Steve Faoki's Greatest Hits: Part 1

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Desantïs, May 23, 2016.

  1. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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  2. django

    django Member

    Dec 13, 2011
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    It's not my kind of music and I don't know how much you have used pre made loops to build these tracks, but to me these sound like the sort of tracks that could be big in that kind of scene. If you have built all of these? Recorded these vocals etc then I wouldn't bother with the kind of questions you post on here and the sort of statements that wind up people on this forum because you should just be promoting your music to people who would appreciate it. You don't need to know about the circle of fifths or a diminished triad if you can do this sort of thing by instinct.

    If you haven't done all of the production on these then I don't see the point of even putting it together as it's so generic I can't see it would get you anywhere. But like I say it's not my type of music so who know how it works in that scene.
  3. Wurlie Rocker

    Wurlie Rocker Producer

    Aug 24, 2015
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    You build your hype like if you were "Mozart meets Beethoven" reborn and then you post this generic crap. And then you complain about negativity and nastiness in comments. You can't be for real, ha?
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  4. Adamdog

    Adamdog Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2016
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    hi, that s not my music genre, I really have no experience in similar listenings
    but I respect the work, and I can hear a lot of work involved
    about the actitude, proud or humble... artists are natural born show offs, that s why they can face a wild audience high on booze and ready to kill anyone's ego if they suck live, or enhance em as demi Gods if they re good.
    the deal is to keep the beast under control and bite the tongue when needed.

    when I think humble artist I think Dustin Hoffman
    generically speaking, few others are really humble
    even being humble can be a smart ass actitude, planned and studied
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  5. Adamdog

    Adamdog Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2016
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    I ve never met a guy who believes in his stuff and presents it as "not bad", "more or less what I wanted", and so
    usually presentations sound like "that s fantastic"
    am I wrong?
  6. Wurlie Rocker

    Wurlie Rocker Producer

    Aug 24, 2015
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    If you are a musician, a good and confident one - you let your listeners decide. You don't go around and shove your music down everybody's throat. You know you're good at what you do and you prove it with your great music. People listen, appreciate, author gets his moral/monetary satisfaction, both profit. Done.

    But if you are a talentless, shameless hack and attention whore like Steve Faoki major diva persona here, not a musician, but more like a salesman or con artist, who will sell his mother to get more attention to himself, then yes, you would go on and create a million threads, telling people your music is "the latest, greatest, ultimate, cosmic, genius piece of work". And when the next album comes out you say exactly the same. And on and on and on. It doesn't have anything to do with music, especially good one. It's called false advertising and false hype. Simply, it's called lying.

    Just look at all these bands who tell their fans every time a new album comes out: "Now this time it's totally the heaviest, greatest, unseen, unprecedented, the best album we've ever done". But wait a minute guys! The last time you said your previous album was the bestest, greatest shit ever? How come it's "the best ever" again? You see? It's about bullshitting your fans, nothing to do with great music. Is this right? Is this what music should be about? No. It's all just fake bullshit.

    I doubt Rachmaninoff in XXI century would be like: "Hey, good people, I have a totally great and unique piano concerto written, you should absolutely come and hear me this evening, don't miss my new shit". And then people would come to a concert hall and and see Sergei Vasilievich bang on a single piano key for the rest of the evening. Nope, that's not what would happen. Why? Because Rach was a real musician and Steve Faoki here is just a hack.

    Enough said.
    Last edited: May 23, 2016
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  7. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    I'd like to quote Steven Pressfield and his seminal book "The War of Art":
    This is, among other things, what distinguishes the professional artist.
    We're whitnessing the exact opposite here.

    @Wurlie Rocker Thanks, your posting is spot-on in my oppinion. To carry your thought a little further: usually, the artist doesn't decide what her "hits" are, let alone her greatest ones.
  8. Desantïs

    Desantïs Banned

    Jan 17, 2016
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    these tracks are 1-3 yrs old and I just wanted to show what I had locked away. Not to brag how good they were but for maybe someone to enjoy a song or hear something different. I have zero studio equipment and use headphones so it's tough to know if I could be better. I hope you guys also know even though I like to joke around I appreciate the help I get on here and I realize I have a ways to go before hitting my true 'steve faoki' potential. I haven't been producing lately bc of work and trying to paying the bills and needed to do something to break the cycle and get back into it again and I think this lit a fire under me again.
  9. Adamdog

    Adamdog Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2016
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    for the commenters above:
    I won t bring any famous opinion to support my statement:
    I dislike aggressive behaviour
    got it?
    ah... it s in the Bible, too... if you need a quote
  10. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Not my style either, but I can see you've spent a considerable time producing these tracks, and I respect it.

    However, like others have said, it's nothing extraordinary, nothing special.

    I guess I was expecting much more, since you behave like someone who's extraordinarily creative...When you behave like that, you create expectations, and when expectations are not properly met, you create disappointment... It doesn't sound bad either, if it serves as a consolation. At least technically, everything seems to be in its right place. This already is an accomplishment.

    So far, I can say that you're a competent brick layer. Musician? Not so much...At least not yet. It lacks artistry and personality. It sounds generic.

    The good thing is that you can become better, maybe even become that kind of genius you seem to believe you are. Just keep studying and practicing and you most certainly will improve.

    Sorry if I sound harsh, but you asked for criticism, so here it is.

