Master Bus Compresser: What stage to use? What compressor to purchase?

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by Trevor Gordon, May 22, 2016.

  1. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Hey guys,

    So I went to the music shop and I found two compressors that I have my eye on for a future purchase. First question is stage by stage process:

    Start with the production and mix, get everything gelling and sounding right, master everything and then send it through the master bus hardware compressor.


    Start with the production and mix, get everything gelling and sounding right, send it through the master bus compressor, THEN do a final master?

    Which sounds like a better processes? I'm thinking the second one?

    Here's the second question: Which compressor looks more ideal to you? I really like the Pro VLA one, the knobs feel so damn solid and its got that VU meter.



    Last edited: May 22, 2016
  3. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Are you sure your music & technical knowledge is at the level only hardware equipment will improve it? Because once you go to hardware you will have to work with high quality AD/DA convertors, be extra careful to keep the level in equipment's "comfort zone" and also add extra care to the (usually unwanted) noise these equipments inevitably bring in.

    I have this feeling that at your current level, this kind of hardware may actually be a pain in the ass rather than a problem solver. A problem you actually don't have anyway.
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  4. Lean

    Lean Producer

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Essentially they are pretty much different products in that Art Pro has a tube gain stage more aimed towards amplification with a built in opto emulation i.e more based towards instruments etc
    The DBX266XS just a plain low grade compressor with a gate and they sound nasty So tubes more warmth, more analogue.
    The ART pro quite good value for the money a still a low end product. It much better than a DBX266XS tho imo. DBX make superior high end gear and pretty crap low end stuff.
    My advice work out exactly what you need or save up for a bit longer for something like a DBX 676 which gonna give u everything u need but cost a lot more and more similar to the ART PRO VLA II but far better

    Ive used a DBX266XS and it was pretty nasty to say the least. It's a low end product with the legendary DBX name.

    As said above I really wouldn't bother with a DBX266XS as it probably gonna cause more problems a need more cash spent. Give one a try if you able. Good luck :)
  5. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    I hear ya Jay, I suppose considering the price is reasonable and also the guy said I have 30 days to return it, it will be worth experimenting with! I basically just want that analogue tube sound and nothing more. If I can obtain that with a simple compressor I feel it's worth a shot!

  6. Lean

    Lean Producer

    Mar 8, 2016
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    The DBX 266XS is not a tube compressor It doesn't have any AFAIK so double check
  7. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    The tube sounds like a tube (yeah, ironic) only when the signal running through is hot enough (usually starting with 0 VU). If you do that on the master summing buss, you'll choke your entire track.
    And oh... you may want to look into something with transformers in audio circuitry (usually $$$) rather than tube for that alleged "warmth", the distortions are way smaller in this case and you can treat a master buss with such a hardware.
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  8. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    In a mix
    if you purchase one of these i would go for the ART... i own 3 of them and for the money they are very nice for tracking and mixbuss \m/ Altho i own other compressors of much more value i still find myself going to the ART more often than any other comp i have cause its cheap on the pocket if it needs a fix and i like the way it sounds ;) ... I mix alot of Rock tracks and it works for me but on a heavy Dance or RNB anything with alot of Bass you have to be carefull on a full mix cause it will distort the low end if you push it to hard... if you gona start using outboard like another said get you a good AD/DA convertor >>> and keep Rockin Man \m/
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  9. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    ...and this is my last intervention, I promise :) There is no studio I've been in contact with, to have other than actual engineers running the hardware, because there is so much technical knowledge involved (impedances, voltages, connections, sometimes knowledge of actual block diagram of the hardware). Seriously, no producer/engineer hardware owner out there just mindlessly turns the knobs without knowing to a certain extent what's happening in the circuitry of the processor. And when you start knowing this, many things start making sense. (Moby's repairing by himself his large drum machines collection, btw).
    Heck even the usually plug & play AD/DA must be properly calibrated so the readings on daw's meters match the voltage in the hardware. All these can be self-taught, no worries here, but it takes time.

    As a rule of thumb, you know that you know enough the moment you say: "this (insert model name here) is the hardware I want". As long as you ask around for "what $150 compressor should I pick: this or that" the results will be at best the ones before making the purchase. Not even "what should I pick between Neve or SSL summing unit" is not a forum-answerable question iMHO.

