Business Opportunity

Discussion in 'Job Listings: Finding, Hiring.' started by Dave Clackett, Apr 21, 2016.

  1. Dave Clackett

    Dave Clackett Noisemaker

    Apr 21, 2016
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    Hello Everyone,

    I have been about on these boards for quite some time (anonymously) and have been reading many of the comments and posts and getting a feel of the people here. It is clear there are a considerable amount of very talented people and it is to these I am writing this post to. Here’s a brief overview. I own a MIDI file production company called Hands On MIDI Software Ltd, based in the UK and have been doing so for about the last 15 years. Although still distributed I have formed (along with a new business partner) a new company (TopDots Orchestrations) which is still based firmly in the music business and will be producing and providing (fully licensed by the publishers) product for bands, groups and educational markets worldwide. The products we will involve producing and selling sheet music *and* audio files. It is mainly the audio component of the package that has specifically prompted this post.

    The basic requirement for the audio product is to take a pre-existing MIDI file (produced from the either the former Hands On MIDI Software catalogue or new ones yet to be written – not a requirement for the candidate, as this is something already covered) and create an authentic sounding ‘stem’ based product which will be sold separately and also in combination with sheet music arrangements should it be required and tailored to match exactly. To be clear, the music we produce will be covers, mostly mature giggable pop, maybe some show music (musical) at some point in the future but there is no opportunity for any deviation from the original or to include any new creative musical input. Applicants should be aware we are not interested in producing any type of original material – no matter how good it may be and before you ask, we do not have any interest to act as agents or brokers and any industry connections we have are for the sole use of the company. Sorry, if that comes across as being rather brutal but, I’m saying it as it is – I have always been upfront in my dealings but I’m sure some may ask. Moving on: We are looking for candidates to either head up a small team or to work individually, to fulfil the audio aspect of the company and work with myself, my partner and other interested parties to ensure this company has a long term future.
    The successful applicant should have (at least) the following skill set.
    (i) A high level of reading music and theory (to degree standard)
    (ii) A comprehensive access to VSTi instruments, and whatever audio enhancement plug ins and associated mixing and mastering techniques required to be able to recreate the authentic sound of the original recordings.
    (iii) We require the candidate to have a comprehensive working and practical knowledge of producing click tracks and MIDI protocols.
    (iv) Having typesetting skills in Sibelius (6) would be an advantage but not necessary.
    (v) The ability to produce (in Sibelius) correct TAB (and I am sure there are a few reading guitarists reading this who are nodding in agreement) would be an advantage but not necessary.
    (vi) The ability to play the guitar to professional standard would be an advantage but not necessary.

    Location is not an issue but a reliable internet connect able to move substantial size data files to the company cloud will be required.

    A clear and precise knowledge of English is required.

    We can provide live brass (all normal instruments [sax, trumpet, trombone, violins etc] as well as vocals (both Lead and group are required) – both Male and Female) from our UK studios if required.

    This is a ground up project and remuneration and all other options are open to further discussion.

    Here is an opportunity and maybe, there may be someone who feels that this is something that would suit them. Please be aware this is a new business and as such there is a considerable amount of work with no rock solid guarantee of success. I can only reiterate with nearly 40 years making music, plus my companies reputation I feel the diversification from MIDI based product is now a commercial necessity. Whether you liked or hated MIDI files, I care not, but I have always been proud of the quality of the products we produced and when the company was at its optimal we had long term working relationships with Roland, Yamaha, Casio, IBM, Nokia, Disney Corp …. You get the idea – they thought we okay to partner with.

    So I invite you check me out. My name is Dave Clackett. I am Managing Director of Hands On MIDI Software, author of ‘The Handbook of MIDI sequencing’ and now Director and in charge of typesetting for TopDots Orchestrations LLP. I have websites that can be visited which will start to give you an idea of where we/I am going to next. These URLS are., and

    Hiding my email will only give the naysayers fuel (and I am expecting loads) so I can be contacted directly on my real email address of [email protected]. This will not be quick selection and we will take quite a few months to go through the selection process properly and accurately. We need to start somewhere and today’s the day… Let’s see what happens.

    More information can be provided as the process moves forward

    Thank you for your time. And keep making music whoever you are.

    Regards to all the community.

    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016
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  3. Galactico_B

    Galactico_B Ultrasonic

    Apr 10, 2016
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    Hi Dave, i dont quite fit the criteria but this sounds interesting I will forward this to friends who might fit. Best of luck! Sounds exciting.
  4. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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    This is interesting although I don't feel experienced enough for this type of projects but I may be able to help you with web/mobile application development if needed.

