Mohammed Ali dies of Sepsis. That's negligence.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by jeffglobal, Jun 5, 2016.

  1. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Corp media must not have been warned not to report the cause of death. If it was sepsis, like bed sores is almost always a sign of negligence. Sepsis, which is super painful btw, is a blood infection and the body's attempts to fight it. So he'd be running a high fever, his BP would be trending lower and lower, (it's a type of shock as it gets worse and lose blood volume to your interstitial space...), he'd be complaining of severe pain. AND the medical staff would have to have not noticed and leave him untreated for days for him to die from it. Bravo ANOTHER man killed by malfeasance.

    @Bunford just Google sepsis and "common signs of negligence" in "Nursing Home" facilities. Don't be lazy.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
  3. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    This is nonsense. My sister just died of a septic shock 3 weeks ago and it was NOT due to negligence!
  4. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Sorry to hear that.

    How old was she and where was she? How did she get an infection of her blood? Septic shock which causes the death takes time. She would notice she was in trouble cause it really does hurt, and staff would notice if they did their normal V/S checks. She would have been hot to the touch in a super obvious way. I've transported patients from only institutions that had sepsis.
  5. pimpo

    pimpo Noisemaker

    Feb 22, 2015
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    There's always got to be a conspiracy or someone to blame.
  6. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Not necessarily. I was taught among other things while being trained in elder abuse of signs of mistreatment and neglect...including those in institutions that are lazy to the point of putting their patients at risk.
    At the same time, I am sitting in my dad's room at a rehab facility right now, (he's 82) but he's doing well. Still doesn't make my training invalid, but may have made my reaction more severe.
  7. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Hospitals are great places to be sick; that's all I've got to say.
  8. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    He was probably in a long term care facility (a nursing home) that screwed up. That's all I've got to say:

    Sx/Sx of Sepsis:

    Nursing Home Neglect:

    "Staff Inattention Can Lead to Nursing Home Abuse"

    "– Medical neglect, where the nursing home fails to provide adequate attention, prevention, or medication for concerns such as bed sores, infections, cuts, diabetes, cognitive diseases, and mobility concerns"

    Infection ---------> Untreated infection ----> Sepsis ----> Untreated Sepsis -------> death.
    First failure-------->Second failure--------------------->Third failure

    "Sepsis is a potentially life-threatening complication of an infection. Sepsis occurs when chemicals released into the bloodstream to fight the infection trigger inflammatory responses throughout the body. This inflammation can trigger a cascade of changes that can damage multiple organ systems, causing them to fail.
    If sepsis progresses to septic shock, blood pressure drops dramatically, which may lead to death."
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
  9. lukehh

    lukehh Audiosexual

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Can you specify your sources? Otherwise this threat should be moved to conspiracy theory forum.
  10. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Muhammad Ali died of septic shock - family

    etc., and it only "targets elderly" [NBC article] that aren't taken care of, the dance of telling ppl what they should believe by a state media organ like NBC, would never try to blame the victim, right?

    Whatever gets you thru the day. My only purpose is to say, you have to watch your relatives, cause if even Ali can have staff that didn't notice until too late (he was transferred too late to an acute care facility) what do you think we'll get treated like?

    Now, that I think about it, I am pissed he died that way. I can't tell from accounts if he had pneumonia first which caused the breathing problems, or more likely, sepsis can make your lungs fill up, so whoopsie, they noticed the sepsis, while he was in septic shock and he started to have trouble breathing showing Acute Pulmonary Edema
    So Ali died in pain from the sepsis (like your worst flu body aches) and drowned in his own fluids (suffocation also really sucks). OMFG
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
  11. Jay Weed

    Jay Weed Ultrasonic

    Jan 4, 2016
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    sepsis would have been cured in Germany the FDA has yet to approve what they use which is a filter that filters away a portion of the dangerous cytokines released into the blood by the bodies response.
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  12. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Idr ever being taught the exact types of inflammatory agents, but I have no doubt, there's tons of good tech that is excluded here in the US while the population thinks they have the best medicine, while more ppl die here spending more money, for a shorter life, which sucks.

    All I know is, when I met my wife, (my perfect foil) she presented with asthma attacks every 2 weeks or so where she had to be hospitalized, so I looked up wtf was going on, and found surprisingly I could titrate ginger capsules (herb version of an asthma med) and fish oil, (another anti inflammatory agent) until symptoms stopped or her poop floated (no joke). For her it was 2gm ginger, 6 fish oil capsules. So after 6 weeks for 2 years until my first kid, where they used Betadine‎ which she was allergic to and gave her an asthma attack in labor, I completely suppressed her symptoms. After a few more years without an attack, she thought it would be smart to smoke, cause her breathing was fine, so I stopped giving her the ginger and fish oil until she stopped smoking (well when I was around, I found out later).

