Should Audioz ban FREEWARE links? (POLL UPDATED Choices added - Please RE-VOTE)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Vader, Apr 14, 2016.


Should Admins ban forever the FREEWARE in Audioz?

  1. Yes, please. Stop those money makers!!!

  2. No, but ONLY IF DIRECT LINKS are posted

  3. No, but DIRECT LINKS and no money making hosters are used

  4. Why it's even allowed?

  5. Yes... KVR Audio, are already good sources for that

  6. No, There are Lots of Freeware Plugs that are just as good or better that Paid Versions

  7. No, But Allow Free links such as Zippyshare and for users as well

  8. No, they should be allowed, without any bother, it doesn't affect me let it be as it is.

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  1. Vader

    Vader Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2011
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    For those who have voted their are new choices and you can change your vote!

    [EDIT] I have Edited this Poll for @Olymoon, and added other options. This is more than just a few members who make money off of the backs of Freeware developers, and some of their VST's and App's are just as good and/or better than paid versions of the same class of software. These can be a valuable resource to new users and old users alike. - Ned944

    (Sorry @Vader didn't want to hijak your poll or thread but this is a growing issue on AudioZ that has been in discussion behind the scenes for a bit)

    So, there's many discussion on this matter on Audioz, and we all know that people posting freeware are just doing this to win money.
    Developers give them for free for a reason, so we can help them by using their own links, that are already direct (Yeah some you may need to subscribe... But hey, later you get more free stuff).
    Helping small developers that give away their work, is something that we all should do, and there's a lot of info about those freebies on KVR Audio and (just to mention the most important), to see AUDIOZ flushed with this FREE things.

    What do you think??? pla.png

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2016
  3. exr777

    exr777 Producer

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Only Audioutopia and r2r releases should be allowed.
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  4. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    I don't even........... wait wat?
  5. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I'd prefer it if the neverending identical tedium of Maybach Trap Vocal Loop Hooks Boom! Grime!11! XVIII part 26 et al got banned, in all honesty. At least some free tools have a use...
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  6. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    yeah i noticed that recently..An influx of reallybad library mainly being from prime but all trap or similar or hooks etc
    Winds me up to be honest..
    About the freeware uploads....I think if what was being uploaded was either sought after but rare as rocking horse crap " i get it"
    But all the plain old run of the mill stuff "actually theyre not run of the mill as the ones ive seen have been awfull!
    Maybe i feel that way because i personally find it "Transparent" i think one would have to be walking round with blinkers on not to realise why exactly and thats regarless of weather i may or may not like the particular uploader...
    Tsk Tsk..................
  7. Lean

    Lean Producer

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Don't think it should be banned as can provide some good info about plugs that someone not know about. I've actually found quite a few good free plugs just from browsing on site. Probably wouldn't have found some of them if not for that. Always try to support Dev whenever possible tho.
    Direct links to Dev's should be top of the list with maybe only links from file hosters that don't payout allowed like zippy, mega etc to discourage money making parasite types. Users should whenever possible support the Dev and download from their site whenever possible as it not a bad deal for a free plugin.
    Appreciate that some people cautious about signing up for accounts etc and providing e-mail so is a difficult one.
    As with everything is up to the user really and they must make their own decisions.
    Pure moneymaker types (no names) suck tho but is that way everywhere i guess jmo

    Peace :bow:
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  8. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England

    I keep updating the first post bit by bit and people hot on new releases such as thantrax, ash and the dingus will post direct links to the developers very quickly after new releases.

    I think we have it well covered here ( though I admit there is still room for improvement!). But direct links to developers on audioz is fine also imo.
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  9. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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  10. floond

    floond Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2013
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    The poll options make little sense...

