Upgrading to window 10

Discussion in 'PC' started by james123, May 14, 2016.

  1. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    It seems like you really don't know much about computers or operating systems, for that matter. XPx64 is actually Windows Server 2003 and it's been used a lot! It's still being used, and there are still security updates being churned out for it, if I'm not mistaken. It is a very stable and fast server OS. Totally unlike Vista which is a normal, desktop OS, or rather a beta test for Windows 7. :winker:

    In my opinion, Windows XPx64 is the best OS Microsoft has ever produced. So easily manageable, so fast, joy to work with, and it can utilise more than 3GB of RAM. It is the only Windows OS without all the unnecessary bloat that can use heaps of RAM. :wink:

    But Windows 7x64 is not that much worse. I really like it, too. It is just a bit more complicated to use. However, Windows 8 and 10... my goodness... just so awfully unnecessarily complicated to use and bloated with unnecessary stuff. It is OK, I guess, for a normal desktop user, using Internet and Office, but for music and video production these OSes can be in the way when you need to do something fast.

    And the most important thing for musicians: the real-time performance drops a little bit with every new Microsoft OS due to having to deal with more and more unnecessary [for us] background processes that a non-real-time kernel cannot cope with so easily. Every process takes away a little chunk of your CPU. Have a 100 of them and your Diva will start crackling as soon as you press just one chord, no matter what CPU is in your computer.
    Last edited: May 17, 2016
  2. rosko

    rosko Ultrasonic

    Aug 27, 2011
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    Any advice here on a clean install versus just upgrading?
  3. ShadowOfTheZ

    ShadowOfTheZ Ultrasonic

    May 30, 2014
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  4. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    If you want to hand out personal info to NSA and CIA then yes do upgrade... after all its called 10 must be better than 7,which is a smaller number and it will really elevate your production 10x compared to win7.
    That is the logic of many who want to upgrade.
    Stick to the gamer forums.
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  5. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    That has always been the rule to install Windows cleanly instead of upgrading. You don't even have to ask or ponder about it. :winker:

    But if you want a more straight answer: yes, you should do a clean install because many people's experiences have shown there is a possibility your upgraded W7 or W8 won't even boot after the upgrade.

    Damn that sounds weird. Upgrade = no boot. :winker: Like buying a new car but getting rollerblades instead. :hahaha:

    Last edited: May 17, 2016
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  6. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Actually they are collecting info about all the software everybody is using including the licence details. A smart person would ask why are they doing that, and what will they do with the info?

    Last edited: May 17, 2016
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  7. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Do a clean install and create an image of your new ideal setup :wink: Then reinstall from the image if over time you need to improve system performance.
    Last edited: May 17, 2016
  8. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    They collect and sell the info,just like facebook does.
  9. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
  10. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Great lyrics and music,very true!:like:
  11. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Though most US military hardware is running win XP, some are not. Interestingly, the Aegis Missile Cruiser, running XP at the time, The Donald (Sitting Duck) Cook* had its whole computer systems shut off and they failed to get it to reboot as a SU fighter made practice runs in the Black Sea in 2014. Just because the ship was there illegally, because of international law and treaties is irrelevant, I assume... If you think that the US fixed the problema with win10 in 2016, a similar fighter shut off the SAME ship, fking around too close to Russia in its territorial waters north of England this year, and the Russians shut off the computer systems AGAIN. "Captain, we're tracking 16 missiles locked on the ship!" "Wait 1, ..., rebooting..."

    There is a reason that MicroSoftOn has government protection for legal exposure from its OS system failing in business and medical or anything else, it's the same reason why the vaccine makers have the same legal protection. They KNOW they sell crap and do harm, and just want to give everyone the finger while us plebs can't do shitte about it.

    Don't get me wrong, I know win7 still has a hand so far up my ass I could be a sock puppet, I just ain't gonna kill myself upgrading such that a larger hand can fit.

    I promise: If it's not broke, don't fix it, is a dictum that has served me well. At worst, I put things in parallel, unlike say NYC government when they switch to a new system and it fails and they just go duh, because keeping things parallel until proven to work, (best practices? wtf is "best practices!?") they thought cost too much money. They found, it only eventaully cost them (sic) 750 million dollars for hand scanners for govt employees like me just to replace sign in sheets! Where do I get those jobs! The company did have to pay back 100s of millions, but dude, 750 million dollars for hand scanners and what EDP can do for private companies for peanuts...! fml.

    --remember, if SecStat Ketchup Kerry says they could have shot down the jet, I KNOW the beach is lying.

