Apple Stole My Music. No, Seriously.

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by floond, May 5, 2016.

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  1. MrMister

    MrMister Ultrasonic

    Nov 17, 2013
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    ha where are your awesome tunes to back that up? lemme hear.
  2. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I never liked Apple. I've had an iPhone 4s, and have extensively tested OS X just to see what it's all about. So many things are just counter intuitive and dumbed-down in my opinion... the iPhone I only started enjoying after jailbreaking, otherwise you are ridiculously limited to apple's 'walled garden', and anything outside of its fairly narrow capabilities is out of bounds. I know what I want and do not want to do with my device, thank you very much. As for OS X, I figured I might like it since it's Linux-based; while I thoroughly loved Ubuntu and its sheer capabilities, OS X was nothing like it. It felt like an OS for little kids, where they tried to add glitter everywhere and simplify things so much it actually leads to more frustration when you can't do something beyond what Apple thinks you'd want to do. I know there are people who love it... but frankly I don't see why.

    As for this Apple music scandal, I'm not surprised one bit. Apple seems to relish in making software unnecessarily intrusive and annoying. I recall iTunes asking me to erase my entire iPod nano just so I could transfer a couple songs from another machine. Haven't tried Apple Music, but from what I've heard of it, it's a giant boondoggle for users, with the goal of consolidating more of the music market. As with all corporations that gain a lot of power, they use their influence to tightly control every aspect of their market - consumers be damned. Of course Apple isn't the only one guilty of such BS (Microsoft's nagware, Win10, and reports of automatic upgrades). The future is Linux-based systems... I am really hoping more Audio software companies realize its advantages and port their software. Bitwig was a huge step forward. If audio interface manufacturers and big plugin companies ported their drivers/plugins, I would move to it in an instant. Open source is always preferred to proprietary in my mind. The developers can't force intrusive bullshit on their users without them knowing about it and having the power to change it.
    Last edited: May 6, 2016
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  3. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    In regards to user-rights and open-source, Linux IS objectively better than either. But hey, if you like supporting corrupt business models and losing your privacy, by all means... That's as far as I'm going to go in this thread. But you should really find out what Linux is all about. You might just change your attitude. Although, I should warn: if you aren't a technically-minded person, maybe you should stick with Apple/M$...
  4. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Yeah, about that, I have one or two plugins that I really like which don't have Linux versions.
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  5. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    There is a way to use windows vsts on linux using Wine. I believe someone made a wrapper. Alternatively you use Wine to open a windows DAW - it's not ideal, but it works, at least with Live 9.
  6. Demon

    Demon Producer

    Mar 13, 2014
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    Melbourne, Australia
    And here we go, turning the thread into a mac vs windows battle.

    My condolences about your music. It really, really sucks. I hope you find a way to get at least your original tracks back, although it looks thin. I stay away from Apple products but for different reasons. And yes, I can do whatever is achievable on a Mac with a PC. These days it is the same shit <-- that comment will bring arguments from people that prefer whatever they prefer, but that is not the topic here.

    If you find any resolution, it would be great to hear, I am sure there are many having the same problem. Also, for the future, I'd recommend a backup drive.

    Best of luck!
  7. rick.vdk

    rick.vdk Member

    May 6, 2016
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    Dude I feel your pain!!! A similar thing happened to me but with the Notes App. One day I'm working in a public cafe and was fiddling around with Icloud settings. I logged off and unknowingly got 7 years of notes stored on my internal HD deleted without my permission. I swear to god I went crazy after this happened. They put me on hold for forever when trying to get in touch with an Apple tech guy. If you nowadays go to their store someone annoying always comes up with the announcement their next available spot is 1 week from now. Seriously?

    I gave up on Apple a long time ago and have been warning people for quite some time. Trust me, it won't be much longer. The minute they turned into a moneymaking machine trying to satisfy shareholders it went all down south. They have drifted faaaaarrr from where they came from. Inevidently, 2 weeks ago one of their biggest stock holders sold all his stock. 6 or 7 Billion $. You go figure. No more apple. It's turned into a shit company turning great apps into bloatware and trying to force their shitty Cloud solutions down your throat.

