A REMASTER of Last Night A DJ Saved My Life. HOW DOES IT SOUND?

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Trevor Gordon, May 2, 2016.

  1. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    You're defining everything from your own standards and outlooks and honestly, your opinions are weak as fuck. I don't even know what your whole argument is! You started by kicking my remix to the curb because I didn't produce everything from scratch (big deal, it's a fucking remix! That's what it's meant for), then you go on and on about composition and how it "should" be done. There is no certain way for a composition to be done. You can use samples, not be a wizard on a keyboard and STILL BE A COMPOSER/PRODUCER! Then you go on about how mixing and mastering requires basically no skill and anyone can do it! Which is complete and utter rubbish! Dude, honestly, your opinions and supposed "knowledge" sucks to high heaven. Your music is dull and pretty lifeless and your comments are incredibly condescending and useless as well. Get a life!

    It takes a really "special" kind of delusional arrogance to possess such ignorance and obliviousness to belittle and separate yourself from everyone else like you're some kind of genius composer.
    It was created from stems and a completely new remix....lol....it's for a remix contest on beatport, if you watched the past comments I made I mentioned that. Thanks for the input.....it was geared towards an old analogue sound with not as much punch and digital sound, so that flatish sound is exactly what I wanted. I djed in clubs and used to club just about every night in my 20s! lol....

    Anyhow...thanks but no thanks!:)
  2. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    I think he is just a young kid, for anyone of adult age could not think and talk like this!
  3. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I never analyze other people's characteristics. They were just my opinions about major processes of making good musics and also raising your music knowledge.

    All of mine were for helping you but in a severe manner. If it hurt you, I am really sorry. I also did not use any false-language as you did a lot.
  4. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Well I think if you analyzed yourself more it could help you a lot. I can only be humble for so long when I'm faced with such arrogance. Have a good day and thanks for your“ invaluable“ input. I will leave you with this comment. If you can't walk the walk don't talk the talk!
  5. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    OK! You are the good man. Be happy and continue your humbling.
  6. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Well done I would say, at least for my taste. The compression and limiting has just the right balance, and I wouldn't complain.
    I especially like how you were able to mostly keep the "feel" of the original. That's so often not the case.
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  7. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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  8. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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  9. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    thanks so much for the thoughtful comment. :)
  10. Lean

    Lean Producer

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Once again Foster a dumb, arrogant thing to say. "Raising His Musical Knowledge" How do u know what level his musical knowledge is at? He's already explained about the instruments he played so he probably has a good grounding or pretty decent level of understanding.

    Also in my opinion there is no such thing as "major processes of making good music". Processes used again & again often lead to boring, cloned stereotypical "heard it before" whereas spontaneity can make some fantastic, not heard that before music. Different approaches work for different people and there are no rules as far as I am concerned when it comes to MUSIC.

    Music is expressing what you are thinking and putting it into practice.

    Agreed some planning and good theoretical knowledge can help immensely in that aspect but for others it just destroys the creative aspect.

    Once again please do not assume that there is only one way and that it the correct way.

    Example when Paul Gilbert went to MIT and learned "Correctness" he found it destroyed his ability to jam and play blues music :rofl:

    He's amongst the best of the best so correctness doesn't work for every situation no matter how much of a prolific muso you are :bow:
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  11. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    That's a very good point. If you have too much structure and you are basing all your music ability on a particular format it kills creativity and harbors generic and dull compositions. Which was exactly my point. Doing things one particular way and deeming everything outside of it as "not being a musician" is a one dimensional mindset.The Prodigy is one of my favourites. Liam Howlett used loads of samples but used them in a very creative way. He had a mix of everything in his compositions. Midi, samples, you name it. Could anyone ever emulate Liam's sound? Not really. Music is all about the groove and the sound. If you can't master that then your abilities as a Midi keyboardist aren't going to matter! Sure, we could sit down for hours and make synth sounds all day or we can use some presets. What does it matter if you can't make a good tune? That's my view anyway.
    Last edited: May 6, 2016
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  12. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Sure. Some producers can emulate prodigy tracks and reverse engineer it, but the hardest part of production is coming up with the idea on your own. You could have all the great abilities of being a "musician" but if you have dull and non engaging compositions what does it matter? Using others ideas can create a broad range of new ideas and better compositions. To not do this just narrows your horizons and keeps you one dimensional.
    Last edited: May 4, 2016
  13. nastybobby

    nastybobby Kapellmeister

    Oct 27, 2015
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    If you enjoy what you're making and it's sounding something like you want it to sound, then what key it's in etc is of no consequence really. I've often thought about this and seen it happen in people, especially when I was younger; the more musically accomplished someone becomes, the less original they start to sound. You can often then hear the music that inspired them in the first place coming through in their own work, rather than their own personality, especially if they have quite a narrow range of influences. Obviously there are people that are both very gifted technically, creatively and know the theory side as well. Some of my favourite artists have zero theoretical musical knowledge though, have never had a lesson in any instrument beyond buying a very basic book with their first instrument and only call themselves musicians on their passport. They have also sold millions of singles and LP's across the globe and have been doing it for nearly forty years. It's music and all that ultimately matters is what it sounds like, not what the score looks like or how many chord inversions you've incorporated. Plus, whatever you're doing, whether song writing/composing, mixing or remixing you're always learning, regardless of how talented someone is, the day never comes when you can't learn something new.
  14. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    I look at it this way. Any decent guitarist can play Stairway To Heaven. But can they create, with their own imagination something that great themselves? Most guitarists probably can't. And you know what? We all borrow ideas from each other, that's the only way we can grow as an artist and craft our own style. It's all about adopting other peoples ideas and making them your own. Jimmy Page who played guitar for Led Zep had so many Blues influences. Some of his riffs were complete "rip offs" of old black artists who were playing it well before him. What made him an incredible artist was JUST THAT. Picking up ideas from other gifted artists and crafting it into his own art! That's how you grow as an artist!
  15. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Here's a little jingle I made with mainly MIDI. Other than a rearranged drumloop sample, the rest is MIDI based. Just something I did for fun for my son! I'm no master keyboardist by any means!

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