Omnisphere 2

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Ockthedamshadow, Jun 9, 2016.

  1. Ockthedamshadow

    Ockthedamshadow Newbie

    Jun 9, 2016
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    I paid the extra for the download. After downloading I still am stuck trying to open and figuring out how to get it to work. I downloaded it from the spectrasonics site. Never used this vst before so any help I would appreciate. I see a lot of people talking about cd etc I don't have cd I downloaded about 60gb of stuff from the site just can not get anywhere with it. Please help!!! Thanks in advance!!!
  3. Sonny Crockett

    Sonny Crockett Kapellmeister

    Oct 1, 2015
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    You should get with it a manual with it including all the istructions for installation and everything else I think. Even more if you're getting it in the legal way. But in any case you should give more detail about your situation, for example where you got stucked, because installation is like any other VST. Nothing really uncommon.
  4. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    They CHARGE extra for a DOWNLOAD?? WOW.
  5. Ockthedamshadow

    Ockthedamshadow Newbie

    Jun 9, 2016
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    It is legitimate. I paid for it. I downloaded from the site. I am stuck at what to do next. I have followed instructions from the manual and website. I am confused on what to do after I download and click finish. I don't see it in none of my DAW's. Just need some instructions that are user friendly for someone who is not a computer person.
  6. Ockthedamshadow

    Ockthedamshadow Newbie

    Jun 9, 2016
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  7. Ockthedamshadow

    Ockthedamshadow Newbie

    Jun 9, 2016
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    It is legitimate. I paid for it. I downloaded from the site. I am stuck at what to do next. I have followed instructions from the manual and website. I am confused on what to do after I download and click finish. I don't see it in none of my DAW's. Just need some instructions that are user friendly for someone who is not a computer person.
  8. Sonny Crockett

    Sonny Crockett Kapellmeister

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Hmm it's weird that you say that like you never dealt with any vst. I installed the latest version not so long ago and if memory serves there was an installer, this first installs the dll (which is the vst so you can open it in your daw once you refresh the plugin list) and next step is to install the library. After that it should be done I guess. I had to do couple things more after this installation because mine was pirated so I had to crack it but yours ir original so there shouldn't be anything like that, what would come next should be the activation, but if you bought it then you have everything you need in order to activate it.
    This may give you a hand hopefully:

  9. I guess that we live and learn. I hope that Sony Crockett's link got you where you need to be.

    When I bought Omnisphere I refused the offer of the download or the older disk version with the download upgrade because if I remember correctly, our friend Cavaliers Emp warned me off of anything but the thumb drive version. The vendor kept telling me that it was the same thing. I persisted, waited a few days and he came up with the new box/thumb drive version for me at an incredible price. There was no way I was going to pay $140 more for the download as it made no sense to me at all.

    So...Did you point your DAW at the correct folder to start with? Come back and let us know where you're at.
  10. Ockthedamshadow

    Ockthedamshadow Newbie

    Jun 9, 2016
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    I'm using studio one the most. Maybe I am supposed to open steam folder. I will try again and post pictures. This my first vst that I will attempt to install.
    i only paid 10$ for the download but I bought the box version with that funny looking credit card drive
  11. Just saying. I paid $359 for it and on the website they are asking $499.

    And yes, you need to point the Omnisphere Vst at the folder where you keep your Steam folder. Mine lives on an external SSD all by itself. I had no problems installing it and I am not the ripest apple in the barrel, LOL. I hope you get it working soon, I think that it is a really great thing, this Omnisphere.
  12. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    @superliquidsunshine as I recall, it was Omni v1 with a 'free upgrade'. Very well may have been legit, but I wouldn't want to be in a position to count on Spectrasonics to honor a free upgrade deal that wasn't officially sanctioned by their website. All this due to what I still think are fairly nasty business practices such as charging people who bought a $500 synth to download it, $50 license transfer fees, secondhand copies don't get upgrade pricing, the same copy can't be resold twice. etc. So, having already been acquainted with Spectrasonics's 'generosity', I advised against the upgrade. As far as we know, it might have precluded you from getting upgrade pricing someday... or something...

    We might be able to help if this guy would tell us what exactly is the problem. "I can't install it" doesn't tell me much and I don't feel like writing a play-by-play.
  13. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

  14. Yea, @Cav Emp, thanks again for the friendly outstretched hand. I'm glad to have listened to your sage advice. I am sure that it will pay off in spades further on down the line.
  15. Ockthedamshadow

    Ockthedamshadow Newbie

    Jun 9, 2016
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    Ok so I got it to work properly in studio one. I didn't find the installer at first. Thanks for all the sound advice and links guys! FL studio couldn't find it. But I'm beat so I will try it later. Most important part is that it now works. Thanks again!
  16. Ockthedamshadow

    Ockthedamshadow Newbie

    Jun 9, 2016
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