Upgrading to window 10

Discussion in 'PC' started by james123, May 14, 2016.

  1. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Sure, sure, only thieves and dishonnest people need privacy :yes:. I mean look at you and your alias on a forum, you don't need privacy. You certainly don't care if people around you, know that you go on a forum that discusses warez topics, right who cares, you apparently don't.
    And it's good that you don't care about your privacy, because as you proudly state it, you've been using windows 10 for 6 months.
    6 months with no bug or whatever, but where every one of your little digital steps have been watched every seconds of the day and logged in. Every passages right here on AudioSex, on the sister site AudioZ.., on the porn sites you might visit, on the news sites you go throught, the forums, you social media sites, the many applications on Windows 10 related to those sites, ALL logged in, and ready to be sold to companies, whatever the f...k they're gonna do with all those juicy datas because M$ doesn't care what becomes after they sold them, AND distributed freely and secretly to private and public security agencies who have nothing else at heart but your freedom and rights. What you like, who you like, your taste in food, in politics, in art, where your spend your money and on what, your income, etc, etc, etc, it's all there, at their disposal. And obviously, you're a honest man, so who cares ? Right ?
    And it's a good thing for you. Because then those six months you've spent being constantly spied on, they don't concern you. You, an honest spied on person, need not to worry a second. Your spy SERVICE runs very smoothly, congrats. :wink:
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  2. LoveKavi

    LoveKavi Kapellmeister

    Jan 3, 2016
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    London, UK.
    Ok ok ok, I knew this reply was coming. But To be honest it's barely an alias on a forum. I know 2 people that work closely with these matters with the government. It's not worth their time catching 'thieves' and it's a waste of their money. Either way fair enough, but i''m not bothered about being spied on, really not. We all have phones and such and most probably are spied on many other devices. Cameras when we're out and such... Being spied on to me means nothing, because even if i've done some 'illegal' things on the internet, it's nothing to 'them', because the volume of people that do things are just too high. Check the French's HADOPI system they implemented... That aside, yes most people may want their privacy and not have their information being sold and used by others etc... but one way or another, i don't see it being stopped, as long as we buy into these corporations' services and products. ISPs see what we do if they really wanted to as well. I think the whole privacy thing is way too saturated to point fingers and to be too 'bothered' about just MS. In the end I'll live my life and be happy because i won't let these things stop, bother or worry me. Just my opinion though.
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  3. Jasmine

    Jasmine Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Nassau, Bahamas
    1.jpg Another strange thing:

    This is a long term service which never exist before.
    Means nobody knows what happens with 10, 20, 30 years collected personal data.
    Algorithms and Semantics are developing right next to it over decades.
    At the end the system knows more about you then you yourself. Things you normally forget etc., etc..
    And there can't be any guaranty for data security, or selling the right amount of data to the right people.

    The argument 'I do nothing bad, so what' is an idiot argument.

    Everybody has something to hide or things better not known by others.
    It's a part of mankind and psychological very important.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2016
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  4. OBKenobi

    OBKenobi Producer

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Microsoft and these other international tech monopolies isn't the government. They sell your data out to anyone who wants to pay for it. Your history can turn up anywhere, and you have no control where it's going. Maybe MS will report you for piracy? Maybe hackers will get your data from whoever MS sold it to? Have you noticed all these massive breaches lately? And with the loss of anonymity you won't be able to even troll on the internet anymore. Anyone will be able to get your name and report you for causing them emotional harm or some other future tyrannical law they might pass. Or maybe they'll just take something you said out of context and you're going to have to go to court to prove your innocence. Furthermore, they'll have the right to confiscate your stuff, or search your house, or imprison you without charge on suspicion alone because some database linked you to something you might not even had any idea about. What if somebody alters your history? If something in a database is enough to convict you, how are you going to prove your innocence?
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  5. Jasmine

    Jasmine Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Nassau, Bahamas
    Batman knows why...
  6. LoveKavi

    LoveKavi Kapellmeister

    Jan 3, 2016
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    London, UK.
    I get it all. I really do. But what I said about the saturation of this subject. Facebook, twitter etc... and other things we use most probably do things that infringe our piracy. Facebook has done before. I'm just trying to say how do we completely stop it. Which is why this is all such a broad subject. MS are powerful, no doubt and can do many things with our information in the future. But as Tech grows increasingly faster and faster, with so many more digital services we use... How do we avoid all these things. Because staying with Windows 7 won't exactly get rid of everything else. I just don't see it as not going to Windows 10 because of these issues but not bothering as much about other areas that infringe our privacies. What you say about MS reporting you for piracy etc... Well that doesn't solve anything so they won't. The probably is the distribution of it not the downloading and obtaining of it by others. So shutting piracy websites has been the forefront of piracy as apposed to singular people. Like I said, check the French's failed HADOPI scheme. So going to the core of shutting piracy sites' revenue stream is what lobbying groups are pushing for. No advertising revenue, no money to fund these huge sites and servers etc...
    Ok that's just piracy. Other issues with privacy i get use, the selling of it and such, and as humans we all have something to hide. But it'll take us all to give up the things we use so much, which I don't see happening. So to me W10, is just the tip of the iceberg and something people are suddenly shaming because of the privacy issues being put out in the open and people are AWARE of it. While people aren't bothered about other things that infringe their rights and privacy because... they're unaware of it.

