Banning/Trolling Members....

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by Introninja, Apr 12, 2016.


Should we strictly banned Trolls / Offensive Members

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Depending on Members History

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  1. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    Yes, I was clarifying that because I (at a minimum) I don't think profanity is offensive, it can not be universal. It would need to include everyone (including me) to be universal. You'll notice, I don't use profanity (unless I feel it will accentuate a point). But, I think that a rule barring its use is a tad puritanical. Of course, we are in agreeance about bullying, human decency, etc. There are so much more important things to be concerned with than swear words. :)
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  2. Questionsall

    Questionsall Newbie

    Apr 11, 2015
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    Why ban anyone they could use countless proxy or vpn for free to continued access. If you don't like it just skip it and read the content that you see as positive.A need for such control is utilitarianism and not freedom of expression.Music or discussions of should not be subject to such
    rules. Why does it hurts ones feeling so much to read strange point of views?Why even respond to what one considers below your intellect?
    We do not all need to wear a white suit or uniform to be a part of a discussion. That in turn means some have a need to create a conformist reality to feel happy.Unlike reality this is words on a computer screen.You can not skip when a person is in your face and you throw a punch
    to knock them to the ground and it gets rid of the issue.where as you can simply scroll down on the computer with a small effort and not even acknowledge the behavior or the off color comments.Simple solution I think is not to create small groups of people to be considered elite cultural connoisseurs that are above chaos on an internet forum.Talk with the ones you enjoy and overlook the trash that would save all the hassle no votes necessary.Sorry if this offends anyone it is just my take on the subject.
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  3. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    You're not offending me in what you are saying but I think you're wrong. Internet is indeed a place, it's not a place that has to be anything, specially not the refuge for bored narcissist who believe they invented the wheel and want to show off by being naughty to others. It's a place, much like a park or a street, we can make anything of, a scary place, a happy place, it's up to us and what we tolerate or not.
    And I really don't want to "scroll down" when one of my fellow member get insulted, just like I wouldn't walk by and watch somewhere else if one of my friend or co worker get insulted in the street.
    It's not the elite who gets bullied it's the little guy. Always.
  4. Fucking profanity, they are just words that are more like contractions and sometimes easier to spit out than to go the long way around in order to espouse your ideas. However, spitting venom even without those oh so nasty words, cutting and the attempted gutting of members I would hope to eradicate by some sort of banishment. I agree with El Ned.
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  5. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    I've gotten in some bad arguments on here, but only by mistake. I've never really had a problem with a lot of members on here. Some were hate mongering and I've reported the comments and put them on my ignore list - which saves a lot of stress, BTW. Because now you can't see their crap anymore, so there's nothing left of them to get mad about. I like that feature. But some people deserve a permanent ban and a punch to the head, like the dipshit who was posting gay porn, or the people who come here and tell us about how rude we are as a community over and over again. But I have a feeling the gay porn user was just Steven Slate or Eastwest's Doug Rogers behind an alias doing that while having a bad day. After all, I do suspect them of slamming a steel door shut on their peckers while watching the very stuff they were posting. LOL
    Anyway, I don't intend on trolling on here. I voted "depending on history", BUT... we do need to take higher action against said members. I think we occasionally get too nice around here. I'm satisfied I wasn't banned from here (yet). After all, I did say some things out of humor that some people will say "Wow, asshole!" but really I'm like that out of kind heartedness. I don't see a point in arguing with people or bashing people. It doesn't make that person go away, nor does it solve anything. Though, some exceptions apply to that. Like a recent post on a related site. Some people are funny when they're mad, and ya kinda just want more. :wink: LOL

    @Introninja - I hope I'm not on that list of "People who should've been banned a long time ago." LOL.

    Reason why I voted "depending on history" is because I myself have been banned wrongfully on other forums because someone of power simply misunderstood me. For instance, I once got banned from a non-warez related forum (much like KVR or Gearslutz) because I told a member I personally didn't like his track that much (with smiley face emoji). I said it wasn't my kind of music but gave him feedback, like that he should increase the dynamic range and lower the low pass frequency a little bit. Just disagreement. But unfortunately, that website's moderators took that as offense. Easily offended, apparently. The moderators around here aren't like that. I've formed a pretty good connection with some of them, like @ned944, @SAiNT, and @ArticStorm, and even Catalyst (who's no longer here). They always seemed to be understanding to members (not just myself) in many cases. So I don't feel there's that much to be improved around here.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2016
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    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    I think that most people who frequent various member-driven websites (such as this one) can easily spot a troll. For the most part, these individuals wade in on ANY and EVERY topic, and usually add absolutely zero to the discussion; other than their usual insulting barbs and childish quips. Unfortunately, removing such people is extremely difficult because, as has been pointed out here, they always come back using various methods that evade detection. The best that anyone can do is to make a stringent effort to avoid engaging these folks. And yes, it can be difficult, especially if their remarks are so blatantly offensive, human instincts take over. When it's all said and done however, trolls absolutely hate being ignored, so oftentimes they will simply pull up stakes and leave on their own accord.
  7. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    All this is 140% true. The Trolls hate being ignored. Do you know how much that kills them? Just like bullies hate seeing their "victims" succeed in life, trolls hate being ignored. They're striving for attention; an argument to engage in. If you don't give that to them, they will eventually die. It's like a starvation type effect. That's the best defense. They WANNA see us get mad. Not only do they think it's funny, they literally have no other purpose in life. Thankfully I live in the States. So if I wanna watch people bicker with one another, I'll turn on the tube and watch Jerry Springer or Steve Wilkos or something.
    It's one thing if you're gonna bust someone's balls because as their friend you find it funny to drag em by the balls with a sense of humor. But if you're seemingly on here solely to engage in verbal warfare, you've got issues. And we (the AS community) should avoid participating in such warfare. They want that. It may be hard for some to believe, but these alleged** people probably don't have a life otherwise.

