So EDM is NOT Just for Raves?

Discussion in 'general discussion' started by jeffglobal, Jun 7, 2016.

  1. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    I was going thru some songs going from Charlie Puth to Alan Walker. Then I noticed Alan Walker is more an EDM guy and then I saw this:

    Now this DJ concert (?) started in the day time outside. Which I assume does not allow the crowd to use drugs. So I'm watching, and the crowd, the DJ, are all incredibly joyful and I'm overwhelmed.

    Yes, I've been in a cave while not under a rock and a hard place but, wtf is this? So artists allow their music to be played by DJs to huge crowds? Not just clubs and stuff, but like when the artists used to play to large crowds? Ppl do enjoy this music without drugs, or not just as a means of a constructed situation to hook up with a stranger? What does the heart symbol being made in the video represent, I thought it was a reference to the feeling while on ecstasy? No?

    Thank you for any insight.
  3. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Not condone.Yes, but not allow, I seriously doubt that. Drugs have been part of dance culture for decades, from the people who make it, to the people who dance to it. These festivals are no different in that respect to most clubs.
  4. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    There is drugs there. They don't recommend it, but the crowds don't give a shit.
    That said, I bet Bill Cosby's been to a few of those raves. :wink:
  5. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Nope. You can do what many people and play it when your in the bathroom and accidentally flush your car keys down the toilet and there's a long line full of people waiting to use that same bathroom stall. So while you're looking for your keys in the toilet pipes you gotta scare away the line by convincing them that you've got a bad bowel problem. What better way to do it then play "Wubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwuwoowoowubwubwabababababababababababaababababwabwabwabwabwabeeebweebeweeb" while the line stands around and thinks "Holy shit, is this dude alright? How much frickin' jalapeno poppers and whiskey did this asshole consume last night?"? There is no better way.

    All you have to do to sound like an American EDM star is get one of those $0.99 fart piano apps for your phone and just play "Twinkle twinkle little star", and then record the sound of you beating your ex girlfriend to death with a sledgehammer (a la a drum beat). Voila! Enjoy your millions! Lol
  6. pehierre

    pehierre Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2011
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    EDM is for car and make up commercials
  7. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    I posted this in some other thread:
    If you want to see what electronic music is about, an insight into diverse scene full of history, I have something to watch for you:

    How it's like in my hometown:

    The scene around the world:

    And this is what festivals look like apart from the mainstream edm marketing machinery: of gondwana 2014 festival

    The techno scene really is a nice place to be.
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  8. Crater

    Crater Ultrasonic

    Jun 25, 2014
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    EDM or EDM? Please be more specific when using that term...
    If you'r talking about EDM as a genre it's not for raves, it's for Disney Channel...
    If you'r talking about EDM as all dance music scene, then be more specific about the genres, and please don't call a "DJ concert"/festival by a rave...
  9. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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  10. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    i ve no dought everone is charged off their nutzz in that pic...
    Of course theres drugs ,as mr impressive stated...If it wasnt for the drugs, i ask myself if the initial "acid" scene back in 88 or so wouldve grown into /acid house /tekno/hardcore>rave/jungle/jungle tek/Happy Hardcore/dnb etc etc over those inital first 10 years between say 88 and 98.....
    Personally while i wont advocate the use of drugs on here, i genuinley dont think that the "EDM" scene as i just described it would even exist in the way in which it does now without em.......
    Im not talking about what most of us would call edm " my view of Toy Town edm in this commercial sense is your typical Chart like 4/4 kinda electro or tranceyish stuff" ......
    Thats not to say i dont enjoy a bit of both coz i do...Just not the cheesy commercial elements.....

    I do agree about the term "edm" basically being of sorts a maketing concept, "And doesnt reflect all electronicaly produced music at all!"... Apologies if i seem jaded...
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2016
  11. Exidus

    Exidus Rock Star

    Dec 21, 2014
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    In fact, the psy-scene makes much more colorful and friendly festivals ;)
    On the first big techno events I was, there was a HUGE wall of speakers (usually more than 250 kW) and the DJ was playing in a separate closed house 200m behind the stage. No contact with the audience except for the small tracking camera, mounted on the speaker wall.

    Last edited: Jun 7, 2016
  12. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    What event was that? I'm entangled with techno since the mid 1990s and have been around the block a few times. I have never heard of or experienced such an occurance.
  13. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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  14. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Ok, ty guys. So this is gonna take me a while to understand. The idea that Acid House, was from using acid, is simple, and yet simply overlooked by me¹. I looked at the flickr pics, and I wonder how much is putting on a show for others, like the old days of putting on your best and going to church on Sundays, and how much of the expression is "real." Like is burning man, "real?" I watched a documentary about it, and my read was way more wannabes than ppl being actual artists and expressing something that is something other's would benefit from observing/participating in.]

