Upgrading to window 10

Discussion in 'PC' started by james123, May 14, 2016.

  1. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Winner! :cool: :wink:

    On topic, it's really nice to see that at least some people do care about making music more than what OS they run. :wink: Even though it might not seem so, I am pretty much OS agnostic. All I care about is not having problems of any kind and simplicity of usage. Sometimes I work after having smoked some weed, or drank some wine... you know - things have to be simple and stable to be able to work normally. :winker:
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2016
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  2. Caldera

    Caldera Platinum Record

    Jul 24, 2012
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    One of the biggest advantages is that WIN10 is so much better in handling the reported latency of audio plugins without using a daw. They really worked this out at last!! WIN10 is a fantastic OS. Till this day my system NEVER crashed.
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  3. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Do you want to change computers with me for a week? I clearly remember when WIN10 was a fantastic OS and I want to experience that magical moment once again.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2016
  4. Caldera

    Caldera Platinum Record

    Jul 24, 2012
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    At least do I need more details than this quote. I'm a Windows specialist, perhaps I can help you out?
  5. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Well it was working great until one of their daily updates threw a spanner into the works. M$ are going too far too fast. I speak as a software engineer with knowledge of these things. The tail is wagging the dog.
  6. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Shame I only use Windows to run a DAW with ASIO then, eh? That is the only purpose of Windows for me. :winker:

    I'm not interested in audio in VLC having lower latency while playing songs or videos, and having 100 more background processes that only impair real-time audio performance. There is no way an OS with more background processes can be better for real-time audio. No way. That's like saying you can drink more beer while making out with your wife and neighbour's wife at the same time, than the guy who only drinks beer. :wink:

    edit: 30 years of audio making with computers here. 20 years with PC [10 with Atari and Mac], assembling and installing them, and of working as tech support for studios around here. Not bragging, just putting the facts straight.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2016
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  7. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @rotong How do I get windows media player to stop loggin in to a remote site when I'm not even using wmp? How do I get my computer to stop using wifi when I have an "indication" in the system tray that it is off? How do I get Windows Live to not log into a remote server, just by my action of loggin on? How can I uninstall Windows Live without Windows bricking my computer? How do I forgo the slow conversion of my machine to Win 10 without my approval/permission/knowledge, if I was an ordinary person? How can I get "TrustedInstaller" to stop installing things I didn't authorize? How do I get GW[whatever] and it's mates GW*helper, etc. from sending statistics to microsoftON and having it get sent back slowly, in such a way an ordinary user would notice less, Win10 OS without my authorization? How do I find out wtf a specific svchost.exe is doing, cause I see no reason it needs to be running such a big whatever when I just log in with all the others and the primary svchost.exe already running "normally?"

    The only way I did it, was to put GW? in computer jail, I blinded and made TrustedInstaller deaf. I have no issues now except for the OS complaining it can't slowly "upgrade" my lump of PC into the more advance surveillance device, I'm waiting for the biometric chip I'll have to use that will report my biomarkers so the computer will know when to flush me down the toilet when my good worker days are over.
    and it's not a new intention as you can see. A link to the patents are in the article.

    How does it feel @rotaong to be working for the light bringer? Do you aspire to be a Google employee and partake in their new mission statement: Focus on the User, the rest will follow [Hail Satan]? That was a big change in focus from: "Do no harm."

    Hey, the "good" ol' days of the crack epidemic and maybe the start of Herpes (thank god I was NOT a medic then, they were working their asses off and in danger a lot) I remember only the graffiti and glass all over the place like childrens' playgrounds. The ghettos are still the ghettos, the unwritten agreements that some places in the city can sell drugs while others can't, still exist, the cops still have accounts of their shakedowns of businesses in their area as from at least Serpico's time, and some places a domestic violence complaint is handled way differently than others. More working class more wealthy, more evidence is needed to support an accusation. The ghetto, it's just about making stats, they just don't give a fk, and I've seen it from the uniformed officers' side having the luxury of having 24 hrs to be mistreated by cops I KNEW on the other side of the bars, and got to ask after losing 10lbs [new diet craze? try it] on duty, like wtf man? Moral of that story: unlike me, never live in a ghetto. The funniest thing was, I was asked by a chief how was I treated, I assume expecting to hear good. I told him, "just like everyone," except for, when I made it to the "third" floor and all the fellow men arrested heard what happened to me, they were all hoping me the best (real life is NOT like TV and maybe EMS is respected cause we actually help? Oh and the sink/toilet in my cell with the two guys in full embrace when I got there, didn't work too...)

