Studio One 3.2 strange hanging

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by Pereira, May 27, 2016.

  1. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    I'm getting a little bit frustrated from a strange behaviour of SO3: 3.2.2 installed, win7/64, I7 cpu-32 gb Ram, double monitor, RME Fireface UCX, no antivirus installed, never had before any similar issue (above all with old v2.6).
    OK, it happens when I load an heavy project, many instruments (mainly Omnisphere 2 and Lennanard Digital Sylenth) many effects, cpu load running about half of its total range (this seems to be a limit......:dunno:).
    The strange behaviour is that sometime, without any previous symptom, the daw hangs, stopping playing audio, no crash reporting pop, it also allows to save current work, but no way to play or use other gui tools, and, above all, no way to close it. Task manager is locked (it doesn't start), and everytime I have to disconnect win7 and reconnect it.
    I've also noticed that some Omnisphere 2 channels, without any intervent, pan by themselves to only one side.
    Tested memory with Memtest86, everything seems fine: I'm supposing it can be a bad plugin behaviour or incompatibility, but I have so many installed that it is really a difficult task to test them one by one. I suspect waves and omnisphere, I'll start with these ones, but....did somebody had similar issues or tested some vst or vsti acclaimed incompatibility?
    Thanks in advance
  3. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I doubt its you.Its just the way S1 is coded.You can have a powerful pc and it will hit the wall faster than any other daw.
    S1 is not suited for power users as i have stated a dozen of times from my personal experience testing S1 with heavy projects.
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  4. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    I can agree, no dynamic cpu allocation could explain the really bad Studio One CPU optimization (probably one of the worst of all modern daws), but what I can't understand is the above mentioned way of freezing-hanging....
    By the way, Pro Tools and Cubase apart, which DAW has dynamic processor allocation? I don't think there are many other.....
  5. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    S1 is 10 years behind other daws in this department,i have no idea what the developers were thinking,i guess its the lack of knowledge.
    What kind of music do you do?
  6. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    I haven't had any problems with the latest version. You said you'll have many effects plugins loaded. 99 percent of the time I have a problem it's something about one of the plugins that's making the whole project buggy.. hangs, dropouts, spikes, 666 overload, etc. Plugins are a trip. A lot of plugins are fine on their own, but when plugins from different developers are in series on the same channel they often form a bug together. Usually this doesn't get detected because it deals with a bad combo instead of a single instance. Usually it's a more blatant discovery like when you find out there's one specific plugin that can not be placed after another without the DAW crashing.. but the same plugin could be placed before it instead and everything would be just fine. So the order of plugins in series definitely can be the cause of problems that aren't immediately noticeable the way an instant crash is.
    Last edited: May 27, 2016
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  7. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    Progressive rock, electronic, trip-hop: I use DAW to compose, mix, and master: this is the reason why I like a lot Studio one (bad Cpu management apart), its workflow is really fine for this use if compared to other DAWS. I tried Reaper, but it is not so friendly user as Studio One (at least for me....); also, understanding and applying all the tools and the resources of a daw is so time needful, that I can't understand how people can deeply test (and appreciate) a Daw to have an effective idea of its qualities (again, for me ......) within a reasonable timeframe.
    Anyway, I don't know exactly what it means, but do you or anybody else know which DAW fits this so celebrated (and probably very useful) dynamic cpu allocation (Cubase and protools apart)?
  8. mrmine

    mrmine Newbie

    May 21, 2015
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    Are you sure that you havent any kind of antivirus installed?

    I've had the same problem qith AVG installed....
    the song loads but it doesnt play and after some seconds all the DAW is blocked.

    the solution is to add the presonus folder and the presonus.exe to the exception of antivirus....

    and than any problems disappear....

    probably some kind of code in loading plugins that interact with the antivirus...
  9. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    No antivurus, absolutely; and the DAW is on line only sometimes to update windows
  10. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Get Cubase 8.5 pro EDU.Cubase and S1 have similar workflows,hard to substitute with another daw regarding this department,however for big projects Cubase is a lot more cpu friendly.
    If on budget check out Reaper,its the lightest on cpu.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2016
  11. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    My system is identical to yours and I have also noticed strange behaviors since v3.
    Also quantize audio can easily freeze S1. But most irritating is how Omnisphere 2 and sometimes some Kontakts max CPU despite putting UCX to maximum buffer. With v2.5 and 2.6 I was able to have over 70 VSTi channels of mostly Kontakts (separate instance on each channel) and several Omnispheres and several Divas etc. Now I cannot get 1/3rd of that before CPU meter starts to jump like crazy.
    Same as you I thought that some plugin is doing damage but no way to find the guilty one among so many installed. If you find a solution let us know here.
  12. muse2love

    muse2love Producer

    Nov 11, 2013
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    You should try Reaper...

