Losing Passion For Producing Music

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by TranceDarker, May 13, 2016.

  1. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    You are right, gurujon. The most effective anti-depressant known to man is a 60 minute (fast-paced) walk in daylight in nature per day.
    Nothing is as effective.
  2. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    yes, a walk at least once a day and some fresh air helps.

    When you head off to the local stores, don't go their by car, just take a walk if it's right next to you. Feel good inc.
  3. Zealious

    Zealious Kapellmeister

    Feb 22, 2015
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    I d add that communicating with the trees and actually standing still in the forest is even more effective
  4. onekutcha

    onekutcha Ultrasonic

    May 3, 2013
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    Hmm, I feel you totally. I was in the same or similar state as you are now. Unfortunately mine lasted for many years. I got depressed mostly because of the way mainstream music was falling into emptiness. Most of the music that were coming from mainstream channels were bubblegum bullshits without any deeper or meaningful messages… etc. Quiet frankly it got to a point when not one musical creation could inspire me anymore. Yes it made me depressed even after I turned to the Internet to find good meaningful music again. It took me years somehow to find good music as obviously the Internet is saturated with lots of music that are not even can be called music as many are so badly produced… etc. I am being very honest by saying that I was about to lose hope totally as I was struggling front of the computer when nothing was inspiring me anymore. Not a good film, a story nor music. Nothing.
    It happened about 3 months ago when I accidentally stumbled upon Illenium and his amazing original productions and remixes. He himself was in something similar situation, depressed to the point that he wanted to take his own life. Music saved him literally and through his music it seems saved me as well. I find myself listening to his music day and night that is already an improvement as in the last year or two if I was listening to some music with some passion it usually passed in a day or so and I fell back to boredom, depression and hopelessness and also sadness as music was my whole life since I was like 6 years old! So 3 months has passed and I still listen to Illenium and during this time and through his SoundCloud I was able to find some other really interesting artists. All of these guys are changing the system for the better. Suddenly I felt like a passionate child again listening to music day and night and after a while my passion to create music again returned.
    Mainstream music totally destroyed music IMHO because almost all of them are heartless formulas therefore soulless empty vessels created for one purpose, to be pushed through immense marketing so to make money and only money. Mainstream music factories! And they have nothing to do with real inspiring creations!
    So I feel I am getting better and better everyday. There are still occasional downtimes, but I feel better and feel hopeful about music again that is definitely the first step to be passionate again so to create again. :)

    Listen to this:


    also look for these musicians on SoundCloud: Covex, Clockvice, Enzalla, Rain, Said The Sky…etc.
    Hope I could help. :)
    Last edited: May 14, 2016
  5. jaymo99

    jaymo99 Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    We are all our own worse critics ( ok maybe those ones that think there shit don't stink...and it does!!!) when im writing it too me a while to let go... i write a melody .. and normally my best stuff is on the first go. but it needs time .. ill write something and not really be pleased about it. but go on with the tracks other bit,and then park it for some days. have a listen after working on other things on a day a couple times. normally at this point I know if it has a chance of working or not sometime this works or at least i get ideas for alternative , sometimes not. the one thing i NEVER do is delete, some of my best stuff has come when i let it be for a few day and come back to it.
  6. onekutcha

    onekutcha Ultrasonic

    May 3, 2013
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    I have to add that what brought me downward and made me depressed the most is that by frantically looking for something in mainstream music to be able to follow my passion made my soul similar to mainstream music, it made me EMPTY! What else. World politics also made me depressed and empty!
    I will NEVER LISTEN TO MAINSTREAM MUSIC EVER AGAIN, unless it changes for the better, unless it becomes soulful, honest original, unique and meaningful again! Oh and f*ck politics!
  7. onekutcha

    onekutcha Ultrasonic

    May 3, 2013
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    One more thing. If you work from 8 till 18 that is already not good although I know people need to work more and more and this is crazy. This is a crazy idiotic tendency of our present civilisation. Especially America and Canada where people work their life away literally! No mandatory paid holidays nor sick leave. If a company gives you paid holidays at all that is usually not more than 10 days in a year and same for sick leave. Lately in the US many elementary and high schools even went that far to stop teaching music and art altogether claiming it will not get you a job anyways. Slowly destroying the human part of humanity. Actually this is how societies decline. It begins with the devaluation of art! Art that makes us truly humans!
  8. TranceDarker

    TranceDarker Member

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Somewhere I belong
    Onekutcha , i work from 08.00 to 18.00 not for money,

    it is system in country where i live . Believe me i earn not so big money.

    This work time system kills me. All uneducated bosses are bastard around me.