    So if the FDA or AMA were about health, I think there'd be way more ppl that knew about that, even if it's unpatentable, and cheap. I like the old chinese model of docs got paid when you were healthy, cause they must have tried the other way, and when docs needed money, bad things must have happened. Cause making money only on sick ppl, begs the need for sick ppl, and never a cure.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
  13. Wuji

    Wuji Kapellmeister

    Mar 20, 2016
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    Sepsis is one of the most common causes of death. In Germany it's the third most common and it is not due to negligence. Sepsis is very dangerous and people do not just die from it because nobody cares, it's because it's dangerous...
  14. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Maybe it's my bias from my training perspective. There also may be a problem with using layman's terms in the media that obfuscates exactly what happened. If he suffered multisystem organ failure, yes, then he was fk'd but, if like they say, septic shock, which has a few stages of severity and presents only after lack of treatment of the infection for a day or two (the fastest I've ever seen), and if treatments on the way down weren't administered, then I have a big problem.

    If in Germany it's one of the most common causes of death, it would make you guys way different than the US. Sepsis ain't in the top 10 which represent 75% of all deaths [like I said, omitting iatrogenic causes...]:
    Heart disease, Cancer, Chronic lower respiratory disease, Accidents, Stroke, Alzheimer's disease, Diabetes, Influenza and pneumonia, Kidney disease, Suicide.

    Looking for Germany's "common causes of death..."
    Ok, I have to call bullbucky on your assertion, unless you have something I can't find:

    "Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism 2,931 out of 868,356 total deaths"...that's common to you? Unless it's stuck in with the circulatory system, which includes the number one cause of death: your ticker stops...

    I did find that sepsis is conflated with MODS (Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome) which can sure happen if you don't treat sepsis...MODS has a >90% mortality rate, but Idk how common it is, I think it's rare. Now I have to check.

    Nuts, MODS can occur by multiple causes from marrow transplants to the wrong place while being a British Soldier...

    Ok, I got it. If you classify everyone who dies from pneumonia as actually dying from septic shock, then I see where you're coming from [8th leading cause, US, Germany, 9th] but, then on the top 10 lists, they should not list pneumonia, but septic shock as the cause of death.

    So, it's possible, he had pneumonia, it caused sepsis, progressed into septic shock and he died trying to breathe and in terrible pain. Then get ready, cause "pneumonia" is the 8th leading cause of death in the US, so you got something to look forward to, if you miss the top 3 which represents the top 50% of all deaths...[if the docs, the meds prescribed right, or the meds prescribed or admin wrong don't kill you first].

    But Wuji, pneumonia is not number 3 in Germany, yo, just saying. Though, I'm curious your source.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
  15. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    This thread is nonsense and should just be deleted as it adds nothing. - no mention of negligence being the cause, but many other causes, all medical. - no mention of negligence being the cause, but many other causes, all medical in nature.

    My sister was admitted to hospital with an infection of influenza B, spent almost 3 months in ICU at a hospital and the medical team were amazing. The infection developed into double pneumonia, causing her having to be sedated and put into induced comas which they treated her whilst under and then woke her up by lowering sedation every few days so she wasn't under for too long. Her condition slowly worsened with her blood pressure being erratic and so on. She then got septicemia and ultimately the septic shock. Negligence was NOT the cause as they did everything they could over almost 3 months, were amazing with her and were DEFINITELY NOT negligent. They were in a hospital in North Wales and called in specialists from Irish, English and Scottish hospitals in London, Leicester, Liverpool, Glasgow etc to try and help her. It's just a shitty thing that happens to some people and there isn't a conspiracy behind everything!

    I think I'll file this in with 9/11 was an inside job and the Queen of Britain is actually a reptile!
  16. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @Bunford Again, sorry for your loss.

    The time frame of your sister and the inability to treat the viral infection is a big deal. Pneumonia, I thought was a sugar coated bacteria, but it doesn't matter in the end. Agreed some infections are just not reversible, but that team was trying. Idt I implied every case of sepsis is negligence, but it should be treated as a red flag (not false flag) if seen, so the onus is on the medical team...

    I was saying a whoopsie, with no treatment for the infection is negligence.

    It's weird to report sepsis instead of pneumonia as the cause, imo, IF Ali's team saw it, tried to treat it, failed, and it was his time to go anyways. You understand what I mean? If they said, Ali was sick with pneumonia for a while and then succumbed, that would make sense to me. Saying he was his normal (whatever that was for him), developed sepsis and passed away, makes me wonder.

