unfinished tracks

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by jack, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. jack

    jack Newbie

    Dec 26, 2011
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    most of my loops :sad: :) *no* have some chords and sequences - sometimes beat. I love drum beats but thought it s good if i get more into that harmony and melody world.

    I think there are two problems i should solve. Getting over that loop construction to some real song structures. And getting more melodies to my loops.

    However would be nice if you could listen to one or another loop that are mostly stretched to song length :break:

    1.) birds that could not fly http://soundcloud.com/otto-auch/otto-auch-birds-that-could-not

    2.) Soft baked lullaby http://soundcloud.com/otto-auch/soft-baked-lullaby - main idea starts at 1.00

    Constructive critique is welcome.

    Thanks in advance.

    Greets Jack
  3. ric_bm

    ric_bm Newbie

    Nov 1, 2011
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    Hey Jack, I really like your style!

    The first time I listened to "birds that could not fly" it was like I was watching the saddest part of a movie, and I loved the bassline of the second one... it was totally unexpected for me!

    This is my view as a regular person who listens to your tracks for the first time. Don't give up and finish them! You got some nice melodies going on there.

    Thanks 4 sharing.
    Good Luck.
  4. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    First off : I TOTALLY understand the unfinished track.

    Got a rake of `em on My HDD.

    Secondly, GREAT MUSIC. Love the Melodies, very, VERY nice.

    Have You thought of "trying" some loops over the melodies. That way You can get a feel for how different grooves effect the feel of the tracks.

    Stylus RMX would probably benefit You as You have access to some AMAZING ready rolled Drum Patterns and there separate constituent parts.

    Stick with it, some REALLY COOL ideas. Best of LUCK :wink:
  5. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    I really enjoyed Soft baked lullaby, has a Jean Michel Jarre vibe to it.
    Listen to his stuff and how he approaches a song.

    Get panning ;)
    The main melody could be given some extra juice on parts by adding a stereo delay or I use a Tremolo to make the part bounce from left to right.
    Automate some Reverb to the slower parts (melody line) so it gives the song depth.

    Loop one section, and just bang away at some keys (or piano roll).
    If you know music theory great, if not then just play a few notes a record them. Move them until they sound in tune.
    Second section, just move a couple those same notes around. Bingo, you will have your own melody over the loops.

    You clearly have a good grasp on construction of a tune, so the rest is the fun part.
    I have hundreds of half finished projects. But they always come in handy when you are stuck for ideas or inspiration.

    All the best and good stuff :wink:
  6. jack

    jack Newbie

    Dec 26, 2011
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    Thanks a lot for your (positive - to be true, i havn't expect that) feedback! Sorry that i havn't wrote before.

    Hey ric,

    thanks for the listening, feedback and motivation. Why was the bassline unexpected for you?

    Hey pilz971,

    thanks for listening, motivation, information (it's nice to know others have the same "problems") and the ideas. I thin in the past i worked more in that kind of way - listen to the different parts together.
    But i missing a feature in my DAW to optimize that. I think something like ableton's clip idea could/would help. Maybe i didn't enlightened the loop thing correctly.

    Mostly i start with a 4, 8 or 16 bar loop. Then i add sounds and sounds to getting a more and more complex loop. But then somewhere between i should expand the loop instead of adding more tracks.

    However i think your idea is good and i should take a look on that too.

    Hey hyem77,

    thanks for listening, motivation and the ideas.

    I'm with you - i could remember to read an article that told me in most cases the older you get the less you are open for new music. Maybe the are right. But i think i listen to more kind of music then before. Maybe it is also an idea to listen to some "special" music before you make you own one.*

    Yes i should try to that. Mainly i spent most of the time to create and edit sounds but don't take care about the stereo field and things like that. Should implement that to my workflow too.
    The idea of jamming i realy like - i sometime to that but not enough. The melody of soft backed lullaby i played in with my keyboard (but in halftime :blues:). I'm not happy with my bedroom studio too. For example it would be nice to start recording via a footswitch (sorry don't know the correct word for it). Also i don't how to structure or archive the different ideas into the DAW.

    I should spent more time to creating more melodies (live) instead of making a "soundcarpet". This lullaby was a try to break out from old schemas. Too often i guess i start with too much harmonies but maybe i'm missing some creativity here. If i play/jam to that harmonies the melody often only follows them.

    * i listen to Orbital's the box and try wrote down (on a paper) as much i could wrote down. Made a list of the elements what they do (parts, modulation etc.)and how about the structure of the song. The are different progressions like adding new sound - the beat drops in at the same time as the bass do but this bass is soft and short later there comes that bad ass bass which get also modulated. However first i realy like that song (i makes more fun - i guess - to reconstruct song you like to listen) and a good example to get a intersting song with less elements.

    The main benifit for such unfished projects are often to me the beats i made and sometime recycle.

    Like the next track (which is unfinished too). The idea started with the harp sound. First of all i wanted to use it as a sequence but then i tweak it a lil bit to some kind of melody. I might should try that sequence thing or improve the melody.


    Right now i don't wanna boring you with more of my unfished tracks but if want to listen to more of them you might want to check them out.

    Thanks! Wish you all the best too!

    Greets Jack
  7. jack

    jack Newbie

    Dec 26, 2011
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