Banning/Trolling Members....

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by Introninja, Apr 12, 2016.


Should we strictly banned Trolls / Offensive Members

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Depending on Members History

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  1. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    I don't think profanity HAS been a problem BECAUSE of the fact that the mods and the general tone has made it so. I don't mean to propose bans for that per-se, and may have misrepresented what I was meaning to say....

    but anyone dropping lots of n-bombs etc, well they can take that act over to mage$$y or something. Yeah, it is the internet. and I swear. I just don't a lot here. Try and keep it classy. And 99.999% of the members here do. So that isn't a problem I mean to flag waving about, if that's how it came off. :).

    But elimination of certain words I think can be universally agreed upon as offensive, (the aforementioned n-word, hate/racist/intolerant/ slurs etc. and that's just civility. So that's what I meant @Army of Ninja's..... if someone drops a swear word, whatever, I leave that to the mods etc to decide what they want to put up with... i am far from suggesting a 1984 scenario... ;).
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  2. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    The Underground
    @Army of Ninjas It is more of the use of profanity used to degrade another member, I personally don't have a problem with profanity. but when used in name calling towards another member it is hateful. used in a general sense it does not offend me.

    Agree with you @sisyphus as well. I swear in real life as well, but hateful words directed at another member as a means to degrade them is all I refer to as that is unacceptable. Free speech is Free speech and as such should not be censored but we should use common decency and respect when we speak in a public forum. as you obviously agree. :)
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  3. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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  4. ddoctor

    ddoctor Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2016
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    Don't bother, my skillful Italian; no one's going to respond to you - these people desperately need this place because they've got nothing else; they are discussing freedom of speech on lower levels than in the fucking american 'movies'! Enjoy Italy, there are far worse places upon this Earth - east and west!
  5. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    The Underground
    I understand that @duskwings sometimes it seems like the most obvious answer is right in front of the person who asked the question and they don't want to see it. But at times the best response is to not respond and walk away. I know it is hard at times to not try to set the record straight but a lot of the time that just ends in a downward spiral for all involved.I know from past experience about that.
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  6. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    I support strictly enforcing the rules when they are not somewhat vague and not to strict.
    but I do not believe in perm bans, 3 months at the most.

    and I do strongly believe in naming and shaming the problem, because personally I don't see what was wrong with the gene Simmons (yet)
    this might be the language barrier that is still there for me, and that topic certainly had the potential to become A useless back and forward.

    but thusfar, if you scroll thru the reply's you see a lot misconceptions about hip-hop, diffrent views about what is rock & roll
    (Michael Jackson is country also bot not NWA:rofl:)

    In the end we are here to learn something, about music and about each other,
    anyone could look op information on google, but then you will only find what you are looking for.
    if you participate in conversation you get something that is much more valuable.

    You have to look further then the troling, you'll see that the troll unintentionally sparked someone else to post something actuary useful


    I do not agree with that statement, but it is an interesting point of view you got there to say the least
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  7. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    @Kwissbeats Good point of view on the Gene Simmons thread, but it was when the name calling started that it got locked I believe. This boils down to the Everyone has there own opinion argument again. We are all entitled to that and we should respect that. There were just a few in that thread but there was concern it was headed down that path, so out of caution that was why it was locked.

    I know the other MODS nor do I like to do that in threads but We look to maintain peace over all in this forum so at times we are over cautious but our intentions are good.
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  8. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    I agree @eboe proposal. The trolls are like the flies, you can kick them away ... knowing they'll be back.
  9. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    that's a whole other ball game lol
  10. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    I didn't say you were. Gotta think big picture, here. Racial slurs, hate are just that--hate speech. Profanity is different. It's a pretty basic concept. Like, if I were to smash my thumb with a hammer, an appropriate response would be a profane word. Like I said before, profanity is NOT, I repeat NOT universally agreed to be offensive. You're literally having a conversation that proves that point.

    Yes, and I have said that members should be respectful. I think maybe you guys need to read into what I already said a little more closely.
  11. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    The Underground
    I was agreeing with your point :)
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  12. Daz

    Daz Guest

    I've noticed mods here such as Introninja being spoken to in an inappropriate manner by some members after he calmly and politely explained the rules and what will not be tolerated etc, and he has even been accused of trolling threads.:woot:
    The same thing is happening to Olymoon over at AZ, copping the tyrant dictator rubbish etc.

    If you punch an innocent person in the face, and you get arrested, you don't call the cop that arrested you a dictator or a tyrant, and the only reason he arrested you is because he is a tyrant, he arrested you because you were out of line, you assaulted someone, you are in the wrong, not the cop, he is doing his job, like the mods here and at AZ are trying to do their job, in what has now become difficult circumstances because of these ridiculous accusations of tyranny etc.

    The rude and disrespectful need to be kept in line, and the polite and gentle should be protected from vicious aggressive bullies, and stuff this 3 warning thing, 1st warning, posting ability disabled for whatever length of time is appropriate, next time you're gone.

    This is the way to deal with outlaws...

