Steven Slate,a small (r)evolution.

Discussion in 'Software' started by Von_Steyr, Apr 26, 2016.

  1. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    You know what thats the 2nd time you came here and personally attacked me of being Catalyst.
    Also mentioning some other negative shit about me,you child.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2016
  2. Pronto

    Pronto Kapellmeister

    Jul 21, 2011
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    you think it was unfair of me to suggest you might have a problem?..i see your point, i too would find that hard to take..and i think i could have put it a bit better, but i'm trying to put it across fairly and i don't like your putdown.
  3. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Look man,you can dislike,or have an opinion about this thread,but dont ever get at me at a personal level.
    You have certain problems with my views,cool,but stay within the limits and stop bombing this thread.
    I would like this discussion to be a on a positive note.Thanks.
    Also please stop pm-ing me,im really not into pony tails.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2016
  4. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Man, any topic about S.Slate can only go ugly.:rofl:
  5. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I am now demoing Acustica Pink.
    Yea,this thing is brutally good.You were right.
    It was worth the hassle of registering,downloading and activating the plugin.
    Problem is i will now have to get some of their stuff....
    I still think Slate stuff is also really good and worth having.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2016
  6. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    don`t push it to far guys... it is about Fabrice plugins, not about mental health.

    - I find the plugs are good; not a revolution, but good.

    The iLock implementation is a pain... and the price is to high, but hey, it is Slate`s choice.

    - About Slate... well, I find him very funny in a sarcastic manner, (many do not like, or do not understand sarcasm) but again, who cares.
    We are here for the plugs, not for Slate ?!?
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  7. focusrite

    focusrite Platinum Record

    Dec 28, 2013
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    It's pink all the way for me seriously good. New PC needed :snuffy:
  8. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    Best Answer
    Don't get me wrong.... Slate, Waves, UAD, McDSP, Hornet, etc are all good, some UAD and Slate algo's really good, I've used them to help sell millions of records..... but what Acustica is doing, especially with their new Core 8 tech, is bordering on great. In testing Pink, I was able to run 70 instances with everything engaged on my i7 5820K OC'ed to just 3.8Ghz in Reaper 5 on Win 7 x64. In a normal mix where not everything is used in Pink, I could easily see 90 Pink running in a mix!

    Acustic Audio tech has finally come of age, it only took them 11 years, lol. I'm an audio Engineer, I care about sound first, second and third...... Acustica Pink is absolutely the real deal, Nebula 4 with Core 8 is coming soon and they will be updating their other Acqua's to Core 8. We ITB music creators are in a great position of having such options today for our digital audio.

    FWIW, Amethyst is still Core 7, they have a Core 8 version in beta and the compressor is now working like Pink and CPU stable.

    Try this... when using the compressor in Pink, in-gauge the insane and pink buttons, fbk and hard...... then start working on drums.... instant ITB magic! The first time I used Pink I was able to get drums exactly where I wanted them in seconds, like I can with hardware. Some users like it on vocals, but I prefer Tim P's Sum100 and LA3A over pink, but I was never an API vocal guy, I prefer Neve & tubes on vocals.

    I have thousands of large console hours logged, as of today only AA's Nebula and Acqua get me close to my analogue console mixes in the box. No ITB algo plugin made today gives me what I get with hardware.

    As always, to each their own.
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  9. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    The moment i put Pink on my mixbus and then compared my previous Slate was....a different kind of experience.
    If Slate made and evolution,then Acustica made a revolution.
    Its like trying Altiverb,its kind of hard to go back to other reverbs.
    Funny thing is with Pink you can achieve so much more with a lot less plugins,it just breaths life into mix,Slate does it as well,but this is next level,you were right.
    I just smiled when i listened.:yes:
    Im a believer now,it was worth taking time with this and thanks for the additional info Will,looking forward to dig deeper into Acustica.
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  10. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I am now demoing some freebies from Acustica.Totally worth registering and downloading.
    Red Eq,very nice,better than a lot of EQs that cost a lot of money.
    Its funny how a small,simple eq like red can add more dimension,musicality and weight to your mix.
    Astonishing,these guys really know what they are doing.
    The Red Eq equalizer provides three fixed bands at 80Hz, 1.8kHz and 8kHz, the upper and lower bands being shelving while the middle has a traditional bell response. There's an ample 16dB of cut and boost, and though the EQ may look limited compared to a parametric, it actually sounds nicely musical and the frequencies have been chosen with care. A five-section led level meter and an output gain knob allow you to control the overall output level from the unit up to a maximum of +6dB. A red warning lamp lights if the signal approaches clipping, due to excessive use of boost on already hot signals. It can be used to make adjustments in the most needed areas of the audio spectrum without the sound losing its focus.

