S1 which we all agree on.
    Responses were and are about the purpose of you reiterating same points over and over again while not missing any opportunity to insult everybody and anybody who disagrees with the way you communicate.
    So let's see; insisting on repeating your views with such carelessness towards others and then going into full blown insult-hating mode I'd say, with such attitude, you'd probably make a perfect candidate for some of those radical groops that are so much against civilized communication and tolerant way of life that the only way they seem to interact with it is to blow it while shouting god's name.
    Now if you can't see the roots of fanatical radical in your style of communication and cannot accept absolutely nothing that comes your way, you see... that would only prove that point.
    That includes typical almost polite answers I'd expect from you; "Chill", "stop crying","who are you to lecture me" etc.

    Notice that I am talking only about a part of your behavior, your communication style, not about the content and not about you as a person because at any moment you have the freedom to change and improve communication and take in consideration the feedback you are getting from others.
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  10. Piszpunta

    Piszpunta Kapellmeister

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Please, keep the posts on topic: Studio One 3.2.3.
  11. Zentropy

    Zentropy Kapellmeister

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Apologies I don't read German, what's the bug there? Everything looks ok
  12. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    I was wondering the same. The google translate says: "where are the data" so I suppose when he stopped the playback or recording of one of those takes the right side from the now line till end of the loop region of all parts disappeared from. On the left side I don't see any data being recorded either so wayne3 we would appreciate further explanation.
  13. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Guys, lay off of Von Steyr... I don't know if there is some animosity here carried over from other threads, but all he did was state his opinion (and back it up with evidence, mind you), and people just carved into him like a juicy steak. False accusations, provocations, and then condemnations of his understandably defensive reaction. One of the comments here was particularly abhorrent. I'm not even going to go there except to say the world is a fcuked up place, and we don't need to spread that negativity into places that should be our sanctuary - our profession/passion.

    We're all here to improve our knowledge and solve problems... that's what life is all about after all: solving problems. S1 has long been known to be inefficient when it comes to CPU. Glazing this over and silencing critics isn't going to make it any better. Difference of opinion is no reason to call someone a shill and attack their character. Instead of creating more problems and division over such an ultimately trivial issue, just find a workable solution and move on. This is a professional audio forum, not a schoolyard.
  14. tapekiller

    tapekiller Kapellmeister

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Pretty much any S1 thread is afflicted by the redundancy of what you call an "opinion". Besides, it would be more appropriate to just make a thread about THE issue, instead of going in any thread and listing the issues a software has, and praising the other software you use. That's not costructive in any way, especially because S1 employees are more likely to read the official S1 forum than this one.
    He said he posted on S1 forums about the issue (I have yet to see said post, honestly), yet he is here spamming how bad S1 cpu efficiency is compared to Cubase.
    Nobody is silencing critics, we just want the discussions to be taken in the right place, and this is not for the sake of problem solving.
    Are his arguments about cpu efficiency legit? Nobody said the contrary here, but again this is not the right place to discuss them, especially with such a fanboy-ish and condescendent tone, and when the same thing has been said elsewhere several times.
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  15. tapekiller

    tapekiller Kapellmeister

    Oct 5, 2015
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    I'm starting to think you have serious reading comprehension issues.
    You still don't get it huh? Nevermind, goodbye.
  16. tapekiller

    tapekiller Kapellmeister

    Oct 5, 2015
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    For the record, I started to ignore him as well, like real suggested. His self entitlement and condescendency are really bothering me, especially when I said various times that if he wanted to keep on talking we could have done it privately, and that I had nothing to say about s1 efficiency issues, but his behariour (so again, not attacking him at all about that topic but his approach to the matter).
    I hope this is clear to everybody else, because it's so easy to try to win an argument when you twist stories for your own good and I don't want to look like an asshole when infact I was just pointing out how spam and redundancy shouldn't be condoned here, and that for the sake of constructive discussion you can either message each other privately or create a proper thread about what you want to talk, assuming it isn't already existent.
    I, again, apologize for the inconvenient waste of space in this thread.
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  17. Piszpunta

    Piszpunta Kapellmeister

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Back to topic:
    The screenshot posted by wayne3 looks to me like a bug introduced in v3.2.2. ("instrument events truncated on notes instead of bars"), but that error has already been fixed in v3.2.3.
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  18. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    In this world it is now more than ever evident when tolerant civilized people "move away" they unfortunately clear the space and enable those who don't care about others or fair play to take over their civilized world from them and turn it into the same hell they left behind somewhere else.
    It is happening throughout western world big time and the root cause is the same lack of self correction and common sense (which is: live and let others live). In our case it is this forum. Forum is a community first, only then it is about topics and facts.
    Such behavior should bother you and it is bothering me and it is bothering others.
    So I say, instead of ignoring ignorant behavior we should keep insisting that they do accept civilized standards and rules or we request removing them from the territory every time they default to personal insults.

    Now maybe Von_Steyr has already invested too much in "self defense by attack" that until we stop for a while he'll think that he personally is not welcomed which isn't true. We just want him to rise his awareness to the level where his own aggressive-defensive style of communication filled with personal insults will always be understood as a failure of his own reason. And how do we do that? By letting him know that if he doesn't see that disagreement to any topic in this forum cannot justify a call to personal insults he doesn't qualify to be here. It is his choice.
    And I hope moderators will agree with non aggression principle.
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  19. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    I'd definitely avoid unnecessary use of shit, bullshit, circlejerk and blind and naive worship. However those rather harsh words criticize your actions not your personality and in contrast you default to personal insults, even against those that did not insult you.

    For the most part of this message I was delighted how you can say what you mean without printing insults and then the following sentence comes "man you see,you guys are acting like total primadonas,some S1 users are worst than Jehovah`s witnesses"

    Without that sentence your answer would have been perfect, civilized and to the point and I suppose others would find it acceptable as well.
    I don't understand why can't you just be happy answering without any insults to us and not only us since you had to include Primadonas and Jehovah's witnesses against whom you obviously cannot hide animosity? Do they knock to your door too often? Did they insult you in the process?
    Man... why do you have to get personal and react by creating polarization against members and associating them with whatever group or "feature" you do not appreciate? Especially since you'd be much more effective and keep more of your peace if you bypass that part of programming which I am sure you did not invent so no need to protect it.
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  20. SyphonX

    SyphonX Kapellmeister

    May 23, 2013
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    Appologies, maybe it was inappropriate, but I do watch South Park a lot.
    Mild physicians, putrid wounds, you know?. But as I see some people still do not get the point. :no:
    I'll will behave myself. :mates:
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