So how do you start?I'm new.

Discussion in 'Education' started by kwonyoni, Apr 26, 2016.

  1. kwonyoni

    kwonyoni Newbie

    Apr 26, 2016
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    Ok. I know it's like a small question with a huge answer. But.. still, maybe you could direct me where to start.
    So I'm all about music. 'till now it was me and my piano, making lots of songs and melodies. But I need a change, I want to start making music through my computer, start recording and producing songs.
    Where can I find tutorials for that? Not only recording and putting the records together, But composing everything through the computer?
    I'm not talking about degree studies. Just want to know the base to music production.
    So again, I'll be really thankful if somone here could direct me to where I start.

    (sorry if I had English mistakes, it's not my native language)
  3. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    I would suggest to install reason or fl studio and start programming some drums.

    add a 16 bar melody and then separate and manipulate it to make it a song
  4. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
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  5. modelarmy

    modelarmy Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2016
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    What sort of music you wanna make?
  6. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    If you really want to go with the computer, as you play the piano, then a good midi keyboard or synth that can transmit midi, which is most of them. You'll find it easier and quicker than the piano roll of a DAW.
  7. WolwerineBlues

    WolwerineBlues Platinum Record

    Jul 25, 2015
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    In start it will be chaotic for you, first you need to choose and learn daw, second production + other production tehnics, synths, plugins, layering sounds - programming sounds, choose wisely what will be first :winker: or your mind will explode :excl:
  8. luki3

    luki3 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Have a look round for the dance music production videos these are very informative.
  9. jvne

    jvne Kapellmeister

    Oct 3, 2012
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    I'm agree with Kwissbeats, Image-Line "FL Studio" is a good DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) to begin and more, pretty easy (pattern) and intuitive, with a nice Midi implementation, VST, rewire, ASIO (you should also check for this terms) . There's a lot of tutorials on the web, and read some manuals can be useful. Take a look to this ones too : Presonus Studio One (* free version available), Cockos Reaper (*), Sonar Cakewalk, Mackie Traktion (an old version is free as the Magix Samplitude 10 Silver Edition)...
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016
  10. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    You are all alone in this, and everything is up to you.
  11. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    hi. cause you are coming from a realpiano, i recommend buying a weghted-key midi keyboard(88key).

    to record your voice you will need a decent audio interface, go focusrite (
    Focusrite Scarlett 2i2). buy the package, it will come with cables and a high quality condenser microphone. the rest is history..
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  12. ca5plays

    ca5plays Member

    Jan 7, 2015
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    ok thats not an easy question to answer , there are almost unlimited ways to make music , and you are searching for specifically recording your music , and full manipulation of your compositions , you could simply buy a good recording device , or set up an entire acoustically perfect sound environment to capture every aspect of what you are try to capture ..... confused yet , thats the point there is no real answer , its a journey , i personally started on Sony acid loops , moved to fl 3 , really havent needed much else sisnce fl studios , i was never trained in any music or computers i just found my path . but you have guys that started on hardware , or even as composers writing on paper , so if you are a traditional trained musician start with siblelius , programs like fl studios are virtual studios they focus on all round approach, other programs like ableton give you more are a live play dj feel , every way is its own path , you just have to take the time and focus on walking that path you will get there promise k bye .......

    ps native instruments has programs called virtual sample libraries that are made by real instruments sampled into a file you can play back on your workstation that are called plug ins they come in many formats one of the most popular PC side formats is called VST or VSTi or VST3 , you will see these , these can be used in digital workstations of all kids that accept the different formats like vst that allow the programs to communicate with midi and stuffs , all so check for tootracks ez keys is a decent piano program
  13. futur3

    futur3 Noisemaker

    Sep 22, 2015
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    First off, forget the full songs and best software, that is a long way away.
    Nothing can teach you better than yourself. There is a lot involved in digital audio production and you will gain a far deeper understanding if you have gone through this problem solving process yourself, opposed to someone just showing you how it's done (excluding basic functionality of the software on youtube).
    fl studio for your daw and sylenth1 for your vst would be my recommendation for beginners (google what all that means).
    Look into eq, compression, limiting, dynamics, etc.
    When I started out I was listening to house music a lot and working in clubs as a dj.
    After a short while I had a lot of questions - why the pattern of a kick-hat-snare-hat, why 128bpm, why do these chord progressions sound good, how do chord progressions work, how does all this fit into the bigger picture of a song, why am I obsessed with deadmau5s music but don't enjoy majority of other producers... Then there's sidechaining, midi, arps and melodies.
    It's a big fucking rabbit hole you're about to dive into, but it changed my life and I never regret one second of it.
    Embrace the sleepless nights and Good luck.
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  14. relexted

    relexted Producer

    Jun 18, 2011
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    You'll need an audio interface, monitor speakers and bass traps
    The whole music part is up to yourself.. it's genre related ..
  15. Burninstar

    Burninstar Platinum Record

    Sep 17, 2011
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    Behind my instrument
    Welcome aboard, Here is a different approach. If there are other musicians/recording enthusiasts in your area that could use some keyboard or vocal tracks for their songs. You could hang out and learn from experience and probably have help with your own setup. Check Craigs List on the internet.

