Upgrading hardware synth firmware

Discussion in 'Studio' started by Bunford, Jun 1, 2016.

  1. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
    Likes Received:
    I have a Virus A and Novation Nova and am quite new to the world of hardware synths. Only been messing with them with headphones plugged in really.

    However, am now hooking them up to my DAW etc. I'm having slight issues in doing things like upgrading firmware on the Nova etc. The Novation mdocumentation says to downloaded the .mid file for the latest firmware (4.1) and to load in sequencer, then power offNova and power on holding part mute in ordertoget it ready to receive new OS.My DAW is configured correctly as I can play the synth prior to this.

    However, no matter what DAW I try, the .mid will not open or seems to be blank and plays nothing and the synth receives nothing.

    It's becoming a point of principle now and it's REALLY starting to annoy me.

    Any helpful ideas anyone can offer?
  3. Spud

    Spud Noisemaker

    Sep 5, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Hi, I have a Nova and have gone through this process. The midi file doesn't contain midi notes, it is purely sysex data which is probably why you're assuming it's blank.

    You may want to check your DAW settings to make sure you're not filtering sysex. Also, some older kit requires BOTH midi IN and OUT connections for correct sysex transfer and some hardware even requires all 5 midi pins to be connected (HOSA cables are fully wired for example).

    You could also try sending the MIDI file using Bomes Send-SX which is how I (from memory) upgraded my Nova to 4.1


    Good luck!
  4. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    Use MIDI-OX to transfer that sysex file to your hardware synth.

    And yes, hook up both midi in/out cables to your VIRUS. Make sure the VIRUS is enabled to receive sysex files too (if it's am option in the menu settings).

  5. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    As stated above MIDI OX

    1. run midiox and set your in and out midi ports ( make sure all midi cables are hooked up correctly)
    2. Inside MidiOX goto "Options" and "Configure Buffers"
    Low Level Input Buffers =
    Size= 256 Bytes
    Num = 32

    Low Level Output Buffers =
    Size= 256
    Num= 32

    3. Now click View in MidiOX and click "SYSEX"
    Leave that window running
    Click "Command Window" "Load File" and point it to your MID file. If the file loads okay then now goto "Command Window"
    and now click "SEND SYSEX"

    In case if this does not work with using the MID file you can convert the MID file to .SYX and send it that same way.

    This is a little tool I use in case I need it

    However it should work using the MID file, but MIDIOX is for .SYX file format..

    I use MidiOX with my Digitech 2120 Guitar FX Processor and that is how I backup and send Sysex from the 2120 for backing up my Guitar Patches. I also can have someone in the back switching my patches using MIDIOX in case I forget to switch programs with the foot pedal.
  6. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Fab stuff. Tried this and worked straight off. Outstanding!

    Did you install the novaos41.mid and the total.mid? Not entirely sure what the total.mid is for?!?!
  7. Spud

    Spud Noisemaker

    Sep 5, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Great! I can't remember what total.mid is for, I'm pretty sure it's a full sysex dump of the internal presets. Now you have comms working with the Nova you could send total.mid to the Nova to take a look. If it's crap you can use the 'restore from ROM' in global settings on the Nova to restore factory presets.

    Check the second paragraph here

  8. DKB

    DKB Producer

    Jul 25, 2015
    Likes Received:
    I need some help please
    I also have a novation nova synth and a virus xl rack synth . Is there a way to reinstall the factory banks on Mac I accidentally loaded a rob papen bank onto bank a . I've downloaded abm mid file to reinstall the banks but I can't get them loaded onto the virus through my virus editor when it did load into the editor it loaded as a multi bank and they was all muted and I couldn't get them to load onto the virus . Can any of you guys help me out please .
    Thanks in advance
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2016
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