Going OTB? Interested in a desk

Discussion in 'Pro Tools' started by mercurysoto, Apr 27, 2016.

  1. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    I am eyeing an Allen &Heath Qu16 board. I intend to give it the following use:

    - as a second audio interface
    - a control surface for Pro Tools
    - a means to provide alt monitor foldbacks wirelessly
    - my first out-of-the-box mixing tool

    My question is if anyone has ever put one of these machines to any of the uses listed above. I'm especially interested in your take as a out-of-the-box mixing tool (workflow, sound of the onboard effects, using the board's EQ and compressor and so on). In your opinion, how does it sum into a good-sounding 2-bus mix compared to working ITB?

    I hope you can offer some insight. This board looks a lot promising.

    This is my current gear mainly: Mac computer, Pro Tools 11, UAD Apollo Twin interface, Presonus Digimax D8 ADAT 8-mic pre, and Genelec 8020 monitors. In the mic department, my top piece is a Neumann 102 mic. This is the gear I hope the Allen & Heath will supplement well.

    Any opinions on it?

    Peace to you all.

    EDIT: I mostly record live-playing Rock bands and I tend to record live drums.
  3. timer

    timer Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    I have not used it, but soundwise I would not expect any improvement over a good DAW.
    In the end it's just a computer
    with limited processing options
    combined with some audio hardware in one single box.

    As controller and I/O it is may be fine. Myself I prefer mixing itb nowadays, rather drawing curves than using even software faders, but that completely depends on your own workflow.

    How about renting that kind of hardware for a week snd see how it fits?

    Just saw your edit:
    When recording live bands, do you split inputs or do you get a (digital?) feed from the FOH? Or did you just mean "live in my studio"?
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2016
  4. brunoci56

    brunoci56 Noisemaker

    Jan 14, 2014
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    For me, the best solution is analog gear, always.
    I use a Soundtracs Topaz, 24 channels, 8 bus or, alternatively, a summing mixer based on Siemens 275/0, among other gears.
    There is no ProTools control, but you obtain the right sound.
    Invest in good converters, too. I use RME, but you can get a 16 channels I/O Ferrofish + an old analog board (like Topaz) for the same price of an Allen &Heath Qu16. And more satisfaction ...
  5. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
    Likes Received:
    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    Well, I used to have a Digi 002 mixer and I miss the tactile feel. I have actually bought the thing and I'm yet to put up to its paces.

    When I said record live I meant live in the studio, multitracking drums and the like.

    Access to specialized analog gear in my country is kind of complicated. Maybe later down the road I'll opt to get a pro summing box. As for analog gear, I eyed the A&H Zed R16, but I've read that the Qu16 sounds better and the lack of motorized faders was a deal breaker for me. I hope I've made a good investment. As for sound quality, I have an Apollo Twin Duo, and I can't complain about the quality I get.

    Thanks for your input, guys.
  6. ElecTrick

    ElecTrick Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    You must think in a low/mid price mixer as a tool for your workflow more than other consideration.
    DonĀ“t expect any important improvement in sound with all those low/mid price mixers.

    If you are planing to buy a good mixer, you must think in buying good converters and cables also ...

  7. jjohnsonof

    jjohnsonof Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    +1 , first get real good ADDA Converter/s, then proper summing desk/mixer (thats what i want to do), if not staying ITB is better IMO. If its only about the workflow i would consider something like Euphonix MC Mix+Control or Tascam US2400.