Prince died of an accidental fentanyl overdose

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Jasmine, Jun 3, 2016.



  1. Seems plausible.

    16 vote(s)
  2. He was addicted to drugs.

    2 vote(s)
  3. He never died...he was an Alien like Micheal.

    3 vote(s)
  4. He was sacrefied by Jehovah's Witnesses.

    0 vote(s)
  5. Clearly an Illuminati project.

    1 vote(s)
  6. He knew new facts about 9/11 and operation killed by the CIA.

    2 vote(s)
  7. Accidental killed by Chemtrails.

    0 vote(s)
  1. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Accidental, my ass.
  2. Jasmine

    Jasmine Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Nassau, Bahamas
  3. WolwerineBlues

    WolwerineBlues Platinum Record

    Jul 25, 2015
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    They killed him off because he talked to much and offcourse his albums will be good selling product after his death!:guru::rofl:
  4. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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    you think what you want but research is still second hand information, i was working with addicts

    the only way to keep them alive in rehab is to have permanent ekg monitoring together with other vital signs, have emergency medication ready for injection, iv catheter attached already

    most of the time all goes well, but some people need extensive medical care, you can also compare it to surgery aftercare for opiate or dopa drug rehab

    fentanyl is often mixed with heroin to make it seem more potent, it is likely that he was addicted, if someone can afford to be a junkie then it does not necessarily negatively affect their environment, stopping addiction is not so simple

    Can get a bad batch, especially dangerous one takes opiates after rehab as the tolerance goes down, sometimes back to no tolerance at all

    If he was an addict it is likely that he got drugs combined without the doctor noticing, addicts do weird stuff... even if he was Prince

    Fentanyl as individual pharmaceutical grade patches are very safe to use, helped a friend of mine to work with severe toothpain until he could get a doctors appointment

    in any case, none of our business even if you love his music, this is pure speculation, he loved life and lived a great one, we will all vanish

    but feel free to vent your anger and pain at the internet..
  5. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @spacetime But you underscore my read on the situation by repeating: Addicts in rehab can die easy. Prince was in effect in rehab at his house under a doc's care, which turned out unwise, cause he died. Either way I violated my promise to stop, so I keep it short. Ty for letting me vent but, my observations are to the best of my ability and outside testing (military years ago, 99th percentile) spot on. I never piss in the wind if other ppl are with me.
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  6. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    thanks to all for the informative posts, and obviously providing the research both numbers and anecdotal @jeffglobal .... it's a shame... and the reclassification of certain painkillers in the us (vicodin etc), has created a large spike in OD's, death, and getting it off the street.... and from what I hear, fentanyl is used to "cut" heroin, as it can be obtained cheaper, goes a long way, etc... (I have never used any of these, I just have some friends that are drug counselors ).... and with some of the rocket scientists doing this work, i am certainly not surprised someone not knowing the difference between a milligram and a microgram.... so grevious errors can/have/are occurring...

    I wish the $$ on the war on drugs (which has failed pathetically), was put into proper education, health care, and going after the real problems of addiction or the causes that lead to it..... rather then funding/fighting on a political basis certain cartels and governments...

    best to all.
  7. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @sisyphus The truth is always stranger than fiction, because fiction has to be imaginable, but the universe does not*.

    If you use the rule: "If a person is universally lauded by the state media, (s)he is your enemy, universally defamed, (s)he is your ally, and if his/her name dares not be spoken, (s)he's your champion." Nowadays, so far, no fails.

    I also got from my bros: "The government are the criminals," and when you start to watch through that lens, that governments are organized crime, shockingly, much more of what's happening that seems insane, sure makes more sense (at least to me). Using this lens, e.g., the "war on drugs" was a great success.

