when 'free' means 'not really free'

Discussion in 'Software News' started by wouala woualouf, Apr 20, 2016.

  1. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    A few hours ago, I was checking the latest June Computer Music mag cover, and something caught my attention:

    Frontier, a limiter plug-in from D16, is. available for FREE, to those who will buy the June's edition. Great. Another free plug-in many guys will be able to install and use, without any hassle, no serial numbers to handle, no USB dongles, nothing. Just install, and use.
    great. All these plug-ins are 'light' versions devs decided to give away, for free (computer music pays them cash). Many, can have the job done, and barely need the full version, like the Vengeance Philter plug-in, with a dual low pass/high pass filter with a 96db slope. If we don't need the lfo's and other modulations, it's perfect.

    There are almost 50 CM plug-ins, of all genres.

    And suddenly, I read something really bad : 'it requires an Internet activation'.

    what the hell is this? Shouldn't we be able to grab a 'free' plug-in, and install it 50 times per day, on 50 different computers, if we wanted to do it?

    why should we need to 'online activate' a 'free' plug-in? Is this the new generation of free plug-ins :
    'Totally free plug-in, *but requires the purchase of a 500 euros bundle *

    I can understand people need an ilok dongle and Internet activation, to trial a an ilok-protected plug-in.

    But a free plug-in that comes with a magazine... that requires and Internet activation? Come on.

    such behavior is almost screaming 'anyone can Crack me, please?'
    What's next ? A free royalty-free sample pack , at 11KHz 8bit, and to export the mix at the highest quality, we need to buy the 'high def version' ?

    what do you think about this 'free' plug-in ?

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  3. VroundS

    VroundS Kapellmeister

    Dec 8, 2015
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    It's funny you're complaining about online activation and not about money you had to pay for the magazine to get the plug-in.
    If it was free you would be able downloading it without registration and activation.
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  4. Lean

    Lean Producer

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Hey it's cheaper than the other way of getting it which means you have to register an account.
    To register an account you have to buy another plugin and enter the serial to get it as a registered owner so it not a bad deal really.
    D16 make some really cool stuff and a quality limiter could come in really useful so it ain't all bad imo :no:
  5. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Best Answer
    :wtf::thumbsdown: That's sick indeed!
    Looks like many developers want to collect personal DATA, like Facebook does.
    D16-Frontier isn't such a big *game changer* anyway, so why the heck they don't give it for
    free without any hassles? I simply patched my copy so i don't need to authorize it with their
    system. I looked into the code...it's full of copy protection code...wtf?!
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  6. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Complaining about online registration of a free of charge plugin, huh?

    Let me tell you something: if you bought the Magazine, you can download and use the plugin for free! Kudos to you!

    BUT other people who haven't already bought anything from D16 you cannot use the Plugin unless you bought something already or will in the future. You cannot unlock the download without entering a serial of a previously purchased D16 Product. It says so on there homepage: "it's free for existing and future customers". So registering alone won't cut it.

    So therefore, I think you should be glad that you got a Plugin for the Price of a magazine!!! Otherwise you would have to pay 39 Euros at least for one of their Plugins AND only then you'd be qualified to get Frontier!

    So stop complaining about it!

    I own a fe D16 Plugins and this one just happened to be in my Online Library alongside a downloadable License file. I just imported that into the plugin and it was fine after that – without having to go online! Besides that, they make great plugins.
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  7. Lean

    Lean Producer

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Yeah agree with what written by 5teezo.

    Can see what Kook is saying also but the only way to get it before was to buy a 39 euro plugin.

    Least this way u can reg an account free and get it. As for protection stuff I haven't a clue sorry.

    Still I agree there if written free I guess they could have made it a little clearer saying u need to be a registered owner or have the mag etc.

    All tactics I guess but this way a good way of getting it I suppose :dunno:
  8. davea

    davea Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2012
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    Marketing joy … :no:
  9. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Exactly. I imagine the first thing they're after, is, making a full dB of several thousands computer music subscribers, with their full info + EMAIL ADDRESS, so they can spam them once a week, with 'don't forget to check the 30% off, on X and Y plugins'.