    At the same time, managing my mom going nuts, bringing her to my dad in the hospital, like I said, may have made me use even more dramatic language than even I normally do. I think, I'll have to study the media reports of any medical condition, for misunderstanding of the family, the media, or myself. I'm still curious.

    I do know one Queen of England cheated on the King a looooong time ago, so technically, their bloodline is corrupted. Which just fits my worldview of women and makes me less distressed to see that, if even kings can't keep their reproductive holes covered only for themselves, what chance does an ordinary man. (Though I'm 2 for 2 as a father, but I had to DNA test...thank god for DNA testing. More fk'd up: if you never had a wife pissed off for 2 weeks because the DNA teseting showed your youngest son was yours, you haven't lived gentlemen.)
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2016
  17. Jay Weed

    Jay Weed Ultrasonic

    Jan 4, 2016
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  18. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    tyvm @Jay Weed I'm keeping that info "in memory" on a couple computers, in the worst case, calling in favors of my doc friends if this intervention ever becomes necessary for me or my family...

    I just wanted to include if I didn't state it clearly above: sepsis can happen from a lot of things, from a poorly attended to IV site, all the way to exposures by air in institutions from various other patients. It's not just possible from Influenza or Pneumonia.

    I also want to state, I have noticed I'm really upset about something, and I'm not sure what it is, I've dealt with my own mortality, by getting married and no longer fearing it, so I doubt my dad trending to death is the problem, or the multi year court battle to see my sons, with the state fabricating testimony from my sons, and now one is actively trying to "fix" it and he doesn't realize, he may "elope" and be disappeared, just getting to see the older son 3 weeks ago or so. Or managing my mom losing her marbles watching her husband in a nursing home.

    Idk, but I apologize, I'm really upset about something but, as listed in the articles, you see those Sx/Sx (signs or symptoms) the onus is on the medical staff to provide a reasonable explanation.
  19. Wuji

    Wuji Kapellmeister

    Mar 20, 2016
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  20. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Thank you for the references. Like I said, if it's pneumonia/influenza and that turns into a generalized mess and then the patient dies from sepsis, whoa, that sucks, but if treatment was attempted, I'm not calling ppl out on that. Unless they caught it a week too late. Unless exposure to the institution caused the initial infection. Unless, it was a superbug and precautions weren't taken by staff to minimize spread. Then hello, that helps no one.

    As listed in the red flags for nursing homes, infection IS a sign, and even that crazy lady...the one thrown off the View, almost lost her finger to infection, but she could have died as well...from sepsis. If I remember correctly she was hospitalized for that infection and not just to "save" the finger.

    Well, while I was with my dad with his tumor/lymph node removal about 2 weeks ago and I stayed in the hospital with him, I was not impressed by how ppl are treated in that industrial surgery line in the US, and in a reasonable hospital--not one of the ones I know ppl go to die as an EMS worker. I think I've already said somewhere it was like watching a mix between a restaurant that needed to turn tables (beds) and a slaughter house, and I wasn't joking. While in recovery, they had a man so f'd up with mulitple complex problems, who was already terminal with an endstage disease (one I was trained to stabilize and transport) and they did surgery on that guy, for what, I have no clue, and there were complications, so while I was waiting for a bed with my dad upstairs, they were working on this guy one screen away trying to delay his death one more day. The docs and med students were sweating, which means it was no joke. I didn't want to concern my dad, so I played dumb.

    About Ali: With later reports from the family, they said Ali was on dialysis, so god only knows what happened. I didn't expect reports from the family to be incomplete to the point of misleading. For all we know the dialysis could have been that EU filter trying to clear him from the immune storm of inflammatory compounds that reek havoc in our bodies.

    I will just stfu, shake my head, and move on. Either way Wuji, Iatrogenic causes of death are #1-3 causes of death of adults in the US. I have to get wtf I found that years ago. It was split into 3: docs malfeasance/misfeasance in med interventions, then drugs properly admin, then drugs improperly dispensed or admin. I got to find that again, it was raw numbers only, so you had to know the deaths from their normal list to go, wait a sec, that's more than heart disease! etc., but I can yes, to me, it's possible sepsis can be caused by medical staff doing or not doing something in protocol or not!

    When I was a CPA, I was held to a "due diligence" standard. That's the best possible care. Doctors in the US are held to "reasonable care" standard. That's what an ordinary person doing the same thing would do. So, money is treated better than ppl, under US law.

    Caveat emptor.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2016