Steve Faoki's Greatest Hits: Part 1

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Desantïs, May 23, 2016.

  1. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    ^^^ This. Nice one, @jeffglobal :wink:
    Your comment. It's a shining example of a "green light". You began with a perfectly-formed open question. That's all you ever need to do.
  2. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    Decent work..but I warned you. That mouth will get you in trouble.
  3. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @DarthFader ok, cool. I still though feel I've never figured out the employer/employee relationship. I've always gotten the impression that there's a kind of negative filter, i.e., no one hires their replacement. Nor, no organization will promote a person with superior aptitude at his/her current job, because the loss to the organization from their prior position outweighs any benefit to the organization a manager can provide (that's actually from a HR textbook!) So to rise in a corporation/organization, you have to be good enough, but not great, and "never outshine your master" (48 laws of power) even if your intention was only to be good at your own job. I ask because my son is 15 and I need to best mentor him, unlike my parents attempt by counseling me to "play dumb," "don't be so smart," which can be ruined by one intelligent comment or insight accidentally spoken after months of effectively playing dumb.

    @Steve Faoki One thing that you may miss in the current barrage of arrows thrown you way: all the negative comments that are actually actionable, i.e., someone calls you fat, you can fix that, some one calls you a racial slur, can't fix that, so ignored is exactly what you need.

    You say you want a mentor to take you under their wing? Well, all the actionable criticism, irrespective of how presented, is a gold mine. I had a kid 10 years my junior think he was teaching me how to be a Haz-Tac EMT. Irrespective of his stupidity and condescension, all I was listening for was when to use the equipment, how to use the equipment, where to store the equipment in the most efficient way. Everything else he said was irrelevant to me. Having him pick fights in East New York, in Brooklyn, NYC, during Tour 1 (overnights) with us being two crackers, was NOT tolerated. I told him, even with our vests, and me standing behind him like a human shield (fk him), I'm not putting my life in danger because he's crazy.

    No matter how insultingly it is presented, anyone here that has given actionable criticism, is trying to be your mentor. (Don't tell them).

    In fact, your life's personal enemies will expose unobserved weaknesses never seen or spoken to from any friend/ally. I always will appreciate their exposure of weaknesses I hadn't yet seen...because they were always fixable, and they just made their enemy more powerful.
    Last edited: May 25, 2016
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  4. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    SF needs to carefully read what people have been saying here.Attitude is everything in this business.
    People always have the option to choose and they will choose the person that knows how to handle himself.
    Self pretentious ego driven artists may find a spot in movies but in reality you will stay outside of the club,no one likes to work with big mouths.

    Also your mixes sound average at its best,nothing more spectacular than 1000s of wannabe dj`s on sound cloud.
  5. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @Von_Steyr Boy SF must have really pissed you off. From my perspective of missing out on the whole EDM scene, or pacifiers, vick's vapor rub, or seeing white women actually be nice, though only on ecstasy, etc., etc.^ Are not those DJs, like the guy that wears that big CAT helmet arrogant or pompous? I've never heard a set of his, but I assume he's a great showman, and his DJ'ing is great but, anyone thrust in front of the group by definition has to be arrogant pompous buttholes. Most don't say it out loud, and maybe that's what you're saying to SF, but the personality to lead is a very specific type of person.

    Think of it this way. I was sticking someone with a needle (IV) because they needed a med in their bloodstream fast, or they could die. When I stabbed them in the beginning, other than noticing, ppl are soft (ew, and stabbing ppl is a very intimate thing to do, ew-ew!), if I hesitated or empathized with my patient at the time to avoid the small pain to provide important, necessary care, I was not doing what's right for my patient. So, one day, I no longer hesitated and I no longer felt any unease at all.* The ability to do that, is not common, as is staying or becoming calmer in an emergency.

    I was like a DJ when I approached my scene. I had screaming fans, a performance to do, and an area to control. Idt a pussy could do that. So for SF it's more a socialization issue. The personality required is there, just the lesson of ppl react sometimes even violently to a braggart needs to be learned. Especially if he still "sucks or is average," for now. I can't judge really. His braggadocio may have been only to produce more comments and listens...I could see that as a gambit too.

    I am teaching my sons to be the "right hand man," not the king. In my life, everyone sees the king, and marks the target and he fights all the battles. Win or lose, the right hand man, tends to get a job in the next administration, and has always benefited the whole time without any of the risk or cost of battle.

    So if SF wants to be like a king, up front and have a target on his chest, more power to him.

