Microsoft to stop producing Windows versions

Discussion in 'PC' started by foster911, Jun 5, 2016.

  1. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @Trevor Gordon Think of it this way: how much of a pussy are we, that when a man/organization does something against our consent, we just bitch like little old ladies? Universally, in the Western world, men have 0.25 or 25% (or less) free testosterone than men in the early 1900s. It's not by magic, it ain't evolution, it's scientific. What do you think those men in the 1900s would have done differently?

    Having things you own, act against your self interest (or being told Samsung owns a copyright so you can't shut off it's spyware not just listening to you but video streaming whatever is in front of the screen; or not being allowed to mod your car for the same reason, etc.) is as much an attack on you as someone walking over to you and hitting you in the forehead with a hammer. Yet, we just bitch. For an older man like me, it's shocking how violent our corporatism (nice way to say fascism) can be to it's customers/serfs/slaves, and it just doesn't matter to the customers/serfs/slaves.

    Bilderberg, is more a "fun" get away, where they chase male prostitutes through the woods, literally roll in human feces in a large pit, worship an Owl, and burn a baby* all done with the seriousness of a religious experience.
    Davos, where at least in my country is illegal for our politicians to attend, but do, is even more dangerous, and whatever real meetings we don't know about. Like the one in Silicon Valley I think late 1990s where they decided what to do with all the ppl they don't need now due to automation (It wasn't give them computer games and meds, that's what they're doing was parsimonious: kill them all).
    Hasn't anyone else noticed how the "elite" or ruling/political classes just publicly flout their own laws (the ones us plebs have to follow)? That is new, they used to make an effort to appear fair, not anymore, and there's a reason for that. We don't matter, to them we're already dirt.

    Politics has always been "acting for ugly ppl," now they don't even have to put on the show.

    Do you think the protesting in France matters to the government and the corporations they protect? Obviously not, cause if they did, the protests would be crushed. I mean media blackout, cellphones/internet interrupted kinda crushed. Idk how much those protests are being used by the ppl new to the country to convert the nation to another member state of the caliphate, or not. I can't tell if the UK or France will be the first theocracy of the EU. Maybe a Scandinavian country will fall first, I have bets with hundreds of ppl, so I'll make like 20 bucks (I bet 25 cents/each) if I'm right.

    When a government uses terrorism, it virtually always attacks it's citizens (e.g., Reichstag fire a rare exception, for a rare occasion) When "real" terrorism happens, they attack a part of the government apparatus. Everyone knows about the admitted NATO run "Operation Gladio," right? 9/11 attacked government/financial and plebs at the same time, so idk, and idk if anyone will know wtf that was truly about. All we do know, 20/20 hindsight, was the US politicos lied about the reasons for all the wars, and attacked the wrong countries, even if we were to believe what they did say, then said correcting themselves, then said that's old stuff, it doesn't matter anymore.

    What does all this have to do with win10? Microsoft decided they don't have to sell us anything anymore. You want to use ur computer, you use their stuff or be left out. A version of the politicos not needing to even make a show anymore. Well when we have to allow our computers/terminals to monitor our intimate body functions by mandate and no one does anything but bitches, win10 has the infrastructure to track that.
    That again is old, 2011, they have better stuff now, waiting to be implemented, like, no joke, the "Patriot Act" was written in the 1980s, ready to go, at the right time. Now it's just a marketing issue.

    *reportedly an effigy, idts. Baby sacrifice for "light bringer" worshipers have a very specific purpose of being the vessel of all their sins, so they can continue thinking it's ok. The state organs/media poo poos religion, but they take their satanism very seriously...which would make no sense if it was just a fairytale. They literally think they reincarnate and plan in 100 year cycles.)
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2016
  2. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Indeed. I noticed that, too, as I'm a regular on more than a few of the best known computer forums. How hard it is for Microsoft to have a team of shills who post only positive things about Windows 10 on these forums? Pay them $10 per positive post and you've got yourself a boatload of great propaganda for your OS, for peanuts. I have no doubts they're doing that. :sad:

    Hell, if I was a MS CEO I would do it! Just about a 100 of people who post on all the most prominent forums should be enough. probably less. Then you add the MS fanboys and normal people who just happen to like it on top of that, and you have an army of people who create positive propaganda for MS.

    People are sheep by nature and they like to follow a trend, be a part of a following of some kind, so such propaganda works big time. Also, MS have tons of money to spare and this is a great investment. :sad:
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2016
  3. Jasmine

    Jasmine Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Nassau, Bahamas
    Agreed, but probably there are more idiots out there then propagandists- who prepare there glory postings just for free.:wink:
  4. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Absolutely! :rofl:

    Regarding your link, I also *so* hope Vulkan will make it as the best API for games, as it is platform agnostic, so we could have computer games across all platforms that perform about the same on all of them. :wink: I would really like to setup a PC only for gaming with one of those ridiculous 3-fan VGAs. :rofl: I'm far from being a gamer but I like to play a game here and there, once a month, to get away from everything for a while [usually when I buy pot... lol]. :wink:
  5. xectis

    xectis Noisemaker

    Sep 20, 2013
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    Totally agree. Whoever creates this 'AudioOS' will become very famous. In the meantime take a look at ReactOS which is slowly gathering ground:
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  6. xectis

    xectis Noisemaker

    Sep 20, 2013
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    Whoever comes out with a 100% AudioOS will reap the rewards. Meantime there's a new kid on the block gathering momentum:
  7. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Watched some videos of ReactOS.Still about 10 years away from being useful for music production.
  8. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Unfortunately I have to completely agree. I've been following ReactOS' development since ~mid 2000's. It's still far from becoming a viable option for making audio with it. ASIO, you know... That will probably be the last thing they're going to implement. Nobody gives an ant's fart about computer musicians. All they want to run in their OSes is am Internet browser, some kind of office crappy apps, a photo editor, and a music/video player. You can do all that with any OS. I use Linux for all that, but when it comes to making music I still simply have to use bloody Windows.
  9. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    And for that, recent Windows need whopping 25GB on your hard drive.
    Mind you, for all those tasks, Raspberry Pi 3 is in fact satisfactory. :wink:
  10. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    The closest we've ever been to having a somewhat audio and video oriented real-time OS was BeOS. It is making a come back now, but I don't think BeOS will ever be as good and as widely used as it was. :sad:
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  11. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    LOL yeah! I was just browsing Banana and Orange PIs today. Thinking of buying one. $20... for a quad core A7 with 1GB RAM and 8GB storage. I mean... it's practically given out for free. :winker: It's got SATA, HDMI, Ethernet, Wi-Fi... just wow! Powerful enough for browsing and all that crap.
  12. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Load OpenELEC, Raspbian and RetroPIE through NOOBS and it's perfect workstation for watching FullHD content (even h265 is supported up to 720p), retro gaming, internet browsing and office tasks. All that for a little over $40 and under 3.5W of power consumption.
    I'm thinking of actually going that far as to leave RPi as my only internet-ready computer.
  13. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Of course the guys who are laughing will be those with DAW-dedicated pcs/macs that are never connected to the internet.