    You Should be able to start doing music quicker than S1Pro and Logix or PT12

    Really good software...
    I recommend
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  13. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    I did and although I respect the team and their work it wasn't intuitive enough. Immediacy of S1 is simply unsurpassed by other DAWs for me.
  14. Spacely

    Spacely Producer

    Jan 4, 2015
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    lol too funny dude always in DAW threads pushing Cubase. Man it never gets old watching you trying to push it on people.
  15. woam

    woam Member

    Mar 13, 2016
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    I've worked 10 years with logic audio, 10 years with Steinberg Nuendo and since 3 years with Studio One.
    Studio one 3.2.2 is the VERYBEST, i ever worked with!!! (also win7 64 and RME Fireface -16GB Ram I7 Notebook - 24 TB HDs for Libraries and video edit-3 SSDs [2TB])
    Most times I use - for example - 3 Nexus / 3 Kontakt 5 / 8-12 Impact / 3-5 Arturia (Moog, Cs80, Matrix12 ...) 2-3 Uhe (Diva-Zebra2) / Omisphere2 (Multi4-6) / Plugs like Dune / Superwave / Hive / Vacuum pro / Real GT-Strat Instances, about 16 audio tracks - each Channel has 3-5 inserts comp/limiters, filters, plugs like Amplitube/Guitarig ect., 7 FX Channels - 2 Altiverbs, Lexicon, Breverb2, 3 Delays (Excalibur-RP Delay).
    5 inserts in Masterbus (for example: VirtualTape - FabFilter - T-racks or Isotope - Lurssen) all at the same time. It's working
    FANTASTIC!!! (OK, for mixing I need to increase RMEs Buffer Size).

    @Pereira - I think the reason for hanging is a plugin! You'll not get around, to disable your 3rd party plugs one by one!

    Good luck.
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  16. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    That's an interesting statement. What exactly do you mean, hit the wall?

    I do all my cpu-intensive work in Live, and just record and mix some vocals in S1, but it's never been anything but reliable for me
  17. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    I'm not an expert technician and softwareist, but about bad CPU optimization matter there must be something true. Almost everywhere, many users talk and complain about it. Presonus itself is now pushing from their tutorials the suggestion to differentiate recording from mixing for audio device setings, using small buffer sizes for the first and big ones when mixing: never happened during v 2.6 life: and this is a dirty trick generally speaking, not professional indeed :no:.
    But I can agree, I love Studio One workflow too, if you mainly work using few traks, few instruments and fxs, or often render them, it can work fine: but I repeat, not professional if compared with Pro tool or Cubase. And this is not pushing, its only an
    objective evaluation.
  18. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I think this could still be a hardware or driver issue. It's great that you tested it with memtest86, so it's not the RAM. Did you test it for at least 1-2 hours? Because with so much memory faults can show up later than with just a few GBs. I always test for at least 2 hours, sometimes more. However, it could be some incompatibility with video driver, for instance. @woam What VGA does your laptop have? If you both use Intel VGA then what Intel chipset and version of Intel inf?

    at both: Have you disabled the unnecessary Intel VGA tasks like "hotkeys" and the Intel VGA control panel in the systray? Keep the system tray as clean as possible from any unnecessary background tasks. They can pile up easily nowadays. Every stupid [or less stupid] program tries to push itself into the systray. :mad:

    @Pereira It is weird that you can only utilise the CPU up to ~50%. You should be able to utilise it up to about 70-80% at least before you start hearing crackles.
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  19. woam

    woam Member

    Mar 13, 2016
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  20. olivergrey

    olivergrey Member

    Jan 8, 2014
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    Honestly, as a power user of studio one (most projects are 72 Tracks plus, with fx, 5 busses, 3-7 aux sends, bus compression eq etc,) I can tell you its weakest point is with a fully loaded project like that. Crossfade events do something wierd to the gui, and anytime you zoom into edit it lags BADLY. Not to mention the memory issues it has. I'm not sure who is to blame, the 3rd partys or studio one, but the other daw's ive used (pro tools, cubase, fl studio, reaper, samplitude) dont have plugin limits or randomly cant find plugins you KNOW are installed. doesnt happen on smaller projects though...*shrugs*. If only I could mix S1 and reaper, and tie in fl studios instant audio triggered by midi...
  21. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    As a Studio One user, it is true that for some time now I am surprised by its gluttony in resources.

    To get to the bottom of this, I've made a quick comparison with one instance of the same synth (Spire), the same preset and the same amount of notes - this to avoid any polyphony differentials. No effects were used, absolutely nothing except this one instance of Spire.

    I was shocked, to say the least, by the result: CPU resources required by studio one climbed to 76% (please do not laugh at my Intel Pentium 987 @ 1.50GHz...), while those of Reaper does not exceeded 30%. (I must admit that the selected preset was particularly greedy.)

    I'm really disappointed, especially as Studio One is much much more intuitive than Reaper - which I used for the first time and where it took me more than 20 minutes to simply create a track, insert Spire and write 4 notes... Even Logic and Cubase looked more intuitive to me.

    I really hope the guys @ Presonus will do something for the next update, otherwise I will go back to Cubase.
    Last edited: May 28, 2016
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