Programing Keygens , Creating Warez

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by FilthElement, Feb 10, 2015.

  1. FilthElement

    FilthElement Newbie

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Cracked software has helped me in my passion for music without it i would still know nothing about producing and all the skills that fall in with it. id still be saving for my first copy of Abelton and have no knowledge of what a VST is nor how to use any of them.
    When i become interested in something i want to know all the in's and out's the how's and why's. long story short i want to learn how to create keygens and crack software. if it is possible for me to help and give back to the people that have helped me then i want to. If anyone can point me in the right direction by either tutorials websites reading material i am interested. Asking questions is the best way to learn so that is all i am doing.

    Thanks Guys,
    Filth E
  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    That's really noble of you mate. You need to ask yourself are you really ready to devote the time and discipline because you will be spending plenty of it. It took R2R many years to get where they are in ability today. It won't be something that you can pick up easily. So let me ask you...are you in it for the long haul?
  4. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    also known as "Reverse engineering"

    learn code, lots of code, learn how to write software, understand how programs are created, then you can understand how to take them apart
  5. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    it is better and faster to learn ASM, so that you can use a debugger/disasm like ollydbg, x64dbg and IDA 6 Pro. under stand whats going in the software and how you can get it to do what you want.
    after that you can start in someday keygening. :wink:
  6. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I have to side with SirSilly. The best reversers are those that write code themselves though yes it will take much longer.
  7. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    You wanna b a programmer... Hmmm... So you have to learn "C" language (the main used to write keygen)
    and "Assembly" language (the CPU language, it means you will need to learn how a CPU works). Be ready
    to spent thousand of hours on both languages, you will need a "Disassembler" tool to read the compiled
    code. Then you will begin a journey of frustration and pain in the ass (yes, you have to be a pain lover);
    at the end... maybe... you will ask yourself which pill (blue=easy life or red=cracker life) was better
    for you (it is not a joke).
    Good luck. :wink:
  8. villageidiot

    villageidiot Newbie

    Jul 21, 2011
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    Yeah it's not easy, and if your mind is not wired to understand programming and maths forget about it ...
    I'm one of those persons haha
  9. Niggie

    Niggie Newbie

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I'm studying ComSci. I'm wired to understand programming and have been most of my life. I know basic cracking tricks like getting an old revision of the cracked software, crack it and update it from the inside and taking it off the internet so it does no external validation (if any), but I'd like to get into the technical aspect itself. I took a computer arquitecture class last semester which we dabbled in ASM, but it was really simple and more reading than writing. Any recommendations for getting into this?
  10. Garageraver

    Garageraver Noisemaker

    Nov 14, 2013
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    I have been on this road to
    i wa fascinited that these people give us so much
    so i did a lil research tried to learn coding but i gave up quickly, i suck at maths so its a no go for me
    i have a more musical mind i guess, and i learn languages really fast.
    Each have its own blessings i guess
    good luck on your journey mate
    i hope you succeed

  11. orgcha

    orgcha Ultrasonic

    Apr 8, 2014
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    Jackass Flats, Arizona, USA, earth
    I've been in the computer biz a long time, mostly hardware, security, firewall, etc. I once had an ambition to become a programmer.
    It took about 2 weeks of study and it became apparent to me that I would let the program boys take care of the cracking stuff and I'll do other stuff.
    It has worked out well.
    Crackers keep cracking and I have retained my sanity.

    SO, Mr. Filth E, what you have suggested for yourself is quite a lofty ambition.
    Don't make yourself crazy with it.
  12. noise.maker

    noise.maker Platinum Record

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Back in time, i remember the 'big papas' Radium. Good times.
  13. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Yep, surely ALL of us that have used "snaffled" softs over the years have had that "Hmmmmmmm, wonder if I could....." moment. :unsure:

    The moment that is almost inevitably followed by that "WOW! The Teams are utter geniuses whereas I, apparently, am not!" :sad:

    Nothing but total admiration for all of our benefactors, knowing the countless hours they invest for little reward other than the satisfaction of success. :headbang:

    Teams...... we salute you! :wink: :hug: :wink:
  14. Mr. X

    Mr. X Guest

    I used to be a member of a still active and well-known group, but it's like 15 years ago.