    Bye-bye Apple.
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  8. Wurlie Rocker

    Wurlie Rocker Producer

    Aug 24, 2015
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    Ah, I get it, Linux boys, you slam Windows, but you still want to use Win plugins and software? So you make a wrapper for Windows stuff. Not so hipster move, ha, you linuxtards? You're supposed to be independent, don't you? And then you talk about "supporting corrupt systems", user-rights and open source. Yeah, right. What a bunch of lying hypocrites you are.

    I'm not supporting no one, not Apple, not Win, not Linux, but what I really hate is retarded fanboys who post comments like "Apple is for pros, Win is lame", friggin' idiots, or vice versa, or "Linux owns every other OS" or "Linux is poor man's OS, no popular software, no games, nothing, so Windows rule". Cut that bullshit already, guys, will ya? Everyone. It's childish. Grow up, c'mon. I'm sure there's positives about every OS out there, as well as negatives. Let it be. Let everyone work in a comfortable environment no matter what it is. It's a free choice for all people.

    And btw, I ain't losing a bit of my privacy, since I cut off all of the mother effing MS telemetry shit. So I'm fine, don't you worry about me. I'm working on a stable system I haven't experienced any problems with, because I'm a tech-savvy enough to set up my system just fine, I have everything I need and I've got all that working just fine. Now why would I change all this just to become some dumb hipster, who thinks he's independent and safe just by using Linux? I tell you what, people. If you're so concerned about world governments tracking you, just in case they're after you, any of you, I'm sorry to let you down, guys, but no Linux and no other operating system will save your sorry ass. They'll find you anyway. Because these people are pros, they've found people thousands of times more important than any of you. So relax. There is no "safe" in a modern world. Remember that. Fuckers trace us all, everywhere. Relax but keep it frosty. Yeah, I know it's a bit of a contradiction, but you get it.
    Last edited: May 6, 2016
  9. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    Uhh...I have a friend coding a dynamic eq as we speak due to ozone's availability. For another, it is possible to use more than one OS. But if you actually think that needing a set of specific plugins is the difference between good sound and not, you don't know how to use the plugins you have. Technical knowledge trumps specific plugins every time. Also, you should keep in mind that hardware is OS independent. :wink:
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  10. Wurlie Rocker

    Wurlie Rocker Producer

    Aug 24, 2015
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    That's not what I said. Stop making assumptions on my behalf. But you still make a wrapper to use "a specific set of plugins", right? Why don't you just use what's available under Linux and stay completely independent. Because you're double standard, two faced hypocrites. "I hate Windows with passion, but I still would like the goodies Windows has". I see what's going on here.
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  11. floond

    floond Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2013
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    so... that escalated quickly lol. Mods, please close this thread.
  12. krameri