    *There's known, unknown but discoverable, and unknowable. Hopefully, to us talking chimps, which still can't find 96% of the universe, the unknowable doesn't stay that large...
  8. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    @jeffglobal: i think we are on the same page, perhaps i did not type properly what I was trying to express. .. I was typing from an anecdotal admittedly small sample set of what some addicts (and legitimate patients) are having to do, and as the adage goes: "just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get me".... I did not mean to imply that government is creating these problems per se (...they are to overtly facile in their predilections and partnerships to have a true "secret" agenda... ((remember how before Katrina everyone thought FEMA was black helicopters and x-files etc....not..)) ).... , but current policy is not diverting resources to places I would rather they go... I have seen the hard reality of addiction and drugs and lost many people as you obviously have (and despite my occupation, in YOURS you have seen far more, so I will defer sir)..

    But I would rather the money spent on incarcerating drug users or building "walls" or exhaustively prosecuting otherwise harmless citizens, would be spent on education on said drugs, people in occupations like yours, and developing better data and science to deal with both the etiology of the problem, and the a posteriori consequences and treatment. Even without being an aficionado of vastly liberal media (which I am not...)... and not being in the profession of either delegating or dealing with the problem, it just seems there is a better way.

    I know where I live we are seeing a massive spike in OD's and whatnot as a result of pharmaceutical restrictions (which I get the intent of of course... nothing worse then a "rock doc" handing out oxycontin to every idiot with a perceived pain...)... and with the lack of proper education and people not realizing tolerance increase etc, well, seems like they are going to the streets... and that always ends well....(not imho)...
  9. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Well, my current read of psychology and psychiatry (with my psychiatrist scarily agreeing with) is witchdoctory [which isn't a word]. He describes it more as, "a funnel my paradigm forces me into, not unlike what was happening in the former USSR" I told him, I'd laugh more, but fk me, fk all of us, really. I said you know psychiatrists were used mostly if not only as a weapon of the state, in the USSR, right? He said yes. I said, you agree, without government payments, psychiatry/psychology would go out of business on it own in the US? He said, yes. I said, then wtf?

    The doc (same doc) wanted me to do "intakes" and pre-interviews on the days he does his charitable work of seeing medicaid patients and I did it a few times, but it's just too draining for me. Unfortunately, my medic-patient disposition must have gotten rave reviews because he kept on asking me to come to the office, but I had to say it's just too hard on me. But, I got to see the general range of problems that get presented, and dude and dudettes, it's either the situation, that if it's not changed you stay fk'd, or it's you and no matter the situation, you stay fk'd. There's no magic pill, there's no magic koan that will solve the problem.

    I have to manage at least for a little while longer, my frustration of at first watching the misandrist Family Court from afar, to personal experience of a many year attack of fiction, finally maybe getting even a court date on June 28th. So, since I can't change the situation, and I can't take on 45,000 police officers of NYC, since I'm one guy, I have to manage my rage some way. I was taught, at least growing up, you're innocent until proven guilty. NFW, you are guilty until proven innocent. The state must have missed I'M A FK'ing MATHEMATICIAN and I can do that*! So for me, only because I had 10 years of disrupted sleep (ty wifey) and I would drop dead from the stress, I bailed and take a "forget me yes drug," such that I don't remind myself ad nauseam, my government acts no different than it was in The Salem Witch Trials, in the 21st century. But that med doesn't "help," it only delays. I know it will have permanent brain damaging affects, but even I need to be able to stand down, once a decade.

    Treatment of addicts depending on drug is almost useless. Cocaine, changes the brain chemistry permanently, MDMA, the same but different system, (and they can't learn anymore woo hoo!) and the drug itself isn't important really, it's the frailty or broken machine of a person that needs fixing. Our current medical state has no fk'ing clue what to do. My first introduction to that was with a woman I knew for a total of nine years (I thought of her as my first wife that wasn't). Five years in she went blind in one eye. It turned out to be MS. I watched her wither away, partly from the steroids they gave her "as treatment" I searched ALL the medical literature, they had NOTHING. It's worse watching a person die than yourself dying, btw.

    They can hardly find a HTN med that doesn't shoot men in their little head (impotence) or make them bald which is even funnier, and then they complain about compliance issues. It's all a dog and pony show like the TSA Security Theater, that fails every test missing 95% of the test bombs/knives/guns, while they make a little old lady take off her adult diaper in public.