    Good luck!
  11. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Damn. People are being mean as fuck lmao. This is what happens when you run your mouth. People who know me on here know I have a belief in myself that borders on delusional but I don't go around lying/bragging publicly.

    It's not bad, Steve. Some of this is actually pretty good. The people calling it generic are correct though. You need to add some flavor to your style, and in my opinion that always starts with getting a handle on sound design and/or layering. I dont care how many people do it - a straight up super saw is NEVER good enough to be in a final track.

    One final note though, to everyone. And I love some of y'all but - unless a guy is outright aggressive toward you and needs to be smacked around a little, I don't support shitting all over someone's art regardless of quality. That shit hurts.
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  12. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    You see. This is what I talked about.
    Most people do not like most songs not because of the songs but because of the genre. Just do what best suits you.

    When they blame you, they actually blame the genre. Never give up your way. You're the best.

    Good luck!:mates:
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2016
  13. Adamdog

    Adamdog Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2016
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    anyway if we want to elevate ourselves to music, well not music, behaviour judges one question comes on my mind:
    how old is Steve? if he s under 25 this behaviour that you say (I didn t notice that sorry) is say tollerable.

    anyway ego, image, loud sound are today 70% of the art work
    I don t like it, but I testify it

    frontmen gotta be all show offs
    or... we live on different planets
    the difference is that there s a place to show it off: THE STAGE
  14. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Not really. He talked big. He behaved like someone with not much knowledge or direction. When he arrived here he was pretty much constantly asking the membership to micromanage his DAW/production education.

    I don't really see why everyone is so surprised. If anything, I'm surprised at how good it is. I mean c'mon, nobody's going to download and replay it, but it's totally listenable
  15. Adamdog

    Adamdog Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2016
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    ok Foster, I'm really not into his style, and to be honest I don t like it, sorry Steve, just tastes
    I don t have the experience, listenings to evaluate his music
    but I have experience and I can read well the comments
  16. HoA

    HoA Noisemaker

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I get a strong sense that loops or one hits are used quite a deal in your work. Maybe I am wrong. Regardless, repetition seems to be an area where your songs are brought down. Perhaps morphing parts over time, automating effects on parts or introducing new elements during periods of repetition would help. In electronic music, your ears get bored easily.

    Try to establish a certain uniqueness to your sound. Produce something fresh and inventive. Don't fall for the mass produced template approach of current EDM.

  17. Wurlie Rocker

    Wurlie Rocker Producer

    Aug 24, 2015
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    As for me, I don't need no quotes to support my statement.

    Nothing aggressive about our attitude. We made a point and we made it pretty well. Nothing to do with a snobbery too. There's a line drawn between a good musician and a con artist, as one can't be the other. It's either a good music or a scam. Do you get it? Doesn't seem like you do.

    This guy Faoki welcomed all this big shitstorm upon his sorry ass. He only has to blame himself. The guy lied for months and months about his geniality and how great and amazing he is, yet when it comes to his music, it's nothing but a load of generic crap. You build up a hype? Live up to the hype! Or piss off with your crappy jokes.

    You doesn't seem to be familiar with his countless threads, but believe me, there were many. The guy says he's a genius at production, the next thing you know he creates a thread asking what plugin should be on every track. If this is his sense of humor, I should say it's quite obnoxious one.
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  18. SyNtH.

    SyNtH. Platinum Record

    Nov 27, 2013
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    It seems as some of the community seems to be ok with this brash personality, where as some call the bullshit where it is.

    In the near future i might also make a best of mix too... Get ready for some overhyped and underdeveloped mixes. By the way ive got a real turntable and ive got like 1 million subscribers but i cant show them to you because your screen isnt big enough to see all amount of followers i have. I am the best and no one can beat me! I'm better then all of these people just pressing play on their cdj's!

    See i can do this stupid fucking attitude too. Starting to get sick of this forum's attitude to dealing with trolls. I mean what does this reveal even garner? Some feedback that you wont even take into account/ or some dead plays which dont result in any networking, or real interest. All you have introduced is meta discussion on your music on one of the millions of production forums that exist on the internet. Im just left thinking why isnt anything done by the admins? This kind of crap has been going on for long enough. Or is it accepted now that when one of us makes a release we have to add in bullshit hype and overdress the release and keep protesting and claiming that they are the best producer/mixer? The pouting is ridiculous... I've tried my best in refraining from responding to these forum posts but its gotta stop. Try and find out what the word "humble" really fucking means, and take off those rose tinted "EDM" glasses that you keep addressing everybody under.
    Last edited: May 23, 2016
  19. insaner

    insaner Ultrasonic

    Mar 29, 2015
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    1 track is really sick. a bit Headhunterz style :)
    Good job man (i hope you did not stole it)
  20. Adamdog

    Adamdog Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2016
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    Wurlie Rocker, no, I didn t follow Steve's evolutions on Audiosex
    I just didn t notice that
    all I m talking about is in this thread
    the comments about behaviour are superior than the ones about the music
    there are the Mods to handle it
    any aptempt of "handling a case" by normal members is WRONG
    so Mods should have already evaluated his behaviour and found it ok, if he s still onboard
    maybe he will need to slow down a bit, I trust you when you say he s a show off, it seems that many have noticed that, and I agree it sounds childish if you want
    Aggressions are worst, they lead to nowwhere but the verbal fighting
    very useless and boring more than whatever music

    to me.... it mines the serenity of a forum
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