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2016
  11. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    In a mix
    Yes the Red EQ is great plug... if you dont have it try the Ochre HOMEBREW Free >>> some will say Acustica Plugs are to Pricey, but I disagree . If anything they are under priced for what you get ,an their just gettin better and better and more CPU friendly every day... Plugin Alliance plugs are in the ball park of $150 - $299 for one Algo plug??? So i believe Acustica Audio is Very Fair price for thier Tools YO!!! an Not forgetting the Sound is Stellar!!! I record with Hardware mostly but mix recall is a pain with Gear its no secret so i like most use a hybrid setup an i use plugs in the mix stage for that Reason alone and Acustica makes my life easier to achieve what i can with Gear and still get Total recall on the fly \m/ just my 2 cents... Happy Mixin !!!
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  12. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    What can i say Jaymz,im a believer now,been downloading and demoing Acustica all day now.
    Downloading trial of Amethyst and White now,cant wait to try those.
    Will also dl Ochre and Stradipad.
    I feel like a kid in a toy shop,lol.

    I love their manifest;
    In these modern days of accessibility, nearly anything can be purchased. If you have money, you can simply have things. This sets you apart because you are able to amass more tools.
    But Acustica has a different idea about the future: true power is knowledge. When it comes to our tools, anyone with a small amount of money (compared to the enormous cost of audio gear and software) can have tools more powerful and more “musical” than they have ever imagined. We are living in a radical and liberating era of audio and audio technology, nearly everyone who works with audio is seeing this. Now the differences between the average person and the wealthier person are much smaller in respects to the tools that can be attained. They meet however on the common ground of knowledge. And now, only creativity, ability, and what one does with these tools are the barometer of difference.
    We believe true richness is found in possessing knowledge. Knowledge and hard work equates to wealth. Here at Acustica, one can easily acquire amazing tools to prove that...
  13. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    In a mix
    Man all that shit i said bout power in the beginning of this thread was just a stab at Slate if he was Lurkin in these threads like we all know he is known for doing STALKING HAHA!!! Honestly i have nothin against his plugs the're Tools just like anything else or other plugs but im just not a big Fan off em ;) Personal taste i guess \m/ But ona serious note Acustica is a CPU eater for sure but thats comin to the past cause PINK is clearly a winner for CPU compared to the older stuff>>>BUT they are updating all the old to be like Pink with the 8 core wich has made major improvment in the load times and the way they respond... The sound for my Taste is spot on \m/ I can do a Boost at say 5k with any Algo plug and then do the same Boost with Acustica>>> Wins em all ;) Emerald,Honey,White, and Pink are among my favorites from Acustica but Really i like em all haha \m/ They will all be Killer wen they get the new updates :)
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  14. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    The Underground
    Kinda of Insulting @Pronto, and really not neccessary.
  15. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    It takes a lot of honesty to post this, you have my respect, not many would do it. I'm glad you tested for yourself and understood what your ears were telling you.

    Acustic Audio's technology is like Altiverb on steroids. Pink actually contained hundreds, possibly thousands, of IR's, making it very CPU intensive.

    It's great to have tools like Pink, and Slate ITB today, and to be able to pick what tool you prefer for the task at hand.
    ITB audio will only get better as we go along, I for one am excited about the future of digital audio.
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  16. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Im really glad i did this Slate review.You and Jaymz really pushed me into Acustica,im very thankful!
    Demoing Amethyst blown away,we are now talking some serious 3D enhancement.
    My mix suddenly feels like a band not like tracks playing in a DAW,that linear aspect disappears and you get a more dimensional sounding mix,more depth,so easy to control your sound.
    You slap this bad boy on a bus or several busses and its magic with so little tweaking,its like is that it?Seriously?
    The 2500 bus setting on the input trim,so nice.
    Amethyst will be the first thing i will buy from Acustica.

