Files erase from external hard drive

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Pnitty1212, Jun 2, 2016.

  1. Pnitty1212

    Pnitty1212 Newbie

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Hey guys,
    I am hoping someone can help. I am using mac el capitan with a external that is mac and pc compatible (using paragon).. My hard drive has been acting very strange lately.
    First noticed the other day... I had about 100 gb of downloads and other files that i had on my desktop. I put them all into one folder named: desktop clusterfuck... I dragged that folder to my hard drive and it completely transferred, but it was greyed out.. I had to make an alias in order to go into it.

    The next weird thing that happened. I have a folder in my hard drive called "drums", which it would not let me delete even if I batch mod it. The drums folder was empty. I spent about 20 hours organizing all of my drums and presets and had them stored in a folder named, "drums and presets".. I dragged the drums and presets folder into the drums folder on my external, and it just disappeared... no where to be found any where.

    I was digging around in terminal and I see that my hard drive has multiple volumes inside of it (maybe 3-4).
    I am wondering how i might be able to use terminal not only to list the volumes and every file on them.. but also, how can i actually use terminal to open or transfer those files back to my internal so i can sort through them and properly restore them.

    Any suggestions?

  3. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Your HDD is done.
    Save what you can and replace with a new one.Do it asap.
  4. ingehai

    ingehai Noisemaker

    Oct 16, 2015
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    How many times i heard that when problems comes,it can be a lot of other things going on,google around my friend...
  5. alecardokpo

    alecardokpo Newbie

    Dec 13, 2011
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    Just repair disc with paragon in "System Preferences"