Beware: Steinberg controlls your Software / VST-V.R Patch

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by van.burg, May 21, 2016.

  1. StupidifiedMoneky

    StupidifiedMoneky Member

    Apr 23, 2016
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    Don't worry my friends, as soon as I will tell V.R about this, he will call Karl, who did quit Steinberg company somewhere a decade ago, threaten him to release his internal Cubendo and Karl will get back to Steinberg and tell them to fix things immediately, so that Legit Cubase could co-exist with V.R patched trials and a fish.
    Why would Karl do that? Asks V.r about it, he thinks that he has an agreement with Karl not to release Cubendo until it's protection is not updated... bare in mind that Karl in his mind can also be just an imaginary friend to him... which is more likely to be true than his imaginary agreement, in that case sorry for the false hopes guys... better call Steinberg, fess up for messing with their eLicenser and if they won't help then cry, because Stainberg has all the rights to control their software, especially when you install patched licenses made by some demented weirdo from Ukraine...
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  2. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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    the day steinberg and nexus drop this silly protection hack i will buy both of them
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  3. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    i´m sure your do not , and in general said people would even needs to think about why protection even exist .
  4. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    My friend said the same thing in 1990,now he`s an old guy flipping burgers in Mcdonald`s with a Windows 95 t-shirt.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2016
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  5. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    I would say it is perfectly possible for such thing to happen.
    But, in that case, wouldn't steinborg rather block apps like old nexus, Waldorf largo and lector, old wavelab, etc etc, than a simple sound bank, or a 10 yo hypersonic... ?

    until you do a CLEAN install of Cubase on a NEW installed windows, without installing other apps, you won't be able to know if what you think is really happening.

    If they did that, without the user being able to see what's inside the dongle, and actually blocked the legit Cubase license on the dongle, it would be impossible for them to say 'we did this because you have used X pirate app...'. Like someone making a video of you, a day later, suing you for this or that reason. : forbidden
    To be able to legally do such things, like blocking your 600 euro cubage license, they would have to have a disclaimer somewhere, saying 'attention, if you use a steibeg cracked app along a legit dongle and curbage, we reserve the right to block/lock your dongle /licenses'.

    Strange, only some german companies, like tone2, dare doing all kind of shit to users. Even a spectrasonics company doesn't change the copy protection of their 500$ synthesis. Hitler is dead, but the taste for a mass hard drive/people murder and destruction still lingers. If they could, they would send a 2,1 GWatts of electricity, via Internet, to insta-kill a devil pirate, or some tnt or poison, inside the dongle, to make people pay in a different way.

    Re-install cubase on a proper windows , and come back.
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  6. Wuji

    Wuji Kapellmeister

    Mar 20, 2016
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    I run cracked Hypersonic for forever now on legit Cubase. There was never ever a problem like you describe it. And even it was the case you are really saying or complaining that Steinberg is manipulating their own software to not run a cracked software? Think again who is manipulating the software...
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  7. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    That's what I did ^-^ and it works perfectly for me
  8. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    the day steinberg and nexus drop this silly protection hack i will buy S1 and Omni :wink:
  9. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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    250 is really not much considering the cheapest sampling hardware will set you back way more and is less practical

    considering how expensive it is to have employees and pay more then 50% tax.. i get it they need to make a load of money

    rfx have made really good sounds, this protection, you cant even have nexus on your desktop and mobile at the same time

    you have to carry a fucking usbe like an egg, wtf is this shit, make some cellphone authorization or whatever 2016 hello

    dont give me usb stick, i lose 2 of them a year

    now i should trust myself to carry an expensive instrument on me, Nein
  10. Infidel

    Infidel Producer

    Jan 18, 2015
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    I had Cubase crash constantly until I figured out it was the interface drivers that were causing it. Try uninstalling the interface and then with it installed and see what happens. (legit Cubase 8.5 user).
  11. van.burg

    van.burg Noisemaker

    Apr 17, 2016
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    Well my friend found definite proof, that Steindick ( excuse me for spelling dick wrong before :) ) is spying out and manipulating their software by this test:

    He installed the Orginal Hypersonic without the air crack - after that he starts Cubase - Hypersonic is running ( ! ) , saying that the licence will experire in 3 Hours.