    Open air toilet would be a new addition to the sanctuary city, so think like Amy Schumer's idea about her private parts: It will smell like hot chinatown garbage. So, 3rd world is US (us). She's the one that had the skit with Yo-Puss to counter "hot chinatown garbage." Every now and then, she has some funny/horrifying/true stuff. She sometimes just doesn't realize we are laughing at her cause we already knew, it's funny that she caught up.

    I've spent the last two days in the hospital watching my day and his staff after surgery. Weirdly, in the city now, at least around Mt. Sinai Hospital, the young women (not patients, yo) there are constantly checking the men out including me, which I felt offended by, because except for me being old, fatter than I should be, and dirt poor, I'm a real catch. (Probably too short too. Maybe they itemized my rimless glasses are super expensive? idk). So I considered partaking in the open air toilet, but not in Central Park (which was right next to the hospital) but on the street, but then I remembered the "lewdness laws" that could make you register as a sex offender, so I decided to just ignore the silly women that I could be the father of...the dailymail.co.uk is wrong again:
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2016
  8. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Do you guys have any proof about Windows 10 performing worse for audio, besides problems coming from buggy drivers from manufactures that didn't give a shit to update? Do you have numbers proving Windows 10 performs worse because of the background processes?

    I have. It's faster and better than ever. Here's proof: http://pcaudiolabs.com/windows-10-for-pro-audio/

    And because you won't bother to read the thing, here are the numbers:

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  9. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    You realize that's WDM latency, not WASAPI/ASIO?
    WDM was not designed for low-latency audio, and to my knowledge is not used anywhere in typical audio chains.
    ASIO on the other hand is most used, and the test does not cover it.

    WASAPI is a branch on its own, mainly focused on stability rather than low-latency, though achieving similar buffer sizes compared to ASIO is not impossible, and in certain cases it may even supersede native ASIO drivers.
  10. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Windows 10 works better on my machine.
    I remember when I installed Omnisphere 2 on win 7. It killed the shit out of my machine. I have to restart my machine to make it normal. On windows 10, that issue was gone.

    That was one example. Windows 10 has done good job in optimizing their services. After messing with some settings, windows 10 is better than win7. And I am not talking about registry editing here. Just talking about settings and control panel and services etc.

    And I do not have any privacy related or automatic updates related problem.

    Just choose what works better for you.

    IMO OS is also like a DAW. Choose what suits you better. For some people, win10 is better, for some, win 7 is better.
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  11. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    @Ankit you say first that windows 10 is better then you say it's a subjective choice. I'm not against people trying windows 10 (hell I help people accomplish that when they ask), but I know they shouldn't because opposite to what you say the problems in Windows 10 are very well known and documented. MS went to the tribune of the united nation to explain that it is there duty to spy on their customer to make the world safer. Windows 10 was made in that precise optic : one : bank on your data, two : being able to retrace every one of your numerical traces if you are suspected , rightfully or not, of anything. I think knowing that fact and telling people that it is a good system, is pretty much the equivalent of confessing your absolute and complete subjectivity.
    And there is another problem : in this topic you have several persons that explain to you that this system made their computer unusable. There is a video of a dude explaining the problem. Zenarcist had it. I mean is that a detail to you ? If someone reads this topic, has this issue, you're seriously going to tell that person that its situation is a subjective matter ?
    One release out of three on the sister site rise tones of issues only for windows 10 users, and I know you're aware of that and read the comments.
    I never had a problem with omnisphere 2 and windows 7, I don't know anyone who does, but the spies and the incompatibilities issues of windows 10 don't spare anybody, and they are not even hidden by MS, who, shall I remind you, GIVE away it's f....g incredible system which is so superior in every aspect to the previous one (windows 7 not 8) that people who bought Windows 7 don't want to have windows 10 for free.
    You don't make money by distributing an OS for free. You make money with that OS by collecting on people data.

    So no, not subective at all, and I think it's very fair to warn people that upgrading to Windows 10 is an awfull, terrible choice. That they are indeed absolutely free to make.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2016
  12. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Either way with my MS Applied Math and Stats hat on:

    [revised, no extra charge]
    Wait a sec, I just had to walk to the supermarket and back, so I got blood to me brain and noticed something I didn't consider while I wasn't thinking about this. It's possible Win10 is SLOWER.