    Edit:Stradipad-Swedish Strings,excellent tool and its free,love it.
    Ochre EQ will also be used in the future,love it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2016
  17. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Many guys here seem to get more pleasure in their life, by trashing a comment, criticizing a user or down voting a comment, than having a breakfast, watching a great movie, smoking an eiffel-like cigar, or eating a nice pair of boobs/ pussy !

    Those guys are able to pause their turd before it totally falls into the shit ocean, just to quickly post a reply or down vote the comment. Crazy.

    I've read all the reviews from sweetwater, nobody forced me to do it, it was some cool valuable info, that didn't force me to visit another site to read it. Thanks for posting it.
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  18. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Another thing,
    Why some people call Slate a douche, and not other guys?

    What about the savant from uhe? Huh?

    Because so far, all people can bitch about, regarding Steven slate, is his face, body, or the way he talks.

    Tons of people use it, here. After audioutopia release, I'm sure there are above 20'000 guys from audioz/audiosex , who started using it as well.
    Also, 95% of the pro studios, multimedia, score composers, symphonic /trailer/games composers, and pretty much everybody who owns studio hardware, old compressors, eqs, etc etc, ALL those people are using protools as their main daw, are used to ilok stuff since decades, and OWN what basically became an industry standard : Slate plug-ins.
    Among The other 10%, are germans who own a bosch fridge, a VW, BMW or Mercedes, particularly love the world history about middle XX century, and, of course, use a german-based DAW, like cubass.

    This to say, the slate plug-ins truly deliver, users are delighted with it, cpu usage is low, and prices ARE LOW AND FAIR, taking into account how great it emulates the old hardware.

    Besides ilok protection, there is very little to hate about it. Are the plug-ins less good because Slate loves to talk and share his passion? Why calling him a douche?

    Now, take the guy from DIVA and zebra: pretentious, stubborn, thinks he is the best, the supreme God, craps on every single guy who bought a plug-in from other companies, without buying his plug-ins, treats the audio scene like we are all monsters who deserve being killed with gas, trashes the Warez teams, because he is wonderful, powerful, GOD, and guys like r2r are noobs who don't know jack about programming, thinks everybody in the world OUGHT to pay premium, for the best plug-ins in the world (you don't have uhe plug-ins or synths? You aren't pro, you aren't serious, consider yourselves a big shit), only thinks about his fucking dutchmarks or euros, dont think 5 seconds about the guys who would like to have fun with a diva, but can't she'll out 200 euros, in other words, if you don't have money to buy uhe plug-ins, your life is a huge fail, you should stop wanting to create any music or living your dreams. Silently creates 'beta-freeware-chose algo' plug-ins like re-post, to gather info about other uhe plug-ins and instances, grabs all data about the user, from login, computer, network, everything, + much more, and happily asks users to upload some stuff to his servers, for full analysis, graphs, etc, where everything, from it address, + the thousands info that Google adsense /etc programs-like can gather, up to the physical address (1 meters margin): because, ohhh, at uhe, they don't know which algorithm is better... and they need YOUR help for that...innocent users...why not letting people choose different algos, via a button, on the interface... so shady...

    So, are you sure Steven slate IS a douche?
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  19. peacefulburningz

    peacefulburningz Kapellmeister

    Sep 10, 2015
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    @Von Steyr If you like the Acustica plugins, you should check out Nebula. It was made by Acustica, but predates the plugins. They aren't as good with cpu usage as the plugins, but they sound very good, and are really cheap. If you check out Nebula look for some 3rd party libraries, not the Acustica libraries. The 3rd party samples are SOOOO much better. Look for some stuff from AlexB, Henry Olonga (FREE All You Can Eat is great), VNXT, CDSoundmaster, Cupwise, STN, etc.
  20. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    indeed, Henry Olonga vintage pre is my dirty little secret on vocals, but it needs 2(!) instances and it's less successful on groups and processed material
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