    That's why they can't allow that a doc and his treatment killed the artist formerly known as Prince. No more Theater.

    *No, I'm not saying I can prove a negative but, I can certainly destroy easily falsified assertions and I did, exposing state criminality. Big deal, the best I can do still, is manage and minimize the damage already done. I'm not putting my sons at risk because court agents faked testimony of theirs, and if having them still around to say, "wtf, we never said that" is too risky, that's easy to solve, no?
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
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  10. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    why do people treat 'celebrity' deaths as if the subject is some sort of vulnerable children? both prince and michael jackson were very astute, knowing people, there is no way they were unaware of the risks they ran by choosing to live a certain way ( i know they were both mature adults when they died, but you will never see these people as old, so they remain as children in history).. and there is 100% no way they did not understand the consequences of their choices. addicts can be the most industrious, mendacious and conniving people when it comes to cultivating and maintaining their 'fix' of choice.
    i also believe that with Prince people do not want to believe he is anything but a victim. when people die of overdoses they are seen as a victim and deeply unfortunate ones at that ( 'cut of in their prime - how dreadful) but the plain fact is they were instrumental in their own demise. i love prince but i have to look at the things that aren't so likeable or comforting like being in the jehovah witness, that's a fucked up choice right there.. and his musical star was in the descendant, so much so he had to take painkillers in a mammoth scale because 57 year old men who jump about the stage for several hours at a time in high heels can expect to get some pretty dire physical consequences.
    but as ai say, his overdose will be forgotten fairly quickly ( after all he died from o/d'ing on a prescription drug so that makes it less egregious at least he never died on 'criminal' and dirty drugs like heroin... etc
  11. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    that is the nub of the matter.
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  12. Jasmine

    Jasmine Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Nassau, Bahamas
    I guess, If you are a superstar over decades, it's very very difficult to stay clear in your mind- for everyone.

    Looking to famous actors (I worked for some time in such a local business), half of them are really crazy, no normal persons anymore, because of there engaging role-switching. That's often the price they pay for being famous.

    For me Michael and Prince were ingenious and a gift for the whole world, but they both were living in there own dimension, without any real grounding (so to say, lost in space of fame, as self created total work of art).

    At that point they were not only artists. They were kids too, because the could stay as kids.
    Actually it's a big privilege.

    But we know, this can be very dangerous.

    I think, to be famous is a little bit like consume of LSD or other heavy stuff.
    Some people never leave the trip again, because there is a disposition in there mind/soul, regardless of the reasons.

    PS: Prince had to take a non-single-bed-room in the hospital, and listen to the doctors.
    So fatally simple and so sad.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
  13. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Well now I believe we are starting to diverge in opinion (all good..) ... and understanding about your stated ex-employment and situation, I can only try and understand what you have seen and dealt with...and all respect to that.... And I have had more then one person die in my arms unfortunately.

    But I personally believe that even IF those preliminary drug studies demonstratively prove your assumed point, (which they are far from), treatment of addicts is FAR from useless.

    I work with both counselors and ex-addicts, all of whose lives have either changed or changed others. And contributed a lot. I'm really glad they didn't just get put in jail, or shoot themselves. Reductio ad absurdum, watching an episode of the "sopranos", or playing a video game, or listening to a certain song could change your brain chemistry permanently as well. Anything experienced phenomenologically can.

    Our current medical "system" may have a piss poor way of dealing with it, but surrender, or writing off people who have done drugs "once" as irreparable is simply not a real life option. Everyone experiences frailty, and that does not make them a broken machine. I choose to think of that as part of the human experience, and at it's best has delivered wonderful insights to the human narrative. I personally do not believe we were designed by an omnipotent being to be perfection on instantiation.

    Trying to attain better, help others and strive to find a solution are the only options possible.

    or we can lay down and die.

    I imagine that someone who has made your occupational decisions surely must have more compassion or understanding then blanket write-offs of a large part of our society, who for the most part, have come out the other end and contributed to the greater whole.