
Discussion in 'Education' started by Nekky, Apr 16, 2016.

  1. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Without learning music theory practically and insisting its uselessness, this may happen:

    Every thing is not music theory but it will highly regularize your composing thoughts. Music theory is like a ruler that would facilitate your straight line sketching. Of course having experiences in other fields of music production is necessary too.
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  2. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Foster,you are probably the most entertaining troll on audiosex,what would we do without you? :)
  3. Funk U

    Funk U Platinum Record

    Nov 17, 2015
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    I don't know, perhaps finish a song or two. :dunno:
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  4. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    What kind of music do you like, and what kind of music do you wish to create?
  5. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Yes, stop being so hard on yourself. All I see is despair, frustration & lack of confidence in your comments, can't, suck, no patience, suck more, shitty, etc. You are only 17, try to find some joy in your life, pick something and stick with it. Watching a couple videos on making music or playing guitar for a year will not make you good at either of them. I've spent a lifetime playing guitar but still don't think I'm good compared to many, but looking back I've gotten out of it what I put into it. If it's something you really want to do, work hard, practice and stick with it, it's the only way. Good luck and never give up!
  6. Nekky

    Nekky Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Thank you but in 17 years of my life, since i have memory, i never thought that music composing was a game. Nor that i could be a good composer in a couple of years. Nor i thought that it wasn't a business. Nor that it was just a hobby. However, i never gave up, but i feel hurt everytime i sit down and do nothing instead of having 2-3 notes in a good position. As i already told, i studied all the basics of music theory, and i'm keeping studying it because i like it, not just because i will need it, but i like analysis of song, i like understand how a good composer composed a track, and i like to know what's behind that good ear feeling. Thank you for you answer, good luck to you too (if you need it)...
  7. Nekky

    Nekky Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    I'd like to be able to compose a bit of all, but i'd love to compose orchestral, "epic", batte music, everything related to orchestral and one of my best dreams is to become a film composer... But that's too many centuries away from me...
  8. jvne

    jvne Kapellmeister

    Oct 3, 2012
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    Juorno Nekky,

    I think the best way to get inspiration is at least to listen to a lot of (good) music... try to vary genres (from folk to funk, to gothic, scores, synthwave, hip or trip hop, those who touch you for short) before you find your way. It's easier when you know what kind of music, sorts of sounds you want to render, the feels and message will follow. As some people here already adviced you : hear, note, imitate for the beginning, innove ;)

    I haven't seen your last comment.. sorry

    Maybe you have some favourites composers...
    Morricone, Elfmann, Vangelis ? or even classics/romantics ? Have you tried to recreate some music from a video muted ? it can be a first test
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2016
  9. Aytac

    Aytac Noisemaker

    Nov 20, 2015
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    No man, ofcourse it is important. I just wanted to say that if he is a new starter and a rookie, waiting for inspiration, ''just'' learning music theory will not help him to write the next hit.
    And i also added that ''unless he wants to be a pro musician in the future''

    Also, nearly 80 or maybe 90 percent of the ''edm hits'' (i hate them too) are written by teenagers who havent even heard anything about music theory.
    Many successful guys in electronic music scene (i personally know) have written their hits before they learned music theory. Spending more than 20 years in business they ofcourse know something about it now.
    But inspiration and being ''natural born'' is something different, education is another...
  10. stoiximan

    stoiximan Platinum Record

    Dec 8, 2013
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    You must not push your self.Inspiration will come ,relax and learn to play songs on your keyboard. Use you tube, there are millions of tutorials there.The very first day i sat down and learned a song on you tube i made a little something of my own.Do not think you can learn everything in one day,it takes time and that is the beauty of music the journey my friend
  11. Nekky

    Nekky Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Thank you all... However, i listen to all king of music, i don't have one to stick with. I can listen to death metal to chill out, or classical, lyrical, house, even club music (sincerely, i don't name it music, just rithmic sounds, lol), edm, trap, hip hop, rap... Everything...
    I will write in my mind every advice you gave me.
  12. tapekiller

    tapekiller Kapellmeister

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Non intendo "copiala e pubblicala" ma "fai pratica cercando di copiare un pezzo" cercando di avvicinarti il più possibile e fidati che confrontando la tua copia con l'originale trovarai differenze che ti indicheranno cosa ti manca. Se ti limiti ad analizzare un pezzo senza poi mettere in pratica quello che ne hai tratto è inutile.