    Good luck Sir :wink: I have my eyes on your company from now on.
  5. Dave Clackett

    Dave Clackett Noisemaker

    Apr 21, 2016
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    Gents, Thank you for your support and input.

  6. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Hey Dave,
    thanks for sharing this with us. I'm sure this will generate some interest here.

    Could your requirements be summed up to something like this (and please take no offense, it's just for clarification so your applicants will get a better image what's what):
    A studio musician who's also an experienced engineer and who brings his own (virtual) studio?
    Is the fact that you choose to post your offer here instead of booking a musician the old school way to be taken as an indicator that you don't pay a salary a job description like that usually comes with?

    Again, thanks and all the best :)
  7. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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  8. Dave Clackett

    Dave Clackett Noisemaker

    Apr 21, 2016
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    fraifikmushi > Thank you for responding.

    As musicians we all have our own preferred DAW's plugins and way of working. If I had suggested that the position was only available to people with a dogmatic insistence that they can only use (PC, Cubase 8.5, Waves - that is my personal configuration BTW) I would be 'forcing' people to potentially have to learn new software and would (rightly) receive criticism because this is very limiting and has no real bearing on the audio product that person would be required to produce.

    Indeed we may end up with a 'studio musician' and I welcome all comments on this, but you have missed two important points in my O/P. The first is that we are looking for a long term 'partner', someone to work with us for the betterment of the company and themselves. This requires training and it would not be possible to continually and perpetually undergo training for a series of people who are not that committed and may 'bump' a project due to other commitments.

    Secondly, whilst we are prepared to give whatever training is required we are not an audio 'school' in anyway shape or form. This falls way outside what has been offered, and should not be considered as such.

    Finally, I believe I have been clear on the job description above and what skill set is required. I apologize if I have been unclear on any point but if that is the case, and if any person requires clarification on any aspect of the venture, I am more than happy to explain in much greater detail either here or preferably via my company email address; as I already have done to responses I have already received. Please bear in mind there will be topics and information that will not be discussed here on an open forum because, from a company point of view, discussing confidential information and propitiatory matters, in public, it would be.... just stupid.

    You insinuate there is no pay, but I clearly stated....

    "remuneration and all other options are open to further discussion".

    I feel sure sure other people may interpret this somewhat differently than you obviously do. To be clear, we are offering a long term opportunity and only an idiot of a Managing director (to be clear, although Director, I am not the MD of this company. I can assure you that my partner - also a profession musician, would never dream abusing such a key member of the company either by undervaluing (via the financial package on offer) or by expecting other equally ridiculous demands (unrealistic time frames, ultra critical at every facet. etc)

    In my post here, I have hoped the power of the internet, and this site in particular as being the the first, to show our commitment to be forward thinking and taking an 'out of the box' approach. I feel sure many readers can understand what we are attempting to do and we will be moving our awareness campaign further afield to other similar sites. AudioZ was our first port of call with our first post - which was also done (in part) to gauge reaction to the offer.

    Conclusion - and yes, I am being a little sarcastic now (I hope you appreciate the humour)
    I'm sorry, as a new business, we are unable to offer £100,000 a year, pension, on a 10 year iron clad contract and with a company Porche thrown in, to a hitherto untested and unproven 'studio musician' who may (or may not have) any talent and long term worth and benefit.

    (As I understand it, some people on the Internet don't always tell the truth and sometimes they even exaggerate their abilities - heaven forbid! :))

    It is a genuine post, from me and the company, I write my response openly so that other readers, who may have the same questions can understand in more detail what we are about. As I originally said ... Let's see what happens.

    I hope I have addressed your points.

    Respect and happy music making to all.


    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
  9. genes

    genes Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Move the white pawn first, is ever a good move and i see the proposal of Dave in this good manner :wink:
  10. Dave Clackett

    Dave Clackett Noisemaker

    Apr 21, 2016
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    Further to everyone.

    I have just responded to a valid question (asked in a private email) which I believe requires a clear public understanding to all.

    There will *NEVER* be a situation at any point in time that money will be requested from you for any purposes, for any reason at any time either from the outset or further down the line. The company does not require any financial investment for outside sources. The only financial aspect of this relationship, is that we expect you to provide your own, fully working equipment able to fulfill the work.

    Also please be aware (from another response) and it relates to the above - but I'm not sure if it deems worthy of a public response, but in the spirit of full and open clarity ...

    If you are unable to provide the 'tools of the trade' we will not 'invest' in purchases,repairs or upgrades of any equipment in whole or part that you may feel is required to complete the work.

    I'm sure you understand our position.


    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
  11. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Good crack. If I could do it, I probably would. Here seems a good place to ask for such least if you listen to people talk.