Steven Slate,a small (r)evolution.

Discussion in 'Software' started by Von_Steyr, Apr 26, 2016.

  1. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    While I love Nebula, but I would wait until nebula 4 with Core 8 comes out before any new users jump in.
  2. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    Wow! If it hurts, let it out :bleh:

    Not the first time you've had a little cry over U-he and Urs. :facepalm:

    After that latest tantrum I suspect you'd easily pass any douche bag entrance exam :rofl:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2016
  3. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    With Acustica the limitation of working ITB disappears completely.
    You can be really good at what you do,but no matter what you do,if you dont have the right tools its so much harder and just sort of evasive to get it done.
    Acustica really rounds it up and puts a finish on a good project making it sound excellent.
    With Slate and Acustica i will be able to get my game to the highest level.
  4. tapekiller

    tapekiller Kapellmeister

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Ehm, I'd like to see some proof about it, these are quite strong accusations.
  5. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Check out this video with Acustica Amethyst.
    Makes even a really average drum loop sound alive and dynamic.
  6. ingehai

    ingehai Noisemaker

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Still using my pro 53 ala-1999!!
  7. groove

    groove Kapellmeister

    Oct 6, 2012
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    It's perhaps because you haven't try all plugins of other manufacturer ... On comp SSL native duende and waves are better and i don't tell about uad and nebula because it's another world slate plug are toys near these one.. For eq nebula and uad it's the best ... I've try slate suite by mensual subscription and i have stop first month...... For tape u-he is better and the same if you want real tape nebula or uad... The only great thing in slate plugin is the cpu friendly but i don't care my mac is a beast and with uad no possible return with these ki,nd of plugin.....
  8. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I disagree my friend.Low cpu is a big advantage of Slate and you can really shape your sound quite far with it,they are excelent plugins.
    Acustica is a different world compared to plugins you have mentioned.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2016
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  9. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    To all who are wondering about Acustica.
    1.Yes,this company is ahead of other plugin companies.
    2.You can shape your sound into something so beautiful that i dare to say is achievable only with expensive top notch hardware or via acustica plugins.
    Its very hard to describe you have to try it yourself,it will elevate your music,mixes to a bigger,better more musical and professional level.
    3.Its worth registering,demoing and buying some of their stuff,but i warn you,you will never look the same at ITB production.
  10. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    I suggest to all who believe that algorithmic plugins are the best, test Pink or Amethyst for yourself.
    You have nothing to loose and everything to gain by testing these tools.
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  11. Sfum

    Sfum Newbie

    Feb 29, 2016
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    You certainly have never tested a high end hardware equipment. It costs a fortune, but software emulations will never ever get any close to that warmth.
  12. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    lol I sold my uad appolo a long time ago, the only good thing about uad software/hardware is that is that you can resell it for an decent amount and buy good not overpriced plugins. uad failed to evolve and are really getting behind.

    In my opinion uad does not deserve to be named in a Slate plugin topic because its miles behind,
    certainly when acustica gets mentioned which indeed makes slate pale away in terms of emulation.
    Decent enough to make Good Music, and even a platinum hit.but not really ground braking
  13. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Same thing was said about guitar impulse revolution a few years back,now we have top notch musicians using them in the studio and live emulating the real deal about 95% or more.
    Some impulses are so good you can not differentiate between the real deal and the impulse.
    The best thing about it so many top notch guitar impulses are FREE and you would have to pay a lot of money to get that sound.
    This is what is so great about it,you dont have to be rich any more to get your game to the next level.
    Do you still need quaility hardware?Yea you do but not the whole chain.
    If you can afford it,cool,why not.
    Many cant and will benefit massively from it.
    Its 2016 now and even ten years back we had no idea technology would evolve so radically and quickly,it really is the golden age for audio production.
  14. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    Well..... I'm a multi-platinum Engineer and Producer with close to 3 million scoundscan.

    I've owned:
    Manley, Requite, DW Fearn, API, Neve, Focusrite ISA, SSL, UA, Korby Kat, & Neumann and others.

    I've used:
    SSL 4K G and E consoles, SSL 4K G plus, SSL 9J, SSL C300, SSL AWS, SSL Duality, Neve 80 series, Neve 5000 series, AMS Neve Genesys, API 1604, Fairchild, Mercury Audio, GML, Tube Tech, Sony, API 500, Neve, Pendelum, Manley, Neumann modern and classic and the list goes on.....