    I would recommend Reaper DAW, Free to evaluate for as long as you like, Easy to record audio on, Tons of help online, and capable in any recording situation.

    Just google Reaper tutorials or Reaper and the info you need to know, and you have instant help.
    An example would be " Reaper how to record audio" or "Reaper input fx"

    We are here to help, don't be afraid to ask, we were all beginners at some point.
  16. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    ;) welcome to wanting to be a music-man.
    You're already on your way, you play piano and you have songs. Awesome.
    Best thing to do is to get your head around what you want to record and how. Who with.
    From there you have to find your own way. Your in the right place though, you will find a really broad community to help you find your way. But. It is you, your musical work. So you will have to do what you've always done and thats find what's right for you, what works for you.
    Keep at it!

  17. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    Lot of good info here.
    To sum up simplify for yourself. Get a DAW - I would recommend Studio one, Cubase or Reaper. Their workflow is different but concept is somewhat similar. Buy a midi keyboard. Download asio4all driver for low latency and that's it. Connect any crappy, good or whatever speakers available and start making music with in the box instruments (vsti's). You will see that after this, you will get stuck in many places and then you will start looking for solutions. This way you will learn more. YouTube is full of tutorials etc, audiosex is also a helpful community and there are many other forums where you can ask for any help. So in the beginning you only need a computer, a DAW, asio4all driver, a midi keyboard and either speakers or headphones. Good luck!
  18. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    One of my greatest revelations was taking what I've learned on the piano and applying it to drum kits on my Maschine. Experimentation is encouraged. There are masses of VSTs and AU plugs available and some of the most interesting ones are free. Fancy FX are cool and all but you can do insane things with a little reverb and delay.

    Work to understand the concepts of sidechaining and EQ. Frequency Modulation is classic and Granular Synthesis seems to be where it's at. Find new ways to play your instruments and effects like using your phone or tablet and MIDI/OSC.

    Listen to new music. There's always patterns but even more so there's emotional expression.

    Above all, have fun with it. Fitting to the mold is one thing but making it your own is art.
    Or better yet, "Don't try to think outside the box, instead, realize that there is no box".

    Or spoon.
  19. l0liv3r

    l0liv3r Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    If you love music that much you'd already be trying out different daws finding out wich one could possible suit you best. But hey thats just me. Asking a proffesional movie producer, body builder, martial artist, cloth designer or anyone at all for that matter how to start off. How do you get that black belt, how did cameron make Avatar, how did eainstein use his brain. Seriously, asking questions like that is like asking someone to do the work for you. How do you make music? You combine several different rythmical patterns based on pitch, hertz and tone and the most effective way to do that atm is trough a music software like FL studio, ableton live, reason, cubase. But you can make music with sony vegas aswell if you want, hell even Cinema 4D and after effects, you can record, play and save trough your mic and end up with a track. There are several different ways to make music and if there was a super good way to make the most amazing music that would have everyone throwing their money at me and my music I would NOT be sharing it with anyone and so wouldnt anyone else.

    To make music you need sound, to make good music you need alot of practice, alot of trying, alot of testing, retesting, exploring, listening, studying and alot of will. You have to enjoy making what you make if you want it to be good in your ears. So basically you need happiniess, a music software that you have spent around a year on more or less, a good ear, creativity and a little more happiniess. Oh, and you need to put down ALOT of time and work. took me like 6 months to a year to make my first track I think, but then again I cant play any instrument. If you can play the piano and have one or a synth that you can plug into your computer you have a big advantaged.

    Im no pro, but since you asked, get Ableton Live, the plugins Serum, FabFilter, Glitch 2, Gross Beat, a good reverb plugin and start enjoying your ride.
  20. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Grab some coffee.. or liqor.. you're gonna need it.
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  21. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    I would suggest you to start slowly, and to move step by step!

    1. Start with selecting the right DAW (a multitrack audio recording software) which is simple to use.
    In my case - many years ago - it was Garageband. But i already had years & years of experiences with
    multitrack recording on an analog recording tapemachine. If you're on PC look for a similar software.

    2. Learn composing in a creative way, starting with one instrument only and then add more tracks.
    Learn also to use the software and its features, quantization, automation, use of external Plug-Ins.

    3. There is no best software, you'll find it out with your experiences, your use and your preferences!
    But i would recommend you to select first one only that fits your needs and then go deeper.
    Afterwards with more experience you'll surely find better solutions, if needed.

    NOTE: Don't listen too much what others say about a software, try it yourself first.

    Good luck! :winker: :wink:
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2016
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