The world needs more drummers... like this

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Herr Durr, May 11, 2016.

  1. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Absolutely. It's called: libido. And any woman who has a healthy awareness of it and works it has my thumbs up and it most deffinitely doesn't make her a whore or whatever's been said here in previous comments. It actually underscores her intelligence. :winker:

  2. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    It's easy understand why scientists say woman's brain is multitasking. :woot: Playing drums is a joke.

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  3. Wurlie Rocker

    Wurlie Rocker Producer

    Aug 24, 2015
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    Well said, Articstorm. Well said the whole post. Bravo, really.

    I remember one stand-up comedian said something like: "Vagina will make you buy your wife a sofa". By saying "sofa" he meant "do practically everything she orders you to". People in the auditorium laughed as they are supposed to laugh at comedian's jokes, but it also comes with a grain of salt, this joke. It's really sad if you think of it. I come to a conclusion that a modern man is as much pussy-whipped as ever. No, now it got much worse, because, as you've mentioned, sexual exploitation is everywhere you look. Yet it wasn't at this level not too long ago.

    Personally, I've never agreed to such patronizing intimate relationship and no man should, imo. If my girlfriend would start giving orders and commanding (btw, don't you love how they start to do this pretty soon?) just because of the fact we were together and we were having an affair, so she knew she had our sexual relationship as an advantage, as her weapon, something physical she could negotiate with and make a deal for herself, you know how women sometimes refuse their men of sex until they get what they want? Yeah yeah, that's exactly what I mean. But I've never agreed to keep this type of relationship, because I knew, once you agree, you agree for life and there's no way out. Well, maybe a divorce years later, but that's hardly a good option. If this means always sporadic, short-time relationships for me, so be it. I don't care. But I don't need a dictatorship instead of relationship.

    I don't mean to offend anyone. I'm just expressing my own view. That's all. Peace.
    Last edited: May 16, 2016
  4. StupidifiedMoneky

    StupidifiedMoneky Member

    Apr 23, 2016
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    No intelligent woman would want to attract jerk offs attention and be discussed by them... intelligent woman would feel repulsed by such attention... before masturbating put yourself in woman's body, image a sleazy loser on some forum saying how he would like to hit her drums, how he would fill her up, even worse, multiple guys saying that to her in real life, not necessary straight gross shit, but dumbass innuendoes like that lame joke about sticks and hitting... image multiple such jerkoffs coming after with their one liners...

    You'll never understand, only a slut would try to indiscriminately attract males attention, no self esteem, no values and only mental issues, insecurities having in her head slut.
    No intelligent woman would ever do that.
    He thumbs up sluts whoring out and trying to get multiple males attention... in order to achieve whatever their wannabe goal is, because they can't do it with their intelligent head, thumbs up from me too :wink:
    For a female using her sexuality to achieve whatever end goal, not a man of her desires, is the last remaining trick in her bag, it shows her desperation, that she hit a bottom, so she grabs the last straw and whores herself out in desperation, some go straight to it without even exploring other options.... they didn't have self esteem or values to begin with, they're worst kind.
    LOl, he thumbs them up... go to a strip club you will see how they work it using their healthy awareness of jerkoffs. The same way wannabe youtube whores work it for attention, because apparently their "talent" is not interesting to anyone, because they have no creative talent, they're wannabes in females bodies, why would I watch someone playing known rock songs patterns karaoke? yes some would watch, some, for the rest she's a wannabe and no one is interested to watch it, so she plays it in her undies.

    Intelligent woman delete they all accounts on internet just to escape from jerkoffs attention, not post videos of playing drums in their undies. Where will that wannabe make it, why would I hire her as a drummer, more on point, why would I hire someone playing drums in her undies on youtube videos, if I aspire to be the next Pink floyd, Peter Gabriel??? So she expects to be viewed as a drums playing slut, not a serious drummer, while some wankers try to see there something else... I guess it helps you to get laid, seeing in whores something else, you're so used to saying to them how beautiful they look, even though you can't see their face through tones of make up, how intelligent they are, even though they're apparently dumb, just to get laid, so it became default course of action in your brains when you see a slut, you automatically say how beautiful and intelligent she is, regardless that you speak with blokes who see that she looks and behaves likes a dumb slut:)

    In short, it's very intelligent for a female to use the last trick in her bag and whore herself out. Pure Intelligence, whoring yourself out underscores your intelligence, I guess this is some kind of new feminazi IQ test, the more guys hit on you, the more intelligent you are. I wish I never chimed in this nonsense. Slut with underscored intelligence playing drums in her undies, that's a good title to that video...
  5. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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  6. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Sex sells. Was always so, will always be so.
    I could never imagine my girl friend posing like that, it would hurt me.
    On the other hand, I also understand that a young independent woman thinks: "Wow, I get more attention = clicks = money by just wearing cloths I don't wear normally. And showing a bit of my boobs makes me rich? Stupid males! Ok, I'm in."

    And to a lot of the people that posted here: Two girls with exactly the same talent make a video. One girl is pretty and wears nothing but a bikini, the other is ugly and wears winter cloths. What video will receive more clicks?

    (Hell, if I would get more clicks by playing a synth in socks only, I'd do. Oh, wait a moment, wasn't there males rocking in socks already? xD)
  7. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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    i really dont get it why some people hate sluts

    what is there to hate or look down upon?
  8. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Can someone please close this thead ..... It makes no sense at all ...... jezzz!
  9. The microphone as percussion a special gift to Brothers S. Monkey and Wur Lie Rocker, my newfound life teachers with whom from this time forward I am forever indebted to for revealing to me how to walk rightously as a real man through this life in perpetual anger and to proudly disavow logic to prove my argument at any cost, to reject kindness in order to satisfy my innate need to punish those whom I consider weak, and how to consciously and with forethought of malice blame the victim of sex crimes for the spiriual, physical and emotional damage that they would bring upon themselves because, you know, they ask for it. I have up until this point been living a lie and this ends here and now. I could go on and on about the glories that have revealed themselves to me because of this special duo but will just end with once again expressing my gratitude and heartfelt thanks for them teaching me that I should have pride and stand by my opinions and that nobody has the right to criticize me for them, even those incredible guys, my teachers. :like:

  10. Wurlie Rocker

    Wurlie Rocker Producer

    Aug 24, 2015
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    hey sunshine, babe you are welcome. don't mention it.
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