    You feel yourself only tired and damn stress around you . It effects on your music, inspration, passion and your family.
  9. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    well the whole daw production stuff is really unorganic, i suggest you to get a real instrument, guitar maybe or if you have the chance and the possibility to play a real piano, just use it, its so different from playing on virtual one or on a digital piano, because the whole instrument vibrates, it feels alive.
    trust me this will reactivate your passion.

    as i gave up working for labels, for the audience, for soundcloud followers, i felt really free, today it doesnt matter to much for me, if somebody enjoys what i am doing here. (if somebody enjoys, what i am doing i feel extra happy), but more important for me is, that i like what i am doing and enjoy and be satisfied with the music i produce. (if you get this done, nothing will be as before)

    writing melodies, isnt different as solving equation or studying anything else or whatever, you have to train your mind to be good at it, this means sometimes you have to write melodies for 90 days for example (such challenges are great), there are parts in this challenge, where you hate writing melodies, because it flatting, nothing comes around, everything sounds shit :D , but from that point you have to continue at all costs, sometime later you will see it will get better and you will be satisfied with it.
    (its in almost all successful/ personal development books described like that and when you talk with somebody in any direction, who accomplished something, he wont tell you anything different).

    or just try to write down, what you like about production and what you dont, then try to find a solution how to erase the part what you dont like.

    bon chance.
  10. onekutcha

    onekutcha Ultrasonic

    May 3, 2013
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    I totally agree. We are creative people that we also have maintained for many many years. I mean we are not just saying that we are creative and did some creations of our own here and there. The difference between us and regular so called 9 to 5 working class people is that we thrive to create where we follow our developed rules coupled with sparks of creativity. Regular working class people do not constantly practice their creativity as most of them basically only follow the rules of others. For a working class person who always followed the rules of others, life is a simple rule following work. Most of them never have created anything on their own either because of lack of courage or simply they have never felt the need to create, produce maybe only while their were children. Even then most of these folks have only followed rules that were given to them by others. For these folks a regular 9-5 job is easy to accept as they know nothing else.
    For us producers who have practiced our creativity for years and developed our personality around our creativity it is really hard to go to work in a regular 9-5 jobs where we cannot freely practice and drive our creativity in producing music. Therefore a regular job for us is absolutely negative to our different, non regular personality. It literally kills us from the inside and this is what most regular people do not understand! They don’t understand that if we have to work in regular jobs it is a huge sacrifice for us at best, but mostly it feels like time and life wasting. For us a regular job is many times harder to endure psychologically than it is for a regular non-creative person who basically knows nothing else to do. Vincent van Gogh was supported financially by his own brother and many other great creative artists were financially supported by someone. And it is very important because without those supporters we would not have basically any great art nor artists, we would not have the amazing works of Vincent van Gogh.
    People should realise that it is amazing creative art that inspires and influences great inventors, scientists and fuels even more creativity. Without creativity, art we would still be in the stone ages. This is one big reason why a society declines gravely after art begins to decline in that same society, especially because of the devaluation and under appreciation of art.
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  11. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    yea that makes perfect sense. a nice analogy actually.

    i found, DMT does wonders for "cleaning your brain" but it doesnt last very long, a couple of days max, not enough to get a production flow going again.
  12. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    @( . Y . ) gave you the best advice to solving your problem. I would award that as the best answer but I can't so I just awarded it "Winner". I have this problem all the time. In fact, I just had it recently - say 6 months ago. But I soon got back on track, and crafted this -
    I was just out and about doing my own thing - when the inspiration struck. I just took my mind off the whole "producing music" mindset and eventually some inspiration struck. In fact, I often write songs in my sleep - literally. I will go to sleep and a song will play in my dream and it's just a whole original song. I made some of my best songs by simply just doing something other than making music. The songs just write themselves at that point. And you know what they say - a written song is a written song, but a good song will write itself.
    Also, scientific studies show that many people are most creative/productive when they are in the shower. So maybe what you need is a nice, long, hot, shower. It's worth a shot or two. :mates:
  13. Reza73

    Reza73 Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2016
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    just close the music software than read best music books and best classic musics (motzart,beethoven,bach ) for start you can read this book - An Appreciation
    Book by Roger Kamien
    its essential for all musicians. this book change your music
    so if you do this completely be sure you find new intervals for melody and new harmony and new music form to compose your music but just read it 1hour per day
    that works for you
    Last edited: May 15, 2016
  14. Boujwa

    Boujwa Ultrasonic

    Mar 4, 2014
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    When i first started reading your comment, I thought you were saying : we all have UPS and FedEX ,and then, I realised it was my mind which went faster than my reading. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
  15. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Murica much? :)
  16. Boujwa

    Boujwa Ultrasonic

    Mar 4, 2014
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    NO. Not much :no::)...Baxter , I don't mean to mock him, he was right on what he said. I just find myself silly sometimes. :rofl:
  17. jamzprod

    jamzprod Noisemaker

    Feb 15, 2014
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    I think you're going through writer's block.
  18. Boujwa

    Boujwa Ultrasonic

    Mar 4, 2014
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    That's what I'm talking about. People like you cause stress to people. I think everyone here has right to express himself as far as he speaks respectfully. And then you can go ahead put me on writer's block yourself and then die with stress.:wink:
  19. TranceDarker

    TranceDarker Member

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Somewhere I belong
    I can't stand anymore how my passion gone... ..Voices call me they tell me go from this land, just go...

    Last edited: May 29, 2016
  20. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    It helps me to compress the shit out of a melody instrument (real-time), and to real-time "midi-triple-layer" the track that's playing the midi melody line, with different instruments, then, add a bit of real-time reverb. This acts like distortion - for a guitarist, or, reverb-monitor-mix for a vocalist, to feel comfortable and help you mold the melody with some instant satisfaction. <---- just an idea :)
    Last edited: May 29, 2016
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