What kind of music is like this...

Discussion in 'Education' started by jeffglobal, May 20, 2016.

  1. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    So, I've been looking into Music Theory, have my little Circle of 5ths and an inner circle of chord progression numbers with it. I started to learn various chord progressions and how they sound, and why you change keys in a specific way.

    I've been listening to the chords and varying how they sound, first by voicing, then by splitting them up over my two hands to add sounds like 9th, 11ths, and 13ths.

    I hear how different types of chords have different feels by themselves, with different voicings and in chord progressions.

    Now, for some reason, my unconscious already has a song written, but it's kinda weird. It's just really like a duet, but, it's really hard for me to play, because the rhythms are independent, but that isn't the biggest problem with it.

    It's not just a "baseline" or a melody, but kinda independent songs that interact together. The way the chords interact when played together changes their "tone" or emotional impact in ways completely different than when played alone. I didn't expect that, and it creates a much much bigger problem trying to understand wtf I'm trying to do and help it along.

    The best way I can describe wtf is going on and the problem I have, is, it's as if musically, I have a reserved "malelike" counterpoint, to a happy, flirty "femalelike" melody but, over time, the two lines interact and change the tone of each other sometimes making the counterpoint more "happy" or the melody more "reserved." While independently, they wouldn't sound like their tones were different.

    I'm watching the parts of chords and stuff, and to my 2 weeks of music theory study, they shouldn't go together, but sound good (well sound good sometimes making me very melancholy, or happy, etc.)

    So far, I've only been able to play this stuff with standalone Kontakt with a small multi and only when I've been doodling. Idk if I can record it, but I'll try. There is something really strange that changes my focus and mood, when I try to capture or record something. I think it's just things that happened to me as a kid that has still traumatized me, idk. I couldn't play with feeling until I was in grad school. Playing with feeling infront of other ppl, that was even later, but it first happened by accident, Idk ppl could hear.

    What kind of music has this type of interaction, where the melody and counterpoint are evoking evolving moods? That are not necessarily working together to produce a specific mood. It's not about harmonies and stuff, but something is happening with the two lines of music together that does not happen when I play them apart? wtf is that?
  3. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Deep house
  4. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @ia hmmm, I've been listening to: Trap (much slower than I realized), Electro, Deep, Techno House, and Trance (some club top 100 for a few minutes cause they sounded way too similar) for a few hours today, while I try not to just take a nap...even Arianna, "dangerous woman" she's way too cutsie. I don't hear that. I think I'm gonna take a nap.
  5. Well, even though some probable wise sage said something to the effect, "You need to learn the rules before you break them", you seem to be a quick study and wise beyond your experience and open to new ideas. Interesting music progressions can transcend genre, I wouldn't rush to put what you are hearing into a little box and to give it a name. Many times when listening to say, David Bowie, there are things that he has cobbled together that traditionally fall out of line with the norm but are so amazing in context to his melody. Radiohead plays this card also, as well as many others. Just let it flow naturally and try not to get caught up in the melee of what is supposed to be, but rather keep your ear open and be an empty vessel, as a willing disciple to the Muse and let her guide you by her soft and sensual hand wherever it may lead you.