    ^I was married and fending off a much younger wife. So I had no motivation, everything would have been a step down anyways...
    *After the first hundred or so flipping breasts up on women because your concerned about their hearts, so ECG time, it was no big deal either, though, there was a young woman with possible heart involvement, and for once I didn't have to flip anything up. One happy day. Nothing was wrong either.
    Last edited: May 26, 2016
  6. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    This post inspired me to finally do my greatest hits. 12 songs handpicked from the last 3 of my 14 total studio albums over the past 10 years. Hey now, a dinky ass 94 followers couldn't be wrong!! LOL Yeeeaaahhh!! I'm totally a legend. Hahahahaha nawt!!

  7. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Nah,im not pissed of at him,i even defended him in one thread.SF needs to learn the etiquette of business.
    So hes a leader because he posts clips on sound cloud and annoys people and others here who work in the business here are jealous of him because of that?

    You want to learn the first rule? You'd know if you spent a day in your life. Don't ever open your mouth 'till you know what the shot is.(Ricky Roma)
  8. tapekiller

    tapekiller Kapellmeister

    Oct 5, 2015
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    I'm in tears.
  9. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    @Impressive , like the tracks! Really like 'Running In The Dark'.
  10. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @Impressive I still don't know htf you got the kitten to produce those tracks but, gratz on having a pair of balls.

    @Von_Steyr No, I'm saying being an obnoxious prick(ly pear) is part of the personality traits of a leader. (At least on the inside) otherwise the person would be too passive to take command.

    I'm not from the school that thinks the DSM 5TR is NOT a delusional book of fanatically defended and never changed bs. There is NO science in psychology or psychiatry, except for rtfMRI and PET studies. Those I'll believe. Everything else is complete bs.

    The APA just started to decriminalize pedophilia (swear to god) IF, the "person doesn't act on it" and if "no one was hurt" really? First, those two are contradictory, second: When was the last time the APA wizards noticed a child can't enter into a contract cause they can't give reasonable consent.

    Oh crap, sorry about the extra verbiage, but I'm really upset with the APA.
    Last edited: May 27, 2016
  11. Soft_Ice

    Soft_Ice Ultrasonic

    May 26, 2016
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    I'm new here, but been lurking a long time. So with that in mind, I respectfully (and playfully) say the following.

    Be careful about going off on a tangent on the 'child abuse issue', or it might set off that deranged person who accused everyone on here for being a paedophile because they were inquiring about using Tor or VPN. I just spent 10 minutes searching for the thread, but it has either been cleaned up (I think I found it but those posts weren't on there) or removed or I didn't look hard enough.

    It was a full on troll job. Hysterical. In both senses of the word. It was deranged. I couldn't believe I was reading this on an audio forum. Why am I opening my big noob mouth about this here? Well, please delete if I'm spoiling an otherwise constructive thread. I think it might have even been SF if my memory serves me right, but I searched his posts and there was no record of it. I may be wrong, if so apologies. I think the mods probably just cleaned it up though.

    People were talking about tor and vpns and the whole thread was totally disrupted and ruined.

    I don't post on many forums these days. Too much trolling going on. Professional level. It always follows the same pattern. I've wanted to register here and contribute for a while, but I'm afraid to say this forum has been infiltrated as well. I even see a load of it going on at the 'big two' (GS and KVR). It amuses me in one way to see someone with 1 post ask a blatantly stupid question with two lines, and get two pages of responses from enthusiastic contributors, only for the OP to never be seen again, or show up later to make even more stupid comments. GS has been under attack for a while with it so bad now that I rarely bother helping anyone any more unless they appear genuine or have a high post count.

    But more often that not, it's not amusing, it's actually rather sad. Not even the troll getting his kicks, it's the same old people helping everyone out all the time being taken advantage of. They are obsessed with music, I know, but the fact they can't see that they are having the mickey taken is a little pathetic. Trolls divide communities and stop new people like me from joining. Someone with a wealth of experience, who is happy to help out any 1 post noob as long as they ask a decent question and give some feedback.

    It was only the trolling that has stopped me from joining this excellent community for so long. I see how this whole SF thing has divided this place. It is always the same. The more worldly wise who realise that the piss is being taken get angry. The younger more naive users call these people haters and conflict arises. This thread in fact, is pure troll 101. Don't get me wrong, SF has had me in stitches holding my sides with some of his trolling (just talking about this thread now), he is actually pretty good at it. But I decided last night that I would sign up to say something, come what may. I may get banned. I may lose friends I've never had. That would be a shame, as I'd like to be a part of this place. To help out anyone I can with my broad range of expertise and experience. For gratis. But I can't do that when there are jokers running wild.