    @Talmi A good rule of thumb when you see stuff in the news is, if they say something is 20-50 years away, they already have it working. The average time of black projects to go mainstream is 30 years. So I've heard 20 years for half the population's job to be automated: it has already happened. I'm just happy between my great melancholy, I think watching this slow motion car crash of the world's population funny as hell. Like all the frogs are still arguing in the pot, after they're already dead, in their own separate dreams as they lose final consciousness. In the end, women were right, "Girls just want to have fun," is the right way to go in this situation cause even though 7 billion ppl have to take out maybe 100,000 of the ones with bad intentions, it ain't gonna happen. Ok, I just cracked myself up again!
    Last edited: May 17, 2016
  12. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Try Win10 yourself. It's better for me, not for everybody. But I would recommend using win7 because of compatibility issues. Wait for a year or two.
  13. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @Cardamom When I use the system tools, I specify choices, or only allow the programs to delete on my ok. I've never had a problem. Like Avast wants to delete everything, but you can tell it to back off yo. I've deleted Avast (AVG too, free like free phone apps that read you naked) though, cause how many times does the govt need statistics from my computer? It's not updating virus databases every time it says databases are obsolete. uh huh. Magic, I run virus scans when I want to, and problem solved.

    Corollary: If we needed to watch everyone, we'd be considered paranoid. No? If we only used force to solve any problem, we'd be considered dictatorial. I get to see my oldest son for the first time in 4 years, because the govt has delayed my day in court, and if my oldest son wasn't thrown out of his house too, he'd still be under threat and couldn't say he wanted to see his dad. I go to jail if I don't do everything exactly, based only on accusation that has no supporting evidence. Why give me a trial, if they already have control? Awesome sauce. So I do apologize for my tone for the last couple of days, cause I'm freakin out. What do you say to a son you haven't seen for so long? Except he's forgiven because you understand the threat he was under?

    @Ankit My mom, because she wants Hillary to win or something, just upgraded her win8 pc, though my MS of computer science/computer engineering bro had to do it for her, because I didn't want any part of it. My mom asked me how does she upgrade to win10, I said, "very simple, just say yes. It asks you to do something, just say yes." She thought I was being a wiseass again and didn't believe me but, even Jesus couldn't make a sale in his home town.

    I'll check it out on her computer...you have to know, she finds using her iPad confounding too*, so it's like a placebo independent trial.

    [Update] I had to find out, so I just talked to my mom. I asked her if my bro completed putting on win10, she say, "yes." I asked her has she used it, she said, "yes." I asked her, "is it better or worse or what?" She said, "Well, I can't find anything anymore." Ok, I want to thank you again, I'm laughing as I type this...! After a certain amount of time of laughing alot, I feel really good.

    *I once found on her iPad a "group of friends" that were all Hispanic. It turned out, someone got her email password and reset her apple account to get all her paid apps. Funny as hell. My bro fixed that too, I couldn't stop laughing. She would never have noticed.
    Last edited: May 17, 2016
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  14. T Sax

    T Sax Newbie

    Feb 1, 2016
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    is there a way to go from 10 to 7 without having to reinstall everything all over again?
  15. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    My mother once told me that she had had a phonecall from Microsoft and that she had downloaded their software and connected to their computers so that they could fix her PC!

    She started to get suspicious when whoever it was controlling her PC over the net started to look through her personal photos opening text files and stuff. Then she pulled the plug and contacted me. lol. WTF!

    "Call the bank, call the police, call everyone you need to....." Whoopsie!


    Windows 10, especially with its "cloud" and "secrecy about surveillance" aspects make me uncomfortable for plenty of reasons. It's a major step by MS (already taken by others) towards blurring the line between **my** computer and theirs; my internet and theirs; my data and theirs.

    When I studied programming and software engineering it seemed pretty fundamental that you don't do things the user doesn't know anything about......let alone things they wouldn't want you (the programmer/the software) to do.

    Sure, the user has never known one is loading the accumulator with the value at address #F00B76C - no more than she nowadays could know what of her data MS is "sampling" and choosing to upload to its own servers - at some unknown location. But there's a fundamental difference - one is done entirely to satisfy a user request (completing a program routine) whereas the other is stretching that notion beyond breaking point.

    I don't know if it is still the case (or if it was truly the case) but originally credible reports about W10 said that it could phone home with parts of text documents the user was working on locally - "to improve their services", as they say.

