Why hasn't Reason or refx nexus been...

Discussion in 'Software' started by reybeatz, Jun 3, 2016.

  1. reybeatz

    reybeatz Newbie

    Feb 8, 2016
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    Before you all think I want theM cracked , I don't really care
    I bought reason 8 and nexus

    But it's just interesting why these 2 haven't been cracked ?

    I'm kinda fascinated by hacking and stuff
  3. xendroster

    xendroster Member

    Nov 20, 2013
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    mystery to me as well.

    they probably have a protection that others didnt feel its worth cracking.

    i also hear that a lot of companies are contacting the members of these top cracking teams to get them on their team. it could just be a case of the best at cracking just get a steady gig from the very companies whose product they used to crack.

    propellerhead kinda messed up by makig their product so protected though...i know a lot of people that used to use their previous software because it was free and they couldnt afford it at the time..but the more they stuck with production , the more they eventually legally purchased the product since thats what they trained on. Thats what happened with ableton live and myself. I saw reason adding more versions that i couldnt get, so i switched to ableton live....learned how to use it and now that i have a job and can afford things, i bought a legitimate copy with push. Its good to protect your product but at some point you have to realize that it can work both ways too. The easier your product is to get, the more ubiquitous it becomes with what it does, the more people are likely to stick with it because they see it as the standard and plain familiarity. You might eventually come out ahead.

    Nexus though.....that shit is just unnecessarily expensive. WTF!!. ITs the price of a korg kronos hardware. A freaking hardware with physical parts and shit lol. You cant tell me that it does something that you couldnt synthesize with other software if you sit down long enough to figure it out. Why the heck would i pay 3000 bucks for that? I never understood that one.

    It would be cool if someone could crack them though...just for the challenge of it all.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2016
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  4. JudoLudo

    JudoLudo Kapellmeister

    Jul 27, 2014
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    ...and Pianoteq? :dunno::unsure: I don't even know what kind of protection it has!
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  5. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    This one is the one that certainly baffles me the most. My guesses are:
    A. The teams think Trap samples are better.
    B. The teams don't give a shit.
    C. It has been cracked, but made only internal for some fucked up reason.
    D. They simply can't do it because who the fuck knows. Maybe they need someone to supply a license file? Maybe Pianoteq bribed them and gave them the best blowjobs ever known to humankind, causing the teams to achieve a 6,900 year orgasm?

    As for Nexus2 and Reason - the answer is simple - Copy protection is way too hard. Propellershits, ReFucks, and Steinbitch (aka the angry reptilian jews) have the hardest copy protection out there right now. And as a result, probably the hardest dicks, too (not that they have dicks).
    Ever notice how those guys are all germans? You know why? Because their copy protection was made by Hitler. Steinberg is just got a jewish name to give you the illusion that they're anti nazis. eLicenser and iLok were made in 1934 by Hitler. Hitler is dead, but his stupid fucking USB keys live on. I'm surprised Native Instruments (based in Berlin) hasn't jumped on that shitty bandwagon yet. LOL
    On a side note, I don't think any of those will ever be cracked.
    The bigger question should be: Why the fuck hasn't Sylenth1 v3 been cracked yet? I understand Lennardildo has been taking lessons from Urs Dickman, but it didn't take too long for the teams to kill his protections, nor Steve DudASS.
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  6. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Its 3 grand... cos theres plenty of people who will pay 3K :yes:
  7. Sonny Crockett

    Sonny Crockett Kapellmeister

    Oct 1, 2015
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    I'd love to see the UVI products cracked and posted here.. just daydreaming!
  8. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    Dude I think I literally died from laughter reading your reply . In fact, I never typed these words. It's all happening in your dilusional mind lol.

