Planning to do music with this style, let me know what do you think!

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Utada Hikaru, Apr 13, 2016.

  1. Utada Hikaru

    Utada Hikaru Producer

    Dec 8, 2015
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    Hi. Some time I released this song for exploring what I could do in electronic music (not specific sub-genre at the moment).

    I would like to hear your feedback. Also I am not very used in "mastering", so if you hear some issue with it I would like to know what to do to improve. Thanks!
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  3. randomtask

    randomtask Ultrasonic

    Mar 20, 2013
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    i like it man. im on some shitty headphones but i like. sub and kick could be a bit chunkier but thats what i like. but cool song man keep going
  4. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Sweet track. it's on repeat for the next hour. Nice one!
  5. Phil_27

    Phil_27 Member

    Dec 26, 2015
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    LOL @ calling that music.
  6. KingSchlongXVII

    KingSchlongXVII Member

    Feb 5, 2014
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    ^ First, ignorant cunts like him should always be ignored - somebody that can't bring anything of value to your work, to justify WHY they think it's good or bad have no place writing their pre-pubescent and idiotic "LOL @" doodles on here.

    Secondly, I really enjoyed your music. At first I was hooked on the synths but then felt bothered just a little by the kick drum sound that came in. But it seemed to fade away from my thoughts as I got more into the track. I thought the choice of sounds was good and it kept a nice interest going throughout with some slight changes in the arrangement and direction. Melodically it's very good, sound-wise it could do with some further thought put into the drums but overall it's an enjoyable track for sure. I'll look out for your other tracks now.

    Thank you for sharing this, with those of us who can actually appreciate the value of music.
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  7. Phil_27

    Phil_27 Member

    Dec 26, 2015
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    I understand, we live in a time when the truth is politically incorrect and not wanted because it might hurt some loser's feeling.
  8. I guess then that it is politically correct to be an asshole, adolescent, insensitive, cruel, harsh and uncaring to your brothers and sisters looking for a bit of honest criticism. Comments such as yours Phil_27 only serve to cause hurt and benefit none besides your own childish need to bully, to make yourself feel somehow better at someone else's expense, to absolutely and without a doubt go out of your way to hurt Utada Hikaru's feelings and impede her/his musical journey. Just get the funk out of here if you want to be a douchbag.
  9. Ultram

    Ultram Kapellmeister

    Dec 29, 2014
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    brighton uk
    nice vibes man, held my interest for the duration, but i agree the kick somehow doesn't sit in the mix as well as it could, good work.
  10. Phil_27

    Phil_27 Member

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Do you even know what honest criticism is? You are probably the kinda guy that is crying every time someone says something you don't like. Get your balls removed, ASAP! He was asking for a feedback and instead of sucking his private parts I gave an honest opinion, has nothing to do with bullying. Once you wannabes start working in the industry you'll realize that my response was actually very nice. No one gives a damn about your feelings there, but I guess it'll be nothing more than a wet dream for you to ever make it.
  11. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    IMHO a proper breakbeat approach (just change the kicks placement & add a snare-rim shot to punctuate the rhythm properly) would not devalue the song and it could fit in a bigger niche. Bigger niche = bigger exposure.
  12. Dude, you haven't a clue, do you? You're just a troll and don't have a clue about honest criticism as your comment fell way out of the circle of that definition. You are just a mean spirited person and your "feedback" has nothing to do with constructive criticism at all, just a put down to a fellow artist for no good reason at all, except to your need to for whatever reason, bite off his dick, to use your ridiculous and horrible example. And it is only you speaking for yourself, not "the industry" that doesn't give a damn about how the OPP feels, so don't kid yourself. And calling me a wannabe means that you don't know who I am, literally zero, but from your behavior and reply you surely tell much about yourself. I'm out a here.
  13. Phil_27

    Phil_27 Member

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Stop calling people, who clearly have no talent which is why they need to make "music" in a subgenre, artists! You probably think Simon Cowell is worse than Hitler, isn't it? People like you are only present on forums but never on the back of an actual album, LOL. Keep liking that crap while I'm collecting my checks.
  14. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Bad week at work? The subgenres (substreams) are the ones feeding the mainstream with new sounds/textures/rhythms & trends in general. No niche, no mainstream. Each has it's own place.
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  15. BudSpencer

    BudSpencer Producer

    Sep 14, 2013
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    MAN, this song is so relaxing while being so active and intense. I LOVE IT. I would definetely want to hear more in this style, from you. Very, very, very nice! Keep up the awesome work and don't pay any attention to the conflict-seeking troll in this post. He's nobody. And You? You ROCK, dude!
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  16. Utada Hikaru

    Utada Hikaru Producer

    Dec 8, 2015
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    Since @Phil_27 says something without argumentation (and with such attitude) is clear that I wont give a damn about him, obvious troll is obvious.

    For all of you, thank you for the feedback! I was thinking more of less the same about the kick, so I will pay attention to that next time. :wink:
  17. Lean

    Lean Producer

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Not my type of thing but it seems pretty well done but needs a little work.

    Sorry but I hate the kick and the beats/percussion get "drowned" out for me personally and doesn't punch through/shine enough. Maybe try some Parallel compression on the kick or percusion and mix in a bit of bass like NY Compression if you haven't already and mess with the levels

    I'm no mixing/mastering guru though and it's pretty well done for me.

    Love the bass and has a loose feel and some nice key changes.

    My only criticism would be it's a little repetitive and the dynamics off a bit.

    All in all though you're making music man and that's great to hear :yes:

    Thanks for sharing and nice one :bow:

    Best of luck