    Prepare to put lots and lots of time into this. When I started I got so frustrated trying to grasp it because the threshold is high. Oh, and a common misconception is that you must be good at math. I suck at math.

    A good starting point could be the SND (seekndestroy) tutorials. And this:

    Good luck.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2019
  15. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    This topic became a surprising plume in the ass for the amazing teams supporting us (lol that sentence does not translate very well :rofl: )
  16. lukehh

    lukehh Audiosexual

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Best would be you read a few reversing tuts and try to crack some tools they discribe.

    You can find tons of cracking, reversing, phreaking, hacking etc. Tutorials here...

    You can also nearly all existing disassemblers, debuggers, decrypting etc. tools there! Just look around and be happy! :wink:
  17. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    you dont need to learn C, there is still a number of reversers left, which using MASM for example to write keygens, when you are good at it, you are faster with it.
    also some keygeners still using delphi to create their keygens, i have also seen some good python based keygens converted to pytoexe to run on windows as normal file.
    i agree with you on the frustration, i start 2 years ago with some reversing (on fact the 14 feb is my birthday s started with RCE), still do it from time to time and i am in a need to get myself lost in some code. :rofl:

    best place is tuts4you(on of the best communities and resources for tuts, tools and nice people) and exetools(you can request help or full cracks there)
  18. DanielJameS

    DanielJameS Noisemaker

    Jan 2, 2015
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    Sorry for reviving an old thread, but as I was getting ready to post a thread on this same topic, I came accross this one while typing in the thread title. I like the OP am extremely fascinated by this stuff, and am exactly the same way in that I want to get inside what's going on and understand how stuff works.

    Toontrack is a great example. Virtually every one of their (EZX's, SDX's, EZKeys, etc) have functioning keygens that work flawlessly to test these products, but after blindly downloading the Rock Warehouse expansion to give it a whirl (on Mac) assuming it was one on the list, I was surprised to find out it was missing.

    More specifically, it's amazing that SD2 will activate just fine inside of pro tools 12 via keygen, as will the majority of all it's expansions located within the keygen, so what is so different about this expansion that it does not work/have a keygen? It's not new anymore, and countless keygens have come out since. I was intrigued by this so much so that I started going through each Toontrack product auth code looking for similarities, and wondering how it was that every single other library could authorize just fine but not this particular one? This of course led to reading, and more reading, which led to dl some debugging and decoding tools just to get inside the program and try to understand what's going on. One would have to assume located somehwere inside of the SD2 program is code jumping if equal to a certain pattern/string that is passing authorization right? Is there something inside of the libraries too that interact with the software? How does the relationship work? Do the scenes/teams create keygens based on popularity of the product? The serials seem to be generated at random, but auth codes are always set. However, it's my understanding that PT12 AAX only works with un-touched binaries, which must mean that the keygen created codes are actually in some shape way or form legit, how the heck does that work!? At anyrate, it's very fascinating to me.

    In the world of k'd releases I am thankful I've gotten to try a lot of these as If I had spent my hard earned money on them, would have been immediately disapointed. I have quite the on-going bill with developers who's products I have tried out over the years and have come to trust enough to purchase or enroll in a subscription. Toontrack is one among several, though there are several things I have tried out I'm glad I didn't impulse buy, Large libraries you dream of owning, then come accross one day on the site, dl it, open it… and immeditaely realize it's laggy, or glitchy, or just sounds like a toy in real use.

    As mentioned above, it's clear that this is not a hobby, but a craft that takes years to master. I want to understand how everything works, but could never in this lifetime start tackling this at length now, but I will say this…reading about this and asking questions has given me a far greater appreciation for what these folks are able to accomplish.
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