    @Exidus I don't understand the intention of that scene, unless they're trying to find enlightenment on weekends? Idk. It took me a ~year meditating more than 8 hrs a day*...and all that it did, was make me find my way back home, i.e., it's easy to have equanimity in a cave, not so simple on a bus. (Wanderlust...I tried to find the original German word I wanted to use, and "wanderlust" was translated as itchy feet! ha! That IS the search for enlightenment!)

    I also thought, given the feminist creation of the male woman, the only way she could find relief would be threw the excuse of using drugs like MDMA² to allow herself to feel kindness toward men, even if it's just for a night. Then going on a cleanse.³

    Are the experience of the various genres of dance music and the drug scene approached differently by men and women? Are men there just because that's where the girls are, because they like to dance, or get wasted or what? Is the apparent covertness of the venues (which can't be covert if ppl are using any electronic communication) and participation in a special grp important?

    Does anyone know how ppl relate to the whole phenomenon that grew from the mid/late 1980s in isolated groups, to now the venture capitalist bought out scene.⁴

    How do I even find non corp homogenized music to listen to but a few posted by @fraifikmushi, cause as I try ad hoc and find things sound really similar.⁵

    No one told me what the heart shape was, but I assume you guys saying drugs were there, implies what that meant.

    Human Traffic is "banned in my country" of the USSA on youtube.
    ¹I thought it was well known LSD was a failed CIA drug experiment but, to each their own, as long as I don't get chased by a guy with an axe thinking he's an orange and I'm a fly trying to eat him so I have to die.
    ²in combo at times with lsd, meth, cocaine, ketamine, Vicks doesn't count, or a pacifier, pacifiers are really cute in some Japanese school girl uniform kinda way to women wearing my shirts...or calling me daddy.
    ³you guys notice how women like to "cleanse" alot, right? They got "dirty" somehow...
    ⁴I read of at least one guy with a billion dollars that started in 2013 to just buy all the properties and talent he could, I'm not sure if it's the same one now reported to be going bankrupt...
    ⁵I suspect, I have a tin ear, (suffering from some form of Korean effect):

    there is no significant difference (I've been listening to dub step and trap for example) and then various forms of trance...Are genres defined by a specific 808 or one type of FX? Is female vocal trance significantly different than other trance music that doesn't use female vocals? Is Epic (Uplifting) Trance significantly different to even give it a different name? I think of them as all different flavors of the same thing. I promise you I have perfect pitch (at least when I played the clarinet in a "symphonic band" in HS, cause they tested me, and as a guitarist that likes to play baroque stuff, given women wanted to sleep with me again after listening (nfw, seamen (sic) vampires) to me practicing, wasting time at work. (govt jobs are awesome).
    *Total of 8 years meditating, but ~1 year I just had enough and got serious. Or so I thought.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2016
  15. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Really, Use a VPN if you haven't seen, it's considered to be a classic where I come from.

    Not really If you're into a certain scene then, that's the main attraction whether you're male or female.

    I guess that depends on the individual. For me, It was primarily for the music and to dance. If the music was not what I liked to dance to, then I wouldn't go. Also, I have a low tolerance for drunk macho dickheads when I'm clubbing. To solve that problem I clubbed on the gay club scene, as those types are to scared to go in or would be refused entry. The music was better, as were the biscuits. The people were friendlier(none of the dickheads you'd find in the straight clubs) and the girls were so much more fun to be around.

    Didn't really met any whist clubbing; lots of lesbians and dykes though. We were all as comfortable together sitting in the pub having a chilled pint as we were in the club off our tits.

    As I said, it's about dancing and the music, or it used to be. If I want to be in crowd of people jumping up and down looking at a stage, I'll go to a rock concert. I prefer to dance in more intimate spaces like clubs, or festivals where people are there to dance and interact with each other, not scream and stare at some tit on the stage.

    Just a gimmick.

    Found this site has a lot of more underground non big label stuff. you can listen to snippets of the tracks, then google what tickles your fancy.,u~3208/xe/charts.html#/Pagination/ex/s~charts,u~3208,p1~,p2~,p3~,p4~,page~10/xe/show.html

    This list has some interesting stuff, but as you start to get near the top ten it's the usual suspects.

    Must admit this one appeals to me.

    The 808 was the first affordable to the masses good drum machine. Chicago House, Electro Hip Hop were built around this machine, so the modern forms of these styles tend to still use them, or similar sounds. The 909 came out and was incorporated into the early Techno and uptempo House music, or the 707. It's more difficult now as a lot of genres are an amalgamation of two or more old ones, or a subtle variation of the original genre.
  16. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    You cannot get a grasp about what this is about from the internet, videos and documentaries. You have to go there. You have to be there.
    Btw., acid house has as much to do with lsd as acid jazz.

