Lol i did wrong with all the 5 things you listed... I'll try to do what you say, but i don't think i'll be so good. Expecially because years of depression and anxiety left me with a good amount of stress. Thank you so much tho
Forget about failure and fear,just do it,learn and work.Every hour counts,at first it may seem like you are going nowhere but trust me you are developing your skills and ears. Listen to music,enjoy it and feel inspired by it,dont force yourself. Feed off from music that moves you,try to copy elements you like,in time you will develop your own style. Be patient.
There is no limit in acquiring musical experiences. I mean, when you learn something today, another one remains for your tomorrow. I think we should put some limits on our learnings and practice previously acquired ones until they'd be drilled into our head. Fear has different meanings. The most important one for me is falling in a repetition circle. A circle that there is not a new concept in it. We also should not be seduced by the media for what is good and what is bad. The learning path is so important one. We should choose the learning materials smartly. "1-Consuming energy for producing shit" VS "2-learning inestimable stuffs and putting them in practice". The second one is the key for having big outlooks for the future.
Thank you all... However i have a "last" question... In your opinion, what would be a list of things i should learn sequencially? I mean first: this second: this etc...
1.Equalization,learn eq-ing,watch videos,experiment,dig deep. 2.Compression,same as the first tip. Learn the basics right,with strong fundamental knowledge it will be so easier,without the understanding of these two elements you can not progress. Eq-ing is probably the most important part to master,it can eliminate so many tools if you do eq-ing right. Dont rush into everyhing.start slow,few tracks,abuse the knobs to really get the feel of what is happening,dont be afraid,its nothing special about it,no magic,just tools.
I mean, before the DAW part. The music theory stuff, how to get ispiration, what to do, when should i do something or learn something etc..
Find these 3 books. I am sure most of your questions have been answered there. After 2 months you're at different level. They are related to each other and based on piano roll and MIDI than staff notation and this makes them different. I suggest before starting your sound designing journey, think compositionlly first then DAWs are under your domination. Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2016
@Nekky If you read and put them in practice, you can produce better than this (just in 30 minutes): Starting from playing with sounds instead of learning the music language first is not my suggestion at all.
Infact i'm searching for good websites or tutorial or even warez etc. to learn all the needed music theory first. I don't want to have an idea and then can't keep it grow because i don't know what key i should be in or what is the progression i'm using. My first problem is finding some good tutorials other than (friend of mine account)
Unfortunately there are not such smart tools teaching you the theory. Most of them are for people who have good knowledge already like "Band-in-a-Box". But after using it, you would think of its uselessness for computer musicians. Do you know why DAW developers do not invest on such tools, because they are software developers not musician. Musicians need more than their DAWs.
DAW is just an instrument. You have to use it right. Hey nekky, make a song about juventus, how they stolen a lot uf trophies. This will be a song with a lot of emotions
I don't mind for now about daw, i got it. I'm saying, i don't know where to search for MUSIC THEORY stuff xD ... I only have this course