    I don't understand how some people can agree with such methods.
    I mean, free... freeware....why would I have to manage a license, on-line authorize it, have it linked to one computer... what about the guy with a VM, several daws. .. that guy could be authoring their plug-in like 50 times in one week. Will D16 allow it?

    Free. This isn't free. Free, VS my precious personal data, like computer , ip address, name, email... those are valuable things I'm not willing to give away, just to be able to install a plug-in.

    R2R guys don't exactly love this kind of behaviors. I'm sure they are going to crack and release it, to make it really free.

    Why would they over-protect it... is beyond me.
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  10. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Last time I checked D16 was not holding a gun to my head yelling "if you don't activate this free plugin by providing a fake email address & fake name you'll die". Mr. wouala wolaouf, given the length of your post, you have too much free time.
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  11. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Crysonic Leading Professional SPAMMERS are champions in that! :hillbilly: :trolls::hahaha:
    Not to forget that Plugin Alliance & WAVES also love to bombard e-mail addresses.
    From the view of a developer d16's strategy is quite understandable, but the term *Free* is
    wrong and misleading, they should better write Magware or Customer copy protection is required.
    Plugin Alliance also use this strategy to attract easy-believing folks.

  12. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Of course, you can provide fake infos...but most ppl don't.
    So when D16 provide such a generic plug (you can find 10 better plugs freeware in less than 5 seconds) , even for free, it is suspicious with a registration and protection code.

    Last time, Tone2 released FireBird2 as "freeware".
    But they didn't told you it will SCAN YOUR WHOLE COMPUTER for warez, disables those plugs, inject code all over the place and transmit in your back personal data.

    Now if ppl agree...i can't say nothing more :dunno:
    Good luck with this plug i will not miss by any mean.
    As a fact, i don't have a single D16 nor Tone2 plug. And don't miss their "sound" in any way...
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  13. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    i didnt buy the magazine, i dont own any d16 plugs yet i was still able to register, download and get a license file
  14. Tsargoth

    Tsargoth Kapellmeister

    Apr 13, 2016
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    Over The Mountain...
    All you have to do is create a free user account. That's it. You can then download, license, and use the free plugin.
  15. chippy33

    chippy33 Kapellmeister

    Nov 4, 2011
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    Sorry but think you being pedantic. Its free at source and only requires registration to generate a license file to run. Can't see a problem with that and appreciate the offer.
  16. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    I have all the free time I want, and it happens I take a few minutes to post here, when I'm not doing other things I like, like fucking.
    But seeing the frustration on your answer, you don't have enough time to do those kind of things. Surely, you don't like those things.
    It's so much better, defending X dev, and judging random people on forums. Isn't that right, Ms. Jizzflash ?
    And don't forget to vote for trump. That guy counts on all the smart people , like himself.

    @mods this isn't a personal attack, of course. I just put myself at a lower level, to be able to reply to him.
  17. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Just made a new account and downloaded, installed, registered with the given license file the Frontier limiter. Checked it too.
    For a free limiter it's quite good. So what's the ranting all about ?
  18. Rasputin

    Rasputin Platinum Record

    Jun 29, 2012
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    If it didn't cost you anything in terms of money or trade in goods/services then it's "free" by any normal usage of the word.

    If it's not worth the time, effort, or or violates your ethics then DON'T USE IT! I think this focusing on faux-injustice smacks of entitlement, as if not being able to use one specific limiter out of hundreds is going to hamstring your music or ruin your quality of life.
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  19. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    :cool: No, I don't agree with that.
    You can call a software as really FREE when it does not have any excluding limitation within the software
    itself, its usage and its distribution! Software that must be activated cannot be called free, same for
    software published together with magazines. It is exclusive, just for certain people, customers etc.
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  20. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Not even that, the plugin is free to download on their website (real Kookaboo free), then the activation can be made from within the plugin. But yeah, it's not free :rofl:
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  21. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    :hillbilly::hahaha: Haha...you can also download UAD-Plug-Ins *free* from their site……well, the activation is another story! :shalom: