A good Explanation on what a basic song should contain?

Discussion in 'Education' started by xXDayDreamerXx, Apr 19, 2016.

  1. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Welcome to the 21st century.

    So, none of the members that have posted music in the our music forum actually made the music they posted? Interesting theory.

    You cold always try Google. Not everyone hides behind a silly name.

    Do you know of a forum that doesn't? You're always going to get the "Brick Top" element, on a forum and in real life. If you want to make or produce music, you just have to learn to live with it.

    Yes. I was Lurker at that time, and both sides of the fence were being very acidic and nasty. Not everyone though. It's pretty much water under the bridge now, but unfortunately people like to drag it up to suite their agenda.

    Don't see you rushing in to do it either, so does this mean your your one of those anonymous internet guys who hasn't actually made any music?

    I actually joined this forum to help someone, and now that they have started to put some stuff up, they have found that there are people who will help and give advice and encouragement, but we need to hear, to evaluate, which I've already requested.
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  2. Funk U

    Funk U Platinum Record

    Nov 17, 2015
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    The french horn is a beautiful, soulful instrument, and though it can only play one note at a time you can always overdub yourself to create intricate harmonious pieces using your instrument alone. Harmony, chords, the sky is the limit with just you and your horn to make it up as you go along. Transpose it up or down an octave, use spacious reverbs and/or delays to create space. If you haven't an idea intellectually in which direction in to point yourself, feel what your first line informs you to feel and work off that energy, translating your emotions into an audibly palatable section and then on to the next and still the next, and before long, voila, a new song! The French Horn is such a beautiful sounding instrument, let her rip.[/QUOTE]

    I agree with this idea. As matter of fact, in the interest of being unique i would totally make a hip-hop beat centered around a French horn or two.
  3. TwinBorther

    TwinBorther Kapellmeister

    Aug 25, 2015
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    @foster911 : There is a difference betwen giving away the tools and giving away the craft. Even if it is just for reference...

    Let me give you an example with other art I'm familiar with. let's say I'm a painter (I used to be), I do my paintings with my brushes and my oils on my own canvas, right? But I do also use borrowed brushes and oils, and I do buy my own canvas... also have happened to me that my brushes have been stolen, and my oils never were given back after borrowed.

    Now see, the other person, even with my tools, will create something unique and completely unrelated to the craft I was doing... and I with his tools, also create something unique and completely unrelated to his...

    If I give him not my tools, but my craft, what will happen is that his results will hit pretty close to mines at the point that the craft he will elaborate will not be his anymore... it will have more "mine" than "his" in it, because he will be basing it completely on mine as reference... that in the best case scenario... the worst case scenario would be, of course, he will dismantle my craft, glue it in his, and create an aweful piece that don't belong to any of us... or even worse, he will take it and run with it.

    Translating it into the piracy thing.... Even if we download pirated software, even if it is illegal in it's essence, even if we don't make money out of it (you mention it and could be considered as "it's pointless, meaningless" for a statement)... it is still our craft, it is still our journey and exploration to came up with a finished track... is not something that we just click a few buttons and it went beautiful and fine and dandy and we didn't need to work it out. That's why most of us will be so reserved at the time of sharing it... even if we are going to just delete them after completion
  4. TwinBorther

    TwinBorther Kapellmeister

    Aug 25, 2015
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    It will make way more sense to upload that 50% track to soundcloud and ask for advice... or just learn by mistakes... complete it, hit the wall, erase the bad parts, fill them again with something different, hit the wall, erase, repeat...
  5. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Really beholden to you and also others very much.:mates:
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