    I take it you're German? I could point you to some places to go so you can experience what this scene is about. And believe me, it doesn't matter if you're old, if you're young, if you're lgbt, if you're black, white or pink. As long as you're a kind and open minded person you will feel welcome.

    I don't think I understand what you are writing and implying here and frankly it reads kinda like masculinist-tinfoil-hat stuff.
    What you need to understand about the scene is that it is very different from, say, the discotheque-scenario of the 70s. It's not that girls and boys dress up on the weekend to go out and find romance. We go to the club, to the party, to be free. Period. Granted, there are not as much venues left that can truly live up to that ideal. But the common denominator of the techno scene is that you can be whoever and whatever you want to be, as long as you're not harmful to others, and the party or the club are the place where you can live it out.
    And this is the key to understanding the success of mdma in that context. Any male/female patterns are irrelevant in that context.
    Find here a concise history about the evolution of electronic dance music and its different styles, up to the early 2000s.
    If you still cannot hear the difference after that, there is no hope you will ever.
  17. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    rofl at the lyrics....atlantis,where are you now,under the faded....brilliant!:rofl:
  18. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    If you think there are no drugs at these festivals.
    David Guetta Completely lost @ Tomorrowland 2014, well more completely Twatted!!:rofl:
    Just check out those peepers mate!!:woot:

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  19. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Totally fucked up yet worried people will realise his desk is unplugged.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2016
  20. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Or knowing just how that expression feels. " I need to be sitting down, like now!!!" and if it wasn't for the mixing desk he probably would be.
  21. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @Tecknomage I'll borrow a "backup copy" of the movie from "someone." Thnx for the other links too.

    I was starting with a working assumption, that if a concert was held in the day time, even the cops would be awake and bothering ppl, so I thought there would be less or no drug use, at least initially.

    I've looked up MDMA and it's a type of amphetamine, so that's why ppl that stacked it with meth sometimes drop dead. I'm surprised that would be any worse than stacking with coke. I'd think ppl would do a type of speedball like John Belushi, but I've not done Ecstasy with consent/knowledge...but with pupil dilation, pinpoint is usually opiates, dilated bilateral (really dead) is speed, or that person really likes you...dilated unilaterally idt is ever good. That youtube, with the guy looking like he was having a petit mal seizure (just spacing out, or daydreaming can be a type of seizure...) I can't see his eyes, but I've had patients like him in the back of my ambulance.

    @fraifikmushi Hmmm, ok. I live in NYC, I have at least 1 grandparent Austrian (may be part of Germany now, still have to investigate), maybe two, but I think one just emigrated from Austria taking his horse and going off road at the start of the Bolshevik Revolution (He was a translation officer in the Czar's Army, 11 languages).

    I was too young for the 1970s pre Herpes love, and too old for the right swipe Herpes/HPV (female oral sex causes throat cancer)* love. Idk if it's just me, but women my age look like warmed over death...that's just not gonna happen. If you have to bring Replens™ on a date, u r too old...
    Then I was married for most of this development, my wife being 16 years younger than me (married her 10 days after her 18th birthday), and Hispanic, so I was always plenty busy. I thought, I'd forgo the first wife club, and just get the trophy wife^. PS Don't get a trophy wife, that's like marrying the mistress...never marry the mistress. DNA tests that are court admissible aren't cheap.

    I'm hoping I'll get to see my younger son soon, so then, when I can finally potentially rest from my battle with a rogue state, I'll go to some places but, what would I look for, and what is available? For this "non commercial" EDM version of the scene? Is it like LA in abandoned warehouses still in NYC? Cause the city that never sleeps, sure fk'ing does, I've had ~4 years or so tour 1 (overnights) as a medic and the city mostly goes to sleep, all 5 boros.

    *Most women/girls in the US have now been vaccinated with the Gardesil shot. That is 4 strains of HPV, they are now asymptomatic carriers of, so with that and the CDC, Michael Douglas, to my surprise was right, licking kills. Forget about the skyrocketing STDs now going mainstream in the US. Seattle is number one for Syphilis, good job Seattle. Either way, sadly, I'm prob over my licking limit already, but if I can save one person...
    ^I noticed her sneezing first. She sneezed like this: acho acho acho acho acho acho acho acho acho, etc, in quick succession. Since the "O" reflex and the sneeze reflex are the same pathway, I could appear to her like a god, just by being able to play a great instrument and watching to make sure she keeps breathing...
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2016