US vs. UK (which has had the biggest impact on the modern music world?)

Discussion in 'Education' started by foster911, May 15, 2016.

  1. Lean

    Lean Producer

    Mar 8, 2016
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    No offence Foster coz u seem like an OK dude but this has to be one of the most stupid questions I've seen for a long time and I don't mean to be rude.

    The world is not just USA & UK. What about Oriental music etc.

    Tribal Beats probably influenced EDM more than much else in a obscure way.

    Music is music full stop and at the end of the day and doesn't possess a nationality.

    What's the difference between Music made in the USA and UK anyway?

    Plus Countries don't write music ASFAIK so the title don't make sense :dunno:

    People write music not countries. No offence intended dude.

    What about a person born in the UK that migrated to America and wrote a huge symphony that changed the world.

    Which category would he come under? :bow:
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  2. SyNtH.

    SyNtH. Platinum Record

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Pointless comparison, doesn't get you anywhere further with anything unless you are a historian. The metrics of comparison people are using are absurd, even the question itself doesn't make you more knowledgeable. This question doesn't harbor any meaningful discussion.
  3. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    The music you've listed is mostly dance music, which has it's influences from all over the world. But if you really want to know, it was not so much a who, as a what.
  4. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    US & UK citizens know exactly what I am talking about.

    The citizenship is not so important. Musical culture of every part of the world dominates most of our musical activities. We grow up with it and got influenced by it.

    I don't know. Maybe it's majorly ruled by the governments. If you look at the TV programs of every country, you'd understand that unfortunately they do not knowingly let every music be broadcasted and we're obliged to watch every shit they decide on.

    Yes, we have internet but TV's power is more.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  5. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    I don't know the answer. We were never asked this question in the music exams when I was at school. :(
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  6. tapekiller

    tapekiller Kapellmeister

    Oct 5, 2015
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    ehm, what about italo disco? lol
  7. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Sorry guys for me not precisely cross-checking my sentences. I hate ditheism like most of you but unfortunately they both have monopolized the music world.
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  8. Lean

    Lean Producer

    Mar 8, 2016
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    "You hate Ditheism" - A belief in two equal Gods :woot: WTF has that got to do with it!

    You mean both the equal gods have monopolized the music world.

    Again to me that doesn't make logical sense as a monopoly only exists when one party rules the market???

    Good luck as I have no idea what you are talking about but peace :bow:
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  9. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    OK! Duopolized. I mean in the control of both of them.
  10. Lean

    Lean Producer

    Mar 8, 2016
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    LoL Foster I mean no harm but good luck in finding the answers coz I'm not sure they exist but best of luck.
    Out of this one :yes:
    Go practise and make some more tunes like your last one & then u can maybe influence and help others.
    Quite liked that one :bow:
  11. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    OK me too! We can never defeat them.
  12. Will SouthCape

    Will SouthCape Member

    Nov 19, 2015
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    The majority of the world (indians, chinese, pakistani etc) listens to popular folk music which is not really influenced by either UK or USA, at least to an extent where credit is due.

    That put aside and talking about the so called "western world", I'd say american. But imo it's a silly question in the first place.

    What is american? It's african, irish, germanic, mexican, latin, etc etc influences put together. But if you're going to attribute the melting pot a nationality then for example blues is as much british as it is american (an exaggeration but I hope you get my point).

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing america, in fact I believe that the greatest single thing the american culture has is it's music, but it's charm, it's magic is that it put aside the nationalism and let it all come together in a joyous union. It would be against the american music spirit to end up classifying it as a "nationality".

    As far as record labels go, US without a question, the demographic and economic gap between the two is enormous.
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  13. onekutcha

    onekutcha Ultrasonic

    May 3, 2013
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    The US was a beautiful free breeding ground for music and musical genres. Same for the UK. However, presently America is a suffocated overly oppressed and an overworked society. Not a good environment for music and art in general as these things usually thrive if there is freedom, a free society and of course if the people have enough time to create art which they don't. Back then you could even feel freedom in the air in the US and mainstream music was amazing. Today you don’t feel freedom anymore except fear, stupidity, arrogance and ignorance where basically the ultra rich 1% dictates and rules over the 99%. Middle class is basically gone and the mainstream business of music and its field is now more about fast money than about music itself.
    Just look at the present idiotic presidential candidates in the US. It just demonstrates the present psychological and mental state of the US society. Some smarter folks even considering to leave the US and move to Canada and this is not a joke. Yes folks, America that once was created on the back of a revolution for freedom, the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave became the Land of the Oppressed and the Home of the Coward Morons. It is really unfortunate…
    Last edited: May 16, 2016
  14. Bill Vkerchi?

