Morph kinda VST for Drums ?

Discussion in 'Software' started by flworius, Apr 25, 2016.

  1. flworius

    flworius Member

    Aug 22, 2015
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    Hi Guys.

    I thought that i would be very cool if I could transit the Dynamics, Wavelength,timbre and other Characteristics of one Drum sample to another, like, I have a Drum that has a superb punch, but the timbre just doesn't fit the actual track, and I have another sample which I have chosen for the track, but it's lacking, let's say punch and is unprocessed yet. So I thought it maybe would be quicker and with a more certain end result if one could just apply the waveform from the one sample to the other one, that to be done with an overall mix slider and several single mix sliders for the different parts of the sample like the heights,mids, and lows, transients, attack, mid, tail, and if one could tune those Parts separately, mix them with the original, maybe there is a function to autotune the to be mixed sample if the other one has a clear root.
    Or a function, for especially applying the punch from one sample to another, to detect the lowest frequency, subtract any overtones and mix it with the overtones from the other sample and set a threshold something like that?
    Does this approach make sense, is there a specific plugin out there that is made for this or a similar task, or is this maybe doable with any morph plugin ? :dunno: ( if so, please recommendations, I am totally unexperienced with morphing)
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
  3. jjohnsonof

    jjohnsonof Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    SPL DrumXChanger : Automating the Mix-Knob so it mixes from the original sample to the trigger/new and vice-versa. Also got LP+HP filters, Transientdesigner etc. build-in.
    Maybe this works also with Slate Trigger (i never tried this).
  4. flworius

    flworius Member

    Aug 22, 2015
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    DrumXChanger, nice, never heard of that one before(obv^^)
    Ill give the demo a try and see if it does what id imagine.
    Did you actually use it ?
  5. jjohnsonof

    jjohnsonof Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Not in the last time because i prefer to have each drum on its own channel when layering - but it can be very usefull for changing samples very quick. For example, i got 3-4 snare layers playing but i dont like the clap-layer anymore, simple put an drumxchanger on it and skip thru my favourite snare/clap samples (have to be in 1 folder).
  6. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    I can name 2 VSTs that can do morphing (works on ANY sounds)

    • DtBlkFX (FREE like MySQL), use the warpmix or crossmix (convolution) modes
    • Prosoniq/Zynaptiq Morph 1/2

    They both work in dual mono so you'll need to do some routing beforehand.

    Also, try transient designers, Matching EQs, *band phase utilities, and kilohearts disperser
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