    I've worked at:
    Chung King - NYC
    Sound On Sound - NYC
    Battery - NYC
    Patchwerk - Atl
    DARP - ATL
    Stankonya - ATL
    Zac's - Atl
    11th St. Studio - ATL
    ATL Studio – ATL
    Soapbox - ATL
    Hot Beats Atl
    Interscope's Boiler Room/Zed 1 - LA
    Bill's Place - LA
    Boom Boom Room - LA
    Atlantic Studio’s – LA
    Chapman Recording - KC
    Zgwonth - Lawrence KS
    Cypher Sound - KCMO

    I have used most top end gear made over the past 25 years, but you are correct, software emulations are not close to actual hardware.

    Thankfully for us, Acustic Audio's Nebula & Acqua plugins are not software emulations and are absolutely the real deal at providing an analogue type warmth and realism inside a computer today.

    Test for yourself
    ...... and NEVER judge others on the internet.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2016
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  15. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Thats what i call a reply! :hillbilly:
  16. Bill Vkerchi?

    Bill Vkerchi? Kapellmeister

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Please name these top notch musicians. What are the impulses of? Cabinets? That is not that big of a deal because you'll still need amp heads which are not significantly less expensive than combo amps. And if you can afford one, you can afford a cabinet. And please don't tell me you think that full itb amp sims sound like the real deal by 95%. They all sound like ass, with s-gear being the most passable.
  17. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    You just need a guitar and di box or whatever you are feeding your soundcard to.
    Though the better the guitar,pickups etc the better the sound.
    You dont need an amp,you dont need a cabinet.
    You are talking about guitar rig and similar amp sims that sound like shit,im talking about the real deal.
    The revolution happened a few years back,seems like you`ve missed it.
    The impulses are of guitar amps and cabinets,you can choose bouitique stuff,Messa,Diezel,Marshall,Randall etc... that sound identical to original gear.
    You can throw any digital stuff like Digitech and similar into the bin.
    You need a chain,impulses,impulse loader,cabinet simulator,you can add preamps,fx etc,
    LePou plugins are free and sound really good but there are even better ones costing as low as 5$.

    Theres also more expensive impulses like Redwirez.
    Many well known metal and rock bands use them in the studio and live.
    Here is a video,a kid is using one of the home made impulses made of the Metallica and justice for all album.
    Now,this guy is not a good player and his skills are not good at all but i have seen an excelent guitar player playing the same impulse straight into the pc card,didnt even have a di box and it sounded like James on AJFA.
  18. Bill Vkerchi?

    Bill Vkerchi? Kapellmeister

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Wow, well that's much better than the other amp sims i've heard, on the first glance(first video). Still appears to be a good deal less dynamic than the real amp but it might be not totally useless like amplitube, bias, guitar rig and friends. I need to dig into that. Can you throw in a couple of links or names besides LePou?
  19. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Im not a guitar player,all this info was from my memory.After i wrote your reply i asked my brother who is an excellent gtr player and an ex endorsee and owns a lot of gear.
    He told me take it slowly as there are now tons of impulses,3/4 are crap but there are many top notch impulses.
    He told me deff leppard,rush,rammstein etc are using impulses these days,though they are using company impulses which arent better than even some free ones,they just get paid for it.
    He owns several pro gear heads and uses impulses a lot,he hasnt sold any of his hardware but told me some of the stuff sounds so real you can not differentiate between the real deal and impulses.
    He told me Lepou is ok and sounds good but there are many that are a lot better.
    There are now so many to choose from,you can really get your sound.
    You can start with this forum.
    Russian guy Vadim Taranov makes great ones,really cheap.
    This is the new page from Taranov in Russian.
    Just pick an amp and test it,some are for free,excelent stuff.
    Ignite Amps and Mercurial are also great.
    Power Grid Bias,if you play metal.

    Stuff like Guitar Rig,Amplitube etc and hardware like Digitech are done.

    All those impulse companies i have mentioned in the beginning used to be very small,independent usually freebies that went into marketing and blew off the giants.
    Its the golden age for music production.
  20. Yuri

    Yuri Rock Star

    Apr 14, 2014
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    There are loads of free impulses out there, though you should check out Rosen Digital. Some of their impulses *cough* may have appeared on a certain sister site. Aside from LePou and the ones Von_Steyr mentioned, Nick Crow Lab does a couple of good free amp heads.
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