    Bill Vkerchi? Kapellmeister

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Modern music as in the shit that is playing on the radio? US of course.
  15. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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    We have a lowercase genre? so it's "music" instead of "Music"?
  16. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Even boring EDM has been influenced by middle east/far east music and culture lately. Those melodies, percussions, world instruments.
  17. Dread_J

    Dread_J Kapellmeister

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Peru, Indiana
    Laid down like that, this sentence got an huge error .... ska is from Jamaica
    I guess you meant 2Tone Ska .... and even like that, doesn't seem right
  18. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Blues came from slaves. LOL. But back to the point. You said "modern" music. Modern music (which I guess you guys are referring to pop/EDM) is heavily influenced by Europe. I'm referring to production, not lyrics/vocal arrangement.
  19. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Sorry guys!

    My mean of creating this thread was not the genres or their originality at all. Talking about them does not teach us anything because the whole internet is full of them.

    I wanted to talk about the dominant musical atmosphere we imbibe either from US, UK and other parts. I want to know what makes a person an American or British or otherish. What makes them different that can be progressive in the music.
  20. Adamdog

    Adamdog Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2016
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    I have a little preference for english music. But I love both. I also listen to other countries' music of course. I've seen many posts about the "origins". I'll try to clear it all out: The jazz and blues come from the US of course, just after the ragtime. New Orleans. Don't forget the mixed culture of that times. Immigrants, afro americans, ebrews... Buddy Bolden "the jazz father", black, started to play by ear cause he couldn't read music, so no ragtime, giving birth to a new improvvisation based style in 1904. No recordings unfortunately. He founded his strenght in a forced, imposed by poverty ignorance in music that brought him to play what he was feeling, no notes to read, just improvvisations. New Orleans was more french and spanish than anglo-american at the jass times. The first white musicians to record jaSS were italians (Nick La Rocca, Tony Sbarbaro, Original Dixieland Jass Band), they changed the word JASS into JAZZ in 1917. They were nicknamed "the creator of the jazz" althought it was a more commercial jazz. The jazz is now black and white. But the best soloists were mainly black. Soon the jazz will move north to Chicago, after that the O.D.J.B. Played there in 1916 the times were ready to see the jazz moving to other towns. In the 30s Benny Goodman was playing Louis Prima (singer, violinist, trumpetist, director, Big band, from jazz to swing to pop, 3 decades of music, sicilian immigrate, emerged in New Orleans) songs as big hits, in New York. Talking blues they were all afro americans, at the beginning, the first rock'n'roll record is Chuck Berry's Maybelline. White americans have been very good and smart to assist, learn, recycle and generate new sub styles while supporting the big names who were afro americans at the times. Then they started having their own stars of course, in jazz, blues and r'n'r. Country was of course a white americans genre. Southern rock very white genre lol Gospel, soul, first r'n'b, funk afro americans. The first garage rock band are the Them, Belfast, Ireland (History of Rock). I wouldn't mention the British Invasion that followed. Classic Rock, hard rock and heavy all from U.K. Punk US ooooh yes strange but true (N.Y. Dolls, Ramones, all the N.Y. Scene but also the previous Detroit proto punk garage scene, from MC5 To the Stooges, etc). Later imported and transformed by the british low down punks. We can thank Malcolm McLaren and Vivienne Westwood for that. Somebody hates them in the Punk circus, sure thing, but... Without them... No Sex Pistols! BUT ... It all started from the sumerians ! Lol and someone thinks they were coming from another solar system so... What I mean with this post is that yes it all came from the black people in the cotton fields, then the white people, not americans only, have recycled the ideas to create new styles. And the blacks too (soul, funk) ALL OF THIS IT HAPPENED TO BE IN THE US. The US have been the right place were to start from, cause of historical and humanistic circumstances. The new land, the open frontier, the melting pot of different cultures. The best place for creativity. But the original idea is... Afro. In Africa, in small villages where they never knew who John Wayne was they play a 12 bars blues stairs based music. From centuries in Mali. It's in a Martin Scorsese's blues documentary. Americans have been the best re inventor of new styles and tendencies especially after the WWII. We are all one. Nobody invented anything. We recycle styles to create culture. Outback natives, in Australia, play music since millenniums. Every tribe has "The great composer" entitled cause of his merits, and if the previous "concert" was awsome. They don't carry instruments with them. They build instruments in place before the concert. PS: I've used the terms "black" and "white" many times. Only historical references. I'm italian, pale in the wintertime, dark brown as a north african in the summer. No racism, really! And no, I'm not a professor. I just have this passion.
    Last edited: May 18, 2016
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