    I don't expect anyone to listen to me or take me seriously. The proof is in the pudding. It's been a fun joke so far, but I wonder how many other serious musicians and producers such as myself are put off by the shenanigans here. The big two (GS and KVR) are old and stale now. Same old faces, same old bs. This place has a new angle and it could be a refreshing breath of air. There are kids out there that want to learn this stuff. This stuff is hard. It takes years of work to learn. There are people out there like me, who have a pretty good handle on it and are happy to give freely of their time to help. Like the old guy that took the time to pass on his mixing knowledge to the young noob, who appreciated the gesture. That's what it's all about for me. And I'm not so great that I can't learn from others as well. You never stop learning...

    I like a bit of wildness and I love humour. I even like a well executed troll. KVR has some of the best troll jobs you will ever find on the whole internet. There's been some proper pro jobs there that have left me in tears. But trolling is hardly ever done as well as that. Every second thread at GS is a troll now (from noobs I mean). Reaper forums have their fare share too. And again, those Reaperites with 3000 posts take them seriously and can't see that they are being made to look foolish.

    Who trolls these places then, and why? Good question. This is my theory:

    If you are going to troll there are only so many places you can get away with it. So it makes sense to pick a place where you have some expertise in the area. SF for example obviously has knowledge in the field. But no one could be that wilfully stupid and obtuse. Sorry to those of you that have been taken in, but it's the demonstrable truth. So most of the people trolling the audio forums are either those that have just discovered the wonders of proxies and vpns and proxomitron and whatnot, and just picked these places by chance, or they are more likely disgruntled or banned former members. Sometimes those members (ex) carry grudges with particular people, or sometimes with the whole community itself. Ocassionally it is a well known and knowledgeable user just having a bit of genuine fun. I don't think SF is a malicious troll, I think it more likely he is a well known member of another audio forum and him and his mates are having a good laugh at you all as they exchange their PMs about how they took you in, or how they got you all to fight.

    Now, also, don't forget that this site is held in the lowest of regards by those that frequent the big two (GS and KVR). You know that people that 'try before they buy' are considered to be a life form lower than a rapist or a dog. That is how the average GS and KVR poster thinks. They despise people that don't buy all their software. It's demonstrably true with many people calling for physical harm against those that might use cracks. So please, take this into consideration as well. Also do not dismiss the posssibility it might be a certain VST dev. Say a German one, known to have a particular pathological hatred of crack users - you know who I mean. I'm not saying it is. It's very unlikely. But please open your minds to the possibility that you are under attack and that the attack is sophisticated enough, to even have backup trolls, supporting the main troll, in a subtle way for credibility. Trolling 101.

    I've been researching trolls for the last nearly 20 years, before anyone even heard the term. I've studied their tactics and strategies. I've read all the secret service and military stuff too that I could get my hands on with regards to pysops. This stuff is real and it happens. That's not even a secret. It was at searchlores when I first started studying reverse engineering that I came across the term myself, and the whole subject has fascinated me ever since.

    I could say 'apologies to anyone I've offended I'm not calling you out', but that would be silly at this point after what I've just said. Sorry I couldn't find a better place to say it. Mods feel free to delete or move to a new thread or just ban me for being an impertinent little noob. But I see so much knowledge here, so much passion, so much desire to give and share. But it's all thwarted. I suppose the question is: How much does this want to be a big grown up community to not only compete with the big two forums, but surpass it and become even greater. They've had their day now. They'll always be around, but they can't move forward, neither of them have the last couple of years really. Audiosex has the potential.

    As for this thread and SF, well I know this person pretty well by now. In fact, it's the exact same pattern I have spotted from a certain someone else who periodically trolls all the audio forums. Time and time again he goes under the radar, and no one sees it as they are too close. Personally I don't think SF is malicious. I think it's someone that genuinely finds this sort of thing funny. And it is for a while. I've literally had tears streaming down my face at some of his lines. The way he started a new thread about going to vegas was a corker! Straight after being roasted on this thread. I'd pay money in a comedy club to see stuff like that. They aren't half as funny.

    Question is, is this a comedy forum or an audio forum? By all means, have a little sub-forum for comedy - I'll join in (I'm hilarious), have a 'safe space' where people can go over the top and roast each other in the name of higher humour. But whole disruptive threads like this sap the energy and life blood of a place where we are all here to share our musical experiences and learn from each other, in whatever capacity we can.

    I'm not calling for anyone to be banned. I'm not second guessing the mods. But if I'm not banned after this rather haughty post, then I aim to lead by example. I'm looking to sharpen up a bit too, and helping and teaching others is a great way to do that so I get something out of it too, if you let me.

