I am officially retiring from music production..

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Desantïs, Jun 10, 2016.

  1. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    well @foster911 your mentor is gone... but at least he showed you what you need to shoot for...

    I have a feeling he's not down... he is just dumping us.. because
    we don't have the good manners to appreciate genius when it's right in front of us....

    peace Maestro Steve, you are gone ( til next Tuesday.. ) but will not be forgotten :yes:
  2. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Hey, just throwing this out there..

    I'm an aspiring musician who's looking for a million followers.

    Anyone know where I might find them? Steve?
  3. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Was music your vocation or avocation? In both situations you should enjoy it but if it was all affectation and pretense with you bragging a lot about yourself, I'm sure your downfall is the minimum wage you'd deserve it.

    I hope your absence would be conspicuous. Please think deeply about your behaviors and come back with love.:mates:
  4. You got one here, Cav Emp and as I speak, 999,999 of my old friends are visiting your SoundCloud page and becoming your newest friends, busy as little bees pressing those cute little red hearts while in helping you to become a giant in your own time. Isn't life amazing sometime!!!

    I personally find it a shame that Steve felt so badly treated that he felt a need to retreat, get out of Dodge and disappear seemingly without a trace. I hope he makes it to Vegas and prospers. Vegas can be a tough fucking town and I pray that he can find a niche there to enable him to have a good life and live his musical aspiration.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2016
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  5. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    Steve had his moments and def had a big ego, but man....tough crowd. Wish you all the best in life and your endeavors though Steve, and as mentioned, please do think about how you can improve your behavior.
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  6. Veks

    Veks Member

    Dec 8, 2015
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    What, hepatitis c? :)
  7. seriousofficial

    seriousofficial Producer

    Jan 18, 2014
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    He had a big enough ego to fill the entire forum....that's how the animosity towards him started, there was barely enough room left to post a new thread or message. :disco:
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  8. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Steve I don't know what the heck your deal is. I don't know if you joined this site for trolling, for becoming a big shot in Vegas, a recognised producer or for getting talents for the website that you said you were gonna launch. I don't really give a shit. It's the internet, people put a picture on a profile, pick an alias and play at being whatever the fuck they want to play at being. It doesn't matter.
    But there is something that matter if you did want to make some music and if you have a passion for it. That's not something that you can let your ego waste, you can't let pride or impatience stop you. If you turn your back on what you want to achieve, then two things are gonna happen.
    First your ennemies here, all the people that gave you a hard time those last month, well those people will have won. You'll confirm by your running away every single nasty things they said about you. And that will bring a second big crap in your life.
    You will become your own worst ennemy, you will hate yourself for letting go so easily.
    It doesn't matter if you keep on learning here the trades, the ins and outs of whatever you wanna do. You can do it on other forums. You can come back here with a new alias (an maybe a new attitude). But don't give up on what brought you here.
    You're a very annoying young dude. Your motivations kind of suck, and I don't share your philosophy in life. But if you really wanted to do music and if you really came her to learn, then this is a defining moment. What you call in the US a crossroad. We all have such defining moments. Don't fuck up my man and think TWICE.
    Have a good life if we don't hear from you again, you were fun to have around, and I'm not saying that in a nasty way.
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