    Remember that you increase buffer size when you want to run more plugins, which increases latency? and lower buffer size when you want to record in your DAW decreasing latency? Well, fk me, win7 is running a buffer size 220 (in @Qrchack chart) to win10's 132 or 60% less, those lying with statistics mofos, so to normalize the statistics we would have to multiply 5*0.6 and compare to 3*1.33. Guess who wins, when compared to equal buffer sizes (or normalized buffer size to 176?)
    (win7) 3ms < 4ms (win10)
    Window 7 wins.
    Lying mofos!

    Even if that is wrong, I'm always willing to learn about DAWs and how to count and stuff:
    -------------------------------------------------------Prior beginning
    Latency measures are: 5 to 4 to 3ms and IS IRRELEVANT, to humans, even super duper fast thinking ones. jesus christ.
    That is so far away from statistically significant, let alone human significant, that it's laughable. My reflexes(rx time) were measured at 0.2 secs, the slowest...that's 200 ms for blocking an attack or kicking a target. 5ms? fk me.

    Ok, a listening example. Get your compressor and listen to transients as you go from 0 to like 15-30 ms. I can hear that. The difference between the fastest to slowest is 2ms. That's not like going on a date with a 6 or an 8, that's like going on a date with an 8 and an 8.002

    Where can I go to give the author of that chart a kick in the taint, because (s)he makes real scientists look as bad as any other lying mofo. See the link, making a pic of a big foot to send if the article is as bad as that chart...

    For christ's sake, either what we were taught about latency and buffer size is wrong, i.e., there becomes diminishing returns and then it passes the global minimum, these guys make no sense.

    They used Sonar, which I've never used, and say they achieve global min latencies at the buffer sizes quoted. Idk, how much that is a problem with Sonar's DAW engine itself, or the OS it's running on. It's a variable, I would isolate, by doing the same thing with multiple DAWs, which wasn't done, so Design of Experiment, so far, thumbs down.

    Hey, they had access to Avid Pro Tools 12, PreSonus Studio One 3, Steinberg Cubase 8, Ableton Live 9, Cuckos REAPER and Acoustica Mixcraft and yet they did NOT include those measures...why not? Very suspicious.

    Idk if you guys know, but gmo corn was approved for human consumption based at least in part on studies of mice followed for <90 days (yeah, mofos, only <90 days) You know why? Cause just like the French studies where the mice blew up into tumor laded blimps, that occurred a little later in their life cycle, every time. So how do you get poison approved...just say the study was done for a shorter time.
    Specific to this IBS explosion parading as an honest examination of win10 article, they would have provided ALL the DAWs available to them, unless, like I suspect only Sonar had that at most statistically insignificant positive result. I feel dirty, I have to wash up. We live in a world of universal deceit...fml.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2016
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  13. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Thats quite a big difference.
    How about in practice,users who migrated from 7 to 10,is the difference really that big or small?
  14. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    I can say it 100 times. Windows 10 works better on my pc. It feels good. No more Blue Screen Of Death.
    Microsoft is spying to make their software better. Their final goal is to keep growing at any cost. They are not downloading your project files or bank account information. I hope you do not think that.
    Besides that, Win10 is getting more stable with every update. Windows 7 was not stable from the very 1st year.
    Windows 10 is not just bloated version of 7. There are countless improvements.And yes, you can get rid of bloatware easily.
    Many drivers/softwares are not compatible yet. But they will be soon. If they don't, it's not microsoft's fault.
    It for sure is subjective.:yes:
    I know it's always pain in the a** to upgrade to different environment. Time will come. If not sooner, then later. You'll be using windows 10. Like you are using seven, not xp, which was most loved OS.

    It's my personal experience. I am not a microsoft's salesman. If it works for me. Maybe it can work for someone else.