    I don't want to discourage you in any way, merely trying to guide you to a more productive path on the long term, based on my experience and some of the people I've met.
  10. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Appreciate the info, Jay. I'll certainly consider all the points you put across. Maybe I will work with the plug ins for now. I'm really wanting that low end and I can't get it with virtual stuff, so that's part of the reason I'm so eager to get hardware. I get that 30 day trial if I purchase, so if I don't like it I can return it and there is no loss, so no biggie.
  11. Lean

    Lean Producer

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Trevor u have done nothing wrong mate but Jay was giving some valuable advice there.

    I was in a similar position a few years back.
    My situation was slightly different in that I was building a guitar rack so I needed certain things.

    It does get addictive tho & I though and I found myself collecting every bit of low grade rack compressor, Parametric EQ, BBE etc that I could lay my hands on.

    I'd say about 2 out of 10 purchases i'm glad i made.

    The others now have been sold or sit in a rack in my sons room for him to mess with.

    I then waited long and hard and saved for the items i'e really wanted at the higher end of the spectrum i.e A channel strip, compressor and an EQ.

    A really good channel strip was a great option was for me personally because of the instruments I use so I didn't need much else as I already had pre-amps, poweramps mics etc.

    I bought a joe meek twin Q2


    and I swear it does just about everything I need apart from play the guitar itself lol

    I now wish saved that couple of grand I blew and invested more wisely and taken Much more time to think but hey I learned from it.

    Another option for you to maybe consider is something along the lines of a outboard mixing console with tubes such as this


    they are fantastic I assure you and will give you a great analog sound and sit nicely on a desktop etc.

    So like Jay said take your time and don't rush in and wherever possible have a try out if you able.

    Most high end music stores now have whole mixing rooms with an engineer who I'm sure would run you through your options and paint you a better picture of what stuff you need and what to avoid.

    Best of luck mate in findinding that elusive analogue sound and once you do you'll want even more :)
  12. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    I shouldn't have touched those dials! Now I'm getting an addiction to have one of these things! The channel strip sounds like the best option, since that's been the most common recommendation. Thanks for the info!

    Oh....I came across this emulation of a master bus compressor....looks HOT! If you know where I can get a "trial" copy let me know! Can't seem to find it on my audionews site.
  13. Lean

    Lean Producer

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Yeah mate Shadow hills the "Holy Grail" of opto compressors. They are amazing for vocals etc. Cost about 8 grand I think lol.

    That one u linked is UAD tho and very nice so you need the hardware unless u already got it as they powered and cards or the inteface can be expensive. So unless u got the hardware trial copy is useless 4 u. They make great plugins tho and many emulations that no one else seems to touch .

    A much less expensive version is The SKnote emulation, more or less exactly the same GUI which is also pretty good and available at a fraction of the price. Not as good as UAD but pretty good nonetheless. It's available if u look over the water & that :yes:

    I have the legit version it it's pretty good :bow:

    example SKnote version


    see the similarity :wink:
    Last edited: May 22, 2016
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  14. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I completely agree with what Lean says, and I'd throw in another two options for you, Trevor. I'm personally very fond of SPL products so no wonder I will recommend you this: or this: for that nice low end. Notice they both have bass compression [that you really have to learn how to use properly]. You can track, process VSTs, or master through both of these. Really nicely sounding devices. Not exactly cheap, but they are worth it. I'm also really fond of TL Audio FatTrack. Haven't got one yet, though. :sad:

    I recently sold my SPL Channel One and I'm going to get one of these or the FatTrack instead, because I want a stereo processor this time. :wink: I haven't won the lottery yet though! :hahaha: SOON

    edit: I'll probably get a 2nd hand vitalizer-mk2-t as they go for not so much dosh on e-bay. :wink:
    Last edited: May 22, 2016
  15. groove

    groove Kapellmeister

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Yes you are right It's the best master comp ever..... and for the same price but without a dsp card acoustica ultramarine ..... near uad one .... The two masterpiece for comp on master
  16. SoundForSoul

    SoundForSoul Ultrasonic

    Dec 18, 2011
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    I found Acustica Nebula products to be by far the most pleasing sounding plugins at the most reasonable prices, always get my clients to smile when I enable them in my sessions and also sound great when translated to radio airplay. For the master bus compression I would definitely recommend Murano, Ultramarine or Titanium: (as someone have mentioned Shadow Hill Mastering comp few post earlier) and I have licensed them on two machines, and they are present in every project. Needless to say that their stunning look impress even the most non-geeky clients :)

    Last edited: May 22, 2016
  17. Lean

    Lean Producer

    Mar 8, 2016
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    If you like SPL what about the new SPL


    They a bargain at 3 and a half grand!!! I'm saving for one estimated delivery 2047!!!