    Ps: interestingly enough I read an article today stating/proving Hitler was actually alive after world war II and died in peace of old age after escaping to Argentina. Very interesting read lol.
  9. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Actually, I'm not delusional. Hehe. I just talk a lot of crap about anything at all. One thing I do outside of music is I'm a stand up comedian and shit talker. I make fun of/bash the shit out of everything about everyone - including myself. I'm brutal to myself.
    "It's kind of a motif for me, complaining. And of course this weird culture we live in leaves you no shortage of things to complain about." - George Carlin

    And as far as Hitler escaping to Argentina? Wow I think I've heard it all at this point. LOL. Next thing you know I'll hear some guy saying the hubble telescope captured a picture of Elvis Presley and Benjamin Franklin hosting a kegger party on the rings of Saturn. "Franklin's Been Jammin with Jesus all weekend" (Get it? "Ben-jamin?" Bahahahaha).
  10. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Aaaah now the penny has dropped.
    Elvis just had to leave the building, it would've never made it all the way up to Saturn.
    Hey, I really have to name my next kid Benjamin :metal:
  11. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    We all do, my friend. Especially Falcon.
  12. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    I got it working, i saved up my money and bought it. Best crack of all, it always works. :)
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  13. exr777

    exr777 Producer

    Aug 7, 2012
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    I immediately thought of discontinued... but no. cracked. Again.
  14. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    I am pretty sure Philharmonik 2 is cracked but is a Do Not Distribute release.
    Many useful stuff are not out yet. Pretty sure they are internal.

    I know that request section does not work for plugins. Because there is no freakin' Sonic Academy Kick 2 out yet.
    Don't know why there is no update of Valhalla plugins. List goes on forever.:sad:

    Still there is lot more than we need.:winker:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2016
  15. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Nexus uses elic, the same Cubase and all the other steinberg crap uses.

    Reason uses the ignition key by WIBU

    its all different from the stuff recently unpaced or what team VR brings.

    Pianoteq uses a custom protector(only painoteq uses it and thats a lot of work for only product to unpack) and you need the retail version, because the demo version is crippled.

    why we discuss everyday the same stuff?
    do we really need Nexus to sound a ll the same, we have some much other stuff, why not use that what is available? its a waste of time to create such topics and discuss, why nobody cracks it.

    @Ankit when the valhalla stuff is so great, why not support the dev, the same for KICK2?
    i am fine with what i have, DND is also good as i think the less you have the better you can focus on something.
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  16. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Gone Postal
    I have always thought along those same lines, Admittedly I do not use synthesizers or ROMplers that much in my own stuff, However just comparing it to say KONTAKT with all the content that comes with KOMPLETE for just one example just blows my mind, Add on everything else with KOMPLETE ultimate (Perhaps some specific/choice 3rd-party libraries also to suit the individual's needs and wants), Add Spectrasonic's Omnisphere (Probably chuck in Trillian and Stylus RMX too since they seem to be quite popular) also top it off with perhaps u-he's great range of synthesizers (Or a pick and mix of stuff to suit and cover the needs of the user) and it'd probably still come to less shekels than the insane price of that Nexus thing with all add-ons! Maybe there is something that I am totally missing/do not understand about this Nexus ROMpler and people that do invest in it get their money's worth but I just can't see or hear what it is for the life of me!!! If I had €3.799 to spend on virtual instruments for whatever reason/reasons and I was going to so then I certainly wouldn't be going for reFX's Nexus complete, It'd be spent on adding as much additional acoustic drum kit shells and cymbals to offer me more variety as that is the area which I personally spend the most time on virtual instrument wise and programming as for my own stuff I do not have the luxury of a real human drummer to work with and finding one that is able to play the style I want/need isn't that easy anyway. I sometimes use mellotron and similar via G-Force's M-Tron Pro which is excellent, A few organ parts that either KONTAKT or NI's still trusty old B2, Bit of acoustic piano and EP now and again (KONTAKT), Strings (Cello and Violin pretty much again KONTAKT) and very rarely orchestral bits (EWQL). When I do synth I like EMS Synthi types, Urs Heckmann and the small team of greatness which is u-he, A.C.E. is ace whilst Zebra still never fails to deliver, FM8 and Operator usually see use, Korg's legacy collection still works, Especially the Wavestation and there are others I just can't think of off the top of my head.