    I just see so many experienced and down to earth people on this forum. I'd really like to see a couple of threads going where they get dug in and real dissect a subject - go at it hard - but always respectful. And those people I am genuinely interested in hearing their music, their opinions. This forum is at a wonderful stage of its life. It's not dead and starting out, it's really starting to get going. But this is a critical juncture, and if it is over run by clowns, well, then serious people like me just aren't going to bother. I don't care, I lose nothing whichever way it goes. I have all my software and know how to use it to make amazing music. But it would be nice to have a musical place to hang out, because quite frankly, I'm not happy with any of the audio/musical places on the net I see, and I'm looking for a home.

    I think a lot of other people are too. So I'm sticking my neck out and saying my piece of why I think this could be an exceptional place (as it was intended to be). I'm taking a bit of responsibility even though I am new and trying to be the change I want to see in this world, as the old cliche goes. I don't get involved with bickering. I don't take sides. I never insult or call people out. I'm not petty. I see the big picture.

    Hopefully there are more than a few others who feel the same way, and this forum can be taken to the next level. I think it's time now. The infrastructure is there, the elders and custodians are in place. The whole thing is geared up and ready to really rock and roll, or hip and hop or country and western...

    And hopefully again, my post is taken in the spirit it is intended. I come not to sow discord or discontent, just to show the possibility of a new day, a much brighter and lighter and more joyous day.

    That would be all. I'll find my own way out. As a certain someone used to say at searchlores.

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  12. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    This community is fine. Some peoples ask question and don't come back, they are ungratefull. It's sad but it's life.
    The term trolling itself for this type of behaviour is questionnable.
    SF might be annoying but I don't see him as a troll. Some people have a hard time to listen unless you tell them what they want to hear.
    It's not the smartest attitude but it's not trolling.
    The few topics he throws from time to time give every one a bit of fun and that's about it, it's not tearing anyone apart imho.

    PS : nice tracks indeed @Impressive
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  13. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    First off, very well said. Spoken so eloquently and professionally.
    Secondly, welcome to the forum. There are some good people here. Our moderators will assist you in anything they can. Please don't be shy if you need help with anything.
    Lastly, how the hell would your post get you banned from here? Maybe it would get you banned from GS or KvR, but not here. I've made some nasty-humored posts. I'm still here - 249 likes and only 2 dislikes on my profile. Lol.
    I have accused Steven Slate and Doug Rogers (Eastwest) of being pedophiles, tho. Wasn't sure if you were refereing to me. Haha *gulp* ;)
    You're allowed to voice your opinion here. The majority of us are open minded.
    Steve Faoki doesn't appear as a troll to me. I don't get annoyed by his posts. Really takes a lot to annoy me on here. Most of us are here for the same thing: to better our music production skills and have some fun/make some new friends while doing it. I have met a few trolls on here, though. But I've put them on my ignore list.
    Steve may not have a whole lotta skills as a musician, but you gotta learn somewhere. Where he is is not someplace we haven't been - it's called "Beginners". That's why we have these forums.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2016
  14. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    Thanks for the insight dude. It's something that hadn't crossed my mind. One of the great things around here is the willingness to share. Hardly do we see people looking down on others. Some threads get nasty, it's true, but I choose to believe AudioSex is above it all as a concept. I've met some of the finest individuals here, amazingly through the anonymity of a username. I've been assisted in many ways. At other times I've been corrected and changed to redirect course on audio production techniques and all. Needless to say it is informative by the day. I appreciate your taking the courage to post here despite your reservations. Be welcomed to a place that still enjoys the freedom of speech that internet is supposed to provide. I guess this thread has grown too big and detailed, but it has proven a chance to voice topics that are of interest on and offline, in life. At this point I'm digressing. Goodnite.
  15. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    please, enlighten us. :)
  16. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Learn your trade and dont be a f-ing troll.(generally speaking,not aimed at you artwerkski).
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  17. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Haha, cheers! I know SF got himself in a bit of a storm because of ilusions of grandure but while I was reading your post it got me thinking; what are the 'etiquettes' ? The rules of engagement in this biz if you like? From what I've seen there are next to none. Bragging about your stuff on an audioforum with nothing to back it up but a few tracks doesn't get you anything but in trouble. What I've experienced first hand in 'the biz', the industry is that the dirtier you play, the higher you climb. And that's no joke, I'm seeing it every day. Steve's a bit of a dreamer I guess... "first you gotta deliver the goods and bring home the bacon, then you can be a star." Grace Jones.
  18. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    Well it's been a few days, still no presence from the O.P. and his acceptance of my challenge.
  19. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Maybe they dont have amazon prime in his country and he had to actually order this vinyl and turntables he was challenging you with
  20. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    Ehrm ??? Really sG
    Well in that case.
    It's not a "they" it's just 1 douche
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