    Seriously what about the Mastering plugin by SPL anyone tried that yet or is it not out yet?

    BTW you get a fat track for well under a grand. That imo not overly pricey for a quality piece of kit like that. Is better than buying like a load old shite you never gonna use.
    Is attainable for a lot.
    A lot of people blow a grand on stuff they don't need. Not saying everyone but in the long term a year down the line maybe it a viable option. Mostly people can save but I know some can't example I don't know cut down in other areas and prioritize. It is possible though I agree not for everyone JMO
    Last edited: May 22, 2016
  18. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    There is a sweet point in buying every kind of equipment when forking out more money doesn't really give you much more quality. The point of diminishing return. :winker: So I would never fork out more than a grand for just about anything, except the speakers. :wink: For outboard analogue tube processing I think Tube Vitalizer and FatTrack are at that sweet point. Buy anything cheaper and you get too low quality, and buy anything more expensive you get not so much better quality. :wink: Let's also not forget TL Audio C1, EQ1, even A2. <-- all lovely stuff that can be found for a really nice price on e-bay. I still regret not buying C1 for ~200 quid just around a year ago. Now they cost quite a bit more all of a sudden. :sad:
  19. Lean

    Lean Producer

    Mar 8, 2016
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    I totally agree mate I bought a lexicon mpx of e bay.

    Amazing beast and then the circuit board blew which they notorious for. Was gutted :(

    I have bought quite a lot of e bay some has been great say even and old digitech Harmonizer but some of the old stuff u can't get spare parts for now. U can pick up some great bargains tho but i would go for something fairly modern as in if a part blows u can still get hold of a replacement.
    Liquidation sales are also great but they don't come across very often.
    I agree totally unless u got mega bucks u can't be buying top end gear as you gonna have to shell out more & More and it not feasible unless u minted.
    I would invest in a fat track like u say purely on the basis of an outboard Mixing console with tubes is gonna be really useful for many things even if it not how they do it in the studio you could still pull of some great stuff with that bit of kit.
    I'm a huge fan of SPL and was thinking of a crimson as a nice little desktop interface but i read they were poorly designed which i found very uncharacteristic of SPL coz they are mega.
    Can't wait to try the new mastering plugin and no doubt it will be quality.
    Lets face it who wouldn't love a fairchild and a neve but it just not realistic less you like Bill Gates or something.

    Now he could build a mean studio. His telemetry would report direct to himself :rofl:

    You should have bought it mate that also one of the better ones TL Audio are top notch. Only a small company but the ebony series etc outstanding quality and semi affordable unlike the Fairchilds and LA2 etc.

    You can only buy though when you have the cash and unfortunately most of us are not lucky enough to be in that position as Food & electric comes first.

    No good having a Fairchild when you got no electric lol. No totally agree with what u say which is why I said think long and hard and maybe work your ass of if you can for a year or so and demo it.
    One bit of quality better than ten bits of real garbage imo :bow:
    About the price rise with TL Audio u are totally correct. Years back when they were tiny the stuff was a lot cheaper. They started out as a tiny British company who actually cared about value for money and of course that Analogue /tube sound.
    Their stuff was quality from the beginning and affordable. However After the TL Fatman everything changed. That was their breakthrough. You can still pick them up cheap and they mega.
    Then it went like everything else Rise in popularity = Rise in = Demand = We put out prices up. Plus bigger team, bigger running costs and the components they use are rising in price all the time.

    However to their credit they have still remained pretty affordable and they actually do give a shit about their market and customers unlike some of the mega corporations so I have nothing but admiration for them because I think they are keepin it real as to say.
    Last edited: May 23, 2016
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