    Nel tuo caso, magari importa qualche pezzo dentro la tua DAW, studiane la struttura e cerca di ricrearla. Quando poi confronti le due versioni capirai cosa manca e cosa è di troppo, e fidati questo è il modo più facile per avere un metro di giudizio, confrontando il tuo con quello degli altri e con un lavoro simile è certamente più facile.
    Se vuoi imparare a dipingere come picasso puoi copiare un suo dipinto e poi confrontarlo e dire " ah ma questa riga è troppo grossa" piuttosto che "queste ombre fanno schifo". Capito che intendo?
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2016
  13. modelarmy

    modelarmy Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2016
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    You can try it with templates and maybe midi to see how the basics works. I watched a video from a guy in Italy called Gigi Barocco who
    make Electrohouse from scratch. It was very inspiring for me. The name of the tutorial was "Banging Electro House with Gigi Barocco"
    And also a tutorial called "Making House with D.Ramirez".
  14. Nekky

    Nekky Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Capito, grazie, ci proverò...
  15. SaeureTrinker

    SaeureTrinker Kapellmeister

    Feb 16, 2016
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    Ittigen / Bern / Schweiz
    OK, i have just learned one thing in the whole fucking music bussines: The most important thing with music is: HAVE FUN! To make music in any ways makes only sense when you have fun with it. Fuck off famous, fuck off money, fuck off all, make music, have fun with it. Never make music to get famous or to be rich! One of the best things: when you listen to your new track and you like it, THIS IS THE GOAL! FORZA INTER!! :) GOOOOOL!!

    My english is soooo bad, i^m really sorry :)
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  16. Nekky

    Nekky Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Il tuo post sembrava pro fino alla parte del calcio. Comunque grazie mille.
  17. SaeureTrinker

    SaeureTrinker Kapellmeister

    Feb 16, 2016
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    Ittigen / Bern / Schweiz
    Nekky, non potevo fare a meno :)
  18. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    I can relate. I would say if you want inspiration then try collaboration. Mostly though, just play around. And try not to think of things (not just music) as always a means to an end. OTOH, have patience. Large hills are walked with small steps, and all that.

    Opening FL (or whatever DAW) opens an empty slate which has infinite sonic potential. It shouldn't be a surprise that it is often quite overwhelming. Or that one's efforts seem entirely pointless.

    Moreover, writers don't really begin writing until they have something to say. How could it be otherwise?

    If I was 17 and had a sequencer and everything I think I'd try to write myself an album to listen to in 30 years or whatever......telling myself what it felt like to be 17. It will always have meaning to you. And gives you a good measure of personal progress, no matter what the rest of the world thinks.

    And progress always happens so long as you stick at it. Patience. ;)

    It sounds to me that, like myself, you want to be able to do everything, including something like the soundtrack to Lord of The Rings. Those are wild and crazy ambitions, really. It surely won't happen easily or quickly. How could it?

    How to make stuff is a question that always concerns creative folk?

    Same. I'm sure no proper guitarist would believe I have played over 25 years. ha. But I would say I have definitely got far more out than I put in - it doesn't take a lot of input to get a massive output when playing/making music.

    It's also the only thing in my life that has really proven the worth of persistence (it's the only thing I have persisted at!)
  19. Nekky

    Nekky Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Thank you for replying... You're right too. The problem is that i do want to write how i feel now to listen to that when i'll be older, but still... I can't find someone or something to guide me... I don't know if i'm at a good point, what i'm doing wrong.... I'd want to compose mainly metal and orchestral stuff, i listen to something like 500-600 songs at week... Still can't get the courage and ispiration to make something. I'm afraid to lose the interest or to get another delusion... I don't know if you understand me.
  20. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Biggest problems in developing yourself as an artist,musician,producer are the following.
    Those are my experiences.
    Fear is the biggest obstacle.Fear of failure,being fearful and intimidated of other pro artists skill level.
    2.Elimination of obstacles.
    If you are serious about your stuff,delete your facebook,instagram and other profiles unless it is your business profile.
    Its a huge time consumer and distraction,you dont need additional emotional shit from other people,you need a clear mind for learning and working.
    3.Realize that you dont have to learn the whole book about theory,you can learn the basic stuff and start writing,most work is basic in its roots,you dont have to be Mozart to create powerful work.
    4.Get the basics right.
    Learn the basics.Go back,stop doing everything you were doing and learn the basics of producing,mixing or whatever your occupation.
    The biggest mistakes come from not knowing the basics,once you do that you will progress more in one month than you did in the last few years.
    5.Dont panick.