Do you really make money from producing music? How much?

Discussion in 'Education' started by foster911, Jun 1, 2016.

  1. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

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  2. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I think we have something deeply in common.
    BTW, by your new avatar, are you still an alien? You know how much I love your style.
  3. rick.vdk

    rick.vdk Member

    May 6, 2016
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    This too shall pass. Not just music but about every industry has been/ is being/ will be forced to reinvent itself. Technology is disrupting everything. Trust me, musicians are not the only ones hurting from this "crisis". Everyone is forced to change their ways.

    There's two things you can do when you fall.. you stay down or you stand up and continue moving forward. No in between shit. That's why I'd rather focus on the potential good that comes out of this all.

    More than ever, you have an opportunity to connect directly with your audience. It's about truly connecting with your audience. Social media is a great tool and proves people are longing for authenticity.
    Imagine having 2000 fans from around the world who all pay $1,- or $3,- or maybe even $5,- a month to support your efforts. They will if you're truly authentic and touch their hearts or feed them with medicine for the soul. Now..are you world famous? no... BUT are you changing someones life? YES!! That's what music is about! Thats what people will be willing to pay for. I guarantee!
    Did you succeed as a musician? YES!!

    Nobody has the answer but one thing I know for sure.. if you are truly authentic and able to touch people's hearts.. and get your social media chops together.. there's an opportunity to earn an income.

    It may not be much at first but nothing will grow without first planting a seed.
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  4. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    Not only an alien, but still The Al1en lol
  5. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Sorry Zenarcist! No offense. We're talking about the time after being graduated from there. Looking for job opportunities. :wink:
  6. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    No offense taken :) but I am neither recently graduated in music nor am I looking for job opportunities, yet I took great value from his presentation :wink:
  7. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Miley Ray Cyrus (that almost opened performing semi-nakedly on the stage and some other stars followed her) is doing everything for getting money. Should we be like her or preserve the nobility?
  8. Funk U

    Funk U Platinum Record

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Who's this we? You can do whatever you want with your life no one cares, or is impacted by your personal-business decisions. Secondly, although sex sells, that approach is far more work for guys than girls. Guys have to be in really good shape, girls just need tits and slutty outfits. But if your going to take that approach, what's the point of learning music well? You're better off going on snapchat and instagram taking half-naked selfies.
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  9. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I think annual income of $150,000 a year is fair.:cool:

    A survey by Berklee College of Music in Massachusetts ....
    How Much Do Music Producers Earn?

    Every person has his/her own purpose from engaging in the music production (making or creating) world. Considering it business/art/hobby/... .

    The ideal form of it is doing as a job with self-tendency towards internal satisfaction.

    In the past, the artists were enjoying the patronage of the royal families but nowadays for continuing their artistic life, no one supports them except themselves by the acquired money.

    Money for more enjoying the art and nothing else.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2016
  10. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    That's so true. Personally, I would gladly pay 100 dollars for each album to anybody who can touch my soul as deeply as Supertramp, ELO, Pink Floyd and Talk Talk was able to do with their masterpieces.
    Good luck to the challengers...
  11. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    What you have in common, besides upvoting his downvoting? Let me guess, you agree with Da Vinci concept about procreation, and absolutely love Georges Michael, Elton John and Ricky Martin ? Great artists, indeed.

    It's funny how some guys react, when we say something about something they like. Gotta have a lot of money, to not agree with the fact that 99.9% of people to whom music is a hobby simply can't put 200 euros on something they will use 2 minutes per week, to eventually create something that only the dog will listen. Food , rent and oil money is far more important than giving 200 euros to the next smart-ass to help him becoming rich.

    Come on, just click on that dislike button, happy boy. And ask aliens to do the same, he will love to obey you.
  12. Funk U

    Funk U Platinum Record

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Challenge Accepted!!
  13. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    Putting your unacceptable homophobia to one side for a minute, one has to ask where your head is at?
    So what if U-he charge 200 bucks for a plugin, have half decent copy protection for their software and want to be a successful company who can pay the wage bill every month.
    Personally I don't care for the argument that poor people, hobby musicians included, have a right to take what they don't have just because they want it. IN the old days, where I'm from, people saved up and appreciated what they got when they got it. I certainly don't agree with over entitled bitter types creeping out repeat posts, making themselves ill over the injustices involved in an unfair world :eyeroll:

    Hving said that, I support the warez scene as a way of people gaining access to tools they wouldn't otherwise, and from a personal standpoint, as a try before buy extended demo. I'm totally legit in my software these days and I'm okay with it, though of course, being a noble soul, I don't think elitist thoughts because of the fact.
    I saved and bought Diva and Hive off U-he and they're great. You can either do the same and save, use the latest old version crack and be happy with it, or you can bitch and moan about a bloke who invested his time and money and is rightfully seen as the king of the synth devs.
    It's up to you, but ffs, stop whining. You'll give yourself an ulcer.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2016
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  14. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    The only time i made any real money in the music business was when i spent 2 years working for WEA Records in the late 70's.
  15. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    What a question :deep_facepalm:... Ask Adele.
    Next one will be: "Do you think I must sing in Spanish to grab the Latinos?"
    How do you define yourself, as an artist or a performer?
    If you're an artist, do what your soul tell you.
    If you're a performer, do what your manager tell you.
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  16. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    The Devs aren't forcing you to pay 200 euros. If you really want something, you save up and pay for it, same as your computer that you're going to use to put the software on, and the speakers you're going to listen to the sound that it makes through. I don't see you complaining about having to spend money on those. These Devs do this for a living. It's their job, and they have to buy food, pay rent as well as pay their employees, yet you seem to think that they should do it for free, or at a greatly reduced price. Are you prepared to do your job for free or at a greatly reduced wage? If not, I would suggest you shut up and stop whining. There's plenty of free apps out there, which is usually because the Dev does this as a hobby not a living, Just like a lot of us do with our music.
  17. django