    krameri Rock Star

    Jul 20, 2014
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    Wurlie. You're displaying a heart and mind full of anger and hatred. Whatever happened to you, I hope you're able to overcome it.
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  13. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    I'll be honest, something of somewhat-similarity happened to me about 19 months ago:
    My Macbook Pro's hard drive got locked back in October 2014. It was still under warranty, so I took it into the Apple store and had it replaced - for free. Sadly, because it was replaced under warranty, they kept the locked drive they replaced.
    The problem is, I had 750GB of important data that I never backed up. 870 Logic/Pro Tools/Studio One/Cubase projects were all lost. I still have the mixed down wav files, but they could use improvement - a lot of improvement.
    I also had countless irreplaceable pictures of my niece as a baby, pics of me and a relative who eventually passed away a few months later, pictures of my now decease cats/dogs. Fuck, I even had some pics I stole from my ex girlfriend's Facebook profile, that, when she blocked me on Facebook, I over-layed some custom targets on the pics I downloaded, for when I go to the shooting range and do target practicing (this is only to vent my frustrations, of course. I would never kill someone unless they were a threat to my safety or the safety of the public).
    All that - was GONE!!! 870 fucking DAW projects - GONE!!!!!!! I most of that is my fault, I should have backed it up. But Apple could have at least handed me the fucking hard drive back.
    Seriously, Apple is a fucking joke and ¾. I seriously cannot understand how a fucking company can be so fucking abusive, and still have the judges wrapped around their finger, all because they are rich. FUCK apple, and every stupid dog eating communistic chinese rich bitch who works for them. That company has gone beyond its "legal boundaries" so many times, and has still gotten away with it. We are in a time where money can get you away with literally anything - including murder. Apple should be overthrown. Tim cook is a douchebag. Steve Jobs was okay, but Apple has swiftly gone farther down the pipes since he passed away. When he died, Apple basically died with him. Apple is pathetic. Tim Cook and all his employees should be clobbered upside the head with a gigantic cinder block.
    Lesson for the kids: Stay very far the fuck away from Apple. Apple rapes you when you buy anything from them. Plus, every dime you give to Apple, Tim Cook rapes an elderly man in the ass. Which means if you buy a $18,000 Apple Watch, Tim Cook rapes 180,000 elderly men. By avoiding buying from Apple, you save the poor anuses of our elderly men. Think about it, those anuses have gone through enough unfortunate events - including a few colonoscopies. Have you ever had one of those fucking colonoscopies done to you before? I myself haven't (I only turn 23 in just 12 more days - Whoopie shit), but I'm smart enough to know it's just straight up awful (I made a pun - Straight up? As in straight up your ass? LOLOLOL).
    Woo! I feel better now that I got that off my chest. LOL
    End rant.
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  14. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    Actually, you're the one making assumptions. I don't use a wrapper. Did you not see the part where I mention a buddy even hardcodes Linux specific plugins? I have more than one machine and more than one OS. I never said I hate Windows or Apple. I said that Linux is better (especially in the context of this thread)--which it is. Why are you so hostile? Go troll somewhere else. Or better yet, work on your production.
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  15. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Hey man, what's your problem? 20lb cockroach up in your nether regions? Nobody is forcing you to move to Linux, or OS X, or bloody MS-DOS. We're just discussing the alternatives, the pros and the cons of each. I don't see any unsubstantiated bashing apart from your own, calling us retards, hypocrites, hipsters for even expressing approval for Linux. How about you calm that vindictive ego of yours a little bit - and if you can't, kindly leave this forum.

    If you had even read my post, you would know that I'm a Windows user. I'm merely saying that there are ways of running windows plugins on Linux, and that if more developers supported Linux, I'd jump ship because I like its open source nature. Where there is transparency, there is accountability and the flexibility to change what you don't like. If you really want to protect yourself from government tracking, there are ways... but you'd have to pave your own way by developing your own encryption and security, since so much software these days has back doors. An open-source OS facilitates such customization. And anyway, I feel like most people shouldn't be censoring themselves for fear of reprisal... we have to let our feelings be known, let the spying government drown in the noise of our discontent.

    This will probably be lost on you though, angsty as you are, and you'll find 20 other reasons to insult me and the others in this thread.
    Last edited: May 6, 2016
  16. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Threads should not be closed because of one person's hostility.
  17. floond

    floond Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2013
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    Well, since it derailed into the boring old (and off-topic) 'My prefered OS vs yours' trench warfare that never leads anywhere I figured it might as well be. Anyways never mind me, please carry on your discussion.
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  18. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    why do you bring such BS again?
    just let people decide and dont put such statements as they are set in stone.

    ive seen both mac and windows doing fine for music production and video stuff.

    if this is going again into the direction of a mac vs pc thread, i am closing the topic!
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  19. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Fair enough, why don't we get back on topic... Apple Music.
  20. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i dont see why i should use any music service like Apple Music or itunes?
    (to not stay focused only on apple, i dont like spotify for example, because you have to create a playlist, just plays random pieces in my genre and i decide if i want to download or search for it later)
    i just listen to to some channels and most of the time they have stuff from bandcamp or soundcloud, which is free anyway and then i just go and download it, if i enjoyed.
    but maybe i am just not to lazy to do this by hand, most people are to lazy for that, ok let me just buy this one song on itunes.

    to apple music, i read that 5 years ago, apple implemented something like this and if people agree to it, they are good with it. always read twice such stuff from every company, they all do bad things.
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