    Anyways, I appreciate the free goodies getting posted on AZ as I'd would never know of their existence if it wasn't for the uploaders. I don't really get the direct link fanaticism either however well-intended it is. Obviously freebies are often intended to attract potential customers to the company's homepage, where they can check out the company's commercial releases. The standard homepage link on every AZ post provides this opportunity. A direct download link from the company's servers circumvent this and really only adds to their bandwidth expenditure...
    Maybe freebies should have its own section on AZ though,as its presence on the main feed appears to piss some people off. Personally I have no problem scrolling past Mac releases, Trap sample packs or other stuff I have no use for (some freebies included).
  11. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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  12. Gnib

    Gnib Producer

    Mar 29, 2013
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    Although I dislike the greed behind these posts, they make me aware of available freeware. If I want the plugin I just go to the developpers site.

    Since the poll has changed now:

    No, but DIRECT LINKS and no money making hosters are used.

    This might slow down the enthousiasm of the freeware posters but so be it.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2016
  13. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    Best Answer
    This will never happen. Like i always say, members of AudioZ should not distinguish freeware from shareware because in the end they get everything for free. It's all the same and current rules support freeware posts as long as poster specifies that it is indeed freeware and provides link to developer's homepage.
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  14. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
    sometime the freeware post introduce me to product, sometime to update, sometimes i will use Z link instead of dev site if they want me to create account, if it is free i dont want to create new account for product i might not like

    if it is labeled FREE + link to dev site + mirrors open = i have no problems
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  15. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Lean and SAiNT's views are what I would hope for. There are tons of great devs out there that I have been turned onto over the years by freebies/freeware etc. I don't spend a lot of time at sites with a lotta noise like KVR etc, and there are members here whose editorial opinions I respect.

    Kind of echoing what SAiNT and Lean said, even though something costs nothing does not determine it's worth. There are plugins that cost nothing or next to nothing that are better then their expensive competition.

    As much as AZ presents stuff, there is obviously an intent to drive sales to developers whose products we use all the time. We have all been burned, and this is their attempt to introduce us to their work, and putting them up as free links (to circumvent certain account creations etc and avoiding spam) is great, and a direct link to the devs site should be made available. It just seems the right thing to do...
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  16. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    TBH I'm surprised that the 'Yes' is not dominating this poll.
  17. CherryBlossom

    CherryBlossom Member

    Mar 16, 2016
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    You know in Iran and Saudi Arabia they have morality police that enforce unethical behavior on the streets. Is that the role you're trying to assume? And whose "rights and wrongs" should we enforce? Yours? Mine? Islamic laws? Catholic?
    What makes a free society is not we believe in. It's the tolerance we have for the ones we dont agree with.
    I would have agreed with what you are saying if they were forcing you to download anything at all. If you didnt have any other option. You are free to do a quick search and go downloaded from the source.
    I just dont understand why this bothers anyone at all is beyond me.

    "I dont agree with with what they are doing, OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!"
    This is not the way forward.
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  18. Vader

    Vader Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2011
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    But you can change the rules and make the money makers provide DIRECT LINKS and links for Hosters like zippyshare and Mega, (that don't give any cent) in the posts, being the DIRECT LINK the first visible.
    Users then can decide if they will use the money making links (Uploaded, Rapidgator....), or support the developer, by using those links.
    Another thing is, the poster must put the real links to the page, as many of the freeware posts have alternative links (i.e. soundcloud) that lead to nothing, hiding the real ones....
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  19. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Certainly not the same because the poster is making some money on the back of the developer.

    Worst thing is that in some cases the developer is not even thinking about making money and is giving his stuff for free. After that, someone else is posting this and making money on his back which is disgusting to say the least.
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  20. peghead

    peghead Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2014
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    Ban ban ban!!! What is wrong with you? What are you afraid of?
    The only ban I would enforce is to ban the banning.
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  21. recycle

    recycle Guest

    free is nothing
    Every time I click on a Rapidgator link, I'm sending money to the pockets of an uploader (Rapidgator Pay per download policy)
    So, everytime I click on a link, I consider myself a consumer. It aint any hackers romanticism in Audioz, there is no revolutionary attitude: this is pure capitalism
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