    It's a very touchy subject, but these are my views and how I see everything. Not to say W10 is for everyone, some people cherish privacy more than others, while some others that are happy with their lives aren't bothered because it doesn't effect them as much as it would to others such as people that use these forums with alias' and such.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2016
  7. LoveKavi

    LoveKavi Kapellmeister

    Jan 3, 2016
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    London, UK.
    You;re saying this like it's fact. It's a possibility like with anything else. But we still have rights, the fundamentals of society. If someone were to alter your history etc. That's just going into another world right there. Opening many other questions and laws. You're saying like it's pure fact this will all happen. It's a possibility and a scenario i could see happening, but as much as it could happen, it may not happen just as much too.
  8. Jasmine

    Jasmine Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Nassau, Bahamas
    The point here is, MS ported this 'facebook/internet/smartphone' ethics, which are more or less accepted by there users in specific contexts, to the holy grail of privacy- our desktops, by redefining the meaning of the word 'Personal Computer'.
    This is a Win 10-made novelty and can't be accepted. There is nothing comparable around.

    'The tech giant is also said to save Bing search queries and conversations with Cortana, as well as lists of which websites and apps users visit and the contents of private emails and files, as well as their handwriting.'

    By the way...with Win 10, MS becomes the biggest data mining company in the world, nearly instantly.
    They will know more about people around the world then Facebook, Apple, or Google.
    And this was the intention.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2016
  9. LoveKavi

    LoveKavi Kapellmeister

    Jan 3, 2016
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    London, UK.
    I understand that. I to be honest hate this as well, since I've always loved my pc being well.. my personal computer. However I knew this was always going to happen. I think the hindsight of this all has made me not bother about how messed up it all is i guess. Just well, it was always going to happen....
  10. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    You'll be totally fine, as long as you don't oppose anything or have any original thoughts of your own :wink:
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2016
  11. LoveKavi

    LoveKavi Kapellmeister

    Jan 3, 2016
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    London, UK.
    A vast amount of people do. The volume of people that oppose these things are just way too high. Hard to just say if you oppose anything this and that will happen... May not be all bad. It's very linear to think everything will be bad. Expecting the worst. Where there are negatives, there are positives. Everyone loves to be against the 'system' i guess...
  12. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Well, it's certainly an effective way to keep our politicians in check via the so-called "dirt-register", so why not use the same techniques on the masses?

    As Cardinal Richelieu once said "If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him." :)
  13. LoveKavi

    LoveKavi Kapellmeister

    Jan 3, 2016
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    London, UK.
    We're talking about something that's been implemented into society for a stupid amount of years. Nothing new. Unless you're talking about a revolution to stop everything... which is just another subject. Easy to point fingers at politicians and put them on a pedestal. No one's ever happy anymore.
  14. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    I am talking about the implications of data science, which is a relatively new thing, especially how it is now being implemented.
  15. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    It's very linear to think that those "things" go away by magic, specially with people in your mindset. It's happy that all people aren't like you, or our societies would look much different. I can give 200 examples in the last 150 years, where the majority was like you : accepting the unacceptable and saying "that's how the world goes".
    Data collection isn't without precedent for example. The first scandal surrounding that happened in the beginning of the 20th century with the insurance companies. It gave way to a huge trial in the US that laid the way to the first legislations in the matter. Because back in those days, insurance companies didn't want to inssure people with health issues, so they found ways to know who had health issues by spying on them (I mean logical right ?, with your mindset I'm sure you understand, how to make money if people paying for a service actually needs that service and use it ?). And btw wait to see what "they" do with those connected objects that monitor your health, that's gonna be fun, and you won't have the right to complain on that one, since it's all good for you.
    Or let's talk about child labor, right ? I mean in France first legislation limiting child labor was 1840 for child younger than 8 years old, 1870 for child younger than 12 and almost 50 more years for child younger than 14. Evidently, in those days when the child worked in the mines and factories, well the economy needed it, and for people in your mindset it's obvious that we couldn't go against "progress", the companies leading the industry had to have those little hands at their disposal.
    I read the same arguments against the end of slavery. Or the women rights to vote and to handle their own bank account. With no one going against the system, no days off, labor legislation, unions, better salaries or right for anything to anyome except the rich really.
    And there wouldn't be the society of consumers we know today, with computers tv and smartphone to monitor, because well no one except a couple of billionaire would have been able to afford any of the goods we all enjoy today in the west.
    We had to have social progress to come along with technical and economical progress, and it finally did but not thanks to you and people like you, not thanks to the way things evolve naturally, but because men and women fought hard and long for it. Those people were always a minority fighting against the system.
    You keep on refering to history and evolution but you are definitely on the wrong side of it, mate.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2016
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  16. LoveKavi