    ** = Depends on their actions & words. Some can be considered of a non-human.
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  8. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @duskwings I am not calling you out per se, I just want to tell you I enjoy reading what you have to say about music..

    just get control of the fire man, you can ignore the pitiful fools who arouse your ire.... try that instead... ?

    I rather guys realize than vaporize... aite?

    pardon the horrible rhymes... :bow:

    other than that.. I would like mods to be able to wipe obviously abusive use
    of the ratings icons, and warn the troll who is hyping, usually with the negative ones
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2016
  9. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Voted based on member's history.
    Trolls and offenders have to be dealt with somehow, but at the same time other users should not feel their freedom of speech took a nasty hit from censorship. Even the best intentions can go awry, just as governmental strive for protection ends up crippling inhabitants' privacy rights.
    It's difficult to please everybody, and sometimes control tempers when a heated discussion emerges. That's why I was mostly in the background lately (one of the reasons).
    Our rules allow for loose interpretation, both from the side of user and mod. This is difficult to amend, since rigorous rules of conduct would be a rational plausible solution, but in practice it'd end up dictating the user too much.

    As always this is all down to the people - one man's boom is another man's bass. That's why there are multiple mods, and such matters are discussed with all mods, for which I send thanks, this is rarely seen elsewhere. :mates:

    Back on topic - such thing has to be approached on case by case basis. Of course with such examples as (likely) TM, posting gay porn links everywhere, that has to be dealt with swiftly, before more damage is done.
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  10. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I put 'no' on the poll for 2 reasons.

    1) Trolling is rife on the internet, and I believe the more you try to discourage them, the more prevalent they become.

    2) There is no actual way of preventing someone who wants to troll. Yes you can ban their IP address but it's easy to change an IP address.

    3) All a troll does is show themselves up for the idiot they are. If you merely stick them in the bin, you are depriving them of the attention they seek. I do not believe anything else need be done.

    My maths teacher always said I couldn't count, but I proved him wrong yet again ( I really meant 3 not 2)
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  11. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @Sylenth.Will.Fall The mods were effective over Christmas..getting control of the trolls, and I think they
    can have more effect here... if the are allowed the ability to do so. I think our current mods are doing great
    and being very fair and even handed. Trolling would decrease with their efforts and diligence.. maybe KVR and GS
    overdo it, but you rarely to never see a thread with outrageous fights, profanity, attacks etc... we can be ( mostly )
    civil here too...

    I like a good pointed joke as much as anyone, but when it gets to personal attacks, grossly rude language and such like,
    what value is that to us here? as well as someone "nastying" all over a thread just because they can !!
  12. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    It's a double edged sword. I've been a member with another (closed) audio community for a long time and from that experience I can say, yes, those members @Introninja is referring to are obnoxious as hell with their craving for attention but as soon as we kicked them out we started to die a slow death of boredom and stagnation. Plus, it provoced unwanted behaviour such as ddos attacks, spamming, general mischief.
    And that's the way I look at all this now. Yes, a lot of people are ungrateful, disrespecting and ignorant morons. But if nobody caused fuzz and was a nuisance, if nobody would make himself the target of a cultivated rant here and there, it would all fade into boredom and oblivion. That's what I fear.
    So from my perspective turbulent is not always bad :)
    Discipline the transgressors (e.g. non-permanent posting ban) but don't ban them.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2016
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  13. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    u mean I should let the world think O m dead until i can find to control the raging spirit that dwells within me?
  14. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Simple , If you get hate mails just ban them boom, done.
    This should be a place of respect and love for music.
  15. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    All we need is LOVE.
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  16. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    I agree with this one - a traffic light warning system would be very visible to everyone. I prefer a zero tolerance. Behaving badly is a decision not an accident. I think we're thinking tool much about this. it should be a simple matter of if we don;t like someone's attitude/behaviour they'r ejust not welcome. Simple.
  17. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    I think that things are good as they are.
    Trolling on this site is not out of control, and there is a good balance of freedom and rules.

    I agree, sometimes things slip out of hand, but that is common everywhere... mods and admins deal with that in a very elegant and unintrusive manner.

    Sometimes users push it too hard, sometimes mods push it too hard... but at the end of the day, we are all still here, having a good time :cheers:
  18. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    this thread was made in my honour!

    My heart has been softenednednedn!!!

    Thank you all for this amazing tribute : ' )
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  19. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    aaaaah shit!!!

    tits`back :mates:
    Just Yesterday I asked about You... hope everything is fine. :chilling:

    Of course it was made in Your honour; thatfore the option "Depending on Members History" :rofl:

    I haven`t voted till now, but now I know what to choose :rofl:
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  20. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    Best Answer
    it's not about arguments or different opinions, it's about being in a healthy social community;
    and the best way to remain in such community is by respecting other participants and acknowledging at least some basic Etiquette.

    There are lowlifes and scums in real life and i doubt you'd be enjoying their company;
    There are trolls and assholes on the internet, and just alike, no normal person would want to share their company.

    AudioSEX is for adequate, polite and respectful people;
    and it is our moderators duty to protect these people here.

    I'm voting Yes.
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