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2016
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  13. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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    Lets assume the trolls are looking for attention and conflict in which they can diminish others to feel better about themselves

    Adding another button which simply states, ignore user, could make the troll dissapear from ones sight

    If then X number of people ignore that same user he gets autoignored by everyone on the forum without knowing it. Or a mod gets a message from the system to review if this person should be ignored by all users on default.

    Infuriated by everyone "apparently" ignoring him the troll can exhaust his misery in writing while not being refueled by the emotions of others.

    Not even advertising this feature would make it even more smooth. Admins should not say how many ignores one needs to be permanently ignored but figure out a sensible number, individually decide and intervene if that ignore system would be abused somehow.

    Basically an anti stick coating against bullshit, simply not caring more then gently clicking an ignore button. The automated system/admin combo would do the rest.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2016
  14. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
    How about warning - 2 week ban - 2 month ban - account deleted

    Maybe we can have sections like the kontakt help threads, not for new users, maybe 500+ likes get you into this section, maybe 2 year long account, some way to make good long term user get in, but if you keep get your account deleted you will never enter those sections

    this can maybe be reason to not take your bad day out on everyone else, go to youtube and do it there like the rest of the world
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  15. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    um, i think was agreeing with your statement and clarifying what I said. ... and while not all profane words are universally accepted as such, well,... to be technical, since you insist we read into it more, treating any word, phrase, or locution as a matter of utter disrespect, abuse, and debasement....well,.... that "is" technically considered profane. :yes:.. all good, we agree in essence if not definition of terms!:wink::mates:
  16. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    To ban trolling you first need to define it. One man's troll is another man's goblin. I think suspensions are a better way to go on that front.

    Do we need a troll button? Hell no! Negative buttons can to easily be utilized for personal attacks on other members, and are not so easy to pick up on, as in the spelling incident.

    The bullying thing that some people were protesting in some threads, was I believe more the frustration of other members, brought on by a somewhat long period of banging there head against a brick wall syndrome, so was it really bullying.

    Commenting on music that you don't like or maybe not understand: I think if might be good to have some kind of sectioning of genres in the our music forum to help people get feedback from other people that are into the genre of the tracks posted, and also saving those who don't like that genre from being there by mistake.

    Spamming: Now that's a different subject altogether. it has no place on any forum.

    It's a forum after all, and there will be heated discussions and even arguments at times, that's the way of things. You don't want a forum where people are scared to be honest. Let's remember that if you can't say what you mean, you can't mean what you say.
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  17. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I don't think this thread is about disagreements in genre, it's about bullying, period. In another thread - as a good joke of course - a member suggested another one should killed himself, because said member ask a lot of questions on all kind of subjects. This is just plain bullying, and I don't think it's acceptable on any level. This site, forum or whatever has to be safe for people, I don't see what's the big deal about banning offenders, it's not P.C crap, it's common sense, imo.
  18. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    I take you have read every post in the thread, Yes?
  19. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Sure did. The OP is clear, I believe. This is not about using cusswords or having political views on this or on that, it's a thread refering to recent threads that went all over the place because people started to be offtopic, offensive, and or rude.
    Heated arguments aren't the problem, you're not a troll because you feel strongly about your views.
  20. Lean

    Lean Producer

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and has the right to put forth their argument.
    However sometimes the threads become littered with insults and foul subject matter, language.
    It's supposed to be a forum where people can learn, discuss topics and relax. There is no need for any sort of horrendous insults or abusive behaviour. It ruins the experience for others and often defeats the point of the post. In the end members become sick of it and leave and that is the last thing anyone wants apart from maybe the individual perpetuating such behaviour.
    All posts imo should be strictly related to the topic and any off topic posts or insults should be deleted immediately.
    I appreciate that it is hard to moderate such but it can be done to a degree.
    If "Trolling" becomes an obsession or past-time then the individual needs to take a real step backwards and think long and hard about what they are trying to achieve and the motives for doing so.
    Only then will they possibly better understand the nature of their personality.
    Anything containing Racism or similar type of insulting origin should result in an instant ban imo.
    Racism is pretty damn sick and there is no need for any such behaviour.
    Also imo this isn't really a place to put forward Religious or Political beliefs as they often cause no end of misery and are often way of topic and out of place. Everyone has a right to believe in whatever they like and we should simply leave it at that.
    How to enforce the rules is a difficult one.
    I would guess along the lines of something like a couple of warnings, followed by disabled posting ability followed by a ban from entering the forum for a period of time.
    If after all this fails a final written mail stating that any further such behaviour will result in a lifetime ban if that is possible.
    It may sound draconian but there is obviously a need as the topic is arising. At the end of the day this is a place to have fun, help out, learn & relax and learn something new.
    If all you seek to do is to persecute and constantly "Troll" then you should really be going to see your doctor rather than exacerbating the problem by feeding the "habit" by the embellishment of the experience. It's a vicious circle i guess.

    At the end of the day I think ALL the MOD's all do a great job in a difficult and challenging environment and respect has to go out.

    All in all enjoy I guess and maybe think before resorting to such tactics and then try to understand why your doing it.

    Then consider the possible consequences of your actions and think is it really worth it?

    Peace :mates::bow:
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