Do you guys know...WTF my midi tracks aren't playing?

Discussion in 'Pro Tools' started by jeffglobal, May 6, 2016.

  1. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Quick question before I torment myself in tutorials:

    I can get an audio track to play.
    I can see my midi fire from my keyboard.
    I can't get a midi track to play,
    or my midi keyboard to play a sound.

    I don't see or remember how to chose a midi instrument for a track, other than the drop down menu, which I did select to no affect, and changed my bus route to the output bus...
    Nothing is grey in the mixer...
  3. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    hi man. what os what daw u using?
  4. DrumcodeX

    DrumcodeX Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2014
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    Reality (virtual)
    He posted it under Software > DAW > ProTools
    I never used ProTools, so I don't know exactly where the problem could be. Maybe that video can help you.

  5. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @korte1975 Hey, it's on the microSOFT, I didn't realize PT was not MAC exclusive, like I think Pro Logic is... I am using Cubase way more, but it's time to go full 64 bit in the 21st century...

    @DrumcodeX Well, I got it now to have the midi track drive an instrument, which I'm very happy about but, I can't get the midi track to take my input, or it "does" but is not "monitoring" or can't be that I can't play the midi keyboard without it sounding...or is it? I'm gonna youtube it, it has to be simple. I just asked here in case it wasn't obvious (it wasn't to me, completely different way to do things than Cubase).

    I liked PT's modification tools for the tracks while mixing and faux mastering but, I never actually wanted to record anything until 2 days ago... then I went, oh fk. This bus(s) business I should have played closer attention too. I thought I'd program the midi directly, but adding "performance" to robot is easier if you input the performance and do away with the robot, then add back some robot cleaning.

    Just a small point AVID, the tools should be transparent to the creative process. yo. I mean Sibelius is super easy to use.

    Checking if the youtube video works for me. Makes sense the first time thru watching it here, but I have to do it now...

    Very strange. I started PT again after I checked every setting and viola...or I changed the setting "All Except" and clicked off everything, since I thought Accept All didn't work.

    Whatever, I'm happy!

    Last edited: May 7, 2016
  6. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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  7. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Oh crap, wait. I can hear the sound of the midi keyboard midi sends to the vsti (ha!...aax), but it's not recording the midi. wtf!? I think you can only hear the midi instrument while recording anyways...yikes! Ok, I fell for it has to be recording, cause the recording button on the track and software are both on...

    @junh1024 ok,ty. Htf did I get my midi sends to make sounds and not record, wtf! You making me read? Thx for it being really small. Nope...I'm good with those.

    It also sounds like the sound is tearing...uh oh, there's a lot more to do with this and/or even after lowering the samples, allowing errors and min I/0 latency, my lappy ain't happy. It's an i7 gtx650m so it's not like a grandpa laptop. I didn't turn on LLM, but if I do that, forget about using Absynth, like ever.

    What a pain in the butt PT is so far.

    Calling all cars: How the fk can I be on record and hear the sound and not have the midi track record the midi? I used record on both the midi track (seemed like the way to go) and then the aux track with the instrument insert, and I have to have both recording? I can't do that...and the sound is crappy.
    Last edited: May 7, 2016
  8. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    What? Now Im confused too!
  9. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    @subGENRE Ok. I went from no sound, to being able to play say Xpand!2 with a penciled in midi track, to getting my midi keyboard to fire Xpand!2, but not record the performance.

    Like wtf? How can the software be on record (both track and transport one) and not record the performance? Forget about the total crap sound for now...
  10. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Holy crapola. Ok, I didn't know you had to press record and play like an old reel to reel tape recorder, like my dad had in his basement before Hurricane Sandy made it a submersible and destroyed history...

    Strangely too, the tearing sound no longer happens, I just loaded a silly exhale patch, cause they are the least annoying while trying to not throw my laptop out the window, and I didn't even adjust the gain in any way assuming now, I'd think I was clipping or something before...

    I have no problem if anyone said, dumbass, are you pressing record and play? Saving me 2 days of scratching my head. I almost fell asleep watching a tutorial about how to record your first track, but the young woman that made it sounded non hostile, (very rare these days to not have a male woman speaking, at least here in NYC) so I kept waking up and saw you had to press F12 or record and play. I take back DAWs have similar workflows...Cubase and PT do not.

    I see PT is as intuitive as 3DS Max, or Maya...thank god what it does is 3 magnitudes simpler. I can run ONE instance of Kontakt before it runs out of "CPU" or memory or something on my laptop, and/or I have to unistall the billion plugins I have to free memory somehow, but Idt you can do I'll be making my room tropical this summer on my workstation.
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