    LoveKavi Kapellmeister

    Jan 3, 2016
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    London, UK.
    Here we go... putting me in a box... "your mindset' etc.... What i've been saying is, it was always going to happen. How do you avoid this? avoid your smartphone? avoid most the sites you have passwords and emails to. avoid this and that etc... It's not like my mindset is stuck in a place where I want this all to happen... It's not like you're doing anything to help solve these problems as well? Or are you? You can talk about the rich too and put them in a box, but may not see their grind to get where they are, regardless of their financial status. You're just generalising a whole bunch of people because they don't act or think like you. Because no one's views match yours, they are all wrong. No thanks to me and people like me, huh? How do you know what I do in real life? What can YOU do to change this all then? Because i'm intrigued. You can avoid W10 all you like, but at what point when you're almost forced to shift to something new do you say, no I will not be doing this... From our phones to our cars, everything will become globalised completely. I can see that happening. I've seen these people that the 'system' is against, and the get through it and play the game and become stronger. Seen it in my own family. But everyone seems to know the future, how things will turn out, how these medical devices attached to us with all this information will effect us etc... But these people seem to think they're helping the World by not giving into things such as W10, but still do things that effect the World in horrible ways. I mean eating meat has become a bigger concern, but many people won't care about that? People seem to think doing 10% is enough. Unless you're doing everything you can to stop the 'system' then there's no point in trying.
  17. Jasmine

    Jasmine Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Nassau, Bahamas
    @LoveKavi To answer your question:

    In any case Win 10 has to be avoided, as long as possible. But this is not enough.
    Telling people like the initial thread creator the truth about Win 10 is another thing we can do.

    I do this since last year and guess have learned to avoid polemic- presenting facts mainly.
    Avoiding personal infringements and polemic is important, because this is a serious threat and has to be as transparent as possible.

    I suggest, funny illustrations are allowed.


    Funny too (or not so funny): Tracking Likes of videos which title changed to 'Joining ISIS'.

    Some will never use it.

    Answer: Yes, and they will give it away on request by US law enforcement
    - without your explicit permission, because it's US - Law (Patriot Act) and you already confirmed by EULA to it.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2016
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  18. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    @LoveKavi This is not me being polemic at all. It's not an attack, I'm stating something that you admit although you phrase it differently, you should just own the implications of your ideology. Because mixing the fact that technology evolves with what we do with those technological evolutions, and presenting these ACTIONs as an unavoidable result predetermined by the discovered technologies, is an ideology.
    That's what you're defending here, you're not being pragmatic, you're not stating the obvious and the rational choice, much, much less the GOOD choice, the one that would be ethic.
    What was the reaction in front of the "unavoidable" intrusive Google Glass ? People just said back off to it, and the fanatics obsessed with monitoring the population couldn't say and do anything about it.
    It's the same battle that is going on with the win 10 bullcrap right now, and it might take longer, but your side will loose again. Because it is a battle, and you have chosen a side my friend, you're a pusher for the system, a promoter big time. But you're still a minority and a loosing one, which is what makes you so mad and so insistant on selling your junks no one wants.
    The wind is turning. The revelations on the billions of fraud those companies put in place to escape taxes from the states and avoid any financial input to the community - like anyone earning big time selling crap should - are waking up people ; the snowden, greenswald, wikipedia, etc, revelations on the purposes of what's being done by those companies is also waking up people.
    In fact this whole topic shows that your CHOICES remain choices that most people disagree with.
    And don't worry about what I'm doing on an everyday basis to change things, you don't know me either.
    One thing I'll do is keep on giving change on every one of your sorry excuses for promoting the spying of the entire population by a few crazy moguls who believe a little too much in their own bullshit. That will be my little gesture for the cause on this forum. :wink:
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2016
  19. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
    Microsoft pays out $10,000 for forcing Windows 10 on California woman

    The owner of a California-based travel agency has received a $10,000 settlement from Microsoft after a forced Windows 10 upgrade rendered her computer unusable.

    The installation not only failed, Goldstein says, but also slowed down her computer, leading to days of lost business. After failing to get help from Microsoft's customer support, she took the company to court.

    Following the interest that this case generated, Teri now has a class action lawsuit starting against Microsoft in both the US and Canada. It's also hard to imagine that more people won't be inspired to do much the same, so Microsoft could well find itself in court again.

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  20. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
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