    Whether that is true about User text documents or not, it certainly is true for many other types of User content - such as voice control. I recently bought an LG TV, not even realising it was "SMART" ie net connectable and all that. To use the TV I had to agree onscreen via remote control to a user licence which includes LG's right to take (steal) my viewing data - and any audio recorded by the TV if I connected a microphone (for voice control). If I refuse I can't use the TV so I have agreed and then completely abandoned using it as a SMART TV. ie Disconnect completely. Mad.
    LG even have 'rules' about their own inadvertent recording of minors: they aim to delete all audio content they acquire with minors' voices! Well stop recording everyone then?!

    This is the same crap that MS are now into. Big Style. The same goes for other voice recognition stuff and all the other crap.

    Some people don't mind but I was raised when 1984 was a warning not a sales brochure.

    "Don't believe the hype" / each to their own
  16. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @G String The only thing cloud computing is constructed to do, other than have drones all networked and smarter than anything an onboard processor could do, automating pretty much everyone...is make our PC become the old terminals of yesteryear hooked up to a mainframe.
    No programs, just dumb terminals like their dumb users...Our overlords have noticed computing power starts to level the playing field, e.g., bitcoin.

    My objection to MicroSoftOn, Apple, and Google are their covert behaviors programmed in the software they are not disclosing. The second you lose my trust you ain't worth shitte to me. That ppl don't care, and behave like, if you do nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about, which is a fk'ing quote from Joseph Geobbels, I have a problem with that, and I don't do anything wrong with intent.

    Oh, and your Smart TV has a camera, ding a ling. If you're wacking off to porn, don't worry if you don't have the video, someone does. MicrosoftOn years before applied for a patent for 5 cameras IN THE SCREEN, with a flicker between them such that the user doesn't notice the dark pixels when each individual camera is on. So just putting a cover over the camera, may not stop the video capture. Entiendes? Well, Apple improved on it:
    No.tice.the.year? 2006 yo.

    You hear "cloud computing" think "slavery." Might as well get the chip with the kill function (it has a little bit of poison in it) such that you are the perfect citizen.

    Don't say because of the way it was presented it's only for Saudis. It's a cover, yo. Virtually all things at first applied to criminals because politicos find it so easy to pass have been applied to the general public. "Terrorist act" can now be a seven year old making a gun with his fingers.
    For example:
    Last edited: May 18, 2016
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  17. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Sure. XP is way less complicated when you have to go through the screwed up start menu instead of being able to press Win+S, then type c and hit enter to open Chrome. That's soo awfully complicated, Microsoft should be ashamed of themselves and revert back to the retarded menus.

    And the most important thing: if you're maxing out your CPU, you're more than likely to be overdoing production. Learn your shit and you won't throw tons of plugins and bitch around that "they don't sound all that good". Uh oh, XP used less RAM. Yes because it didn't do anything. So what. I have 16 gigs here and simply put, for the most part nobody cares. Chrome uses lots of memory anyway. Memory is cheap.
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  18. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Whatever it is constructed "to do" (who knows?) the result is as you say.

    Old fashioned machines could do one thing and it had at best many applications. The wheel, for instance. Or the lever.

    But computers are machines that can do anything. They are machines for ALL tasks. One only has to attach a wheel or a lever.......

    In that sense they put all the means of production into the hands of everyone that can access them. They are/were/might be a very democratising force - because anybody can potentially make their machines do whatever anybody else's machines are made to do. Everyone can do it? Or at least can try?

    I know you aren't exactly a fan of the left, but such thinking is easily within gamut of Marxism.

    Marx made a big deal out of the ownership of the means of production. Those that own, decide. Therefore he wanted everyone to own production, so everyone had a say in deciding. Computers with local processing mean everyone has some means of production - software, webpages, images, sound, games, whatever. Cloud computing maybe means they don't. A local computer means one can decide what to produce - a cloud one much less so.

    It is my opinion that all the stolen intellectual property of the last decade+ will lead to an explosion of talent, the conditions for which might not occur again.

    "Well the bitter comes out better on a stolen guitar"
  19. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    i use to have hackintoshes dual boot with xp or emulated inside, But VEP and kontakt do not work with xp anymore.
    With VEP 5 i use my 6core hackintosh with 3 x 4core with win 10 with microsoft Remote Desktop.
    The only thing that I do not like are r2r Izotopes emu... pain in the ass...
    Never had more power, freedom or stability.
  20. WolwerineBlues

    WolwerineBlues Platinum Record

    Jul 25, 2015
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    Lol i heard about that thing about russian airplane and american submarine, my only question did they had that blue screen of death in sub :D
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