    When he installs the AIR Version of Hypersonic - Cubase crashes ( Standalone of the AIR crack still works fine )

    As I mentioned and some other guys did comment here : You could use the AIR Version with Cubase 8 legit.

    But only as long as you didn´t became a victim of Steinberg online illegal spy attack. It is clear that they manipulated elicencer after illegaly getting and collecting Data while my friend was online and Cubase running.

    My friend can´t really say for shure if it has got anything to do with the VR patch, the only thing really was obvious, that all of the sudden all the softlicences from the VR patch in elicencer were gone, and it probably happend the same secound Steinberg made the illegal online attack and manipulated the usb elicencer. It can´t be problem with Cubase or Windows, because he both installed them completly new !

    What sick bastards at Steindick man !

    Hypersonic 2 is about 10 years old (?! ) and worth 30 € , if you still get a used licence, Steindick heads still are controlling this old shit. I really think you have to be brainsick, writing program code to control 10 year old warez Software and even more brainsick to sell Software to a customer for 600 € and then block his 10 year old software because it might not be legaly owned.

    And even more I consider it even more illegal to spy out your Data online, like this incident shows.

    I don´t think that my friend was or will be the only victim of Steindick heads, maybe some more guys will write about it here in future.

    Hopefully some cracker group will put a end to this sick customer policy of Steindick, like Gouda did many years ago.

    And hopefully the sick asshole who has programed the online attack and manipulation of a legaly owned usb licencer will get diarrhea for a few weeks.
    Last edited: May 22, 2016
  12. van.burg

    van.burg Noisemaker

    Apr 17, 2016
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    Thanks for the tip man, but when my friend set up windows and cubase new, the audiointerface drivers where new too.
  13. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    Tell your friend he needs to invest all of his expert knowledge into a firewall and therapy all i see is he is controlling you.
  14. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    Hypersonic isn't soft elic its hard elic so you will get a prompt saying the usb key cant be found. There is no timer.

    Your friend is pulling his and your chain.
  15. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    van.burg , you proof one time more that your friend absolutely are unexperienced , and you are talking absolutely bullshit too with no knowledge as well .

    the best are sell your pc and search for an new hobby .

    sorry needed to be said .
  16. van.burg

    van.burg Noisemaker

    Apr 17, 2016
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    Read the facts man ( same to you tin tin ) and don´t speculate. It occured like written. No problem of installing a crack wrong or not knowing how to use warezed software and no fake shit story telling here, otherwise I would´t spend the time writing about it.

    As I said there might be others who will confirm and that´s it for me. I don´t have the time to discuss any further. Take the warning or don´t.
  17. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    Facts are facts its Hardware not Soft.
  18. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    again van.burg , first come back with an screenshot from your usb e-licenser and soft e-licenser from the control center .

    again proof that what you are talking about .
  19. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9

    Tell your friend to click on this link, its the same manual i own, look at page 6.

    Included with the Hypersonic 2 package, you will find an activation code for the Steinberg Key (sometimes referred to as a “dongle”), a hardware copy protection device that is part of the Hypersonic copy protection scheme. Hypersonic 2 will not run if there is no Steinberg Key and if this key hasn’t been properly activated. You can either separately purchase a new Steinberg Key for use with Hypersonic 2, or use a key previously bought for use with a different Steinberg application.
    Last edited: May 22, 2016
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  20. Boujwa

    Boujwa Ultrasonic

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Any one wants to upgrade from Cubase 7 to Cubase 8 pro? I have an upgrade for sale for only 60 bucks. inbox me.
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