    django Member

    Dec 13, 2011
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    I've paid all my bills from 'music' for the past 15 years. I make a pretty shitty living really compared with what I could be earning in a 'regular' job, but have had a mortgage for the last couple of years and run a car, travel a bit...

    I sometimes teach music production in a studio...record bands/voice overs..I DJ sometimes, although not as much as I used to...that used to be the bulk of my earning, I do sound editing and composition for theatre and dance shows, sound installations for artists, and the odd bit of paid music production for other music artists.

    For me the only way I've been able to keep doing this is that I do a variety of things, otherwise I wouldn't make enough to live on.

    It's not really what I set out to do, I wanted to be a producer like Aphex Twin or Pete Rock, making a good living from making great art, and being the I feel I'm more of an anonymous cog, and that suits me quite well. Guess it's like craft as opposed to art.

    Some of the work I get most pleasure from and that people engage with the most is barely paid at all...other jobs which I don't care about so much pay my mortgage.

    Another observation from my DJ'ing days. I played all sorts of events from guest slots to residencies in bars/clubs etc...the only way I could get gigs that made decent money was by keeping playing gigs that barely paid anything...Unless you build a BIG name for yourself a lot of the 'cool' underground scenes exist from the love of music not money, and there will always be new talented kids who want to play for free.

    The gigs that paid better were the ones that I had to slightly or greatly modify the choices I made about what to play, not just playing what I really liked. I realised that the sorts of DJ for hire who play 2 weddings a weekend were earning loads more money from DJ'ing than I was...because they were doing it for a different reason altogether, not for fame or credibility but for money. Had a lot more respect for them ever since.
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  18. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I had to look up the dictionary for, what was that word again? Money?
  19. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    hey you also need to understand the devs, coding something is a hell of work and alot of manhours.
    most of the people coding audio software have to make a salary out of it somehow, because of the time factor, so of course they try to keep everything a minimum to get as much payment of their activity.

    i understand also the factor of protection your work.
    lets say you wrote a plugin (lots of time, money, other employees, etc all costs money) and then it gets pirated and boom suddenly you can go google it and download it for free. apart from the money factor above you are just not ok, that its available for free, because you feel like you get no compensation for your efford. try that thinking and you will understand it. sure it is not ok to use stupid protections, but then again one could say, its a lack of money or simply just no higher state of knowledge to solve this situation a better way.

    so you expect that you can bring the hobby argument, but what is when the company is just a hobby too in some way and just not enough space, time and money to form a full time job out of it?
    still it needs money to go that way and people, who support your work, if its worth it of course and you can only show that with your payment, because a knocking on the shoulder simply wont get your enough payment to make a salary.

    for almost all commercial plugins you can get a free alternative, so that makes argument 2 against the hobby argument.

    another argument is, do you really need another plugin or do you have already a plugin, synth or whatever, which does the job perfect, but just need to spend more time with it.

    the support is regulated in the TOS or the argreement and the company has this up, so you agreeing to it, when you buy the product, so the company has the right to discontinue a product at every time, you cant do anything about it and complaining wont get anywhere.

    lets go from another perspective, lets say you have 4 products, one product is really old and you are stuck with ideas and porting or making it ready for the new OS will take to much time, also dont forget you can make cross product discounts, this opens a opportunity to get older people to buy any new product from you.
    or the product needs to be discontinued, because nobody wants to develop it further or you have nobody to update it, you could hire somebody to do it, but still can you charge to people to pay for that improvement? has the product still a chance on the market to bring you a plus at the end after you subtracted all the funds you put in?
    Sure there are companies, who say right from the start, we support it for 4 years (for example) and then we discontinue it, it their own decision.
    there also could be other reasons nobody knows.

    and when you have a problem with one companies policy, simply dont buy anything from this company, but then you need to be sure if you can live without that product, if you cant (your own decision), then stop complaining, because it wont help you.

    thats my perspective.

    yes i make some money with music stuff i do, but it is for sure not enough to make a monthly salary or go full time.
    but it sure pays for some of the plugin i want or previously have used pirated.
    if i feel a dev is worth it or does have amazing support, i will make sure to pay for it, when i have enough money.
    you have the right to decide!
  20. We need to do what we love to do, that is, share that love of all that the music inside us with everyone. Sometimes we make some coin and other times we don't, but still the love must flow. We can think of love as currency and our music as the delivery system. We are like billionaires and can afford to be generous. Give it away today and tomorrow just might give us back something precious in return. Let it flow from our fingers and let it flow from our voices, from our hearts and our minds. Just let it flow, for in the end, all that we are is the music that beats in our chest as we harmonize with the all of creation. That's who we are, that's all we have.