    I do not like windows. I always dream that I can use all my windows softwares in Manjaro.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2016
  15. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    You are very naive, and completely wrong. Both about the point of those spying devices that still haunt your buggy OS (user experience? Are you serious ?), and about the fact that I will one day have the need to upgrade to that piece of junk. A lot of top notch engineers still use XP and cubase 5, hell a lot still use 100% hardware. The improvement for the audio world of latest windows OS (and that includes Win 7) are next to zero, it's the hardware that have moved forward and the softwares (vsts and others) around those hardware, OS have nothing to do with it. People go to windows 10 because it's pretty and it looks fun, it is in no way an improvment.
    But taste is subjective that's what you're talking about. The quality of things, that, it's objective, we can evaluate. And windows 10 is shit.
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  16. Jasmine

    Jasmine Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Nassau, Bahamas
    Win 10 is a NO GO...but it comes the day multimedia artists like me have to take it, or its successor, because of the multiple application requirements.This happened since Win 3.
    But please- let us wait some years.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2016
  17. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @Talmi So you don't have the latest iPhone just for show? Tisk Tisk. Idk, but prob like you, I'm not just a resource to exploit for corporations fabricating demand for crap just cause it's new to extract the last cash floating around. It's funny the same person can say they want to reduce their carbon footprint (yes, completely bogus, it's for this example of logical fallacy) and then buy/throw out, buy/throw out and buy/throw out. It's so bad the celebrities that are the strongest advocates of the plebs/peasants/etc should eat nothing, drink nothing, play nowhere, not use air conditioning, or electricity, etc., are popping kids out like the best of them. None of the celebrities I've been able to address could ever answer me this: Htf are you going to lower your carbon footprint enough to justify that kid? Or is your recommendations only for me and the useless eaters? Always silence.

    You guys know how to get yourself to a zero carbon footprint? Be a dear, and die. That is what this is all about, if your not caught up. This is the whole point of global governance (governance being a reference to Kings and serfs, btw).

    @Jasmine [Edit] I completely misunderstood your comment because of the avatar pick...nvm! What apps do I need win10 for that I don't have access to with win7 that you are alluding to? Maybe idk something...nothing from Maya to Zbrush to SPSS to our DAWs require win10 over win7...but I really am curious. They only reason some ppl moved from XP to win7 was because a year or so ago, MicrosoftON stopped supporting it. The military used XP until very recently too, but don't expect an Aegis Missile Cruiser to work against Russia or China now... My dad still uses it, when he gets pissed off at win7 (he's a programmer from the days of wire and boards! He's so old he doesn't realize his email of joexxx...is taking like a porn thing! To him it's to make sure he chooses a unique variable name from COBOL days.) My mom has moved to win10, and is slowly "finding things again" but she notices no difference, but at 76 y/o and "uneducated" but smart, she's mostly funny to me with technology.

    I remember DOS and having to upgrade from the 8088 cpus from 8bit to 16bit (god idr) or from 32bit OS to 64bit OS I can understand, otherwise, if it's not broke, I'm not fixing it. The most surprising thing with my mom's laptop is, the touchscreen to me is a pain in the butt, it's actually harder after a while to lift your arm up and touch the screen than just use my logitech M570 trackball mouse...everyone should get that mouse, if you don't need something like a Razor Naga...imo.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2016
  18. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    A lot of producers have upgraded to windows 10. Their precious account infos and project files are still safe.

    :facepalm:I am not talking here because it looks good. You dont even know much about win10. Then why arguing? Just because of that privacy issue?

    110 -120 sylenth1 instances - windows 7 - Live 9 x64 - asio4all - a year ago
    110 -120 sylenth1 instances - windows 10 - Live 9 x64 - asio4all - today
  19. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    Make your mind up, mate :hillbilly:
  20. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @Aliens That's actually funny. My wife helped me experience living in a car with her in NYC, and I forgot how we got to Puerto Rico, but I had an interview for a programming job, the older man saying there's nfw I could have a Accountancy degree/CPA certification and an English Writing degree. They just don't go together. I said, hmmm, well, I got the English Writing degree cause I thought, one day, I'd have to publish a discovery of mine, and it would really suck to not be able to communicate it if I did, and I also thought, quite incorrectly, that if I counted wealthy ppl's money, some would fall into my pockets, (my dad being a wealthy man's son never sharing that rich ppl are rich because they do not spend their money. I think he shared that with me at ~40 y/o, all I know, way too late, thnx dad)

    So it's not unreasonable that a multimedia artist is a programmer, though the best programmers are verbal lead representational system (they think in words) unlike most ppl 60% are visual (think in pics) or like me 10% kinesthetic (equations have texture!) it's not think with feelings, it's more like position memory or touch. Music is math, well good music.

    How is it contradictory @Alien?
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