How to Stay on Task Composing Instead of Devolving into "Dancing with Yourself?"

Discussion in 'Education' started by jeffglobal, May 10, 2016.

  1. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Ok, my composition problem is more complicated than I have first realized:

    • Problems with use of DAWs
    • Problems with use of VSTis/AU's
    • Problems with understanding Composition
    • Problems with Process

    All I wanted to do was make a simple hook for the beginning of my Trailer. It was going to be based on something similar to the score of when the first chimps used a club in "2001 A Space Odyssey" but it's for Machinima Cats called the FUCs (Feline Urban Commandos), so the melody has to be a little higher, so I decided on a type of Chinese Flute, and regular Timpani Drums.

    I start using the specific flute sound, and because of the choices of articulations it changes what I was hearing in my head to a pretty little duet, which exposes at first thought, my inability to work with the DAW to get the duet recorded, and for the first time noticing the choice of the instrument can change your musical intention.

    • Problems with DAW
    • Problems with understanding Composition
    • Problems with Process

    Then I said, ok, while I'm getting better at setting up conditions for properly recording my intentions for the melody and counterpoint, I'll start to play with the Timpani drums. So I loaded up just a Timpani drum patch in Kontact and started to play. Pretty straight forward, but then I noticed the expression/accent was controllable, and went woo hoo, that sounds way better.
    Then I remembered I had another patch Temple Drums, and started first with the larger drums, and
    started to I'm playing my own version of ASKA Japanese Drum Troupe (now that I review them on Youtube today, I liked my beats better) that toured the country years ago. Then I remembered I actually have Japanese type drums in another patch for Kontakt, and there I go, dancing with myself...

    • Problems with Compostion.
    • Problems with Process.

    So now I noticed there's the possibility, that my inability to get the first melody and counterpoint down with the flutes isn't just because of my lack of aptitude with the DAW , but playing the vsti itself, cause after an hour or so in my world tour with Japanese drums, I noticed I couldn't get what I wanted to hear because I didn't have what the keys sounded like mapped into my brain yet...then I thought uh oh.

    • Problems with VSTi
    • Problems with Process

    I noticed over the years that the hypothesis that it takes 100 hrs to become "good," 1,000 hrs to become an "intermediate" and 10,000 hrs to become "professional" seems to be true across disciplines and it's operating here as well. Making what I think can be done, even with complete computer control as much a skill as a real life instrument. OH FK.

    Concurrently, my devolution into dancing with myself, exploring the instruments and possibilities of the VSTis(AUs) must be my attempt at learning my instruments, which now seems to be the weak link in my composition process. You can't compose with a voice you have yet to develop!

    And just as an aside, after I do all this work, I feel really really good. Elated even. Is this common? When playing my guitar I considered it about 3/4 the emotional release of being with a woman, and this feels even stronger.

    So, I need feedback as to your workflow, process and development as a composer.

    1. What has been your experience in the process of composition when it finally became "easier?"
    2. What would you have done differently, now that you look back on your process that would have saved time or produced better results with less effort?
    Thx for any helpful direction.
  3. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    maybe you are aiming to high and the "quality" you want to reach with this trailor hook.
    how many pieces of music have you finnished? maybe you need to finnish more to learn what you do not know yet.:mates:
    How about you just "start fresh" and go create that short piece. clear your mind.

    Your seem to have a clear idea of the intention of what you want to create, maybe not so clear on the "emotion/feeling" that it has to envoke.

    How long does it have to be? 30secs. ? when you do want it to be finnished? friday next week? define clear goals for yourself. that way you will make it easier to reach the goals.:wink::wink:
  4. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    1. What has been your experience in the process of composition when it finally became "easier?"

    - After about 7 - 10 Years (when I learned to play my instruments)

    2. What would you have done differently, now that you look back on your process that would have saved time or produced better results with less effort?

    - more drugs ?!? ...but the price was to high, so I would change nothing. I still have a relatively sane brain, and I had my fun doing what I do.
  5. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Take the thinking down a notch, and the actual composing a notch up. Don't let the technology and theory distract you, if it keeps doing just that you should first overocome that by mastering the tech and understanding the theory. Yet the proccess of setting goals and reaching them will lift you and help you find even more focus. Trust me, I kinda was where you're at twentyfive years ago. :winker:
    Keep at it.
  6. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    There's something very important when using virtual instruments. The proper use of articulations. Even if you write the right notes it can sound absolutely different than in your brain, where everything sounds wonderful.

    For me it helps doing covers. But I'm a beginner, of course the better way is learning to play an instrument and the theory you need.
  7. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    There are several levels of good.When you start you might quickly think youre good at it,a few years later you will look back and say,now im really good at it,a few years later....this goes on and on and you can not understand it,you have to go trough it yourself,no books,no seminars no shool can give you that,its a very personal experience,a journey.
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  8. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Ok, ty all for the feedback so far.

    So, I downloaded a midi of the piece I want to use as a basis for my composition*. Then I'll make my version and will limit it to the number of measures and feel of the original first, and then maybe improvise complexity or change the feel completely as I want as the score matures.

    I definitely heard a way more complex piece in my head than the original, but it's probably unnecessarily complicated, similar to beginner film makers using all their tricks instead of only what's necessary. An expert knows how to use all the tools, a master knows when to use what tool(s) and when to use nothing. I'm not even an expert, so I'm curious to find out what happens today.

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