Waves 9v30 NO CPU Device In W.C. Issue *SOLVED*

Discussion in 'Software' started by Sicktanick, Jan 19, 2016.

  1. Sicktanick

    Sicktanick Member

    Sep 9, 2015
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    Greetings everyone, for the longest time I had a terrible issue with WV30 and all previous versions of Waves that use the license center, the issue being after you complete step 1.(basic install) - then the 2nd (P Install) to move on to the Activation process only to find that my computer wasn't present in the device list, therefore I was unable to complete the last step, so for the longest time I was forced to stay WCV8.

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    I browsed forum after forum, talked to anyone that would actually hear me out, and after hours of no solution that would work and constant cold shoulders I meditated while rubbing my nipples with a handful of mayo and punched myself in the genitals And now I have a SOLUTION for this problem! I have done it multiple times on multiple systems and this is a 100% FIX for this particular issue. I came across it completely on accident, and it really doesn't make sense but it works for me so I figured I would share to try and save some other poor bastard out there like myself the hours of mental anguish.

    Step 1 : (Prior To Waves Installation)
    Go to control panel / device manager, and find your network adapter (EX : INTEL 82579 Gigabit Network Connection) etc, right click, disable, in some systems depending on your setup you may alternatively need to uninstall the device all together back to manufacturer's driver (but make sure you have the newest driver handy!)

    Step 2 : Install R2R WC9v30 Using their specific instructions. After finishing their step two (P....)
    you need to open their Crack, then open waves license center, as usual you will see plenty of USB sticks etc etc but no main CPU Device (I always tried saving the file to other devices, and LITERALLY the only way I could get WC9 to work was with doing it with the CPU device only, hell even after all the licenses are listed I STILL cant save it to a USB, or External HD or any other media. Anyway, while you have both the R2R EXE (C) open and the license center, go back to control panel right click your network adaptor and click enable to renable it, now take a look and BOOM yoru CPU is now showing up in all of its device number glory in the WLC, and well, you know what to do from here :)

    I was personally never able to find a fix to this particular issue, and it was pure luck that this even came about for me, but like I said I know I am not the only one who has had this issue so I figured I would share!

    I hope this can help some of you out, much love and many thanks to everyone on this board (I rarely post but I am always lurking, this forum is the shit) and shout out to R2R, AudioUTOPIA, HexWars and all the rest who keep the community thriving! Its appreciated!

    (I cant be completely selfless, now i am having yet another issue to which I cannot find a solution that I will be posting in a thread after this, please check it out and let me know how to fix it please for the love of all that is fuck! lol.

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  3. dalmanx

    dalmanx Newbie

    Apr 21, 2016
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    Hello and Thanx!! That s the problem i am exactly having!!!

    So I see light in your message... but.... as i follow your steps... ( go to control panel ... and find my network adapter... i see nothing there... )

    This computer is not connected to internet at all... i don t know if that s the reason... but i don t see any device in the waves license app....



  4. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Sounds like a personnel issue! Wow
    I meditated while rubbing my nipples with a handful of mayo and punched myself in the genitals And now I have a SOLUTION for this problem! I have done:no:
  5. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    Ha Question Can you Download The Mac versions Bindle of Waves Plugins With Waves Central on a PC or Do it just recognize the PC version and only let you choose the Windows version ? Thanks
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