    However yeah, reFX Nexus complete, What is the deal with that? Honestly it looks like rip off and sounds like one also packing aload of those (from the little I've heard, read and know) every dance music person has rinsed them already along with often containing questionable original content being non other than the vengeance loops/sounds of course. I'm not saying that is all Nexus content offers but looks like a majority.

    With €3.799 could build a really decent hackintosh and have plenty of shekels left over to grab Logic pro X along with the other product (is it main stage?) that comes with an epic amount of content, Now they've acquired the very talented former Camel Audio team along with the ease of creating EXS24 instruments from any bit of audio and if they can then it'd make sense to offer the same option for alchemy (I've not checked what exactly their plans are for alchemy but chances are high they'll be good and well thought through, For all I know it's already been released in a 10.0x or 10.x update), Logic Pro X if using MAC is an absolute steal

    However I'd have other things apart from software or studio gear for that matter if I had 3,799 euros burning a hole in my pocket :wink:

    All the best to everyone as always, Cheers
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  17. samotest

    samotest Ultrasonic

    Mar 30, 2016
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    UVI Relayer was cracked already.
  18. xendroster

    xendroster Member

    Nov 20, 2013
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    You know...i would almost forgive them if you could easily synthesize your own sounds..but romplers work different , as far as i understand it..its not like regular Oscillators etc etc system. The sounds come prepackaged and the only thing you can do is add your own little modifications like delay to it.

    It has to be mainly about hype....like the have sounds that famous people use and get all these co sign from big name producers and now everyone feels like they need to get it..Which is cool, because we all do it with other softwares as well..however, their are only so many sounds in the program...like you said, its been used up and down and everywhere in between. Your sounds are gonna sound just like everyone else. A lot of the preset sounds are dated to a particular period of the style of music that is hot at the moment, i cant see them being used to great frequency a couple years after that style dies down. Like when pop music was dealing with a lot of gated pads and every software had loads of gated pads, but now you hardly hear it. So what happens then?

    Some people just have enough disposable income, i suppose.
  19. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Gone Postal
    That is brutally restrictive, So it is a glorified preset play back device :-O at that price! Hell that's even worse than I expected.
    Like you pointed out it is basically designed with redundancy in mind/as a plan (at least for all the add-ons or the majority of them) which is not something that I like in any product, I could understand it if the expansions/soundsets/add-ons weren't so over priced. Software is one area though where that (the redundancy problem) can be made as small a problem as possible (Yeah hardware specs change, OS are updated along with host applications plus (the area where value for money comes in) the plugin itself and that is one of the beauty's I find in the software license model besides the ease of use/total recall without even having to think about it and so on). I think that you've summed it up to a tee and also putting aside the hardcore users that will perhaps stick with what'll get considered as dated/cheese because they just love the specific sounds/style that really defined a certain period I couldn't agree more, Some people have enough disposable income or are lucky enough to have their gear financed if they're born into money. I'm guessing that the developer will have to update to a version 3 which must include the ability not only to load/use all the version 2 stuff but crucially offer user's the capabilities of opening up all they've invested in to access the raw (as possible) samples along with full on control of the synthesis side of things or surely it just couldn't compete? IIRC from my fonder memories of KVR before it turned to shit the reFX guy has had quite a few problems with developers, First of all leaving and then trying to bring in fresh one's to check out the current code (for the normal synth as well as Nexus) and possibly update it, From one of the guy's that got the ask and gave it a whirl, It was apparently a nightmare. I won't name names but it should be easy enough to find searching KVR's threads (Unless it got deleted which is a possibility), Ah fuxx it, I still am in touch with all my close friend's from there and they rarely bother with the place anymore, So some linkage won't get me into any bother https://anon.to/xyKJ3J It' a public forum/Just in case you might be interested in what to me sounds like won't happen unless of rebuilding from scratch, The really informative one with real meat has been removed, Hope that's of interest and help and a caution to anyone with 3,799 euros to burn :cheers:

    All the best as always
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